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Al igual que Bruce Willis en El Sexto Sentido, el rebote de las bolsas desde octubre está muerto solo que él aún no lo sabe.

Veamos por qué.

Va 🧵 Image
Para mí ésta es una realidad tan claramente observable que no es necesario recurrir a ningún tipo de dato exotérico. Lo voy a demostrar con herramientas tan sencillas que hasta están al alcance del operador más torpe.
Para empezar, el 27 de agosto pasado comenté que las opciones alcistas pasaban por superar el 4330 en el #sp500 y que por debajo había mucho que perder y casi nada a ganar.

Por debajo de ese nivel solo habrá ruido hasta que se vea una verdadera capitulación de mercado. Image
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Tweet mañanero y Cuenta atrás.


La inflación se combate con calidad
y no con cantidad
En las últimas semanas, esa ofensiva contra cripto ha ido ganando adeptos y ha destrozado bastantes infraestructuras. Por un lado, estaría totalmente justificada, por el otro, no son precisamente salvadores quienes levantan el hacha una y otra vez.
Es la guerra de las familias contra todas las #criptos que no puedan controlar o que podrían representar independencia económica a nivel individual. También está la otra guerra, la de las familias de la agenda pulverizada contra opciones contrarias en plan de tierra quemada.
Read 34 tweets
Make of it what you will...

But, the weight of the evidence tells us this current market environment is not bull market behavior…

Charts in the comments 📈📉👇

Read 10 tweets
Tuesday Top Crypto News.

Everything you need to know in one short thread…
According to the Wall Street Journal (#WSJ) Coinbase Global (#COIN) told clients on Monday it’s no longer supporting #Signet, the real-time payments network of failed #SignatureBank.
The #Crypto #Fear and #Greed Index has hit its highest index score this year, reaching levels not seen since #Bitcoin posted its all-time high in November 2021.
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Tweet mañanero y Cuenta atrás.

No metas tus perras en la fondue de queso
Nos espera una semana interesantísima. Un cierto respiro para los bancos y relacionados, tiempo que ganan para encontrar una solución al dilema. El miércoles, el papelón de Powell.

El fin de semana ha visto a los directivos y muchos empleados en las oficinas, incluso a horas intempestivas. No tan solo en los bancos bajo fuego directo (Credit Suisse, #FRB, Deutsche Bank) reconocido oficialmente.
Read 30 tweets
#Trump ‘not far away from #truth’ on #Ukraine#Kremlin | Jan 27
- “Indeed, should the US President wish to put an end to this conflict, he could do it very quickly, using the opportunity to simply give instructions to the #Kiev regime,” #Peskov on Friday… Image
Google Hides The Main #Reason For America"s #Arming Of #Ukraine | Jan 28
- Google’s censorship policy removes links to #SouthFront for 2 years. #Twitter and #FB also began to delete links to SF articles long before any sanctions against SF were introduced Image
Read 17 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, analyse de l'entreprise @PepsiCo @pepsicofrance 🫗

📚 Histoire
🤪 Anecdotes
🌲 Écologie
🆚 Concurrents
🏦 Action
💸 Business
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
📈 Régression linéaire
👑 Dividendes
📊 Sondage
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

📚 Histoire 1/2

🔸 Marque 🇺🇸 de soda 🥤 et snacks 🍫
🔹 Siège social à New York 📍
🔸 Entrée en bourse le 13/01/1978 🗓️
🔹 Indice de référence #NYSE 📊
🔸 +300'000 employés 👥
🔹 Présent dans +200 pays 🌎

📚 Histoire 2/2

🏭 1893: Fondée par Caleb Bradham un pharmacien

📈 1931: Charles Guth reprend la société avec une nouvelle stratégie marketing

🥇 1950: pub "The Pepsi Challenge" propulse la marque aux 🇺🇸

🥔 1965: Fusion avec Frito-Lay pour devenir leader des chips

Read 18 tweets
Crypto #options must overcome a massive demand gap for it to be a meaningful on-chain sector, and we are nowhere near there.

Here is a simple mental model to ponder over the demand for crypto options. 🧵 👇

#Options have traditionally played second fiddle to the spot and futures market in crypto.

However, we are witnessing an increase in interest in options lately as protocols like @dopex_io @ribbonfinance @lyrafinance @opyn_ @PremiaFinance are gaining traction within CT.

The #options market in #TradFi is massive, with daily volumes in the billions.

Options volume on single-name stocks soared during 2020 and 2021, exacerbated by the rise of retail investors.

