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داستان #زمستان_سخت
 اینجا راس لافان٬ بزرگترین بندر مصنوعی جهان با مساحت 4500 هکتار و بزرگترین پایانه صادرات ال‌ان‌جی جهان است. قطر ۲۵ تریلیون مترمکعب ذخایر گاز (١٣٪ از کل ذخایر جهان) دارد. ۲۰٪ از صادرات گاز قطر از #خط_لوله_دلفین به امارات و عمان انجام می‌شود. این همه داستان نیست!
دوحه گاز خود را به شرق صادرمی‌کند و چین قرارداد ۶۰ میلیارد $ با قطر امضاکرد. اروپا نیز ۲۹ میلیارد $ در اَبَرپروژه توسعه میدان #گنبد_شمالی و افزایش ظرفیت صادرات ال‌ان‌جی به ۱۲۶ میلیون تن سرمایه‌گذاری کرده. توتال٬شل و اکسون‌موبیل هرکدام ۶.۲۵٪ و انی و کونوکو هرکدام ۳٪ دراختیاردارند
روسیه اما خطوط لوله را برای صادرات گاز خود برگزید‌; خطوطی که اهمیت #ژئوپلتیک_انرژی در رقابت قدرت‌های بزرگ را نشان داد: کاربرد هوشنمدانه خطوط لوله انرژی برای دستیابی به اهداف ژئوپلتیک. نه تنها اروپا٬‌ بلکه چین بازار اصلی گاز روسیه بوده و اکنون نیز سودای فتح بازار بزرگ هند را دارد.
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2022 in #EastMed - The year’s main energy developments wrapped up in a thread 🧵

#Discoveries, #Borders, #Licensing, #Deals, #Infrastructure and more 👇

🇨🇾 Zeus (op. ENI), 2-3 Tcf
🇨🇾 Cronos (ENI), 2.5 Tcf
🇪🇬 Narges (Chevron), est. 3.5 Tcf
🇪🇬 Meleiha (ENI), 8,500 BOED
🇮🇱 Athena (Energean), 0.4 Tcf
🇮🇱 Hermes (Energean), 0.2-0.5 Tcf
🇮🇱 Zeus (Energean), 0.47 Tcf

Maps: Mees, Energean
More discoveries may be announced soon. Ongoing exploration wells in:

🇮🇱 Hercules (Energean)
🇪🇬 Thuraya (ENI)
Read 28 tweets
Début de la table ronde consacrée à la question des énergies, du climat et de l’environnement et de leurs impacts sur la défense et la géopolitique. Image
avec @N_Mazzucchi du @CESMMarine , Alexandra Nicolas doctorante @UnivTours @Armees_Gouv, Alexandre Taithe chercheur @FRS_org sur les enjeux d'environnement et de défense et Luca Baccarini chercheur associé énergies et géopolitique à @InstitutIRIS
Longtemps espace marginal de la géopolitique malgré ses ressources, la Méd. est demeurée, du moins jusqu’à la guerre en #Ukraine , un territoire de transit. Aujourd’hui, la confluence entre enjeux énergétique, alimentaires et climatiques prend l’allure d’un catalyseur de conflits
Read 25 tweets
AB'nin Rus Gazı Mahrumiyeti ve Türklere Mecburiyeti

Bugün doğalgaz devi Rus #Gazprom şirketi,
Ursula von der Leyen'in başında bulunduğu AB heyetinin Bakü'de doğalgaz anlaşmasına imza attığı sırada Almanya'ya yaptığı doğalgaz akışını durdurması tesadüfi değil.👇
Avrupa'nın bugünlerde 'Güney gaz ve petrol koridorunun kilit ortağı' olarak nitelendirdiği #Azerbaycan, Rusya'nın doğalgaz üretim hacminde olmasa da Avrupa'daki sanayi çarklarının durmasını önleyebilecek en hızlı seçenek. Güney gaz koridoru ise doğrudan Türkiye'dir. 👇
#Ortadoğu gaz ve petrol tedarik ağının vazgeçilmez ülkesi Türkiye, en az maliyetle en güvenli gazı Avrupa'ya ulaştırması bakımından Batı için önemli bir ülkeydi. Artık sandığımızdan da önemli olmak üzere...👇
Read 15 tweets
ICJ decisions similar to the Mediterranean and Islands Sea EEZ and the Continental Shelf problem;

