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La #CIDH, en su informe sobre las violaciones de derechos humanos en el marco de las protestas sociales, dice: "La economía peruana está basada, primordialmente, en un modelo extractivista, cuyas regalías no han contribuido a reducir significativamente la desigualdad ni han...
traído desarrollo a las regiones donde predominan pueblos indígenas y comunidades campesinas". Y sigue: "el 55% de la población considera que es un país económicamente muy desigual, mientras que el 60% estima que la brecha de desigualdad ha aumentado en los últimos 2 años".
¿Es errado?

1. Los datos salen de la Encuesta Nacional de Percepción de Desigualdades (#ENADES), estudio elaborado por el #IEP y #Oxfam. Conocer la percepción de la gente es fundamental y no debería ser criticable.
Read 9 tweets

An out and out Anti India document full of lies ..!!!

1. Amnesty International the so-called UK-based "World's Best NGO" published its annual human rights report which Amnesty international deems as unbiased and truthful. When one goes through it, it reeks of selective hypocritic lopsided details full of politically correct……
2. Exactly three days after the expulsion of Congress MP Rahul Gandhi from the parliament basis his conviction in a defamation case filed against him is the court at Surat, Gujarat, this report has been released by Amnesty International dubbing a Parliament of India advisory to……
Read 13 tweets
Puisque tout le monde parle du rapport #Oxfam , un thread pour avoir les idées claires sur les inégalités, la pauvreté, l'évolution des revenus, etc.

1) Que ce soit avant ou après impôts et transferts, les inégalités ont assez peu évolué en France depuis 30 ans Source : WID, extraction du 29/04/2021 Note : Données par a
Relativement aux autres pays, la France s'en sort honorablement (notez que le "l'explosion des inégalités" ne concerne qu'assez peu de pays...) source: eurostat (extraction du 23/11/2019 ) et ocde Note :
De fait, le taux d'imposition général des plus aisés s'est grandement accru depuis Mitterrand Source : Bozio et al. (2018) Note : Le taux de taxation conc
Read 13 tweets
Read 117 tweets
#Oxfam 2: Ungleichheit wird im sozialen Business stets nur auf Vermögen bezogen definiert (siehe ), aber jegliche Armutsberichte verkennen systematisch die (in Anführungszeichen) Logik des Kapitalismus, deren Grundlage die Lohnarbeit ist, die Ware
Arbeitskraft, die _notwendig_, kapitalistisch, nie dem Wert gleich ist, der über die Arbeit für Lohn - immer als Ware - erzeugt wird. Diese Produktionsweise ist zugleich der soziale Sprengstoff, der einen gesellschaftlichen Reichtum produziert, der aber Privateigentum ist.
Das Lamento der Sozialen Arbeits-Firmen ist immer ihre eigene Werbemaßnahme und die, sagen wird Ent-Verbalisierung der sog. Armen, indem die Sozialunternehmen vorgeben, für diese zu "sprechen". Diese Entmündigung ist ihr Geschäft, Charity ihr Profitmodell, Freiwilligenarbeit
Read 5 tweets
Notiz: Der "#Oxfam Inequality Report" verstärkt die oberflächliche Kritik, das Unbehagen an den Verhäktnissen. auf den Umverteilungsdiskurs, solch. einen Diskurs der sog. Vermögensungleichheit hat sich bspw. die parteinahe Linke und die parlamentarische Linke längst eingenordet.
Die NGO, in d. BRD etwa auch der Paritätische, kann zwischen Vermögen und Kapital nicht unterscheiden. Kapital entsteht aus der Ausbeutung grundsätzlich prekärer Arbeit, Lohnarbeit, aus denen Profite und dann erst Vermögen entstehen. Lohnarbeit heisst, nichts als die Arbeitskraft
zum Eigentum zu haben, die als Ware verkauft werden muss, sonst droht (siehe in d. BRD das sog. Hartz IV) der soziale und psychische wie körperliche, wortwörtliche Tod.
Read 5 tweets
#இழை🧵| #InequalityKills

2021ஆம் ஆண்டில் 84% இந்திய குடும்பங்களின் வருமானம் வெகுவாக குறைந்துள்ளது.

அதேநேரத்தில் நாட்டில் உள்ள செல்வந்தர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை கடந்த ஆண்டில், 102லிருந்து '142' ஆக அதிகரித்துள்ளது.

- ஆக்ஸ்பாம் ஆய்வு அறிக்கை (1/7)
📍"Inequality Kills" என்ற தலைப்பில் ஆக்ஸ்பாம் தனது 2021ஆம் ஆண்டின் அறிக்கையை வெளியிட்டுள்ளது.