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Read 27 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, analyse de l'entreprise @CoterraEnergy🔋

📚 Histoire
🤪 Anecdotes
🌲 Écologie
🆚 Concurrents
🏦 Action
💸 Business
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
📈 Régression linéaire
👑 Dividendes
📊 Sondage
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

📚 Histoire 1/2

🔸 Entreprise pétrolière et gazière indépendante🇺🇸
🔹 Siège social à Houston, Texas📍
🔸 Entrée en bourse le 08/02/1990🗓️
🔹 Indice de référence #NYSE📊
🔸 ~1'300 employés👥
🔹 Présence dans quelques pays (USA, Canada, Trinité-et-Tobago, ...)🌎

📚 Histoire 2/2

🏭 1989: Entreprise fondée par Dan O. Dinges, actuel CEO

⛽️ 1990: Début d'opérations dans le Golf du Mexique

🏦 2006: IPO au #NYSE

☁️ 2009: Découverte d'une grande réserve de Schistes de Marcellus

🌎 2013: Activité étendue au Canada et Trinité-et-Tobago

Read 18 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, analyse de l'entreprise @PublicisGroupe 📢

📚 Histoire
🤪 Anecdotes
🌲 Écologie
🆚 Concurrents
🏦 Action
💸 Business
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
📈 Régression linéaire
👑 Dividendes
📊 Sondage
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

📚 Histoire 1/2

🔸 Entreprise de communication🇫🇷
🔹 Siège social à Paris📍
🔸 Entrée en bourse le 09/06/1970🗓️
🔹 Indice de référence #CAC40📊
🔸 +100'000 employés👥
🔹 Présence dans +100 pays🌎

📚 Histoire 2/2

🥸 1926: Entreprise fondée par Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet (l'homme "de la rue")

📺 1936: 1ère offre multimédia et émergence du marketing

🏅 1986: Top 20 monde des groupes de communication

🏦 2000: Introduction au #NYSE

Read 17 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, analyse de l'entreprise @BestBuy 💻

📚 Histoire
🤪 Anecdotes
🌲 Écologie
🆚 Concurrents
🏦 Action
💸 Business
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
📈 Régression linéaire
👑 Dividendes
📊 Sondage
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

📚 Histoire 1/2

🔸 Entreprise vente de matériel électronique🇺🇸
🔹 Siège social au Minnesota📍
🔸 Entrée en bourse le 19/04/1985🗓️
🔹 Indice de référence #NYSE📊
🔸 +105'000 employés👥
🔹 +1'600 magasins dans le monde🌎

📚 Histoire 2/2

🤠 1966: Créateur Richard M. Schulze sous le nom Sound of Music

™️ 1983: Rebaptisé en Best Buy

🇨🇦 2004: Ouverture premier magasin au Québec

🇪🇺 2013: Best Buy quitte le marché européen

Read 17 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, analyse de l'entreprise @DanoneFR🥛

📚 Histoire
🤪 Anecdotes
🌲 Écologie
🆚 Concurrents
🏦 Action
💸 Business
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
📈 Régression linéaire
👑 Dividendes
📊 Sondage
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

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📚 Histoire 1/2

🔸 Entreprise multinationale alimentaire🇫🇷
🔹 Siège social à @Paris📍
🔸 Entrée en bourse en 1989🗓️
🔹 Indice de référence #CAC40📊
🔸 Leader sur les produits laitiers frais🥇
🔹 +100'000 employés 👥
🔸 Présent dans +120 pays 🌎

📚 Histoire 2/2

👥 1919: Isaac Carasso crée Danone à Barcelone

🤝 1973: Fusion entre Danone et Boussois-Souchon-Neuvesel

🇺🇸 1998: Entrée de Danone au #NYSE

🏅 2012: 4 axes
🔹produits laitiers frais🥇
🔹eaux minérales🥈
🔹alimentation infantile🥈
🔹nutrition médicale🥇

Read 17 tweets
#VLRM look to get final confirmation of the #GSX deal, morphing from basically a Spac into one of the world's first fully regulated exchanges crossing the digital divide, between #fiat & #crypto!
So for under 12 Million MCAP what's currently not priced in & what can we expect...
🔥The #GSX is a regulated exchange market (Tier 1 exchange) which also holds an Multi-Lateral Trading Facility ("MTF") licence for the listing of specific forms of security under MiFID.
#markets #StocksToBuy #stockstoinvest #Aquis #aim
🔥#Juno - 3 areas of licensed operations cover the formation & management of trusts & similar entities, the administration of funds, a broad range of activities, like fiat & crypto currencies & the formation & management of companies in #Gibraltar / jurisdictions worldwide.
Read 16 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, je vous présente une analyse de l'entreprise :