In the 1977-78 Anglo-French Continental Shelf Case, the phrase "equal distance-special circumstances" was accepted as a unified rule. #Türkiye
#greece #EastMed ImageImage
📌It has decided that the border of the continental shelf in the Channel should be the equidistant midline based on the coasts of the mainland countries of the two states. It has been stated that the islands cannot have a continental shelf.⤵️

#France is quiet.🤔
#Greece #EEZ ImageImage
Libya-Tunisia Continental Shelf;ICJ stated that Article 6 of the Convention cannot be applied and accepted the existence of special conditions.
In 1984,the existence of special conditions was accepted in the determination of the maritime boundaries of the Gulf of Maine and LY-MT ImageImage
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A few days ago, I visited #HagiaSophia for the first time since #Erdogan's decision to convert it into a mosque. I was ready to be disappointed but unfortunately, the reality was much worse than my expectations. A thread and some photos of mine 🧵(1/9)
To start with, the reality in the ground is so bad that it the debate about Hagia Sophia being a mosque or a museum sounds fully irrelevant. What's at stake is the very existence of Hagia Sophia. The place is currently CROWDED. Like ABSOLUTELY CROWDED (2/9)
As a museum, you had to buy a ticket, wait in the queue etc. As a mosque, Hagia Sophia is accessible for free to everyone -which is not necessarily a bad idea. BUT you still need to control the flow of the visitors. This is not a modern concert hall, this is an UNESCO site (3/9).
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#UK 🇬🇧 has decided to lift restrictions on arms exports to #Turkey 🇹🇷. This is closely aligned with the on-going 🇬🇧🇹🇷🇮🇹 development of the #Eurofighter by BAE Systems for #Turkey 🇹🇷. #Italy 🇮🇹 #Spain 🇪🇸 #Germany 🇩🇪 may do the same soon, due to the 🇹🇷 Eurofighter production-links.
Some friends/colleagues and Twitter users texted questions on restrictions & wider problems, so here I clarify (I also speak on @trtworld next week):

1️⃣ UK 🇬🇧 has lifted its limited arms restrictions on Turkey 🇹🇷, but it’s not the first one to do so (others may follow) . . .
2️⃣ Why do arms restrictions exist in the first place? Some #EU 🇪🇺 members imposed limited restrictions on arms export licences to 🇹🇷, due to:
- #Eastmed tensions with 🇩🇪🇫🇷🇬🇷🇨🇾
- 🇹🇷 unilateral action in Syria, which could create more migration & positively impact Daesh . . .
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Akdeniz ve Ege MEB ve Kıta Sahanlığı sorununa benzer UAD kararları;

1977-78 İngiltere-Fransa Kıta Sahanlığı Davası’nda "eşit uzaklık-özel durumlar" ifadesi birleşik kural olarak kabul edilmiştir.
#aegean #greece #EastMediterranean #EastMed #stillborn
Manş Denizi’ndeki kıta sahanlığı sınırının,iki devletin ana kara ülkelerinin kıyılarını esas alan eşit uzaklıktaki orta hat olmasına karar vermiştir. Adaların kıta sahanlığına sahip olamayacağı, sadece çevrelenmesi suretiyle bir tür karasuları hakkı kazanabileceği belirtilmiştir.
Libya-Tunus Kıta Sahanlığı Davası’nda da, UAD Sözleşme’nin 6 ncı maddesinin uygulanmayacağını belirtmiş ve özel şartların varlığını kabul etmiştir. Özel şartların varlığı, ayrıca 1984 Maine Körfezi deniz sınırının tespiti ve Libya-Malta ile ilgili kararlarda da kabul edilmiştir.
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New SAMP-T 🚀 talks (@NATO summit) confirms our preliminary @ENC_Europe research findings on 🇫🇷🇹🇷🇮🇹 security & 🇪🇺 cooperation.

Title: Is 🇪🇺🇹🇷 relationship worth saving? Why bilateral relations, defence and energy matter.

Thread 🧵 resume of research below ⬇️👇 [17 points]
First some context, what lay at the root of difficult 🇪🇺🇹🇷🇺🇸 relations (including defence):

•PKK/YPG/PYD threat
•Gulen in 🇺🇸 Pennsylvania
•🇹🇷 trade irritants/non-competitive practices
•Discovery of #Eastmed gas, UNCLOS & #JCPOA 🇮🇷 problems . . .
•🇹🇷 EU membership “diluting 🇪🇺” (🇫🇷)
•🇹🇷 MB sponsoring (🇫🇷)
•🇹🇷 #EastMed provocations & 🇺🇳Libya issue 🇫🇷⛴
•🇹🇷 unilateralism in Syria (🇫🇷)
•International systemic changes (🇺🇸🇨🇳)
•Iraq war and “strategic autonomy”
•S-400s, ☢️Akkayu and Blue&TurkStream ⛽️
•Cyprus 🇨🇾 . . .
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A 🧵 on aspects of the #EU's #StrategicCompass, including #EastMed

1. The release of this document is important in itself. Putting it together was a long and complex process. It was a difficult but valuable effort to bridge MS national interests/concerns & present a cohesive >>
"plan of action for strengthening the EU's #security and #defence policy by 2030."