📍கொரோனா காலக்கட்டத்தில் மட்டும் (மார்ச் 2020 - நவ.2021 வரை) இந்திய பணக்காரர்களின் சொத்து மதிப்பு 23.14 லட்சம் கோடியில் இருந்து 53.16 லட்சம் கோடியாக அதிகரித்துள்ளது. (2/7)
📍இதற்கு நேர்மாறாக, 2020ல் மட்டும் 4.6 கோடிக்கும் அதிகமான இந்தியர்கள் தீவிர வறுமையில் வீழ்ந்துள்ளதாக மதிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

📍"ஐநா சபையின் கூற்றுப்படி, இந்த எண்ணிக்கை உலகளாவிய புதிய ஏழைகளில் கிட்டத்தட்ட பாதியளவு," என்று ஆக்ஸ்பாம் தனது அறிக்கையில் தெரிவித்துள்ளது. (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
#VICTORY Finally killer of Assam Tea, India hater @OxfamIndia looses its #FCRA license for massive #FCRAViolation.
LRO had lodged many complaints against #Oxfam for funding #DelhiRiot accused via @CEStudies.
Amazing news on very 1st day of 2022. Thanks @AmitShah @HMOIndia for it!
Total 6000 NGOs including Jamia Milia Islamia too lost their #FCRA certificates!
Oxfam India @OxfamIndia n @CEStudies of Harsh Mander were working together to help #DelhiRiot accused misusing foreign funds rcvd from #FCRA

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There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
Oxfam probes new claims its staff used prostitutes, issued death threats and committed fraud in the Congo. 'The inquiry, which began in November last year, reportedly concerns allegations of intimidation, death threats, fraud, and nepotism.' 👀👇👇…
Oxfam trustee who made 'full and unqualified apology' to Britain and Haiti was given £670,000 pay-off by BBC after failing to secure the top job - 2018…
Read 19 tweets
Pour "rigoler" un petit pronostic:

Fin d’année 2020: le gouvernement continue de s'entêter dans la croyance au "ruissèlement". Tous les plans d'aides sont conçus comme un soutien inconditionnel aux entreprises, sans considération pour le soutien des ménages.

1/n (c'est long)
Début 2021 : pour les mêmes raisons idéologiques, le gouvernement continue de s'entêter sur la #dette, place les mesures de soutien au bilan de la Sécu et non pas de l'Etat pour contraindre son remboursement. De nouvelles mesures d'austérité sont annoncées pour les compenser.
L'économie continue de vivoter artificiellement par perfusion d’argent public : le ministre de l’économie et le 1er ministre annoncent un nouveau plan de soutien aux entreprises sur la base de leur chiffre d’Affaire passé, le "Plan de Soutien Final Pour la Reprise" (PSFPR)
Read 30 tweets
#WEF & Prince of Wales: The Green Horizon Summit: Nov. 9-11 2020. Attended by 2500. Led by 100+ corporate & climate "leaders" including "Prince" Charles, UN's Guterres, Lagarde, Carney, BlackRock, etc.


Let's start w/ the ruling class imperative to rebrand #capitalism (Oct, 23, 2020) - in order to save it.

Schwab: "At the forefront [we need] to create a new model,
a new concept, a new definition of capitalism...

Schwab, continued: "the old definition comprises only financial capital. But actually human & social capital, [] & of course natural capital - is as important as financial capital."


#CorporateCoup of the #Commons


Read 19 tweets
#SoGeht1Komma5 von #FridaysForFuture ist verdienstvoll 1. Begrenzung auf 1,5 Grad möglich. 2. dt. Klimaziele reichen nicht! 3. Im Vergleich zu Aktionsplan @Linksfraktion gibt's Leerstellen,besonders bei Sozial-, Handels-,Friedenspolitik & #Klimagerechtigkeit . Thread in 10Teilen
1. #Klimagerechtigkeit bedeutet, den globalen Süden im Blick zu haben. Nur mit globaler Gerechtigkeit, Ende (fossiler) Ausbeutung wird es was. Das hat auch die #Oxfam-Studie eindringlich gezeigt (1/10)…

2. Klimaschutz bedeutet, in Deutschland für Gerechtigkeit zu sorgen. Make the rich pay gilt nicht nur für #Corona-, sondern auch #klimakrise. Wer nicht soziale Spaltung in Gesellschaft angreift,wird bei Klimagerechtigkeit scheitern. (2/10)…

Read 11 tweets
"If the #TrumpAdministration's goals were to isolate the #US, alienate close allies and have high-risk diplomatic maneuvers blow up in their face, the maximum pressure approach is delivering in spades..."
by @AlanRMacLeod… #Iran #embargo #ArmsEmbargo #Trump
"As #Oxfam noted, Yemenis are not starving: they are being starved; starved by a five-year war sustained by the #US and its #NATO allies."… #Yemen #MondayVibes
"The development of nuclear weapons in #SaudiArabia has many speculating that it could mark the beginning of an even more dangerous era for the war-torn region."… #Saudi #Arms #nuclear #NuclearDeal #NuclearEnergy #mondaythoughts
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Earthquake in international #tax world with US pulling out or pausing the #OECD negotiations aka #BEPS2.

