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Una de las formas más comunes de aprender a programar (o cualquier cosa) es buscando en Google, pero... ¿Sabías que también ofrece cursos gratuitos para aprender a programar?

5 cursos GRATIS de Google para aprender a programar 🧵👇
1️⃣Principios básicos de la programación

Si empiezas completamente desde cero, este es tu curso!

Aprende los principios más básicos de la programación para formar la base sobre la que construir tu conocimiento…
2️⃣Introducción al desarrollo web HTML/CSS 1/2

Con este curso gratuito acreditado por el IEI de la @UA_Universidad
 te introducirás en el diseño de páginas web de manera profesional.

5 módulos para aprender la historia de la web y las bases de HTML5…
Read 6 tweets
Frustrated by verbose #ComsWasm smart contract tests?

Today I would like to introduce to the @cosmos community the Robot Pattern for stable, readable, and maintainable tests.

If you are a developer, you don't want to miss this one, I promise 😎

Let's dive in! 🧵

From testing 101:

The QA team checks app functionality via the UI. The tester doesn’t care how the application is written as he just interfaces with the UI.

In case of smart contracts, the tester checks at the frontend to interact with the contracts. #smartcontract #testing

So for the tester to check say an asset swap on a #DeFi protocol, it performs the following actions:

• Visit the frontend
• Go to swap page
• Connect wallet
• Select Asset X from the dropdown
• Enter amount of Asset X to swap
• Click Swap
• Verify swap was successful

Read 17 tweets
🧵Everything you might have missed in #Java in 2022

1. The unclear licensing model has been the most significant barrier to GraalVM adoption for years. However, at @JavaOne 2022, it was announced that @Oracle will make the GraalVM CE a part of the OpenJDK. Project Galahad has been set up to carry out the process - ❤️ that name.
2. @Google announced that it was joining the @adoptium working group as a Strategic Member. Google didn't just limit itself to throwing piles of 💰 at JDK, but together with @AlibabaGroup began working on Java Class Pre-Initialization to accelerate the cold start of applications.
Read 22 tweets
Das Team hat sich entschieden, dass nächste Projekt nicht in #Kotlin, sondern in #Java zu entwickeln. Zur Debatte stand auch #Elixir. Problem hier: langfristiges Projekt und kaum Entwickler zu bekommen. Warum aber zurück zu Java? 🧵 /1
#Kotlin ist eine objektorientierte und funktionale Programmiersprache, die nette Konzepte hat, um mit null-Referenzen um zu gehen. Seit #Java 8 nicht mehr ein so grosses Problem. Allerdings immer noch da und wird auch nie weggehen. /2
Das Problem tauchte vor ein paar Wochen auf. Ein Kollege mit 3 Jahren täglicher #Kotlin Erfahrung wollte einem neuen Mitarbeiter ein Kotlin Modul erklären. Dort mußten ein Paar Änderungen vorgenommen werden. Die Änderungen waren minimal. /3
Read 12 tweets

Una de las formas más comunes de aprender a programar (o cualquier cosa) es buscando en Google, pero... ¿Sabías que también ofrece cursos gratuitos para aprender a programar?

5 cursos GRATIS de Google para aprender a programar 🧵👇
1⃣ Principios básicos de la programación

Si empiezas completamente desde cero, este es tu curso!

Aprende los principios más básicos de la programación para formar la base sobre la que construir tu conocimiento…
2⃣ Introducción al desarrollo web HTML/CSS 1/2

Con este curso gratuito acreditado por el IEI de la @UA_Universidad te introducirás en el diseño de páginas web de manera profesional.

5 módulos para aprender la historia de la web y las bases de HTML5…
Read 7 tweets
How does the Kotlin Multiplatform work?

A thread 🧵

Please do retweet for max reach 🙏

#AndroidDev #Kotlin #iosdev
First, we write the shared code in Kotlin. For Android, it gets converted to the Java bytecode that can be executed in the JVM. So, Android already has a Virtual Machine(VM) that is easily capable of running it.
But what about iOS, how can it run Kotlin? Can we do it without the Virtual Machine(VM)? Have you ever wondered how it works?

For iOS, Kotlin code must be converted to the source code(native code executable on iOS) that goes inside the framework. That source code works on iOS.
Read 12 tweets
In my previous job, I had the chance to rebuild and relaunch an app 100% Compose + Kotlin Multiplatform.

Here are the top insights, for good or bad, from top of my head.

Follow the thread. 🧵

#AndroidDev #Compose #Kotlin
1. After years of XML, Compose is refreshing for the Android ecosystem. It allowed us to build beautiful UI and amazing animations. If you aren't sure about using Compose: yes, Compose is production ready.
2. Compose is not as mature as the View System. You will need to use experimental APIs, and a few times go out of your way to find a solution. That includes wrapping a View inside a Composable.
Read 18 tweets
Tutorial Android Studio Kotlin lengkap Untuk Pemula


Selamat pagi sobat setia syarif soden, saya menulis ini sekitar jam 11.28 wib jadi masih pagi. Kalaupun nanti kawan-kawan bacanya diwaktu siang, sore, atau malam semoga semngatnya tetap semangat
Artikel ini sebetulnya adalah halaman navigasi (utama) dari tutorial Android Studio Kotlin yang sudah dipublish di blog

Sudah ada sekitar 10 tutorial android dasar yang saya buat dan akan saya publish di blog ini.
Jika kawan-kawan baru ingin memulai mempelajari pemrograman android silahkan pelajari tutorial android studio untuk pemula ini. Adapun tutorial-tutorial android dasar tersebut yaitu :

Belajar Membuat Form Login Android Studio Kotlin yang Terhubung Firebase Authetntication
Read 8 tweets
How does the Voice And Video Call Work?