2. The objective of making the EU "a stronger and more capable security provider" is rather ambitious. Especially since the doc admits that EU security & defense will be complementary to #NATO >>
"which remains the foundation of collective defence for its members".

3. However it should be noted that the objectives under the 1st of the 4 pillars (i.e. Act) can enhance the EU's military and security role. These include:

- a Rapid Deployment Capacity of up to 5000 troops>
Read 14 tweets
🎙️ @Yannis_Maniatis joins @ThanosDavelis to explain why now is the time to re-evaluate the role that energy from the Eastern Mediterranean - with a focus on the #EastMed gas pipeline & #Greece - can play in breaking Europe’s dependence on #Russia. Tune in:…
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🧵On #Turkey-#Israel and talk of a #gas pipeline

After a tour in #Greece and #Cyprus, that aimed at appeasing their concerns, Israeli president was today visiting Turkey in the context of improving bilateral relations. Its the first visit by an Israeli president since 2008. >
Though allies since 1996, relations started to deteriorate as early as 2004 & took a huge blow in 2010 w the #MaviMarmara incident. Not going to get into that or the steps that followed towards normalization.
See this on #Turkey's strategy in the #EastMed in Foreign Policy:…

and this book:…
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If #NATO is the cornerstone of the #West's "foreign" policy? How about its members and informal allies? Do they behave as true allies? Are Western interests and values being protected?

👉 It is hard anymore to distinguish allies from foes!

A thread - 1/10

| @vtchakarova #EU
#Sweden fears an attack by #Russia, and so does #Ukraine. #Taiwan fears an attack by #China. #Armenia fears an attack by both #Azerbaijan and #Turkey. The latter threatens its #NATO ally #Greece but also the #EU-member #Cyprus part of which is under its illegal control. 2/10
#Russia again via #Belarus reminds #Europe (as #Turkey does day in day out) that energy is not the only mean in its arsenal to destablize it - mass inflow of illegal immigrants is as effective - so #Poland like #Greece is fortifying its borders. 3/10
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#Energy cooperation can be part of improved #Israel-#Turkey ties, but it should take a more climate-friendly & regioanlly-inclusive shape compared to past attempts to export Israeli natural gas to Turkey. @GabiAMitchell & I spoke with @MenekseTK @arabnews…
2. When #Israel & #Turkey reconciled in 2016, natural gas export from Israel to Turkey was presented as a major benefit for Israel. However, negotiations didn't yield results due to differences on prices, geopolitical hardships related to pipleline route & lack of mutual trust..
3. Since, #Israel consolidated its strategic ties with #Greece & #Cyprus, warmed ties with #Egypt and is cooperating with these & others via the #EMGF, in which #Turkey isn't a member. Israel isn't likely now to shift direction & seek export via Turkey at the expense of others...
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It’s out! 🎊
My new @ecfr paper on how #Europe can ride the #climate momentum in the #Gulf deploying its #GreenDeal to meet #NetZero & #geopolitical objectives in the region ➡️
Read b4 #COP26 #COP26Glasgow
Few take-aways 1/ Image
Good that #SaudiArabia & #UAE have pledged #NetZero but #GCC total domestic emissions are only 2.4% of world’s. The #EU needs to focus on the emissions they export, mostly to #China, I argue how: 2/
As shown by the #SaudiGreenInitiative & #MiddleEastGreenInitiative + #UAE willingness to host #COP 28, the #GCC leaders now see a political value in embracing the #climate agenda. This paper described what each #GCC country is actually *doing* about it: 3/
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1/ The summit cements the strong trilateral relations in #EastMed and proves that their alliance in neither reactionary nor temporary.
It is also multi-modal with economic, political, and security aspects.
3/ As @YanniKouts said on @skynewsarabia this is the first time to have electricity link between Europe and Africa.
Also liquifying Cyprus gas will help ease EU dependency on Russian gas…
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With #Turkey visiting #Egypt to normalize relations and an upcoming FM Summit between #Cyprus, #Greece, #Israel and #UAE on security and economy it seems that we have two parallel geopolitical dynamics shaping.


