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A 59 year old woman presents with acute onset 10/10 headache (⛈️) and radiating occipital pain.

Non-con head CT is performed and reveals this👇


But the CTA shows no aneurysm.

So... now what?

A #ContinuumCase.
The most feared cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage is aneurysm rupture, but it’s super important to remember that not all SAH is aneurysmal.

Before jumping to any conclusion. It’s critical to assess the pattern of SAH:
Cortical SAH is rarely related to aneurysm unless it’s a mycotic aneurysm. Cortical SAH is much more likely to fall into one of these diagnoses:
Read 12 tweets
#Science/#Society: "This #bias is explicit for Sir John Houghton, a former #IPCC vice president who is not only an eminent climatologist but also a fervent catholic and zealous proselytiser. Houghton has made a great contribution to the #climate cause, and no-one could accuse ...
... him of ignoring the magnitude of the challenge. Nevertheless, when he was asked one day if he was an #optimist or a #pessimist, he replied: ‘I am an optimist for three reasons; #scientists the world over are working hard and collaborating, the necessary #technologies are ...
... available, and #God takes care of His creation’. Taken to this extreme, his #optimism borders on recklessness. But this quote speaks volumes about the limited view of some #scientists, religious or not, who, between their ultra-specialised domain and 'human nature' ...
Read 8 tweets
„Wir brauchen Auswege aus dem #Denkgefängnis, in dem viele eingeschlossen sind.“ @WOetsch ⬇️…
„Wer zeitlich nur weit genug zurückgeht, kann immer eine Periode entdecken, in der jede #Selbstverständlichkeit eben nicht selbstverständlich gewesen ist.“
„Was für die #Vorstellung vom #Menschen gilt, muss für alle wichtigen Begriffe zutreffen, die wirtschaftliche Tätigkeiten beschreiben wollen. Zu prüfen ist, was Ausdrücke wie #Geld, #Eigentum, #Vermögen, #Produktion, #Arbeit, #Konsum, #Reichtum, #Handelsgut, #Markt oder #Preis...
Read 18 tweets
Das #Problem #Russland mit Blick auf den #Ukraine-Krieg

Hier will ich einen Einblick in Geostrategie geben und elementare Fragen beantworten. Für Hintergrundwissen zu Osteuropa und Anmerkungen empfehle ich die Bücher von @EFDavies (Folgeempfehlung).

Ein 🧵

Bei all meinen Ausführungen bin ich dennoch "Amateur" bzw. Autodidakt in diesem Thema. Evtl. gibt es Richtigstellungen von kompetenter Seite, die jedoch m.E. nichts am Gedankengang ändern.


#Russland ist eine Regionalmacht, ein Schwellenland mit Atomwaffen. Nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion ist in #Russland (wieder) ein Bewußtsein gewachsen, in dem man sich als Supermacht sieht - auf Augenhöhe mit USA.

Read 18 tweets
After 18 months of writing online, I have assembled a robust note-taking system, with a few simple techniques & tools:

• Readwise (notes syncing tool)
• Reader (read-later app)
• Roam (note-taking & connecting)
• Otter (voice transcription)
• MyMind (visuals & screenshots)
My system is based on 3 principles:

• Low friction: easy to add notes, without worrying about structure

• Connection: methods like The Queue, #BigIdea, #Problem + #Takeaway to play and link new + old ideas

• Discovery: ways to surface forgotten and random highlights
In this post, I go into more detail on how I use each tool and how they interconnect:…
Read 5 tweets

Kan emici Vampirleri bilirsiniz

Bunlarin farkli türleri mevcuttur
1-Virüslü vampirler
2-Lanetli olan vampirler
3-Kara Büyülü vampirler

Bir de
Mecaz anlamda
Hepinizin kanini emen
Sömürgeci vampirler vardir

#Enerji'ninizi emenleri yaziyoruz
Tipki kan emici vampirler gibi

Enerjinizi emerek
Enerjinizle beslenen
Vampirler var aranizda

Nasil korunmaniz gerektigini kavrayacaksiniz

Olumsuz-negatif etkiler yaşatan
Aşagilik canlilardir

İş yerinizde bulunurlar

Hayatinizin bircok alaninda
Onlarla karşilaşirsiniz

DÜŞÜK FREKANS'li olduklari icin,

Hayatta kalabilmek
Tatmin olabilmek için
Bazi ilkel dürtülerle
#Pozitif enerjinizi çalarlar

Sizi #Manipüle ederek yapar

farkinda bile degildir.
Read 18 tweets
Die Achse der Guten ist ein Blog auf dem viele Autoren und Gastautoren ihre Meinung zu aktuellen Themen mitteilen. Oft sind diese Meinungen abweichend von denen der etablierten Presse. Nun dind abweichende Meinungen nicht schlimm, solange sie nicht Unwahrheiten verbreiten.

