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Streaming has depressed Hollywood writers’ pay over the last decade according to a new report released by The Writers Guild of America. #EqualPayDay #wga…
According to the WGA: Half of all TV series writers were paid the basic minimum rate under the union’s contract. That is up from 33% in 2013-14. #EqualPayDay #wga
24% of showrunners are working at the contract minimum, up 22 percentage points from a decade ago. #EqualPayDay #wga
Read 8 tweets
Am #Weltfrauentag bin ich natürlich wieder politisch geworden in meiner Familie. Bereits beim #EqualPayDay habe ich darauf aufmerksam gemacht.
Die Antwort darauf eher ernüchternd.
Aber warum, weil uns die Phantasie fehlt, die Umstände ändern zu wollen.
Ein Thread (1/12)
Ja, es ist anstregend am #InternationalWomensDay zu lesen, was alles ungerecht ist, welche die Forderungen sind. Es ist einfacher ein paar Blumen zu kaufen.
Aber anstregend ist es nicht, weil es viel Arbeit kostet, sondern meiner Meinung auch, weil uns die Vision (2/12)
fehlt. Wenn wir sagen "Care-Arbeit übernimmt in den meisten Fällen immer die Frau" kommt die Frage "Und wie willst Du das lösen?"
Wenn es heißt "Frauen verdienen durchschnittlich weniger." Und wie willst Du das ändern? (3/12)
Read 14 tweets
It's #EqualPayDay!

There is a lot of work to be done to eradicate the gender and race pay gap. So, let's start moving toward equality today.
Spoiler: There is a lot of work to be done to reach parity.
And... it's going to take some time to get there.
Read 9 tweets
For every dollar a man makes, women, on average, only earn 83¢.

For AANHPI women, the average is 75¢.

#EqualPayDay #EqualPayDay2022
This year’s wage gap data includes part-time & seasonal workers. Previous data only counted full-time workers, which focused on white collar women.

This created an inaccurate picture, especially for women of color.
As AANHPIs, we’ve known that you often have to look beyond the data for the full picture.

Southeast Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders often face wage gaps that are significantly wider than the total AANHPI average. #DisaggregateData
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Today for #EqualPayDay, the White House is hosting the US Women's Soccer team, which sued USSF in California federal court, seeking more than $66 million in damages for alleged wage discrimination and discriminatory working conditions. A 🧵on this lawsuit:
A federal court in Los Angeles ruled that the Soccer Federation did not engage in unlawful pay discrimination. They found sufficient evidence to allow the players to proceed w/claims of unequal travel, medical support, and other support services...
but found the core claims of pay discrimination completely empty. Why, you ask?
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pour la journée internationale des droits des femmes je vais poster dans ce fil qq images de mobilisations féministes Image
Face à la répression des suffragettes anglaise, Edith Garrud ouvre en 1908 dans l’East End londonien un dojo (salle d’entraînement) réservé à l’instruction des suffragettes de la WSPU et de la Women’s Freedom League. Le jujitsuffragette, autodéfense féministe, naissait Image
"Je ne suis pas née ménagère, femme chambre, cuisinière, lingère" "Non aux professions féminines monotones, dévalorisées, sous payées"
Manifestation du MLF, photo sans date Image
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G'day folks. It's #EqualPayDay, which marks the additional days from the end of the last financial year that women must work to earn the same amount as men. Here are some #GenderPayGap facts. The national pay gap is currently 14.2% according to @WGEAgency 1/
No. The #GenderPayGap does not measure the gap between a man and a woman doing the same job. It is the average weekly earnings gap between women and men who work full time -- so while women working full-time are earning on average $1,575.50, men are pulling down $1,837.00. 2/
Why's that? Because the jobs that women mostly do earn less, on average -- think nursing, teaching, early childhood education. Because of bias and discrimination and bias in hiring and pay decisions, and because women do more unpaid labour at home, slowing down their careers. 3/
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The @ABSStats data is in! The new #GenderPayGap is 14.20%. This means women must work 61 extra days to receive the same pay as men. #EqualPayDay #WhatsYourPayGap Image is an illustration of a man and a woman stacking large
This year’s #EqualPayDay theme is #WhatsYourPayGap. We are calling on all Australians to ask #WhatsYourPayGap in your workplace and industry. #GenderPayGap
If you are an employer, use this #EqualPayDay as an opportunity to conduct a gender pay audit and take action to close your organisation’s #GenderPayGap. Make a plan to repeat your pay gap audit regularly and encourage your management team to lead by example. #WhatsYourPayGap
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A few months ago, I hired an equally qualified woman for less money than I offered a man for the same position.