🪥 Colgate Palmolive @CP_News

📚 Histoire
🤪 Anecdotes
🌲 Écologie
🆚 Concurrents
🏦 Action
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
👑 Dividendes
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

1/13 Image
📚 Histoire 1/2

🔸 Entreprise 🇺🇸
🔹 Produits d'hygiène bucco-dentaire, soins du corps, entretien maison, alimentation animale... 🧼
🔸 Rentre au #NYSE en 1930 📊
🔹 Leader dans plusieurs secteurs 🥇
🔸 Siège 🇪🇺 en 🇨🇭
🔹 +33'800 employés 👥
🔸 Présent dans +200 pays 🌎

📚 Histoire 2/2

👥 1806: William Colgate lança une entreprise de savon et bougies à New York

🪥 1908: début vente en masse dentifrice

🤝 1928: Fusion Colgate et Palmolive

🗓️ 2000-2022: Acquisition de 5 nouvelles compagnies

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Read 13 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, je vous présente une analyse sur une action bien connue du S&P 500.

🛠️ @CocaCola

📚 Histoire
🤪 Fun Facts
🌲 Écologie
🏦 Action
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
👑 Dividendes
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

1/12 Image
📚 Histoire 1/2

🔸 Marque🇺🇸 de soda🥤
🔹 Création en 1886 🗓️
🔸 Entrée en bourse en 1919 #NYSE 📊
🔹 Top 10 des marques les plus connus au monde🏅
🔸 Commercialise +200 marques ™️ et +3000 produits
🔹 +700'000 employés 👥
🔸 Présent dans +200 pays 🌎
🔹 863 usines 🏭

📚 Histoire 2/2

👨‍🔬 John Stith Pemberton: inventeur de la formule et vendu 5cts le verre par la pharmacie Jacob's

™️ Même calligraphie pour le logo depuis le début

📈 Asa Griggs Candler transforma l'invention en véritable entreprise

🫗 +1.9Mds de boissons dégustées/jour

Read 12 tweets
☄️ Teknoloji hisseleri hazır sert düşmüşken,

geleceğin teknolojisi hangi şirketlerde diye baktım

Robotik, 5G, yapay zeka gibi oldukça fütürist şirketlerin olduğu yatırım fonları buldum

Bahsetmek isterim 👇🏻
🦾 Robotik

Fon: $BOTZ


İçinde 42 hisse var

Küresel robotik pazarı, 2020'de 23 milyar dolardı

2026’ya kadar neredeyse üç katına çıkarak 74 milyar dolara ulaşabileceğini söylüyor

Robotik ve yapay zeka şirketlerine yatırım yapıyor

Son bir yılda iyi tokat yedi
💥 Yıkıcı Teknolojiler

Fon: $DTEC


En geniş fütürist fonlardan

3D baskı tek.’dan yapay zekaya hatta siber güvenliğe ve IoT’a kadar 10 farklı fütürist teknoloji var içinde.

Yaklaşık 100 hisse var içinde
Read 5 tweets
🔍 #Analyse #Bourse

Aujourd'hui, je vous présente une analyse sur une action bien connue du S&P 500.

🛠️ @StanleyBlkDeckr

📚 Histoire
🤪 Fun Facts
🏦 Action
📊 Analyse fondamentale
❤️‍🩹 Analyse value
👑 Dividendes
💬 Mon avis

🧵 #Thread

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📚 Histoire

🔸 Fabricant 🇺🇸 d'outillages de bricolage et jardinage
🔹 Entreprise fondée en 1910 🗓️
🔹 Entrée en bourse en 1936 #NYSE 📊
🔸 Commercialise 11 marques ™️
🔹 Filiale @facom_fr 🧰
🔸 +60'000 employés 👥
🔹 Présent dans +60 pays 🌎
🔸 +100 usines 🏭

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🤪 Fun Facts

🥇 1er fabricant d'outils 🇺🇸

5⃣0⃣ outils vendus chaque seconde

🔩 Inventeur de la perceuse électrique portative

👨‍🔬 Focus recherche et innovation (+45 nouveaux produits par an)

Read 9 tweets
Abro hilo comentando cómo veo la actual situación de los mercados por si a alguien le sirve de ayuda.

