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"Lei si preoccupa di quello che pensa la gente? Io sono un'autorità su come far pensare la gente. Ci sono i giornali per esempio, io sono proprietario di molti giornali"...

|C. F. Kane, Quarto Potere|

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Per sette anni, le istituzioni occidentali hanno messo in guardia contro il Movimento #Azov ucraino, nato come gruppo paramilitare neonazista nel 2014 e diventato famoso per il suo reclutamento mondiale di estremisti.

2/24 Image
Poi a febbraio 2022 è arrivata l'invasione russa, e improvvisamente abbiamo assistito ad una normalizzazione della supremazia bianca da parte delle istituzioni occidentali e dei media, che hanno smesso di considerare come neonazisti i battaglioni #neonazisti ucraini.

3/24 Image
Read 47 tweets
Google's search quality has been in steady decline for years, and Google assures us that they're working on it, though the most visible effort is replacing links to webpages with lengthy, florid paragraphs written by a confident habitual liar chatbot:…

1/ A ruined streetscene. Atop ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

The internet is increasingly full of garbage, much of it written by other confident habitual liar chatbots, which are now extruding plausible sentences at enormous scale.

Read 54 tweets
Big Tech steals from news, but it doesn't steal *content* - it steals *money*. In my @EFF series "Saving News From Big Tech," I show how #AdTech and #AppStore monopolies yield vast transfers from news to tech, starving newsrooms and gutting reporting:…

1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Now we've published the final part, describing how social media platforms hold audiences hostage, charging media companies to reach the subscribers who asked to see what they have to say.

Read 42 tweets
Protecting your privacy today is no longer optional. It’s a must. Read this thread for 10 simple ways to protect your identity online. 🧵⬇️ 10 free ways to protect you...Use a password manager, use...Turn off website trackers, ...Mask your credit card, only...
Use a password manager. It ensures you'll be able to use complicated passwords to secure your online accounts. If you can remember your password, it's not secure. Let your password manager remember them for you.
Secure your browsing with a #VPN like @ProtonVPN. It funnels all your data through an encrypted tunnel. Using a privacy-first VPN stops your internet service provider from collecting data on you. You also avoid government surveillance.
Read 12 tweets
Ayyyyyy Eyeeeee: The lie that raced around the world before the truth got its boots on…

AI #ArtificialIntelligence #PumpAndDump #CritiHype EvilSorcerersVsOrdinaryMediocrities A portrait of OpenAI founde...
Read 5 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Washington State's capital gains tax proves we can have nice things; and more!

Archived at:…



1/ The Washington State flag; ...
Today (3/6) at 1:30PM, I'm in #Edinburgh for @CymeraF on a panel with Nina Allen and @iannmcdonald:…

Mon 5/6 at 7:15PM, I'm at the #BritishLibrary with my book *Red Team Blues* for an event hosted by @Marthalanefox:…

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Washington State's capital gains tax proves we can have nice things: We just need to tax the rich.

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Big Tech steals from the news, but it doesn't steal *content* - it steals *money*. That matters, because creating copyrights over the news facts, headlines, or snippets to help news companies bargain with tech makes the news *partners* with tech, rather than watchdogs.

1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

How does tech steal money from the news? Lots of ways! One important one: tech steals ad revenue. 51% of every ad dollar gets gobbled up by tech companies - primarily the cozy, collusive #AdTech duopoly of #Google/#Facebook (AKA #Googbook).

Read 36 tweets
Today's threads (a thread)

Inside: To save the news, shatter ad-tech; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
I'm at @HTLGIFestival in #HayOnWye:

28/5 1130h: The AI Enigma…

29/5 12h: Danger and Desire at the Frontier…

Next, #Oxford!

29/5: @blackwelloxford's 1930h w/@TimHarford:…

2/ Image
To save the news, shatter ad-tech: Structural separation will help the news claim their fair share.

