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When a giant company wrecks your life, what are you gonna do? They can hire more and better lawyers, and they have people whose sole job is fighting off suits - are you gonna beat those people by suing as as a side-hustle? Do you wanna be a full-time, professional litigant?

1/ A mirrored office tower bea...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

For some people, the answer is yes: some people are angry enough, or sufficiently morally offended, to make suing a giant company their life's mission. Sometimes, they succeed, and force companies to cough up gigantic sums of money.

Read 65 tweets
🧵 There's a new Apple story to add to the Hall of Shame

The year is 2017...

Apple has a 152,400m2 data center in Maiden, North Carolina

Apple had just announced all it's data centers now run on 100% renewable energy, spotlighting the Maiden center…
In October 2017, the North Carolina government slaps Apple with a $40k fine & cites a laundry list of misdeeds

First, the center generates over 1k kilograms of toxic waste a year, and Apple was shipping it to off-the-books transports & disposal facilities…
Second, Apple failed to create manifests for all that toxic waste, & also failed to submit toxic waste reports to the EPA or state regulators

Apple failed to "maintain [toxic waste] records" for 1,000kg of toxic waste / year & for a 500,000ft2 data center…
Read 16 tweets
2022 in #EastMed - The year’s main energy developments wrapped up in a thread 🧵

#Discoveries, #Borders, #Licensing, #Deals, #Infrastructure and more 👇

🇨🇾 Zeus (op. ENI), 2-3 Tcf
🇨🇾 Cronos (ENI), 2.5 Tcf
🇪🇬 Narges (Chevron), est. 3.5 Tcf
🇪🇬 Meleiha (ENI), 8,500 BOED
🇮🇱 Athena (Energean), 0.4 Tcf
🇮🇱 Hermes (Energean), 0.2-0.5 Tcf
🇮🇱 Zeus (Energean), 0.47 Tcf

Maps: Mees, Energean
More discoveries may be announced soon. Ongoing exploration wells in:

🇮🇱 Hercules (Energean)
🇪🇬 Thuraya (ENI)
Read 28 tweets
#Chevron #Licencia
1. Impide que PDVSA reciba dividendos e impuestos sobre lo producido. Chevron no tiene que pagar esto, pues opera bajo un esquema de empresa Mixta donde es socio de PDVSA.

2. Es un error brutal decir que no hay beneficios para #Venezuela ➡️
3. Chevron en esquema de empresas mixtas, tiene control sobre su parte no así sobre lo que corresponde a PDVSA, Ej. Petroboscan / Petropiar, la parte de PDVSA se queda con PDVSA.…
4. Se dinamiza la economía. Nuevas fuentes de empleo, consumo de insumos y servicios.

5. Se reactiva de forma gradual el motor petrolero.

6. Genera un clima positivo para otras empresas e inversionistas que quieren hacer negocios en Venezuela.
Read 4 tweets
🧵En liten tråd som reder ut myten kring "Rysslands 'oprovocerade' attack på #Ukraina".

Den som läser kommer inse att begreppet "oprovocerad" är ett falsarium och att det rör sig om ett proxykrig mot USA/Nato - inte ett krig mot Ukraina.

#svpol #säkpol #RussiaUkraineWar
(1/33) Först några snabba historiska nedslag ...

Russofobi är inget nytt utan har länge använts som en kontrollmekanism för att styra människor. Genom att infiltrera tankar, polarisera och skapa kulisser uppnås önskade beteendeförändringar hos folkmassan.
(2/33) Men under 2:a världskriget gjorde Sovjetunionen och västmakterna gemensam sak mot axelmakterna och när ledarna träffades efter krigsslutet i Jalta var stämningen förhållandevis god.
Read 40 tweets
Donnons un nom aux vagues de chaleur : celui des responsables du réchauffement climatique

Après #TotalEnergies1 en juin, et parce que les raisons ne manquent pas, poursuivons l'effort et appelons cette terrible canicule qui vient #TotalEnergies2

A dérouler ⤵️⤵️⤵️
Avant d'expliquer pourquoi garder le nom #TotalEnergies, précisons que cette nouvelle vague de chaleur pourrait approcher l'intensité de "la canicule de 2003, voire peut-être la dépasser", selon le climatologue @cassouman40 : vers dix jours au-dessus de 35-40 °C?