A quick personal take in this thread. #Oxfam reaction will come in the next hours.

What does this mean for the EU? Is the USA all bad?

Let's recall this process started with a high amount of ambition in January 2019 with buy-in from the USA. Actually the USA was the one opening up the discussion with its own tax reform. Let's also remember there are 2 pillars.

Pillar 1 = digital economy. Pillar 2 = minimum tax.
The pulling out of the US or the ask to pause the negotiations seems to only hit pillar 1.

Pillar 1 divided countries from the very start. Some countries wanted a very limited focus (only techgiants) and others wanted to broaden the scope.

Actually the USA wanted a broad scope.
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I got a lot of questions recently on #tax policy developments in the #Netherlands. So here is a thread!

A lot has happened in the past 2 months. I will try to give a complete overview with implications and consequences for one of the largest #taxhavens in the world.

Enjoy! 👇🇳🇱
First a general comment.

Over the past weeks the Netherlands has been extensively portrayed as a harmful tax haven in the EU, especially by southern European countries.

Many numbers circulate about the Netherlands but sums it up pretty well.
Several reports have been published in the NL in the past 2 months:

(1) The long-awaited report of an independent commission (known as Adviescommissie ter Haar) on how the NL should reform its laws to make multinationals pay their fair share. 👉…
Read 17 tweets
Parliamo di spin doctor in politica.
Figura mitologica, mezzo influencer e mezzo algoritmo, capace di orientare le masse a suo piacimento, incurante dei danni che i suoi intenti provocano all'intera comunità.
La sua missione è creare consenso e a quanto sembra, con >>
qualsiasi mezzo.
Gli studiati, lo chiamano engagement, che in effetti sembra essere più consono, in quanto tiene conto anche delle reazioni negative.
Oggi sembra che se non ne hai uno, non sei nessuno.
Forse è anche vero ma anche più sano.
Eh sì, più sano e vediamo perché. >>
Iniziamo col chiederci a cosa serve avere qualcuno che cura la comunicazione di un politico, quando esso è, per antonomasia, colui che più di tutti, grazie alle idee e al carisma, in grado di farsi seguire da milioni di persone.
È evidente che, maggiore è l'importanza dello SD,>>
Read 18 tweets
[thread] Pochi fortunati possiedono più ricchezze di miliardi di poveracci. Anche quest’anno, @Oxfam diffonde il suo rapporto su #povertà e #disuguaglianze nella settimana di #Davos. Ma è davvero così?… 1/n
@Oxfam Il rapporto ripete da diversi anni un mantra: le "crescenti" disuguaglianze sono il frutto di un “sistema economico difettoso e sessista”. Per dimostrarlo, confronta i patrimoni dei miliardari con quelli delle persone normali 2/n
@Oxfam Nel passato, un numero sempre più ampio di economisti ha denunciato la metodologia di @oxfam, che confronta acriticamente grandezze diverse. Qui il rapporto e le note metodologiche: 3/n
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Riches-pauvres, hommes-femmes, retrouvez les points clés du dernier rapport de l'ONG #Oxfam sur les inégalités dans le monde @AFPgraphics #WEF20 #AFP
@AFPgraphics Les 2 153 milliardaires du globe détiennent désormais plus d'argent que 60% de la population mondiale, dénonce #Oxfam dans son rapport soulignant une concentration des richesses au détriment notamment des femmes, "en première ligne" des inégalités #AFP
@AFPgraphics Le rapport annuel d'#Oxfam sur les inégalités mondiales est traditionnellement publié juste avant l'ouverture, demain, du 50e World Economic Forum (#WEF20) à Davos, en Suisse #AFP
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25. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1-20. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
21. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
Read 140 tweets
As we peel back the layers of an orchestrated movement that serves to protect the ruling classes & the suicidal capitalist system itself, we need to look at Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. This will be a long & important thread. #FridaysForFinance
The Compact of Mayors officially merged w/ the Covenant of Mayors in 2016. The Global Covenant of Mayors [for Climate and Energy] unites more than 9209 cities (already committed) in 132 countries across 6 continents. This represents the world's largest coalition.
The Board is co-chaired by European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič and former New York City Mayor and U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Action Michael Bloomberg. Former UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres serves as Vice-Chair.
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1. L’idée véhiculée derrière le rapport d’#Oxfam est tacite mais redoutable: si on expropriait les milliardaires de la Silicon valley, le Monde irait bien mieux. Notamment les plus pauvres!C’est un raisonnement intuitif mais qui est totalement faux.
2. Car l’expropriation des riches aboutirait à une nationalisation massive d’entreprises privées. Un riche comme Jeff Bezos n’a pas des centaines de millards de dolls en cash: il a cette valeur par le biais de titres sociaux [actions, parts sociales etc].
3. L’expropriation aurait pour conséquence de faire passer sous pavillon étatique des entreprises performantes. Plus prosaïquement, cela signifierait que l’entreprise ne serait plus privée mais publique.
Read 12 tweets

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