This is a story about unconscious bias.

#sktech #womenintech #womeninstem #EqualPayDay #cdnpoli #skpoli
#Equalpay for equal labour continues to plague every economy and corporation around the world, with the median pay for women remaining stubbornly 15-20% lower than men, even in countries working hard to do better with legislation, education, and systemic interventions.
Women are perceived as less technical during hiring interviews, they have to prove competence more often than men to justify rewards, including promotions, and they are more likely to take on or be assigned “office housework”.
Read 16 tweets
It’s #EqualPayDay! What does that mean? Let us explain…
Some good news! Today is the earliest it has ever fallen since its inception by the National Committee on Pay Equality in 1996. But we still have a long way to go before we reach parity... #EqualPayDay
Looking back, we have made some big strides… #EqualPayDay
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Every year, the @AAUW marks #EqualPayDay for “all” women.

🗓️3/9 was for AAPI women
🗓️8/3 is for Black women
🗓️9/8 is for Native American women
🗓️10/2 is for Latinas

Yet there's no day for White women. Therein lies a broader issue, writes @RhondaVSharpe…
#EqualPayDay illustrates how far into the new year women would have to work to make as much as men did the previous year.

But women come in a variety of races, ethnicities, marital statuses, education levels and more, all of which intersect…
Most commonly, “women” is assumed to be synonymous with White women.

All too often, @RhondaVSharpe finds herself participating in programs and gatherings dedicated to “women and minorities,” as if the former were only White and the latter weren’t women…
Read 11 tweets
#EqualPayDay a story about me having to fight for my equal pay
I worked in a grocery store- hourly employees were union contract and salary management were not part of that and were subject to company pay scale and bonuses
When I moved into salary position, I had been with the company a few years, and I had just finished my college degree (this is supposed to get you more money)
They hire right out of college no experience guy and we work in the same store -I am training him
Moron leaves his check stub on our shared desk and I see he is making a cool 6K more a year than me and got a sign on bonus. I make a copy and start my fight with my store manager who tells me it isn't him or his problem.
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Op #EqualPayDay zong het weer rond: vrouwen verdienen veel minder dan mannen en zijn ondervertegenwoordigd in hoge posities. Maar klopt dat allemaal wel? En zo ja, wat is hier aan de hand? Een (lange) draad met cijfers.
De cijfers over het verschil in inkomens zijn duidelijk. Het inkomen van werkende vrouwen is 38% lager dan van werkende mannen en vrouwen werken ook nog eens minder vaak. Ze zijn dus minder economisch zelfstandig en financieel kwetsbaar bij een scheiding…
Dat vrouwen minder verdienen komt vooral doordat ze minder uren werken en banen hebben in bedrijfstakken met minder hoge lonen. Ook geven ze minder vaak leiding over anderen, hebben minder ervaring, enzovoort.
Read 25 tweets
Als Kind war ich nur mit Jungs unterwegs. Bald lernte ich, dass ich mich wie sie verhalten muss, um Teil der Gruppe zu sein. Als Teil der Gruppe hatte ich dann aber auch ziemliche Vorteile: ich war „cool“ & „akzeptiert“… Ein persönlicher Thread 1/15
Mädchen waren mir gegenüber oft skeptisch. Oder war ich es ihnen gegenüber? Ich hatte immer beste Freundinnen, aber mit ihnen verhielt ich mich anders als in dieser Jungs-Gruppe. Mit meinen Freundinnen musste ich mich nicht ständig beweisen, um mich „über Wasser zu halten.“ 2/15
Warum das so war, konnte ich lange nicht nachvollziehen. Im Jungs-Kreis fühlte ich mich oft gehetzt & versuchte, mich unangreifbar zu halten. Ich bemerkte, dass ich in dem Jungs-Kreis nie über etwas persönliches redete, weil ich Angst davor hatte, mich angreifbar zu machen. 3/15
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Heute ist #EqualPayDay? Falsch. Frauen arbeiten im Vergleich zu Männern eigentlich schon seit dem 19. August gratis. Und dieser Einkommensunterschied hat gravierende Auswirkungen. Warum? Ein Thread. 1/13 Image
Mit heute, 22.10., sind es noch 19,6% der 365 Tage des Jahres bis zum Ende von 2020 – das entspricht dem Unterschied zwischen Männern und Frauen in den Gehältern PRO STUNDE. 2/13
Auf ihren Gehaltszetteln sehen Frauen aber jährlich insgesamt knapp 37% weniger! Das ist der mittlere Unterschied zu Männern beim tatsächlichen Jahresbrutto. Daher müsste beim Einkommen eigentlich der 19. August der „Tag der gleichen Bezahlung“ sein. 3/13
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🙋🏽‍♀️ El Día Internacional por la Igualdad Salarial visibiliza la necesidad de seguir avanzando en medidas que garanticen la igualdad retributiva en el entorno laboral. Más igualdad es sinónimo de más derechos, más democracia y justicia social.