Pour le dire trivialement, si vous avez eu chaud au mois de juin, vous allez suer avec la vague de chaleur qui vient. Pour tout comprendre à son origine et à sa dynamique (intensité, durée, etc), lisez donc ce long thread explicatif de @cassouman40

Read 24 tweets
[Le saviez-vous ?]

Si @TotalEnergies @exxonmobil @Shell @BP & co devaient exploiter totalement leurs 195 plus grands projets gaziers et pétroliers, la planète dépasserait à coût sûr la quantité maximale de C02 en deçà de laquelle il faut rester pour pour rester en deçà de 1,5°C.
Alors que 60% de ces sites gaziers et pétroliers sont déjà en fonctionnement, ils représentent en tout, et à eux seuls, 17 années d'émissions mondiales aux niveaux actuels. Il faut les arrêter, coûte que coûte, pour conserver l'habitabilité de bien des régions sur la planète.
Les Etats ont une responsabilité majeure, qu'ils soient directement à la tête d'entreprises (#QatarEnergy #SaudiAramco #Gazprom #PetroChina #Engie etc) ou qu'ils soutiennent leurs champions privés (#ExxonMobil, #TotalEnergies #Chevron #Shell #BP etc) et leur donnent des permis.
Read 4 tweets
⚡️ How much could Chevron stock tumble?

A storm in Black sea stopped all $CVX oil exports from #Kazakhstan.

It turns out that 30% of Chevron oil production was heavily reliant on Russian #oil transportation system, which makes $CVX expose to russian risks.

Thread 🧵👇
CPC transports oil from northwestern part of #Kazakhstan to Novorossiysk for further transportation by sea.
During 2021, CPC transported an average of 1.3 mn barrels of crude #oil per day, composed of 1.1 mn barrels per day from Kazakhstan (~75% of Kazakhstan's exports).
Due to storm in Black Sea, oil loading at sea terminal of Caspian Pipeline Consortium near Novorossiysk was completely stopped. Pumping of #oil through CPC system is still going on, but tank farm will be full by the evening, after which it will stop.…
Read 10 tweets
Investors + resource-rich countries + civil society ALL want to see greater corporate accountability for #oil #gas & #mining co's commitments to #transparency.

So why does that seem so hard to achieve at the global #EITI Board mtg this week?


Quick history:
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative #EITI grew out of civil society calls since the late '90s for mining, oil & gas companies to #PublishWhatYouPay to governments around the world.

The idea was to shine a🔦on corruption +💸💸flows in the sector.

In 2002-2003, @EITIorg was born, as “an initiative built on the notion of equal transparency from the governments and the companies” with participation from representatives of governments, companies, and civil society organizations.

Read 21 tweets
1️⃣ Uzun vade yatırım yapmak isteyip hisse ya da coin alan arkadaşlar bazen uzun süre zararda kalmaktan dolayı usanıp satmaya karar veriyorlar. Saygı duyarım. Kaliteli hisselerde ne kadar sular altında kalırsanız kalın bir noktada kara geçeceğimizi hepimiz biliyoruz.
2️⃣ Ama bazen size de oluyor mu “ya bu hisse hep sular altında oluyor, hiç gün yüzü göremiyoruz” dedirtiyor mu size de? Hadi şimdi önce birkaç yabancı hisse örneği üzerinden başlayıp sonrasında da Türk hisselerinden birkaç örnek üzerinde bu konuyu incelemeye çalışalım.
3️⃣ Ele aldığım örneklerin tamamı temettü ve sermaye artırımlarına göre düzeltilmiş veriler olacak. Hisse zirveyi görüyor herkes hevesle giriyor, sonra bir düşüyor bir gün yüzü göstermiyor dediğimiz sinir bozucu hisseler var mı aklınıza gelen? Bir ona bak bir de S&P500’e bak.
Read 43 tweets
💸 Is hyperinflation a reality? How to protect yourself?

