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When I (would) describe what most elected officials do for #Homeless people, I (would) say that they do as much as their constituents will let them get away with. Today won't be the case with @CMWhitburnD3 at the behest of @MayorToddGloria
today's discussion about amendments to the @CityofSanDiego's Municipal Code Related to Unauthorized Camping or Encampments on Public Property should be condemned
Whitburn is following the lead of his #NIMBY constituents when they won't allow any small measure to relieve the suffering of their #neighbors

Read 5 tweets
[đŸ§”] Il presidente della regione #Sicilia, Renato #Schifani, ha annunciato una #moratoria sul #fotovoltaico. La Sicilia, dice, Ăš esportatore netto di energia. Ha ragione? Ha torto? Ha senso sospendere le autorizzazioni? Andiamo con ordine
Schifani pone tre problemi: 1) le rinnovabili hanno un forte impatto paesaggistico, specie nelle regioni caratterizzate da un elevato volume di richieste di connessione; 2) creano poca occupazione (e poco qualificata) sul territorio; 3) non producono benefici per i cittadini 2/n
La logica di Schifani ù sbagliata ma ci sono due ma. Il primo ù questo: il suo approccio ù involontariamente legittimato dagli stessi sostenitori delle rinnovabili. Il secondo: c’ù un punto specifico su cui Schifani ha ragione a sua insaputa 3/n
Read 28 tweets
"Le peuple est contre la réforme des #retraites ."

🚹C'est un cas problĂ©matique pour la dĂ©mocratie :
âžĄïž ProblĂšme de fond : excĂšs de dĂ©penses et dĂ©ficits publics ; la moitiĂ© des Français reconnaissent le problĂšme (cf. Ă©lections de 2022).
âžĄïž Quand une solution est proposĂ©e...
...sur un point concret (raboter les #retraites , la santĂ© ou un autre budget), la plupart des gens sont contre car ils peuvent ĂȘtre touchĂ©s.

❌C'est le mĂȘme problĂšme que celui de l'usine dont la collectivitĂ© a besoin mais que nul ne veut prĂšs de chez lui (syndrome #NIMBY ).
🚹 Cela met en cause la capacitĂ© d'une dĂ©mocratie Ă  rĂ©gler de grands problĂšmes.

👉 Mais ce n'est pas insoluble.

âžĄïž Il faut que les prĂ©sidents / gouvernements aient des mandats assez longs (5 ans est le minimum) et qu'ils aient le droit d'ĂȘtre momentanĂ©ment impopulaires.

Read 12 tweets

Under Art. 29 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, anyone can make a SUBMISSION or OBSERVATION on planning applications.

This is a feature of living in a democracy although some might paint it as a pesky glitch in the system.

These submissions are called “Third Party Observations” and can be submitted within 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the planning application stating the name & address of the person making the observation / submission + a fee of €20.

❗The period for Local Authorities to make decisions on applications doesn’t change if there’s zero or 10,000 “Third Party Observations”.

Read 26 tweets
Ce matin au détour d'un échange mon interlocuteur m'a posté cette vidéo du @Le_Precepteur
Le titre m'interpellant Le #stoïcisme : vaincre nos émotions j'ai écouté en accéléré. Si les cours de philo commencent à dater et que je considÚre
que la philosophie ne doit pas ĂȘtre un placage arbitraire de notions qui peuvent ĂȘtre mal digĂ©rĂ© j'aurais en tout cas dĂ©couvert qu'il existe un regain d'intĂ©rĂȘt pour cette Ă©thique (#stoĂŻcismemoderne).
Mais comme je mets souvent en exergue la nécessaire acceptation au sens
Ă©tymologique, qui passe justement par un accueil des Ă©motions pour ne plus en ĂȘtre esclave, le terme de vaincre me semble innoportun (donc a piquĂ© ma curiositĂ©).
1ïžâƒŁ Les Ă©motions ne sont pas des projections de nos esprit. Elles se signent corporellement au contraire et sont
Read 26 tweets
#abondance #Insouciance #NIMBY
J'ai énormément de mal avec ce schéma, si réducteur.
Oui certains de nous souffrent déjà et vont donc souffrir encore plus du changement climatique (qu'ils s'agissent des SDF vivants dans des rues trop minérales devenues irrespirables ou des
plus modestes ds leur passoires énergétiques versus ceux qui sont confortables grùce à la clim et tant pis si cette derniÚre contribue à réchauffer l'air extérieur en été).
Oui certains n'auront pas le mal de régler leur chauffage à 19 car c'est déjà parfois pour eux un luxe.
Et que l'humidité et le froid de leurs logements insalubres l'hiver n'auront rien à envier aux records de températures estivaux.
L'abondance et l'insouciance ne visent absolument pas Ă  dire que tout est rose en đŸ‡«đŸ‡·, du moins dans ce que moi je ressens en entendant ses mots.
Read 12 tweets