Unwahrheiten werden gerne als solche gekennzeichnet und gerne ignoriert. #CancelCulture wird das genannt.

Dazu schreibt @Achgut_com: "Als freiheitliches Medium lehnen wir Cancel Culture auch gegen Menschen ab, die wir kritisieren"

Ich wurde von achgut blockiert. Das dazu!
Mein Vergehen: ich habe dargelegt, wie der Gastautoren @SHomburg Fakten verdreht und Fake verbreitet. Das zeige ich gleich nochmal an einem aktuelleren Beispiel.

Für die eigenen (Gast)Autoren (in Folge Autoren) streitet achgut schon mal vor Gericht gegen CancelCulture.

Read 74 tweets
Die Preise für #fossile Energieträger steigen & steigen. Das läßt #Atomkraft als verläßl. Alternative wirken.
Der Eindruck täuscht: #Russland kontrolliert fast 50% des Markts.
@BenjaminBidder führt durch den weltweiten 🇷🇺Atomfilz-Dschungel.@derspiegel…
Die zivile #Atomkraft gehört zu den teuersten Unterfangen von #Russland's geopolitischen Projekten. Mehr als 90Mrd $ hat sich der #Kreml die Unterstützung seiner Atombranche im Ausland in den vergangenen 2 Jahrzehnten kosten lassen.
Mit welcher Absicht?…
2/ Der 🇷🇺geopolitische Griff ins Gemächt: Für Moskau bl
Bei rund 1/3 der derzeit weltweit im Bau befindlichen #Atomkraftwerke (insgesamt sind es 56 #AKW) ist der russische Staatskonzern #Rosatom federführend.

»Build, Own, Operate«. Rosatom baut, betreibt, besitzt. Und lockt mit unschlagbar günstigen Krediten.
Read 10 tweets
"we’re facing the worst #food #crisis since 2008. It’s a weird time to divert more grain from the food supply to fuel #tanks. In Washington, though, it’s always time to divert grain from food to #fuel."… #FoodSystems #EnergySystems
"The amount of corn it takes to fill an #SUV with #ethanol could feed a person for a year, and the #US and #Europe could immediately replace the lost grain exports from #Ukraine’s breadbasket by cutting their #biofuel production in half."
"In fact, a bunch of studies have confirmed that biofuel mandates were a leading driver of the 2008 food crisis, driving up prices by driving up demand for grain and vegetable oil."
Read 5 tweets
#Hochinzidenz #Strategie in #UK führt zu massenhaft #LongCovid. 1,7% der Bevölkerung haben LC-Symptomatik >3Mo, fast #700k Menschen leiden seit über einem Jahr unter LC, ~1.000.000 Menschen sind #funktional in #Arbeitsfähigkeit #eingeschränkt.


#Niedriginzidenz #Strategie
Wer leidet am häufigsten unter #LongCovid? ☡Höchstes Risiko für #Lehrkräfte, Arbeitende im #Gesundheitswesen. Hier erschreckendes #LongCovid -Risiko. 3fach #Impfung reduziert Risiko wahrscheinlich um 50%. Da reicht #nicht aus bei hoher Exposition!


Wer ist besonders betroffen? #Alte? #Vorerkrankte? Menschen mit #schwerem #Verlauf?

Nein, nein und nochmals #Nein !
Dänische Studie zeigt klar : #96_Prozent hatten milden Verlauf ⤵⤵⤵

#LongCovid tritt bei Frauen im Alter ~30-60 bes. häufig auf.

Read 11 tweets
Public show with synthetic #SandyHook characters 2/15/22 was odd. No judicial input on the docket regarding FALSE REALITY settlement. Legit world, settlement agreement invalid if made under fraud. Connecticut & #AllTheRest need to defund governments. Criminals have usurped power.
Does settlement mean you're guilty?
Legally, no — in fact the court rules and rules of evidence encourage parties to settle matters whenever possible, and neither offers of settlement nor actual settlements themselves are admissible as evidence of guilt or wrongdoing. #SandyHook
So essentially, what the criminals, playing #SandyHook court, are saying is that all "evidence' for trial that would have had to be approved as admissible by a judge can now be used as propaganda. Real Attorneys in this game? #IDoNotThinkSo #SandyHook
Read 16 tweets
Limitations of an Optimized Mindset
A thread 🧵on the problem of optimization!
1/ Finding an optimal solution through an efficient algorithm is how a trained technologist looks at any computational problem.