Money may well depreciate at times. This has already happened before, even in developed countries. #Inflation in developed world is accelerating, and the authorities are carried away by populism. Image
• In the #US, inflation has already accelerated to 6.2%
• In #Germany, it reached a 28-year high of 4.5%.

Authorities of developed countries put above #inflation problems of #SocialJustice in labor market (employment in all minority groups is important) and #climate warming. Image
Populist views are capturing the minds of monetary authorities, which only fuels #inflation. This was the case in the #USA in the 1970s: prices almost tripled.
And sometimes it was much worse: in Israel in the 1980s, prices for goods jumped ~10,000 times. Image
Read 10 tweets
True story: bought tix to an outside NYC Parks event two weeks ago. Showed up w/ kids, and saw everyone was wearing masks outside, distanced, etc. So we got in line, prepared to ask if masks were optional. Instead they demanded our #VaxxPass.

So, not only were they making everyone wear masks, outside, distanced, they were also demanding proof of shots. We asked why, and the young security officer was super shitty to us, and called his supervisor.

It's then we noticed that the entire staff were wearing tight-fitting N95s, outside, in the high heat. They were visibly struggling to breathe in the heat, hard to speak, the masks billowing in/out, and sucking to their faces with each breath.

Read 11 tweets

The sea ablaze for 8 hours in the Gulf of Mexico after a pipeline ruptured.
n 1944, Winston Churchill described Nazi atrocities as "a crime without a name"

Soon after, the term 'genocide' was coined

Is it time to recognise ‘ecocide’ as an int’l crime?

And time for all of us to start getting active to protect our fragile planet?
“Lost somewhere between immensity & eternity is our tiny planetary home

There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world

This pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.”
(Carl Sagan)
Read 13 tweets
Should Tax Payers pay to clean this shit up ? Abandon Oil and Gas wells , many were left by foreign companies @Shell @conocophillips #British Petroleum and out of state aaa hats @Texaco @exxonmobil #Chevron @prayerfeathers @RepRichmond @ginamccarthy46 @WhiteHouse @EPA
It’s worsen then you might think when British Petroleum explosion 💥 in the Gulf , they fines they payed to clean up their mess was allowed to be written off on their federal tax . And they did not give medical help to the sick clean up workers
Read 3 tweets
There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
1. in ritardo lo so. Il 20 marzo 2003,gli USA invadevano l'#Iraq,iniziava una guerra da cui il Medio Oriente non si è ancora ripreso. Ho conosciuto il capo del programma nucleare di Saddam, Jafar Dhia Jafar,lo intervistai per #Diario di Deaglio. Ecco qui insieme a Vienna
2. il capo del programma nucleare di #Saddam, Jafar Dhia Jafar, rampollo di una famiglia eminente,mi ricostruì la panzana alla base del Nigergate, quella che anche i nostri Pulitzer contribuirono a diffondere e difendere
3. la famiglia di Jafar Dhia Jafar è ancora oggi eminente: petrolieri: la famiglia ha fondato la #CrescentPetroleum, che tra gli altro finanzia l'#AtlanticCouncil. Sapete che cosa è l'Atlantic Council, giusto?
Read 12 tweets
Forensic analysis of #oil companies' climate plans by @kellyatrout in new @PriceofOil report:…

Relative to #ParisGoals they are all grossly insufficient on most metrics Image
TL;DR? Check out Kelly's blog:…
STL;DR? #Exxon and #Chevron manage to be grossly insufficient on all 10 metrics.