3/ Image: EFF https://www.eff....
Read 35 tweets
#BigTech steals from news, but what it steals isn't *content*. Talking about the news isn't theft, and neither is linking to it, or excerpting it. But stealing *money*? That's *definitely* theft.

1/ EFF's banner for the save n...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Big Tech steals money from the news media. 51% of every ad-dollar is claimed by a tech intermediary, a middleman that squats on a chokepoint between advertisers and publishers.

Read 27 tweets
📱 Instagram is reportedly set to launch a rival Twitter competitor app this summer

👉 Read more:… Image
2/6 💥 This announcement has certainly shaken up the social media world.

With the dominance of @Twitter in real-time, short-form content, Instagram stepping into this sphere signifies a major shift.
@Twitter 3/6 👀 The platform, owned by #Facebook parent company @Meta, has been known for its focus on photo and video sharing, and this move represents a significant expansion into a new form of social media interaction.
Read 6 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How to save the new from Big Tech; and more!

Archived at:…


1/ Image
How to save the new from Big Tech: Four prescriptions from EFF.

3/  Image: EFF https://www.eff...
Read 23 tweets
#Nuked Themsleves: “They will blame #Russia as always”: a sociologist on the growth of the background #radiation in #Khmelnytsky (160 nS) | May 15
-the Russian army #destroyed the #ammunition depot -shells with #DepletedUranium were stored at the facility.…
#Finland's background #radiation normally varies between 0.05 and 0.30 #microsieverts per hour (µSv/h)
Tuomas Peltonen / Inspector general
tel. +358 975 988 508…
- #Loviisa NOW: 0.210 #microSieverts ImageImage
cc: @ ArthurM40330824
#Gamma radiation in #Khmelnytsky could actually indicate that a #DirtyBomb was stored in the warehouses.
Gamma radiation is characteristic of #enriched #uranium. Is it possible that were making "dirty bombs" at the Khmelnitsky #NPP
Read 35 tweets
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 12-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Ukraina #mordowała ludność #Donbasu i #Ługańska? #Fałsz (#Ukraine #murdered the people of #Donbass and #Lugansk? Falsehood)”

“Narracja o #ukraińskich #zbrodniach na #ludności Donbasu i Ługańska, które poprzedzało łamanie praw tamtejszych mieszkańców #Ukrainy, [1/4]
to element rosyjskiej propagandy, a #Putin przedstawia się jako obrońca ludności tego regionu. W naszym serwisie wielokrotnie pisaliśmy, że takich opinii nie potwierdzają żadne #fakty. [2/4]
Read 17 tweets
Allez à mon tour de vous ce que je pense de la sphère #zet.
Thread sûrement long, mais je pense avoir un profil assez différent de ce qu'on peut retrouver chez les anti/pro zet.
Et puis il veux des témoignages le bon @GeekNfit donc voilà le mien 😉
Déjà de base avant même de connaître ce milieu je suis qqun qui est assez cartésien et anti complotistes, je me rappel me foutre de la geule des premier groupes de #platistes sur #Facebook il y a 10 ans.
Mais jusqu'à 2 ans je ne suivais ni regardais aucun
comptes zet ou même vulgarisateurs sue ce soit sur #twitter ou #YouTube
Et donc il y a 2 ans environs je tombe sur une recommandation youtube pour une vidéo.
la vérité sur les crop circle d'@AstronoGeek avec pleins de guest, dont @Acermendax
Read 22 tweets
Čím se liší člověk od zvířete, rostliny? Mnohým a ničím!

Liší se tím, co je viditelné. Neliší se přenosem informací z generace na generaci.

Lidé šlechtí plodnější a odolnější rostliny.
Lidé šlechtí zvířata pro práci, maso, krásu.
Lidé se šlechtí mezi sebou. Image
Jen oproti flóře a fauně vědomou mysl (doměnka). Mysl, které tvoří i ničí, která se může rozvíjet, nebo stagnovat.