This tweet is all about how the voice and video call works on a high level.

Continued in this thread 🧵 [Follow the thread below] 👇

#AndroidDev #Kotlin #Android #Developer
Both voice and video calls depend on how we stream media between the two clients who are connected to each other. So, there must be something that can do the work of media streaming from one client to another client.

For media streaming, we need to know about WebRTC.
WebRTC is a free, open project that provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose.
Read 16 tweets
🎓 #Google propose plusieurs cours officiels, 𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒔 et 𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗲́𝘀. 🔥

💻 Tous sont liés au monde numérique, digital et technologique.

#Marketing, #Sécurité, #Apps...

Formation sur le marketing digital

Ce cours offert, 𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙘 𝙘𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 de l'@iab (Interactive Advertising Bureau), permet de maîtriser les principes de base du #marketing numérique.…
🎼 Gestion et croissance sur #Youtube

Cours avec 𝗖𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗯𝗲 pour les partenaires permettant de gérer de la musique, des entreprises, des médias et des partenaires d'identification du contenu sur YouTube…
Read 13 tweets
Sometimes it’s difficult to remember that “coding well” isn’t just about clean code—meeting deadlines is no less important. Especially when you’re a junior, memorizing syntax will only get you so far. Here are 7 #techtips for efficient coding from our engineers,🧵:
1. Learn the most important libraries for your use cases. This way, you’ll be less likely to try and reinvent the wheel. Lodash(#JS) & KTX(#Kotlin) are two examples.
2. Contribute to open-source projects! You’ll gain all kinds of experience, from working with other people’s #code to collaboration and time management.
Read 8 tweets
Hablando de que hay muchos recursos gratuitos y super completos para aprender tecnologías como #javascript, #golang y más...

Aquí un thread 🧵 express con los cursos gratis que conozco :), de Google, tiene cursos de responsive design, #PWA, #CSS, performance en la web, y más

🥳 tiene un muchísimooos cursos! Introducción a @golang, Dart, Java, Python, Firebase, Android...

Todos gratis!
Read 10 tweets
¿Quieres saber cómo está el mercado de talento #tech en Latinoamérica? (incluyendo salarios)

@getonbrd lanzó su reporte anual con datos de:

23,000+ trabajos
900,000+ aplicaciones
250,000+ professionales

❤️ RT

🥷🏽 ¿Cuáles son los skills más solicitados por las empresas?

En programación en general:

💛 #JavaScript de primero (obvio Boby)

2️⃣ #CSS, #Git y #React peleándose el segundo lugar

🇺🇸 "English" en un sólido tercer lugar. Image
👩🏽‍🎨 En Diseño / #UX

El primer lugar es una pelea a cuchillo entre @figmadesign y @Adobe

Seguido de #UIDesign, #wireframes y @sketch

Y por supuesto Inglés. Image
Read 13 tweets
2/4 больших тредов о современных достижениях русских #GreatRussia в технологиях, медиа и других отраслях. Поехали! Image
#GreatRussia №1 Первым делом поздравлю главреда «Новой Газеты» Дмитрия Муратова с Нобелевской премией мира! Очень круто когда она вручается профессионалам своего дела посвятившим профессии 30 лет! Кстати у наших нобелевок в районе 25 это в 14-15 раз меньше чем у США ImageImage
#GreatRussia №2 Люблю #Kotlin так же как и Swift, круто, что компания с российскими корнями @jetbrains делает продукты мирового масштаба. Кстати недавно только узнал, что это остров недалеко от Петербурга
Read 102 tweets
How does Voice And Video Call Works?

This tweet is all about how the voice and video call works on a high level.

Continued in this thread 👇 [Follow the thread below]

#AndroidDev #Kotlin #Android #Developer
Both voice and video calls depend on how we stream media between the two clients which are connected to each other. So, there must be something that can do the work of media streaming from one client to another client.

For media streaming, we need to know about WebRTC.
WebRTC is a free, open project that provides browsers and mobile applications with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple APIs. The WebRTC components have been optimized to best serve this purpose.
Read 16 tweets
Android App Release Checklist For The Production Launch

Continued in this thread 👇 [Follow the thread below]

#AndroidDev #Kotlin #Android #Developer
Add analytics to your Android application.
Turn off logging and debugging.
Read 21 tweets
I guess this will be one of the best topics to restart my blogging.
And, there is something more K-oming. So, keep following the thread.