#BP is the least bad performer, partially aligned on 2 metrics, insufficient on 3, grossly insufficient on 5

#Shell, #Equinor & #Total have biggest gap between their green claims + reality
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May 8th marks the 75th anniversary of the #AlliedVictory in Europe, the day when they accepted the formal surrender of #Nazi Germany. Corporations such as @CocaCola, @Nestle and @Ford, eagerly took part in the Nazi experiment.
By: @AlanRMacLeod…
Standard Oil, a huge monolith now split up into a myriad of smaller ones,including #Chevron#ExxonMobil, BP, and Marathon, was crucial to both prolonging and intensifying the war by quietly filling up German tankers.
#AlliedVictory #alliedwwii #Oil @Chevron @exxonmobil Image
@Chase Bank performed a number of key duties for the #Nazis, including accepting, laundering and converting their money into foreign currency. In 1945, they were placed on trial in a federal court for violation of the Trading with the Enemy Act.
#COVID #Warzone Image
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My take on the week that was, and what’s next. #OOTT #EFT #shale #OilPrice #crudeoil #OPEC

When oil became waste: a week of turmoil for crude, and more pain to come
So a bit more on this. A lot right now rests on what happens next, both in terms of various economic regions trying to recover a bit and find ways to do a bit more business - and whether that's possible. #OOTT #OPEC
After all it's not often you see a nation like Azerbaijan tell a BP-led consortium that yes, you have to stop producing. Usually the big oil companies are exempt from this sort of thing. #OOTT #OPEC

Not anymore. @dmitryZ_reuters
Read 38 tweets
Analysis: #NYSE $CVX

Case 222 #Chevron Corporation

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#CVX 1/4
Chart 1
Weekly Chart: The break of long term #trendline and Fib. 0.50 combined #support at 83.18 has seen price quickly target the pivot and #Fib. 0.786 support zone at 54.90-53.48 where buyers halted the down move - which resulted in a $20 bounce. Further .....

CVX 2/4
..... gains are expected towards the #pivot and old trendline support now #resistance at 83.99 then declining trendline 95.54. The long term objective is 37.30-35.10 which is a major support and a strong reversal should occur.

CVX 3/4
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@NNPCgroup, #Chevron Nigeria Ltd (CNL) Resolve Cost Dispute on Escravos Gas to Liquid (EGTL) Project.

The project will see #CNL supply an average of 400mmscf/day, equivalent of 26% total domestic gas supply, the highest by any IOC in the domestic market.

Following this resolution, @NNPCgroup equity in the EGTL Plant will increase from 20% to 60%, even as the Plant will domesticate 1.70million litres per day of premium diesel (14% of Nigeria's daily consumption)....
In all, the EGTL Project will bring loads of benefits to the #Nigerian economy as well as to the #CNL: energy supply, improved gas utilisation, fiscal receipts and a renewed social licence to operate.
Read 3 tweets
Yesterday, I learned that the extraordinary @SDonziger, the volunteer lawyer for the indigenous of the Amazon, has had his US passport seized by the Trump regime on trumped up charges. See statement from @AmazonWatch…
My coverage of #Ecuador on @BBCNewsnight would’ve been impossible without @SDonziger and his inestimably heroic battle against #Chevron. Donziger is one of the most courageous men I’ve ever met.… #Environment #Pollution #BigOil #Chevron
The oil industry won’t rest until they lay @SDonziger's body out on the tarmac. The fact that #Chevron has come after the man who proved they poisoned the children of the Amazon just proves how extraordinary he is — and powerful. They fear him.…
Read 4 tweets
Steven Donziger (@SDonziger) is one of the most courageous men I’ve ever met. The oil industry won’t rest until they lay his body out on the tarmac.…
The fact that Chevron has come after the man who proved they poisoned the children of the Amazon just proves how extraordinary @SDonziger is — and powerful. They fear him.
My coverage of Ecuador on BBC television would’ve been impossible without @SDonziger and his inestimably heroic battle against Chevron.… #Environment #Pollution #BigOil #Chevron
Read 5 tweets

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