Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #ERA

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A mega #Thread compiling some lesser known facts that will make us rethink the #HumanCivilization & the extent of #Bharat
Plz read & share 🙏

1/12 let's start with #Ramayan!
In Rishi #Valmiki narrates the description of #Lanka given by Shri #Hanuman as a beautiful country with ImageImage
chariots & vimanas. He also describes #FourTuskedElephant guarding #Ravan 's gates.
Now known as #Gomphothere , that roamed #Earth 19 million yrs ago! 🤯🚩

NO OTHER text in the world describes it!

In #Ramayan , #Sugriva sends #Vanar in 4 directions to look for Maa #Sita ImageImage
While sending, he describes #Geography as follows
World #Geography >170,000 years was different than present
many parts of Himalaya & big mountain in Kentucky ,USA were submerged in water

So here is the story in more scientific way 💁‍♀️

Team travelling to #east, will have to Image
Read 13 tweets
Me in @DailySignal: The #ERA would make “the law intentionally blind to the biological differences between men & women.”
“We’ve already seen the consequences of that ideology in the transgender context: women’s safety, privacy, & opportunities are put in jeopardy,” Stepman warned
“The ERA would expand these consequences by requiring that the law allow all males, not just those who ‘identify’ as women, access to single-sex spaces, competitive events, prisons, and programs.”

Read more from @MaryMargOlohan here:… @IWF @IWV
Out of all the radical, biology-denying, sex-confusing agendas the left has thus far pushed, the ERA is the most sweeping and potentially most consequential for generations to come, if we don’t halt it here.
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⚠ Da comienzo la presentación del proyecto #ComoEnCasa en una jornada organizada por @socialasturias_

👥#AnaZapico, @anamarsu, @gamunarriz #Matia, @AldazErkuden #MatiaInstituto

📺Retransmisión en directo:

Más ℹ️:…

.@gamunarriz sobre aspectos organizativos a atender desde la #acp:

✅Las normas estáticas confrontan con el dinamismo de las relaciones ligadas al cuidado. Debemos comprender que hablamos de un sistema dinámico.

✅Diversidad, de quien cuida y quién acompaña.
Intervención de @AldazErkuden: "#ComoEnCasa es un proyecto que tiene como objetivo generar una propuesta de transformación de los #entornosresidenciales hacia entornos centrados en las personas, con dos ámbitos de trabajo: investigación e intervención."

Read 19 tweets
Because no one else will say it out loud about Democrats, Biden and womens equal rights (the #ERA), I’m starting a thread that I hope goes viral because it will educate people enough to pressure the president to do his fucking job this year.
@POTUS #Biden is completely responsible for the #abortionbans in several states. It’s true. Here are the facts. By the numbers, so use a number if you want to argue back:
1. The #ERA is the 28th amendment to the #Constitution but #Biden refuses to allow the National Archivist to publish it — at least not before the #midtermelections
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🧵How #ERA protects women's bodily autonomy!

Women need full Constitutional equality & bodily autonomy--birth control equality, equal access to sterilization, equal pay & way more. Even if it were possible to #CodifyRoe, giving us ONLY abortion rights is inadequate. #PublishERA
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For those in favor of adding more steps for #ERA:
1) If we believe in equal rights, why continue this silly legal battle? Why not just stop fighting it in court & let it happen?

2) Remember we've gone through many steps already. How many is enough? #PublishERA #ERANow
1787: The Constitution is written & excludes women. #PublishERA #ERANow…

1848: A national women's rights movement was started. /2
1866-1868: In response to the suffrage movement, a combination of, "It's the wrong time for this," "It's unnecessary," & refusal to discuss it. We are seeing the exact same responses today! #PublishERA #ERANow /3…
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“My top-level, expert legal analysis of the [Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI search] affidavit is: Why ain’t this dude in jail? What does this man have to do to go to jail?”

@ElieNYC @DrJasonJohnson @CrossConnection
#TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments #TrumpESPIONAGE
“Just the classification markings referred to in this [redacted Mar-a-Lago search warrant] affidavit — made the hair on the back of my neck stand up… Literally human lives can be at stake.” @FrankFigliuzzi1

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
“There is a feeling here that [if] Merrick Garland decides not to prosecute Trump, how do you hold anyone else accountable for violating classification rules going forward in the U.S. government?”@JaxAlemany

@NicolleDWallace #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
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1/ Activists, there’ve been many excellent articles out supporting #EqualityForAll & the need for immediate publish the #ERA. This thread🧵 will include them & be pinned to the top of our profile for easy reference. Add more & RT! We must #RiseUpTogether! #WomensEqualityDay Image
2/ No particular order to these. Use as needed in your advocacy and keep this amazing breadth of work in the forefront! Let’s go! #RiseUpTogether!
Read 28 tweets
@ResistersInfo @Androphillia @afsc_org @CCW4COs @WomensAction As the @NationalNOW argued, "Congress’s decision to exclude women from the male-only registration requirement denies women a key aspect of their citizenship. To reap equal rewards of citizenship, women must equally bear its burdens" (…, p. 4).
@ResistersInfo @Androphillia @afsc_org @CCW4COs @WomensAction @NationalNOW The National Organization for Women (@NationalNOW) knows the cost of passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (#ERA) is women being subject to the draft, which is why NOW wrote the amicus curiae brief cited and has fought for women’s inclusion in the draft.