Las perspectivas me parecen muy poco claras por lo que cualquier planteamiento hay que tomarlo con pinzas.


Por dar un poco de contexto comentaba en mi artículo de Perspectivas para 2022 que esperaba un año muy lateralizado con correcciones para los índices de entre el 10 y el 20% #SP500.…

Pero nada más empezar el año la línea avance-descenso del #Nyse mostró una clara divergencia bajista que, unida al contexto general, me llevó a considerar un escenario más negativo reflejado en #BuyTheRIP…
Read 26 tweets
🌙#T3OccultAstrology NEW MOON JULY 28 2022
Duration: July 26/31
#KeyVibration of this #PriestKings #NewMoon is a synergistic expression of forced transformation: extremity, brutality, #tyranny, #rebellion, violence, death, energy, #BigMoney - resulting in sudden losses.
+1 ImageImage
The #StateOfTheNation is a global concern.
Looking back at planetary alignments during the US #CivilWar, this July #NewMoon is very similar.
As life becomes increasingly difficult globally via tyrannical government entities, I think it prudent to exercise survival tactics. ImageImageImageImage
Question every event at this time.
Trust no vassal government CEO.
The energetic forces of Mars during this #NewMoon transiting🔴Uranus thru Aug 2, then🟥Saturn thru Aug 8, is suspect.
Watch for violence to increase and #PriestKings #FalseFlag ops.
Read 19 tweets
Minimal change from last week...

Nothing to get excited about...

Go outside to play golf or go fishing... it's much more fun!

$SPY $ACWI $SPX #NYSE #NASDAQ $COMPX $NYA #stocks @allstarcharts @cvpayne
Read 4 tweets
As always patience is tested in these markets & that also applies to #VLRM... everyone wants the #GSX approval done yesterday. But as with everything the best things come to those wait & remain patient. Purchasing the #Gibraltar Stock Exchange is a a major deal by any standards!
But these things take time, that's the reality especially when governments see these assets as very important for their financial sector stability & growth. Both @RPoulden & @FrontierFinance want this wrapped up quickly in order to move onto the next phase of there global plan.
Myself and all LTHs are in this for the major re-rate, it will happen IMHO - sooner than people think!The eventual plan is to create a multi billion global exchange. But as with anything it has to be done right first time and this involves working hand in hand with the GIB Gov.
Read 25 tweets
TC #Energy (#TSX: $TRP)(#NYSE: $TRP) is a reliable bet to generate a regular inflow of cash amid all market conditions. This energy infrastructure giant owns a low-risk portfolio of regulated and contracted assets that account for most of its earnings and easily cover its payouts
Further, it makes it relatively immune to the economic cycles. It’s worth mentioning that TC Energy’s 95% of adjusted EBITDA is generated through the regulated and long-term contracted assets.
It implies that its payouts are very safe. Further, the company increased its dividend at a CAGR of 7% over the past 22 years. What’s more, TC Energy offers an attractive yield of 5%.
Read 5 tweets
For the first time, Valereum's new Bridge Financial Platform will provide a tradeable #NFT on multiple crypto exchanges that will securely link specific fiat listed securities (shares) and listed debt of all kinds - from Alibaba to Zoom and from Chinese debt to US Treasuries.
Purchasers trading a Valereum launched Bridge NFT can be sure it is backed by the underlying security due to the use of the Mattereum Asset Passport. This is a world leading financial innovation to create 24/7/365 digital trading bridging the Crypto world to the fiat world.
The NFT sector is projected to move around $800 billion over next 2 years!
#crypto #cryptocurrency #NFTs #blockchain #adoption #VLRM #NFTcommunity
Read 11 tweets
10 Predictions For Blockchain, Crypto Assets, DeFi, And NFTs For 2022 onwards! @ValereumPLC @FrontierFinance
1. Bitcoin price reaches $100,000 USD & the crypto asset market grows in breadth and depth
2. Ethereum undergoes upgrade & remains the dominant smart contract platform
3. #Crypto investments become more sustainable
Issuers of #ETPs, #crypto #exchanges, mining companies, & financial institutions are interested in offering #green products & services to their customers
4. #Web3 infrastructure paves the way for the decentralization of the internet
5. #NFTs and #blockchain-based gaming become a source of income
It remains exciting to wait for the dawn of the multi-chain world. Once value transfers are seamless across different crypto-universes, this could spur a new wave of adoption, and the NFT and blockchain-based gaming
Read 20 tweets

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