Znalost rodinné historie, vazeb, charakterů předků, jejich vzorců chování a jednání, jejich vztahu k jiným lidem, okolí a majetku snaze jeden pochopí sebe.
Citace z #Facebook profilu #EsterDavidova.

... Tím, že poznáme rodové kořeny, můžeme podle ní odhalit původ našich strachů a traumat.
Read 7 tweets
Oggi #25aprile si festeggia la #Liberazione dal regime fascista e dall’occupazione nazista (inevitabile dopo il “tradimento” italiano dell’8 settembre).
Questa LIBERAZIONE purtroppo coincide con l’OCCUPAZIONE del nostro paese da parte degli #USA, occupazione ancora in essere.
Questo passo storico sfugge ai più, vittime inconsapevoli della propaganda e fruitori delle apparenti regalie dei nuovi padroni d’oltreoceano. Da quel giorno infatti non c’è decisione dei Governi italiani che non debba essere preventivamente avallata da #Washington.
Chiunque abbia osato opporsi a questo status quo è scomparso prematuramente in un incidente aereo, per una improvvisa malattia o per una via giudiziaria. #Olivetti #Mattei #Craxi sono solo alcuni casi eclatanti. La diffusa consapevolezza di queste CASUALITA’ nei primi 78 anni
Read 18 tweets

Wakati mwingine inaweza kuwa hatari kutoa maelezo ya kina kwa watu wasioaminika au wasiojali ambao wanaweza kuitumia habari hiyo vibaya au kushindwa kuelewa kwa usahihi.
#Dream #Vision Image
Inashauriwa kuchagua kwa uangalifu watu ambao unashirikisha ndoto na maono yako. Ni muhimu kuchagua watu wanaoweza kukusaidia kufikia malengo yako kama vile marafiki wa karibu, familia, washauri au wengine wenye uzoefu na mafanikio katika eneo lako la ndoto.
Ni vyema kuelewa kwamba kushirikisha ndoto na maono yako na watu wasioaminika au wasiojali kunaweza kusababisha kukatisha tamaa, kuzorotesha maendeleo yako au kuvunja moyo wako katika kufikia malengo yako.
Read 5 tweets
Digital Ad Expert ( es el nuevo main sponsor de #Racing.

A continuación, un breve hilo sobre cómo se dio su llegada a #Racing, quien es su dueño y mucho más. Image
#DigitalAdExpert es una plataforma de Aleph Holding sobre publicidad en redes sociales.

Brinda capacitación y certificación en marketing digital es para personas sin experiencia en tecnología. Image
¿Qué es #AlephHolding? 👇

Se trata de un holding de empresas de publicidad (#IMS, #Httpool, #AdDynamo y #SocialSnac) valuado en más de 2000 millones de dólares que opera en 90 países. Image
Read 13 tweets