Are you against the ERA?
Adding the Ervin Amendment (that exempted women from the draft) lead to the 1970 Senate defeat of the ERA. See, Mariclaire Hale and Leo Kanowitz, Women and the Draft: A Response to Critics of the Equal Rights Amendment, 23 Hastings L.J. 199, 200 (1971).
Read 5 tweets
1) Welcome to our new #accredited #tweetorial which is Part 1 of a 2-part "highlights" program on new #SGLT2i & #DKD data presented at @ERAkidney #ERA22. #Physicians #nurses #pharmacists #PAs and #NPs can all earn 0.5h CE/#CME by following this thread!
2) @ERAkidney #ERA22 is a primary international scientific symposium for interaction and exchange among basic scientists and clinicians working in #Nephrology. It was held in May. Our expert author is Dr. Sheila Bermejo (@shbermejo) from @vallhebron in Barcelona, Spain.
3) This program is #accredited for CE/#CME & is supported by an independent educational grant from the Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly Alliance. It is not intended for US- or UK-based based HCPs. Accreditation statement & faculty disclosures at
Read 43 tweets
Farmer @RepHawthorne thinks life begins when a MAN plants his SEED in her egg. Like a flag on Moon. If you plant any seed: ya can’t just plant it and ta-da: it’s alive! A tomato! A radish! A baby! For a human? In 24 weeks it will be LIFE! {AND, a CITIZEN—if BORN!
If a child, you might consider a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg within their own bodies also “babies.” But NO. Produce anyone of those outside the body before 24 weeks (sperm, egg, or, combo)? None of them will be a baby, Farmer @RepCawthorn . There is no “instant” baby mix.
Sure, could pick fertilized seeds out and put them in Petri dishes: with lots of science/attention: can replant: and, again, with a human, still NOT a baby for…24 weeks. And, by Constitutional Law, NOT a CITIZEN til birth. The WOMAN is the CITIZEN. SHE is BORN. @RepCawthorn
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Women’s rights and democracy – America is backsliding on both. A 🧵 for #WomensHistoryMonth @BrennanCenter 1/14…
In 2021 the U.S. was flagged as a backsliding democracy by @Int_IDEA – w/ noted lapses in effect­ive legis­lat­ive bodies and freedoms of expres­sion and assembly 2/14
Around the same time, when TX #SB8 went into effect some smart folks looked at the correlation between abortion rollbacks & back­slid­ing demo­cracies @nytimes @Max_Fisher 3/14…
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Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new accredited tweetorial – a case-based program on the assessment and management of patients with IgA #nephropathy (#IgAN). Free CE/#CME for #physicians, #nurses, #pharmacists! Expert author none other than @IgAN_JBarratt. FOLLOW US . . .
. . . and tell your colleagues to join you here on @ckd_ce, your ONLY source for accredited #tweetorials in the #CKD space! #nephtwitter #nephjc @nephondemand @Nephro_Sparks @edgarvlermamd @ChristosArgyrop @goKDIGO @nicklimd @CKJsocial @ERAkidney @kidney_boy @kidneypathology
1) Welcome to our accredited #tweetorial on optimal contemporary mgt of #IgAN. Earn 0.5h CME/CE credit #physicians #nurses #nursepractitioners #physicianassistants by following this thread. I am @IgAN_JBarratt. @MedTweetorials #nephtwitter #nephjc #FOAMed #MedEd Image
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A thread with suggested readings by female scholars & authors shedding light on why the US has been unable to make women's equality the law of the land #ERA It's partly because men don't read/listen to women as much as they should. #womenknowlaw @womenknowlaw @eraprojectcls
Reva Siegel, Constitutional Conflict and the De-Facto ERA…
Martha Davis on ERA Then and Now…
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Amy Coney Barrett's remark about abortion and adoption today was absolutely reptilian. Does she think the average woman, even one who would choose an abortion, could carry a child for 9 months with no affect on her psyche as well as her body? Most women keep the child.
Giving up one's own flesh and blood for adoption is not simple - it is traumatic for both mother & child. Our foster care sytem is dangerous and poorly run. Our social safety net is nothing compared to other wealthy countries. Abortion takes place before any attachment is formed.
As to religion, let me add my religious views here because no one else has. A woman's sexual & reproductive autonomy are sacred and absolute in my faith. Because a woman risks her life in continuing the species, that sacrifice and risk should only be undertaken by her own choice.
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#BackToSchool Conservatives like to insist that they revere the U.S. Constitution, though many have very little familiarity with it. There’s many more amendments than just their favorite, #2.
1/ Thread #Constitution #DemsWork4USA
We have 3 Branches of Government:
1. Legislative: makes laws; Article 1
2. Executive: enforces laws; Article 2
3. Judicial: interprets laws; Article 3
2/ #backtoschool #Constitution
When the Constitution was written there were two entrenched factions. Federalists: supported the Constitution; wanted a strong central government,;  Madison, Hamilton, and Jay wrote Federalist Papers trying to get the public to support the Constitution.
3/ #backtoschool
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“A Tedious Explanation of #Cannabis #Oilpens” - PART TWO starts here! You can find PART ONE here:

We are continuing our look into #hybrid #oilpen #systems:
16. Jupiter Research: I can’t quite figure out where @we_are_jupiter ends and @CCELLofficial begins. These two companies are very inter-related. The company founders helped develop the #CCell heating technology. They then brought over #CCell products to the US beginning in 2016.
They also create 510 carts, and offer several pod-based systems. There’s the #Liquid #Que - their first pod system that uses a magnetic snap-in pod with ceramic heating. There’s the #Jupiter #Liquid9 with a unique 9-sided design and pod with a built in “septum”. ImageImage
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NEW: Cindy Hyde-Smith, Mississippi's first woman senator, claims the ERA is "divisive" & threatens women's rights.

The ERA says: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”…
“Democrats need a new reason to defend their radical efforts to destroy innocent lives—& they are hiding that cause under the guise of women’s rights,” Sen. Hyde-Smith wrote.

She thinks Dems will use it to expand abortion rights & trans rights.…
"Enacting the ERA could actually harm the protections that celebrate the differences between men & women in law–threatening women-only prisons, locker rooms, & Title IX protections for women’s sports, just to name a few," MS's first woman senator says.…
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New #womenshistorymonth thread. Most people are familiar with the idea of the stereotypical 1950s #housewife, popularized by TV sitcoms, like Ozzie and Harriet and Leave it to Beaver. #whm2021 @womnknowhistory (1/15)
That imagery, though, is flawed because it overlooks the paradoxical impact of #WWII and its effect on women’s participation in the workforce. #womenshistory #whm2021 #twitterstorians (2/15)
#WWII made extraordinary economic demands on women and it pulled an unprecedented number of women into the labor force. #laborhistory #genderhistory (3/15)
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The text of the Equal Rights Amendment states "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." That's all we're asking for. #ERAnow
The #ERA was passed by Congress 49 YEARS ago, and ratified by the required 38 states. There's no excuse for denying #genderequality in the Constitution.…
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BREAKING: The U.S. House passed a bi-partisan resolution introduced by @RepSpeier to remove an arbitrary timeline for #ERA ratification. #NoTimeLimitOnEquality…
"There is no expiration date on equality... It's about building the America we want and becoming a more perfect union" said @RepSpeier in a press briefing after the vote. Image
.@SpeakerPelosi: "When women succeed, America succeeds, so this is about our entire country." #NoTimeLimitOnEquality Image
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New #Womenshistorymonth thread. Was the #NineteenthAmendment only about women’s right to #vote?
#suffrage #whm2021 #whm #womenshistorymonth2021 #feminism (1/15)
That is precisely the question that politicians, activists, and legal authorities fought over in the years following the #NineteenthAmendment ‘s ratification. #whm2021 #suffrage #rights (2/15)
The Nineteenth Amendment explicitly forbid withholding the right to #vote on account of sex. #whm2021 #rights (3/15)
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: Protecting Women’s Rights
Only one party has a specific plan to ensure the rights of women, over half our population, is codified in law. This plan includes finally passing the #ERA 1/8 #ERANow
#Democrats will fight to guarantee equal rights for women, including by ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment and at long last enshrining gender equality in the U.S. Constitution. 2/8 #DemPartyPlatform #ERA #ERANOW
#Democrats will take aggressive action to end pay inequality, including by increasing penalties against companies that discriminate against women and passing the Paycheck Fairness Act. 3/8 #DemPartyPlatform #EqualPay
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1/16) BREAKING NEWS: A major development in the main ERA ratification case, VIRGINIA v. FERRIERO, filed in Washington, D.C. Federal District Judge Rudolph Contreras (Obama appointee) has GRANTED the motion of Alabama (+LA,NE,SD,TN) to intervene in the case --
2/16) i.e, become parties themselves. This is the case in which Virginia, Illinois, and Nevada sued the Archivist, arguing that the 1972 ERA has already been ratified, and that the ratification deadline imposed by Congress was unconstitutional.
3/16) The judge's order, entered over opposition from VA, IL, NV, is a big win for ERA skeptics. It substantially increases the likelihood that major legal issues surrounding the viability of the 1972 ERA (e.g., whether the 1972 ERA in fact died decades ago,
Read 16 tweets

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