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2)which underscores the need for close supervision of these patients."

Let's take a look at their rationale for their conclusion.

Of 9940 patients who received 3 or more #opioid prescriptions over an 8 years, 51 experienced an #overdose, 6 of the 51 experienced a fatal event.
3)The researchers did not make the yearly data available, nor did they provide data on any known prior history of Substance Use Disorder #SUD within the #Patient population.

It's impossible to determine how they performed their calculations to obtain these results.
4)While they did provide percentage risk based on MME dosages, they also Risk based folks multipliers which obscures actual risk. The highest percentage of risk reported based on MME dosage was less than 2%,

Limitation: Low OD Rate 🙄🤦‍♂️…
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Just doing some digging. #Pain is extremely nuanced. And the approach should also. W my kids #health & #pain there has been continued lack of knowledge, assumptions, & unwillingness to understand.
➡️#Anatomy of those that had #TPAIT & lack of understanding
by many docs 1
how this can impact #pain
➡️ Not identify or understanding impact of #MalabsorptionSyndrome
➡️Assumption that removal of #pancreas should immediately ‘solve’ issue of #ChronicPain
➡️ #GastricEmptying issues
➡️ Age of my kids (too young to have #pain)
➡️ Lack of 2
understanding & identification of #MedicalTrauma
➡️T3c #Diabetes
➡️ Impact of #NASH on #pain & options for #care

There are numerous factors that are critical in #Treating an #ChronicPain in #Individuals. They list of few listed above that are factors w my kids, have often 3
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Reviewing some #NorthDakota information surrounding #prescribed #opioids.
#OpioidPrescriptions #declined 34% from 2006 to 2020

Statement in poster ➡️ ‘Since 2007 every state has been working to address the #opioid epidemic & best practices are now understood’

Are they? 1
In the #Conclusion
➡️ nothing that addresses the #harm of #patients that struggled with #chronicpain. #Nothing re #outcomes of those #abandoned by #physicians & removed from #prescribed #opioids. Nothing about the looming disaster of last #physicians that #prescribe in 2 Image
#NorthDakota leaving. #Patients having no recourse. #NorthDakota absolutely has growth in area of serving those w #SUD yet in their pursuit to do this, they have #harmed those w #chronicpain & continue to exclude them in discussions or acknowledge these #harms. @hhsndgov 3
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#BuzzWords in #Healthcare that often mean nothing: #PatientEngagement, #PatientCenteredCare #SharedDecisionMaking
Studies have demonstrated for years that IF #patients are #authentically involved in #care outcomes are better, yet, too often the above words thrown out to 1
attract, yet no actions follow.
How often have you been asked your desired outcome of #Healthcare?
How often are you asked about barriers to healthcare or recommendations?
How often are plans focused only on med issue?
How often do you feel your #voice is truly #valued in 2
your own #careplanning?
How often do you feel there is collaboration between all doctors OR do you feel at times doc have competing or conflicting recommendations?

#Patients voice should be central. #LetMeHearYourVoice 3
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1⃣/9⃣ #COVID19 lockdowns disrupted normal life, including access to healthcare. We conducted 3⃣studies📰 on chiropractic #patients in Spain 🇪🇸 who were isolated & couldn't receive their usual care 👩‍⚕️.

🌟Here's what we found…👇👀 Image
2⃣/9⃣ We gathered observational cross-sectional data from 648 #patients across Spain 🇪🇸 during the strictest phase of the #COVID19 lockdown (April 2020).

🔴Participants were experiencing acute or chronic #pain at the time of the survey.… @SciReports👇
3⃣/9⃣ 🦠 #COVID19 wasn't just a #PhysicalHealth crisis. Influenced by multiple factors, including #anxiety & pandemic-related outcomes, pain worsened ⬆️ during lockdown 😰💭

🔴Time to consider the #biopsychosocial implications of the #pandemic & lockdowns!
#MentalHealth👇 Image
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#EncéphalomyéliteMyalgique et #CovidLong : la demande de prise en compte du #MalaisePostEffort et des risques de #MPE (respectivement) n'est pas une #lubie de #patients mais elle est aussi mise en exergue dans des études.
La récente mise à jour des #fichespratiques @HAS_sante
comprend d'ailleurs une mise à jour de la fiche #kinésithérapie #réentrainementàleffort qui propose :
🔹un bilan diagnostique
🔹des contenus de séances adaptés au patient notamment si ses symptômes sont exacerbés après l'effort
🔹un algorithme d'aide à la décision du kiné face
à une réaction cardiovasculaire inappropriée à l'effort (…).
Respecter le vécu des patients c'est aussi :
🔹éviter des prises en charge à risques pour eux, même si c'est très contre-intuitif car allant à rebours de ce qui est recommandé pour la majorité
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a 🧵 In prep 4 today's 1pm @SenateHELP hearing on making #insulin affordable.
On graph: list price is roughly = net price (what pharma collects) + "rebates"/fees collected by Pharmacy Benefit Managers (#PBM) .