HILO 👇🏽 #EqualPayDay Image
📊 Actualmente la brecha retributiva en España se sitúa en el 21,4%, según los datos registrados más recientes. Una cifra que indica que la igualdad retributiva es aún una tarea pendiente. Seguir impulsando políticas feministas es un objetivo de primer orden. #EqualPayDay Image
✍️🏽 El acuerdo por la igualdad efectiva entre mujeres y hombres, firmado con @IgualdadGob y los agentes sociales, el pasado 30 de julio marca el camino frente a la desigualdad retributiva y por la garantía de los derechos de las mujeres. #EqualPayDay Image
Read 3 tweets
El Día Internacional por la Igualdad Salarial visibiliza la necesidad de seguir avanzando en medidas que garanticen la igualdad retributiva en el entorno laboral. Más igualdad es sinónimo de más derechos, más democracia y justicia social.

🌎🙋🏽‍♀️ #EqualPayDay Image
Queda mucho por hacer para erradicar la brecha retributiva. A nivel global, las mujeres cobran un 23% menos que los hombres, un 21,4% en nuestro país según los datos más recientes.

💪🏽 No cejaremos en el empeño. Las políticas feministas son motor de cambio en el entorno laboral. Image
El pasado mes de julio, con @IreneMontero y los agentes sociales, firmamos un acuerdo que marca un hito histórico en la garantía de la igualdad en el empleo. El ámbito laboral debe ser un reflejo de lo que queremos trasladar a la sociedad: igualdad, trabajo decente y de calidad. Image
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کام یکساں مگر اجرت مختلف ، خواتین ورکروں سے اس دُہرے معیار کی کیا وجوہات ہیں؟ 1/3
@BushraKhaliq1 @ShireenMazari1 @AuratAzadiMarch @AuratMarchKHI @AuratMarch @wdf_pk

#EqualPayDay #EqualPay #genderequality #womensrights #InternationalEqualPayDay #September18 #FridayThoughts
کام یکساں مگر اجرت مختلف ، خواتین ورکروں سے اس دُہرے معیار کی کیا وجوہات ہیں؟ 2/3
@BushraKhaliq1 @ShireenMazari1 @AuratAzadiMarch @AuratMarchKHI @AuratMarch @wdf_pk

