Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #typescript

Most recents (24)

📢 Announcing `gpt4all-ts` 🌐🚀📚 - a new TypeScript library that extends GPT4All's amazing capabilities to the TypeScript ecosystem! Originally only available in Python, #gpt4all-ts is here to make your TypeScript projects more powerful than ever. 👩‍💻👨‍💻
🧼 gpt4all-ts makes using GPT4All a breeze with its clean and intuitive API! It's perfect for TypeScript devs who want to tap into the power of AI without the fuss. Focus on what matters—creating amazing projects—& let gpt4all-ts handle the rest. 🔝💯 #gpt4allts #TypeScript #AI
🔄 Built upon the GPT4All project, which offers code, data, and demos based on the LLaMa large language model, this library will make your projects shine with the power of 800k GPT-3.5-Turbo generations! ✨🤯
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After publishing near 100 #TypeScript packages, I just realized that I am doing it wrong, and so are you (probably) 🧵
I looked at dozens of popular TypeScript libraries and virtually all of them have the same developer experience problem:

If you try to command+click the dependency in your IDE, it will take you to the .d.ts file... In this example, it is going to load index.d.ts of Turbowatch Notice that the path is tak...
...which is useless if you are trying to understand how module works b/c this file does not contain the actual source code.

Turns out, the fix is super simple! Just add "declarationMap"…

(No clue why this isn't true by default!)
Read 4 tweets
TypeScript errors are typed "unknown".

Throw custom errors. They're easy to inspect.

1. Create an ErrorBase class.
2. Create an instance ErrorBase for each feature and specify the feature's potential errors.

#typescript export class ErrorBase<T ex...// Throwing a UserError exa...// Catching a UserError try...
Note that the base class also enforces including a cause property, so the original error's info remains available.

Here's why cause is handy:
I've used a similar pattern on previous projects. It's quite helpful.

Credit to @KolbySisk who wrote a post that gave me the idea of creating the base class.

See his excellent post for more info on creating custom errors:…
Read 3 tweets
GM! Here are the top trending repos in web3, curated by top devs in the last 24 hours ✨.

Check the 3 projects in the thread below 🧵👇🏻
Repo awesome-algorithmic-game-theory by @badcryptobitch (32 ⭐️)
+5 new ⭐️ in the last 24h from top devs

An Awesome list for resources on algorithmic game theory
#algorithmic-game-theory #algorithms #game-theory…
@badcryptobitch Repo tsparticles by @HollowMatt_ITA (4684 ⭐️)
+4 new ⭐️ in the last 24h from top devs

tsParticles - Easily create highly customizable JavaScript particles effects, confetti exp...
#particles #typescript #npm #javascript #animat...…
Read 5 tweets
Implementing a get function that narrows union types and rejects invalid paths is tricky.

But it's doable if you know some type-level programming!

Want to become a #TypeScript expert in 2023?

Here is what you need to know to type this function
First, you need a precise understanding of how assignability works in TypeScript.

Types like `never` or `unknown` are super useful, but often misunderstood!

The second chapter of Type-Level TypeScript covers this in depth (you can read it for free!)…
Second, you need to know how to manipulate type-level data structures like objects and tuples.

You can learn this by reading chapter 3 and 4 (still free)!……
Read 8 tweets
Ya sabrás que se puede programar con #JavaScript 💛 en servidor: #Node 💚. Cada vez más demanda. En este HILO 🧵te dejo 5⃣ cursos GRATIS para que aprendas #Nodejs DESDE CERO ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
En este curso de 8⃣h de @freecodecampES vas a aprender a usar #Node 💚y #Express completamente DESDE CERO y viendo todos los conceptos básicos que necesites. MUY 🔝🔝🔝 #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
Si quieres un curso algo más corto, aquí en 4⃣h agarrarás todos los conceptos básicos de #Node 💚. Curso más que recomendable de @FaztTech. #software #programacion #backend #typescript #it
Read 7 tweets
In #Angular Typed Forms, the `get` method takes a string with dot-separated control names, and returns a fully typed value. How is this possible?

We can actually parse the argument at compile time, using the magic of #TypeScript template literal types! Let's see how it works. 🧵 let party = fb.nonNullable....
Imagine you have a type listing various products, and you want to automatically generate a type for corresponding database columns.

We define a template literal type called DatabaseColumn. It takes any subtype of string, and maps each element onto a string with a column prefix. type Products = 'Food'|'Clo...
The previous example generates a string type by concatenation. However, can we also go the other direction, breaking apart a string type?