According 2 a 2021 @SenFinance "rebates" alone accounted for…… Image
@SenateHELP @SenFinance @BernieSanders @SenBillCassidy @BoesingLoretta @NSmithholt12 @Free2CareHC @MsPattiPatti @nickjonas @tomhanks @VWOfficial @alldiabetesnews 2. With #PBM making most of the $ In the Insulin market (and for other meds) it's wild that there is little #transparency for PBM.
All of the red ovals show places where we cant see the $
Pic from our @Free2CareHC report:… Image
3. If @SenateDems and @SenateGOP and @USCongress and @POTUS want to remedy the cost of Insulin and other drugs, hopefully they won't make the same mistake they did with the Inflation reduction act, "USA will NEVER solve the drug pricing problem without PBM reform – and instead……
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🙏 @GwenFauchois & honte vraiment aux #parlementaires qui en 3 ans n'ont rien compris ni appris.
En espérant que les 2.000 soignants concernés ne seront pas au contact des #patients puisqu'il est des pathologies - comme les #séquelles d'1 infection #SARSCoV2 auxquelles nous
sommes #tousvulnérables.
Le @WHO alerte sur le fait qu'1 infection sur 10 aboutit à 1 condition post covid nécessitant une prise en charge par le système de santé, pour atténuer les symptômes &l non pas guérir puisqu'à date le rétablissement & apprendre à vivre autrement sont
2/ Image
les seuls horizons qui s'offrent à une partie des #covidlong.
Jouer sciemment à la roulette russe avec une si forte probabilité et jusque dans les lieux de soins, sans qu'aucun parlementaire ne s'en émeuve, illustre un sacré échec de la France en tant que pays scientifique.
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[World #IBSAwarenessMonth] Dear #HCPs👩‍⚕️ & #Microbiota community👨‍🔬, April is dedicated to raising awareness about #IrritableBowelSyndrome

During the month, @Microbiota_Inst will provide you with content about #IBS, a common & complex #disease

#GutHealth #LetsTalkIBS #thread👇 Image
[World #IBSAwarenessMonth]

🔎 You will:
👉better understand the🔗between #IBS & #microbiota
👉discover potential ways to manage the #disease
👉learn to make a #diagnosis with our #CME courses, #videos & a professionally designed #tool
👉improve communication with your #patients
[World #IBSAwarenessMonth]

1️⃣ In this sequence, learn more about the link between #microbiota and #IrritableBowelSyndrome.

#IBS #MedTwitter #GITwitter #GutHealth #LetsTalkIBS #DGBI #FGID #GIfellows #TakeIBSSeriously

Take a look! 👇 Image
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Warning ⚠️ ⛔️ : Uncomfortable Thread 🪡
My tweets lately have focused on my daughter’s #healthcare at @SanfordHealth & our struggle to access appropriate & compassion care where her agency is not taken away. I know the threads my be uncomfortable for some particularly if you 1
are a #medical professional. I am aware that many are thinking 💭‘what’s the back story’, ‘something they did caused this no #medical facility or #medical #professional would partake in this’. I get that. There IS a back story. A child at 2 wks having her 1st #hereditary 2
#pancreatitis flare. In 1st grade undergoing her 1st #transplant. In 6th grade undergoing 2nd #transplant. Complications, no real follow up. Complications being ignored. Physicians both on #transplant team as well as others questioning her symptoms, her #pain. Dismissing & 3
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1/As promised & after reading $CRSP latest Q4 2022 #financial #report here is my impression regarding @CRISPRTX latest corporate status. I have focused only on the main issues that I found to be the most interesting & relevant. #CRISPR #BioTech #FinTwit #Genomics #GeneEditing 🧵 CRISPR Therapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company focused on
2/IMO the most significant corporate event in Q4 was $CRSP announcement that regulatory Exa-cel submissions of both #SickleCell & #BetaThalassemia validated in the #EU & #UK & that the @US_FDA BLA submission is on track by the end of Q1 ‘23 - possibly reaching the #markets in ‘23 Regulatory submissions complete for exagamglogene autotemcel
3/Exa-cel/CTX001 - the key program in $CRSP portfolio, is an #autologous Ex-Vivo #CRISPR/#Cas9 #GeneEditing therapy aimed for patients suffering from #TDT or severe #SCD. The latest readout for both programs was phenomenal with 42/44 TDT & 31/31(!) demonstrated remarkable results 3/Exa-cel - formally known as CTX001 and the key program in
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@ePatientDave @janoldenburg @MightyCasey @HealthPrivacy Been stewing on this actually @ePatientDave .
It's the same problem @claudiawilliams and @HITpolicywonk raised.
In sum, a state can require certain behavior of a #licensed #professional that may be inconsistent with #HIPAA right of #access, or #CLIA rules, or (1/several)
@ePatientDave @janoldenburg @MightyCasey @HealthPrivacy @claudiawilliams @HITpolicywonk Or even @ONC_HealthIT. The issue is which rules win?
The first principle is that accessing your own health info is a privacy right.
There's a clear rule about state laws that give fewer rights, like making it cost more than #HIPAA says it should. Those are preempted 2/
@ePatientDave @janoldenburg @MightyCasey @HealthPrivacy @claudiawilliams @HITpolicywonk @ONC_HealthIT The second principle is that legislatures dictate license terms to keep patients "safe."
So here, some states are adding physician requirements about labs to keep patients safe. It's a theoretically different line of law entirely, but it's crashing into the first principle 3/
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NEW: Many congratulations to @texmed, @AdamCorley, & @TxRadSociety on launching their *fourth* #NoSurprisesAct #lawsuit against @HHSGov, @CMSGov, @USTreasury, & @USDOL.