💭Kutengeneza malengo ya ndoto ambayo yatafanya zawadi yako iwe hai ni hatua muhimu katika kufikia mafanikio. Hapa kuna hatua kadhaa za kufuata ili kutengeneza malengo ya ndoto:
#Goals #Gifts Image
🔹Tafakari kuhusu ndoto yako:
Fikiria ndoto yako na tafuta kujua ni kitu gani hasa unachotaka. Jiulize maswali kama: Ni nini hasa unachotaka kufanikisha? Ni kwa nini unataka kufanikisha hilo? Ni nini kitakachokusaidia kufikia hilo?
🔹Andika malengo yako:
Andika malengo yako kwenye karatasi. Hakikisha malengo hayo ni ya kina na yanafaa kufikiwa. Kwa mfano, badala ya kuandika "Nataka kuwa tajiri", andika "Nataka kupata dola milioni tano kwa kuanzisha biashara yangu mwenyewe".
#Goalsetting #Goal
Read 8 tweets
vi spiego perché la censura di @facebook è spazzatura.
Stamattina pubblico su #facebook questa tabella: Image
La tabella è reale, viene dal sito del FMI e Facebook non ci può fare niente: Cina, India, Russia e altri paesi “emergenti” stanno sfondando il culo agli Stati Uniti, mentre l'#Ucraina fa un brillante -3%…
Facebook mi dà dell'impostore, e solo per questo meriterebbe un'azione legale. In più mi sanziona (“sanzionare” è una mania dei bimbiminkia americani) con tutte le loro “restrizioni”. Image
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Kutambua vitu vichache katika maisha yako kunaweza kukupeleka mbali sana na kukusaidia kufikia mafanikio makubwa. Hii ni kwa sababu hukusaidia kuzingatia nguvu na rasilimali zako kwenye mambo muhimu na kuyafikia kwa ufanisi. kwa Mfano: Image
🔹Katika kazi: Kuzingatia juu ya mambo machache katika kazi yako kunaweza kukusaidia kuelekeza nguvu zako na rasilimali katika maeneo muhimu zaidi. Hii inaweza kukusaidia kupata ujuzi mkubwa na uzoefu katika maeneo hayo na hivyo kuwa bora zaidi katika kazi yako.
🔹Katika biashara: Kuzingatia biashara yako katika soko maalum au huduma kadhaa inaweza kukupeleka mbali sana. Kwa kuzingatia vitu chache, unaweza kujifunza kuhusu wateja wako vizuri zaidi, kuboresha huduma yako na kufikia malengo yako ya biashara kwa urahisi zaidi.
Read 6 tweets
Habt Ihr ein Konto bei #WhatsApp #Facebook oder #Instagram? Facebook/Meta umgeht den EU-Datenschutz, indem man Eure intimsten Daten neuerdings als „berechtigtes Interesse“ betrachtet. Das ist dreist und vermutlich illegal. Ihr könnt den Spieß umdrehen: [1/3 Thread gerne Teilen!]
Die NGO @NOYBeu hat ein Tool gebaut, mit dem Ihr mit nur wenigen Klicks aktiv EINSPRUCH bei Facebook/Meta erheben könnt. Facebook muss dann EU-gerichtlich beweisen, dass sein Interesse an Euren Daten höher wiegt, als Euer Grundrecht auf Privatsphäre. [2/3]
Geht auf diese Seite: und loggt Euch über den Button bei Facebook ein. Nach der Verifikation Eures Accounts könnt Ihr mit nur einem Klick einen rechtswirksamen Widerspruch an Facebook/Meta in Irland schicken. 🙏 Danke @maxschrems + @noyb! [3/3 share this!]
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With the #RESTRICTAct, #Congress wants to continue #Trump's war on #Tiktok, banning the Chinese-owned service. How will they do this? Congress isn't clear. In practice, banning stuff on the internet is hard, especially without a national firewall:… 1/ A modified vintage editoria...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
My guess is that they're thinking of ordering the #mobile #duopoly of @Google and @Apple to nuke the Tiktok app from their app stores. 3/
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🚨Gouvernance par l'intelligence artificielle #IA : la plus grande tyrannie sans responsabilité

Excellent (et long 😄) article de Brandon Smith, à lire et RT

Ce n'est un secret pour personne que l'establishment mondialiste est obsédé par l'intelligence artificielle (#IA) 🔽
qu'il considère comme une sorte de prophétie technologique. Ils la traitent comme si elle avait un potentiel presque surnaturel et affirment souvent que toute innovation industrielle et sociale importante dans un avenir proche devra son existence à l'IA. Le Forum économique 🔽
mondial cite l'IA comme la clé singulière de l'essor de ce qu'il appelle "la quatrième révolution industrielle". Selon lui, il ne peut y avoir de progrès humain sans l'influence des algorithmes de l'IA, qui rendent l'apport humain presque obsolète. Cette illusion est 🔽
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