Teil 2: Was machen jetzt die Mieten?


Miete steigen, wo #Knappheit zulegt. Wird #ZahlungsfĂ€higkeit ĂŒberschritten, hilft #Transfer oder sinkt #WohnqualitĂ€t. Wo Miete nicht ausreichend steigt, drĂŒckt #Zinsanstieg Kaufpreis.

1. Hintergrund

Zusammen mit womöglich explodierenden #Heizkosten könnte der abgewĂŒrgte #Bauzyklus zu erheblichen sozialen Konflikten fĂŒhren.

Mieten bleiben v.a. dadurch bezahlbar und Mietbelastungen tragbar, weil die nominalen #Einkommen im Laufe des Zyklus ansteigen.

2. Aktuelle Beobachtung: Trendumbruch bei Mieten

In Q2 zeigen sich zwei TrendbrĂŒche: inserierte Preise fĂŒr ETW steigen im Durchschnitt weniger als zuvor, inserierte Mieten stĂ€rker. Kein Trendbruch bei Eigenheimen (vgl. Abbildung).

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Read 78 tweets
[#NATO war propaganda]
US orders families of #Kyiv #embassy staff to leave Ukraine | Jan 23
- In a travel advisory published on its website, the State Department said that there were reports Russia is planning significant military action against Ukraine.

The #misinformation spread by the British Foreign Office is another evidence that these are the #NATO countries, led by the Anglo-Saxons that are #escalating tensions around #Ukraine | Jan 24
-We call to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense

[War criminals: #NATO-#ISIS-#AlQaeda-#CIA]
We call on the British Foreign Office @trussliz to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense and focus on studying the history of the Tatar-Mongol yoke” a representative of the Russian FM told | Jan 22

Read 58 tweets
LongđŸ§”on the provisions of #BuildBackBetter on all things #electricity & #grid. The act starts w/ ~3bn in loans for electric co-ops @NRECANews, incl. projects w/ #batteries. Co-ops have been very involved in @ENERGY-funded R&D & are now enabled to bring results to practice! 1/
It is funny that in my postdoc work @CMU_ECE & @NRECANews w/ @eeregov funding, we actually studied the added value of #battery to #photovoltaics for residential customers' energy cost savings:
 & [1],[3], [4] here
Another ~10bn to co-ops for loans until 2031 to improve #resilience & #reliability w/ investments in #renewables & #transmission . Co-ops 'own' transmission lines & this money can motivate adjacent upgrades. Also critical that #renewables & #transmission appear together here! 3/
Read 23 tweets
Zoning rules have a much larger impact than most people realize. Much of this is driven at the local level, meaning that your local elections and community meetings are incredibly important, directly shaping the world you live in.