This filing challenges the government's decision to impose a 600% increase in administrative #IDR...

...fees and the requirement to batch by the same #CPT code.

⏰ Time is running out, and #regulators must be compelled to stand up and operate a fully-functioning, fair, accessible, & *timely* IDR process, just like the law prescribed.


#NSA #fixitnow #badreg #IDRE
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📢 Mercredi soir @Food_reward, présidente de notre association, a participé à la réunion d'appui scientifique sur le #CovidLong du @Sante_Gouv, groupe de travail qui a pour but de “conseiller et orienter concrètement l’action du gouvernement.

Fil à lire🧵⬇️
🔊 A cette occasion, notre association a pu insister sur l'urgence d'#actions concrètes pour faire avancer
- la #communication au grand public #Prevention,
- les #formations des professionnels de santé
- la #PriseEnCharge des patients avec en action prioritaire la mise en place de la #loiCovidLong du 24 janvier 2022.

🎤 Nous souhaitons que 2023 permette à ce que la feuille de route sur le Covid Long soit enfin mise en œuvre et nous attendons la mise en place prochaine
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2/5 "But, as the researchers expected, the brains of #Alzheimer’s patients had higher amounts of #insoluble #Aβ #fibrils, the form of #amyloid #protein that aggregates to form the telltale “#plaques” seen in the #disease,..."
3/5 "... higher levels of #fibrillary #amyloid appear to be a better indicator of #poorer #brain #health."
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J'ai suivi la seconde partie des #voeux aux #soignants du président @EmmanuelMacron
Si beaucoup salue son diagnostic, je déplore que les #patients n'aient été envisagés que via le prisme, même s'il existe, de ceux qui par leurs recours abusifs aggravent la situation du système
de santé.
Les #patientspartenaires #patientsexperts auxquels il croit pourtant et que la @HAS_sante notamment, mais d'autres comme @PatientsComPaRe associent aux travaux sont les oubliés de ce diagnostic.
Pourtant leur formation et leur vécu expérimentiel en font des acteurs
incontournables des #RETEX, de par au moins la double casquette académique (DU patients experts / partenaires etc.) et vécue (voire pour certains des compétences conseil, conduite du changement, SI). Leur implication dans les #CNR Santé, au-delà de la réunion initiale par
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1/@GraphiteBio presented preclinical results supporting the use of a single-#cell #RNA #sequencing method to assess #gene correction outcomes in #patients treated with nulabeglogene autogedtemcel (nula-cel) - GPH-101. #BioTech #CRISPR #GeneEditing #Genomics $GRPH #ASH22 GraphiteBio presented precl...
2/GPH101 (nula-cel) is a #CRISPR #Cas9 #GeneEditing autologous #stem #cell-based #therapy in clinical development aimed to treat #SickleCellDisease. GPH101 is designed to directly correct the underlying mutation, thereby decreasing HbS production & restoring HbA expression #ASH22 GPH101 (nula-cel) is a CRIS...
3 $GRPH gene correction platform involves editing hematopoietic #stem cells found in the #bonemarrow that develop into various types of #blood #cells. Since red blood cells lose their genomic DNA during maturation-tracking #GeneEditing in mature cells via sequencing is impossible Graphite bio’s gene correct...
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Merci à @winslow_la et @autodefsanitair pour leur communiqué de #soutien aux #médecins en grève
Quand d'autres associations de patients, à l'instar de @Fr_Assos_Sante dont je n'ai toujours pas digéré le communiqué de presse du 17/11/2022 parce que leur analyse patients centrée
ne leur a pas permis de considérer le besoin de respecter les (futurs) soignants (…).
Les médecins ne sont pas taillables et corvéables à merci.
Les médecins de sont pas tous d'odieux pontes ne pensant qu'à remplir leur piscine.
Les médecins présents sur
les réseaux le sont sur leur temps perdo et ils n'ont donc pas vocation à exprimer (toutes) les attentes des patients - d'ailleurs pourquoi les harceler eux, qui sont déjà concernés, et par nos élus qui sont majoritairement #horsol en matière de santé publique ?