A. Turkey is trying to disrupt the emergent block of cooperation in the #Eastmed (that includes extra-regional actors) and deny international power multipliers from #Greece and #Cyprus in particular. Plus it promotes a different regional status quo, including on maritime zones. >
B. In parallel, #Greece, #Cyprus, #Israel and #UAE are trying to set up a different mechanism that will not be restricted by the dynamics & monothematic character of #EMGF. [UAE are unable to enter EMGF due to Palestinian veto]. This will allow them to enhance cooperation in >>
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Comments on #Turkey's policy in the #EastMed alongside colleague @JMJalel_H.

Elaborated thoughts in thread below, including about today's Greek-Turkish meeting/press conference>
#Turkey is currently following a two-fold strategy in the broader #EasternMediterranean. On the one hand it embarked, at least ostensibly, on an effort to normalize its relations with a number of regional countries including #Egypt, #Israel, #Greece, #France and the #UAE. >
Ankara expects that this will convince the #US and #EU that it adopted a more pro-western and constructive foreign policy orientation. Both the talks with #Greece and the developments in the #Cyprus process aim to appease the EU, advance Turkish-EU relations, and >>
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This is big!

My article: #Cyprus and #Israel agree to let gas companies thrash out protracted dispute

The #EastMed pipeline could be in place in five years, Israeli Energy Minister says…
After nine years of discussions, Cyprus and Israel have reached what was described as a “breakthrough” agreement on guidelines for the basis on which the companies operating in the Aphrodite and Yishai gas fields will be able to start negotiations for commercial exploitation.
The EastMed pipeline could be in place in five years, Israeli Minister of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources, Yuval Steinitz, has told the Cyprus News Agency (CNA), describing it as an extremely important project.
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TR and GR held 60 rounds of #exploratory talks over the course of 14 years. During this time, we have only seen a growing difference in parties’ claims, instead of a sign of reconciliation. Let’s hope, this new round of talks will be different and bring the peace the region needs
If TR gives up Libya deal, we might see a compromise. If not, no one should expect something useful from this new round of talks. Those who blindly support the #TR-Libya deal should understand how arbitrarily the Libya #map was evolved by only looking at the historic developments
With a Diplomatic Note on March 2, 2004, Turkey first time declared its continental shelf areas in the west of meridian 32°16’18”E. There was no hint on the Eastern and Western terminus of the boundary by then. Image
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In the context of recent terrorist attacks in France & after a week of outrage in Muslim countries over the Charlie Hebdo caricature, @EmmanuelMacron gave a long interview to @AJArabic today to counter misunderstandings and misinformation about his recent statements. Key points:
1/ Macron started by recalling that France had been attacked multiple times by extremists who were distorting the message of Islam and regretted that disinformation had been spread on social media about the situation.
2/ He recalled the roots of FR secularism based on the protection of freedom of speech & freedom of religion: a long struggle between the state and the Catholic Church and where caricatures on all religions (& politicians) are a tradition.
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THREAD – One of the many questions related to the #US election next week is the future of American engagement in the #MiddleEast. All actors in the region are already hedging their bets. But what about #Europe’s interest in the Middle East & North Africa ?
Through 50+ interviews, I have looked back at the evolution of transatlantic cooperation in the MENA region since the end of the Cold War & tried in this @WashInstitute piece to assess the potential implications of the US election next week.…
Let’s start with a paradox: while for many in the MENA, Europe & the US represent the « West », there is no clear “Western” framework of cooperation about the Middle East.
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I understand @ishaantharoor may not have chosen the title and that presenting this as a clash of two leaders’ ego is catchy. But this is missing major issues, at least four of them :
1/ How it started: there is a constant disregard in reports for the fact that FR-TUR tensions started and continue in Northeastern #Syria because Ankara’s milit interventions disturbed the fight c/ #ISIS. Why is it important ?
Because the US was the main player on the ground and the failure to find an understanding with TUR led to the escalation we saw in October 2019 when TUR intervened and the US withdrew without consulting its European allies.
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#Erdogan’s cult lust for blood is incredibly sick.
They are not tired of fanning the flame of wars everywhere.
Pure evil.
#Armenia is a tiny country sieged from all directions; already suffering from the legacy of genocide and communism!
Shame on @NATO
#Erdogan has managed to kickstart a new episode of religious tension/ wars in the Middle East.
The whole world could pay a hefty price for that.
Name ONE current conflict in the Middle East, #EastMed, and Caucasus #Erdogan is NOT involved in?
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