Furthermore, as this article points out, those local decisions directly impact whether you can even afford to live in that world. #NIMBYism is an incredibly expensive luxury we as a society cannot afford.
But to those #NIMBY people I say this: what happens when the people you depend upon for basic services can no longer afford to live anywhere near where you expect to receive those same services? Do you expect them to drive an hour each way? Two? Where does it stop?
Read 14 tweets
I'm in the mood for some NIMBY memes. Quality and milage may vary.
1/243 đŸ§”
#NIMBY #YIMBY #Housing #HousingCrisis Image
2/243 đŸ§” Image
3/243 đŸ§” Image
Read 70 tweets
#Valtioneuvosto: n 'selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminta'
InfraÀÀni ei selitĂ€ tuulivoimaan liitettyĂ€ oireilua – tutkimushankkeen loppuraportti julkaistu
- aiheuttaa tÀrinÀÀ ja sÀhkömagneettisen kentÀn.
- ÀÀni asunnoissa oli hyvin pientaajuista, alle 2 Hz.
#Kuntavaalit2021 #VihreÀt #SDP #Vasemmisto #Valtioneuvosto
Environmental Research. Volume 192, January 2021, 110360
Symptoms intuitively associated with wind turbine infrasound
- Symptom spectrum was very broad covering several organ systems.
Not-in-my-back-yard (#NIMBY)
People tell researchers that a #windfarm does not cause health hazards, but sell their houses near them and move out.
Turbines? What turbines? Oh, THOSE turbines, no, we hardly notice them. Would you like to make an offer?
Read 17 tweets
“It’s as if the die had been cast...& it doesnt matter what kind of situation our community is in...profit over people”-
#Miami Dade Commish @barbarajordan1 , asking for a veto override that would kill #Formula1 in #Miami (Gardens).
Packed house here for this ...
@WPLGLocal10 ImageImage
A fiery Jordan shows this aerial to show @HardRockStadium in the middle of #MiamiGardens residents. She frames the question: “If a race is to be held & street closure required, the community will get a chance to weigh in ..” (Currently, #Formula1 can do it without)
@WPLGLocal10 Image
Commish @barbarajordan1 names names, commissioner by commissioner asking - “what if #Formula1 was to be at (fill in the venue) in your community?”
(Note: Downtown #Miami residents have already said #nimby “
Read 8 tweets
1. A thread on #NIMBY (not in my backyard) & change in cities:

First off, although it might feel that way, NIMBY isn’t unique to your city, & it’s definitely (probably) not worse in your city than anywhere else. It’s also not surprising, since it’s based on human nature.
2. #NIMBY isn’t surprising when you understand that it’s human nature, it’s normal, to fear change & to weigh potential loss more heavily than potential gain. So NIMBY should be expected because it can’t be avoided. It’s hard everywhere, & there’s no place that it doesn’t exist.
3. But #NIMBY needn’t be debilitating when it comes to smart, positive & badly-needed change in your city. Cities that are skillful & self-confident listeners can learn a lot from NIMBY fears, & that learning can help make decisions better & outcomes more successful.
Read 7 tweets
1/ Some more details on yesterday's #HousingNow Proposal by Mayor @JohnTory in #TOPoli.

Here's a Public-Map of the 11 Sites / 13 Addresses with Links to @_CreateTO - where available... #OpenData #OpenGov

2/ ...most of these sites should be "As of Right" to build new HIGH-DENSITY Housing on what are now cheap/subsidixed Surface Parking-Lots near #TTC Stations - including new @CrosstownTO Stations in #TOPoli...and stations serviced by the new Vaughan extension...
3/ ...but in #TOPoli - the Deafult setting is "NO" - and Councillors have fought efforts to reduce CHEAP parking-spots at #TTC stations in the Past...

Read 24 tweets
Dites, on en a marre de voir nos portables accrocher les rĂ©seaux Belges, on a fait une pĂ©tition, y’en a marre de payer pour rien !
- OK, on va poser une antenne, et mĂȘme l’intĂ©grer dans le clocher pour que ça ne se voit pas.
- Ah non, surtout pas ! #NIMBY

- Dites, y’en a marre, ça capte pas dans le mĂ©tro, on paye un abonnement pour ça, faites quelque chose !
- OK, on va mettre dans antennes pour que ça capte sous terre
- Ah non, surtout pas, ça va augmenter les taux d’exposition !

- Dites, on a des gros trous de couverture dans notre village, mĂȘme qu’on est en zone blanche, faites quelque chose, on vous rappelle qu’on paye un abonnement !
- OK, on va mettre une antenne.
- Ah non, surtout pas, foutez-lĂ  ailleurs !

Read 10 tweets

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