#EqualPayDay #EqualPay #genderequality #womensrights #InternationalEqualPayDay #September18 #FridayThoughts
کام یکساں مگر اجرت مختلف ، خواتین ورکروں سے اس دُہرے معیار کی کیا وجوہات ہیں؟ 3/3
@BushraKhaliq1 @ShireenMazari1 @AuratAzadiMarch @AuratMarchKHI @AuratMarch @wdf_pk

#EqualPayDay #EqualPay #genderequality #womensrights #InternationalEqualPayDay #September18 #FridayThoughts
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#equalpayday today. Full time working women in Australia earn 14% less than full time working men.
There’s a lot we can do about the #genderpaygap. Here’s a start. 1. Better value the work done in highly feminised occupations. Workers in the health and care professions perform enormously skilled and economically important work. They are underpaid. #paythemmore 1/
2. Organisation leaders should undertake a gender pay #audit to diagnose #genderpaygap drivers. @wgea has great resources for this. Because this is such a pervasive problem, there will be issues, be open to that and #actonthedata 2/
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In case you didn’t know, today is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day.

Never heard of it? That’s probably because you’re thinking of the Equal Pay Day we celebrated on March 31. But for Black Women and other women of color, the wage gap is much wider than the $.80 you’ve heard about.
So what is Equal Pay Day?

#EqualPayDay is meant to symbolize how much more women need to work to earn what non-Hispanic white men do. It’s determined by the National Committee on Pay Equity how many additional days women need to work to earn what men earned the prior year.
Black women will have had to work until *today* to earn what their white, non-Hispanic male counterparts earned in 2019. That’s 226 days!
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TODAY AT NOON: Have questions about civil rights protections and what teens can do if the see or experience discrimination?

We want to hear from you!

Join us for a Twitter Chat from noon-1pm to learn ways to help stand up for fairness and equality. #AskDCOAG #DCTeensHaveRights Image
Do you know a DC student looking for community service hours?

Let them know they can earn up to 3 hours by participating in our Twitter Chat from noon-1pm about civil rights protections in DC.

Learn more at:
#AskDCOAG #DCTeensHaveRights
Welcome to OAG's Tuesday Twitter Chat! #AskDCOAG #DCTeensHaveRights

Today we hope to hear from you about your questions on civil rights and how you stand up against discrimination!
Read 23 tweets
SCOOP: Lilly Ledbetter is endorsing Joe Biden for president, noting “it would be exciting” to see a woman make history as the first female VP.
Ledbetter, 81, a longtime advocate for equal pay, normally spends #EqualPayDay making speeches in front of big crowds. This year, Ledbetter is grounded for the same reason millions of us are: the #coronavirus.
Ledbetter's groundbreaking pay discrimination lawsuit paved the way for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act of 2009. But Ledbetter says there's more work to be done: “So much work was done and then it just stopped."
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Midterm elections were a year ago today.

While I dreamed of Arizona being the 38th state to #RatifyERA, Virginia is poised to become the final state.

The difference? A democratic majority in the state legislature.
(THREAD 1/15)
In 2017, we thought that with the addition of Rep. @DrGerae, there would be a possibility for the #ERA to at least get a committee hearing since Arizona was FIRST in the country in female representation in the legislature at the time. /2…
Gov. @dougducey spent a significant portion of the SOS highlighting the accomplishments of AZ female trailblazers, but notably left out the #EqualRightsAmendment.

To do so felt like an attempt to gloss over the rampant sexual harassment at #azleg. /3…
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#EqualPayDay should not be a thing. Not in 2019. I’d like to leave to future generations the belief that when we say we hold these truths to be self evident that all are created equal, America’s promise is backed up by America’s word.
Let’s also acknowledge that when we talk about equal pay, that number is different for women of color. That widening gap, again in 2019, is not the America we should leave to our children.
- Latinas make $0.53
- Indigenous women make $0.58
- Black women make $0.61
- White women make $0.77
- Asian women make $0.85 #PaycheckFairnessAct
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