#Kotlin #Backend #Ktor #AndroidDev…
I told you, something more is K-oming
The next blog in the series is about getting started with @JetBrainsKtor, Understanding Routing, and building your own APIs.

& again, more to come keep following

#Jetbrains #Ktor #Kotlin #KotlinBackend #AndroidDev…
As the next part of the series, we have to understand routing and different ways to implement it.

In this blog, I am helping you understand all you need to know about routing in @JetBrainsKtor .
Thanks @theDroidLady @n8ebel for reviewing.
Read 3 tweets
So yesterday I read this article. There were comments from @RydMike and @gaetschwartz that I really respect, but I find at least misleading. The article itself is very controversial, but mainly wrong. So I guess is time to bisect, and give my own personal opinions

A thread 👇👇
First of all, the article. It's wrong from many povs, but the part I like the less, is that it juxtaposes Dart and kotlin. Those are just two languages, not to rival cities fighting for access to the water. I hear often "Why Dart is not kotlin", and I'll address it in the end 1/n
Quickly through the articles steps:

#1 No null safety

Just to say, article was written the 23th Feb, Flutter Engage was the 3rd March. That's when null safety was presented in stable. I spot the commit already few weeks before. Where is the author leaving? 2/n
Read 30 tweets
If you work with #GraphQL and are CURIOUS on what the recently open source released Domain Graph Service framework by @NetflixEng is ? I have attempted a really short summary of the same below 🧵👇
#Annotation-Based : The framework’s core revolves around the annotation-based programming model familiar to Spring Boot developers. Just start the Spring Boot application, the /graphql endpoint along with the query editor on /graphiql endpoint will be available.
#Java / #Kotlin : So you can say it is primarily ofadvantage for Java developers. Regardless of whether you use Java or Kotlin, the DGS framework provides an easy way to build GraphQL services in Spring Boot.
Read 11 tweets
Welcome to 2021.
Whoever is planning to learn #software development in this year, You need to look at these #programming languages.

1. #JavaScript (web)
2. #Python3 (ML, AI, Data Sci)
3. #Java
4. #kotlin (Mobile)
5. #golang (engineering)

#DEVCommunity #CodeNewbies

Why to learn #JavaScript?
Web development is one of the most famous and selling factions of software development and to break through it, you would need to learn JavaScript at all costs.
#websites #webdesigner #webdeveloper #webdevelopers
Why to learn #Python ?
Data Science, #MachineLeraning , #BigData , #ArtificialIntelligence , #DeepLearning , and automation are one of the most trending and highly paying fields.

Now if you are looking for a language that will get you sorted in either of the fields, it's Python.
Read 8 tweets
Voy a ir detallando aquí los problemas que me voy encontrando mientras vamos migrando un proyecto bastante grande a #kotlin #multiplatform
Día 1. Tomamos la decisión de importar los proyectos de iOS y Android legacy a un proyecto nuevo con la arquitectura nueva Parece que sale bastante bien.
Día 2. CI/CD, ha sido un poco duro pero lo hemos conseguido, al final hemos optado por fastlane :)
#kotlin #multiplatform
Día 3. Ha sido bastante duro la verdad, pero hemos conseguido migrar el proyecto legacy de Android al proyecto KMP. Al final hemos conseguido que la app diga funcionando como debe pero ya se habla con KMP por lo que es un éxito!!

Mañana más!!

#Kotlin #multiplatform #kmp
Read 6 tweets
I'm starting this thread to explain @kotlin Flow🌊. Let's deep dive into Kotlin #Flow together🧑‍💻. Stay tuned with this thread.😎
#KotlinFlow #AndroidDev
#Flotlin 1

What is Flow?🤔
👉 A cold asynchronous data stream that sequentially emits values and completes normally or with an exception.

See this example:…

#Kotlin #KotlinFlow Image
#Flotlin 2 - `map`
- `map` operator can be used on the upstream flow.
- It returns a downstream flow for further operations.

Try it here ⌨️: (Kotlin Playground)…

#Kotlin #KotlinFlow Image
Read 18 tweets
This year's CFP is closed and the agenda is already published on our website If anyone is interested in submitting a proposal, plz consider JCConf 2020. Or you can DM me your information, I will contact you next year. 😊
If you don't understand Mandarin, don't worry about it. This year we have 10 English sessions too. So don't hesitate to join us. 🥳
This year we have many hot topics which include #Java, @springframework , #Scala, #FP, #Kotlin, @graalvm, @zipkinproject, #k8s, #Microservices, @intellijidea ...etc. There are so many fun topics I can't list all of them. Please join us. 😎…
Read 4 tweets
#Java's death will be due to SEO mess, lack of centralized docs, outdated tutorials & no one-stop-shop place to find it all


This site was supposed to be the answer, but it only raises even more questions. The information here is mostly marketing-related, and has pointers to other online locations, outside

Potential: very high.
Reality: waste of TLD.

The Java source, no doubt. Yet, devs who want to just learn/code Java apps will only find binaries downloads. Nothing else serves the average Java software developer. "Developer's Guide" is for contributors.

Potential: high.
Reality: confusion.
Read 8 tweets

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