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Je ne supporte plus cette #indécence des #patients pour qui les #médecins devraient être taillables et corvéables à merci.
🔹Avez-vous @DewagheF juste tenté un instant de vous mettre dans la peau d'un soignant en essayant de comprendre les choses ?
🔹Toléreriez-vous qu'on vous
impose de renoncer à toute vie personnelle (car oui ce sont des hommes et des femmes, avec des proches, des joies et des soucis) pour être disponible H24 et 7 jours sur 7 (alors que par ailleurs la permanence des soins est assurée sur les territoires) ?
pas les risques à exercer trop fatigués a fortiori quand ce sont des vies que vous avez entre les mains ? (ce qui tenderait à confirmer que vous ne savez pas ce que représente le fait de travailler autant) ?
Quand je lis de tels tweets je suis d'autant plus peinée que
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Moi qui ne cesse d'appeler aux #nuances et aux raisonnements décloisonnés (i.e. pas en restant dans son silo / sa chapelle) je suis heureuse ce soir de lire @philippejuvin que j'ai pourtant parfois un peu étrillé comme récemment lors de sa bien tardive réaction sur la place
que les PFL2022 ne font toujours pas pour le #covidlong ().
Si la majorité des malades ont souligné cette prise de paroles, j'ai eu plus de mal à battre des mains car dès que les projets de loi ont été mis en ligne j'ai établi que l'année à venir
serait encore une année blanche pour les #patients #covidlong…
Et que j'aurai aimé une mobilisation précoce pour #challenger le gouvernement plutôt qu'une prise de position la veille de l'adoption du PLF 😕 (cf. )
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#recoursauxsoins et #crisedeshôpitaux
Il serait vraiment urgent qu'au-delà des soignants engagés sur les #réseauxsociaux pour #sensibiliser et #vulgariser (💙 @NightHaunter @FXMoronval) des campagnes officielles bien réfléchies de #compol s'attaquent à ce sujet.
Cette méconnaissance, couplée au nombrilisme croissant et à l'absence trop marquée d'esprit critique et de pragmatisme contribuent aux difficultés du système de soins.
Les #patients n'ont pas que des #droits, ils ont aussi des #devoirs. Le premier étant un juste recours au bon
niveau de soins par respect pour les #soignants et aussi pour les autres #malades.
Ce qui évite aussi de renforcer les #guerresdetranchées patients-soignants en mode
😵‍💫🛌😡 Je suis allé aux urgences et ils m'ont maltraité/ renvoyé chez moi sans rien faire
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Why do some #doctors do not include advice on #diet and #exercise in their #treatment plan for #patients?
1. It is clear that with modifications in diet & #lifestyle and exercise; we can prevent, control, reduce the severity or cure diseases and improve patient's quality of life.
2. Still we see that patients are given options of medicines and surgery but very little advice about diet and exercise, even though these don't cost much (in comparison to other medical interventions). Patients almost always ask for these advices though.
3. What could be the reasons?
a. There are fewer research papers on role of diet and exercise in disease prevention and treatment. This is not a surprise, as most of the research is pharma-funded, and #Pharmaceuticals have little to gain if diet/exercise prove to be beneficial.
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@LisaMWatki That @ukfuturehealth somewhat 'buries the lede' on its intention to construct a giant £212 million 👇 #DNA / #genomic database in its patient literature is somewhat concerning...… II.1.4) Short description  The scope of the procurement is r
@LisaMWatki @ukfuturehealth ...not to mention the £62.5 million+ they'll be spending taking people's #bloods, etc.:… A service provider(s) will be responsible for elements of iniv. Responsible for legal and compliance issues related to p
@LisaMWatki @ukfuturehealth Of course, #OurFutureHealth had to get its money from somewhere.

I'll give you one guess as to where...… Our Future Health has announced £150 million funding from l
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