The answer is yes! Using the `infer` keyword, we can implement a simple parser. This `ProductFrom` type extracts product names from columns. type Columns = 'Column_Food...
Read 5 tweets
¿Quieres practicar haciendo proyectos con #React 💙 y no tienes ni idea de qué hacer? ¡En este HILO 🧵te dejo 5⃣ proyectos 🔝 con React para crecer como #programador! #informatica #frontend #javascript #typescript
Este vídeo de 5⃣h aprox. de @vidamrr es 🔝. 5⃣ proyectos para aprender desde un nivel más básico: lista de tareas, widget de clima 🌥️, selector de emojis... #informatica #frontend #javascript #typescript
Aquí @vidamrr nos trae 5⃣ proyectos de #React 💙 más avanzados: un acortador de URLs, un clon de TikTok, componentes estilo Notion... #informatica #frontend #javascript #typescript
Read 10 tweets
Hoy en un nuevo episodio de Twitter es mi #StackOverflow, os traigo una duda de #Angular ❤️, que entre que soy junior y hace 🔟 meses que no lo toco aprox. lo tengo un poco oxidado. Dejo la duda por aquí, os cuento mis sospechas y a ver cómo lo resolvemos. #typescript #it
Aquí tenemos el menú que estoy intentando implementar. Este sería el HTML del componente public header. Teóricamente debería funcionar. #angular #programacion #typescript
Aquí tenemos el módulo de Layout, que creo que es por dónde puede estar el problema, pero no acabo de identificarlo. #angular #programacion #typescript #frontend
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#RxJS 🐉es una librería básica para trabajar con #Angular ❤️. ¿Quieres aprender a trabajar con esta librería GRATIS y DESDE CERO? ¡Adentro HILO 🧵! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #frontend #programacion #software
En menos de 1⃣ hora, @domini_code nos hace una magnífica introducción a los conceptos básicos de #RxJS, a través de ejemplos prácticos. MUY recomendable. #frontend #angular #programacion #typescript #software
Este vídeo de Laith Academy da una introducción a esta librería, abordando los conceptos más básicos de una forma muy masticadita. 1⃣h para meter los pies en el barro de #RxJS de forma apropiada. #frontend #angular #programacion #typescript #software
Read 9 tweets
The #TypeScript compiler might not be the fastest - but why is that such a big problem?
"We have a large project" - I get that, but there are other things you can do that will impact development speed and DX:
1) decouple type checking from development

Coupling your dev server start & reload with type-checking is not only slow and mostly unnecessary, it's also hindering. Comment out one line of code, see an error in the browser because of unnecessary import... why?
TS6133: 'IconArrowRight' is declared but its value is never read.

I know, I'll fix it later. Who cares? TypeScript is perfectly capable of emitting JS even though you have type errors. Use that!
Read 10 tweets
Understanding directive composition API in Angular 15
@angular #angular #angular15 #typescript #javascript

It’s one of the most requested feature from the Angular community since 2016. (From Angular 2 onwards)

Create a stand alone directive and add some functionality like css style
Add it in the component declaration using
`hostDirectives` property
Read 11 tweets
Bienvenidos a mi twitter profesional. Aquí encontrarás contenido relacionado con #programacion 💻y #psicologia 🧠. ¡Sígueme para no perderte nada de este contenido! Aquí te dejo todos los hilos que he ido haciendo, con muchísimo contenido útil y gratis. Hope it helps 😉⬇️⬇️⬇️ #it
Read 22 tweets
Te dejo un HILO 🧵con los 5⃣ mejores recursos para #aprender #Angular ❤️ desde cero (Y GRATIS). ¡Sigue leyendo! #informatica #frontend #typescript
Aquí tienes un tutorial de casi 5⃣ horas de @domini_code dónde aprenderás desde los conceptos básicos de #Angular ❤️ hasta crear una aplicación sencilla para ponerlos en práctica #informatica #frontend #typescript #javascript
Si buscas algo más avanzado, aquí tienes un curso de 1⃣7⃣h de @freeCodeCamp dónde vas a ver desde lo más básico (introducción a #TypeScript 💙, introducción a #Angular ❤️) hasta conceptos más avanzados como Routing Avanzado, Formularios Reactivos...
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Master NodeJS for free.

Free resources & guides I wish I had 🥺😰

A Thread 🧵🧵

#100DaysOfCode #DearTechies #NodeJS
I studied top Node.js Engineers and this is what I learned.

Here is how to quickly Master Node.js.

What to learn:👇👇👇
Basic javascript ( array, map, reduce, ffilter string operations, ECMAscript..... more)

Read 12 tweets
Master Backend Development for free.

Free resources & guides I wish I had 🥺😰

A Thread 🧵🧵
#100DaysOfCode #DearTechies
I studied top Backend Engineers and this is what I learned.

Here is how to quickly get started with Backend Engineering.
1. Web Development Fundamentals.

In every career path, learning the basics is paramount. The same is said for backend engineers.

It would help if you learned the basics of:
b. Hosting
d. JavaScript
e. Some Frontend Frameworks
f. Internet

Resources 👇👇👇
Read 16 tweets
TS-Pattern is over 3K ⭐️ on GitHub now! This is nuts 🤯

I started TS-Pattern as an experiment to see how far the type system of #TypeScript could go.

Here are 4 of my favorites features I've built into TS-Pattern! 🧵👇 Image
First, keep in mind that Pattern Matching is usually a language feature.

Trying to make a library as good as native support is challenging! A key aspect of this is type inference.

The features I'll talk about have little to no runtime. It's only types!
Feature nº1: Type narrowing 🔎

TS-Pattern infers a precise type for your input based on the pattern you provide:
Read 8 tweets
"Yo, why are #JavaScript and its ecosystem so messy?!" 😡

Well, I am glad you asked... Let me tell you a story! 🤓

For starting... #JavaScript was not designed to be the language that it is today!

JS was created in 1995 by @BrendanEich for Netscape, a web browser that was trying to come up with a language to make the web more interactive
@BrendanEich #JS wasn't related w/ #Java, so why did they call it Java-Script?! Duh! 😳

Java was trendy! it was possible to build interactive sites by embedding Java apps in pages (applets). So it was mostly a #mktg move: "JS: the lightweight Java alternative" or something like that I guess
Read 40 tweets
Hace 20 años cuando empece a programar me inventaba mis propios proyectos para practicar y mejorar.

✨ Tú no tienes que hacer eso ✨

Te dejo 10 #sitiosweb para practicar y mejorar tus skills como programador.

❤️ ¿Me ayudas con un RT?
Empecemos con el más conocido, HackerRank.

No solo tiene ejercicios de algoritmos, sino también una sección para prepararte para una entrevista.

Además, tener un buen puntaje en HR te puede sumar puntos cuando estés buscando empleo.
Code Wars tiene "kata" que son pequeños ejercicios de código para afianzar tus conocimientos.

Soporta desde #JavaScript hasta #Ruby o #Go o #PHP, lo que quieras.

Los ejercicios comienzan fácil, pero se van poniendo más complicados.
Read 12 tweets
🧵Spent an hour this week with a squad building new #Serverless API on #AWS.
My main advises were-
- Break-down the #domain & think of set-piece #microservices
- Identify sync & async parts
- Think #events & event-driven
- Do event storming & develop event-driven thinking
- Identify core & support #microservices
- Perform data modelling for each microservice - queries, indexes...
- Follow #API guidelines
- Remember you're building an intelligent service. Not a proxy to 3rd party
- Make your service's contract with its clients as simple & easy
- Don't build a #monolith microservice
- #Observability - structure logs, metrics, monitoring
- API usage plan for each client & monitor
- Native #serverless service integration
- Reach out to experts for help

They're on separate #AWS a/c, repo, #CDK & #typescript. Happy😀👍
Read 3 tweets
More helpful examples in the #ElrondDevGuild. Scripts in #Python #Typescript, smart contract examples, and complete #dapp template. A must-have bookmark for every #Elrond #developer
Also, the Guild has opened its library. For now, there is an intro article for new $egld warriors. Check it out: It will have more 'scrolls' soon. Keep an eye on it!
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Segunda feira é dia de dica de ouro e essa aqui é uma técnica para te ajudar a extrair elementos de um Array (ou qualquer objeto) usando destructuring em #JavaScript 🔥🧵 /1
Destructuring é uma forma sensacional de extrair somente o necessário dos objetos, como no exemplo:

const obj = {name: 'test', a1: 1, a2: 2, a3: 3}

const { name } = obj // extrai apenas o nome e ignora o resto /2
ou até, remover uma propriedade e assinar as propriedades restantes à outra variável:

const {name, ...allWithoutName} = obj
// allWithoutName terá todas as props exceto o name /3
Read 8 tweets
1/ While working @metaplex I created a few tools to make working with #Solana more fun and productive.

I'll introduce them in this thread. 🧵 Image
2/ First up, connects with a locally running #solana validator, tracks recent transactions, labels accounts, and deserializes account data to help you diagnosing issues and understanding how your transactions execute. ImageImage
3/ In order to allow testing NFT uploads in your local environment, amman includes a mock storage server.

The locally uploaded NFTs even show up in your wallet. Image
Read 7 tweets
Hace 20 años cuando empece a programar me inventaba mis propios proyectos para practicar y mejorar.

✨ Tú no tienes que hacer eso ✨

Te dejo 10 #sitiosweb para practicar y mejorar tus skills como programador.

❤️ ¿Me ayudas con un RT?
Empecemos con el más conocido, HackerRank.

No solo tiene ejercicios de algoritmos, sino también una sección para prepararte para una entrevista.

Además, tener un buen puntaje en HR te puede sumar puntos cuando estés buscando empleo.
Code Wars tiene "kata" que son pequeños ejercicios de código para afianzar tus conocimientos.

Soporta desde #JavaScript hasta #Ruby o #Go o #PHP, lo que quieras.

Los ejercicios comienzan fácil, pero se van poniendo más complicados.
Read 12 tweets

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