But as soon as this mindset is extended to real-world problems, the majority of inefficiencies become annoying.

#solutions #efficiency #productivity
2/ In fact, the real problem starts when everything in life becomes an optimization problem.

So much so that eventually, it becomes a defining orientation to life as well.

#problem #life #problemsolving
Read 16 tweets
Her haftanın önemli girişimcilik, inovasyon ve patent konularının konuşulduğu Matruşka Talks 22. bölüm notları burada. @gencerozkazman @mrozansonmez @mustackr
Bu hafta Getir yatırım almadı, hüzünlüyüz. Ama Getir bir startup satın aldı! Yoksa bu haftanın konusu Dreamgames mi? @mustackr
Dreamgames’in MRR’ı 20 milyon USD (MRR: aylık düzenli gelir). Şu anda 2024 yılında Esport’u olimpiyatlara alıp almamak konuşuluyor. @mrozansonmez
Read 21 tweets
Dear @lufthansa team, before starting this tweet thread, I would like to say that in general I like your services and company. However, I am writing this message as it might help your tech team to solve this (still open) issue and may help other passengers to avoid stress (1/N).
I tried to book flights from Paris to Izmir, TR for mid-July 2021 and it kept getting cancelled. Given the #COVID19 situation and so many random dynamics, I thought that I did some mistake at my end (2/N).
To understand the problem, I called #Lufthansa service support, Lufthansa Tech support, @SunExpress France, #SunExpress Turkey number (and even my #AMEX support as I could see the amount being held in my #AMEX account) (3/N).
Read 9 tweets
Our daily #BS not in real time.
Create Date
2021:01:06 13:00:19.986-05:00
Date/Time Original
2021:01:05 12:00:19.986-05:00
Editor's Date/Time Original indicates fraudulent metadata.
#Graphic as per usual, #MediaMagic #ShowTimeForSheep

The fine tuned with 3 star rating to #DefraudAmerica version
FULL Metadata >
So, again, we need to #DefundTheGovernment It is a #PhonyGovernment & #MediaCabal needs brought to justice. They are NOT ACTORS they are #Graphics including #Convirus #TaskForce…

#PonderThis Why do people fall for pre-planted distractions? LOOK> How many that fall for this #BS are actually on the #Distraction promotion team?
"US CAPITOL LOCKDOWN" is a documented #WiresProject
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Spoke to @Guardian podcast about growing up in post-War #France... that is post-#Algerian War of Independence, still v. much in living memory. The War’s legacy is perceived in all kinds of aspects of modern life, still blighted by the #colonial experience.
A point that is easily overlooked by foreign observers is that the 2nd most influential party in #France now was founded by far-right nationalists who wanted to keep #Algeria French. #LePen's FN -now called the Rassemblement National -is openly racist, islamophobic & antiSemitic.
In his '#Separatism' speech @EmmanuelMacron was sugar-coating #reactionary policies based on the premise that 5-6M French #Muslims can’t be trusted to manage their own affairs & required surveillance at all times.The emphasis was that Islam is a chronic #problem around the world
Read 7 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/21/2020…
Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Enabling Organizations rhyme with 21C Complexity | by Simone Cicero | Sep, 2020 | Stories of Platform Design…

#organizations #design #complexity #ecosystem #platform #entrepreneurial
Income inequality: RAND study reveals shocking new numbers…

#income #rand #inequality
Read 8 tweets

Australia is being DELIBERATELY Decimated
by both Foreign & Domestic Entities
for the Benefit of the Few
at the Cost to the many
where YOUR Future is Determined
by someone else
b/c THEY say so

Here is the PROOF -;
The Global Positioning is expanding

#QUESTION = Do You realize what is REALLY Going on
Do you believe the Narrative that is couched in
"Feel Good" terms of Inclusion & Diversity ??

#QUESTION = Can You "SEE" the Direction
that is being Imposed ??

Natural Progression by Society is one thing
When that Direction is FORCED Upon You without any Public Discourse

#QUESTION = Do You think that is NOT Happening ??

Think Again -;
Read 12 tweets
The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
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There is sometimes a reason behind some of the #hate, And it's not always those Who are Far right, Some are caught up with a genuine concern after reading stories like this over the years and the only people listening are those on the Far right. #TalkDontLabel #DebateNotHate
If some on the left want to break the vicious circle of hate Then you must realise theres no bogeyman! Stop being lazy & refrain from using #labels, #TickBoxes & #Pigeonholing People who think differently to you. Accept responsibility that maybe YOU could be part of the #problem
I made bad choices in #MyFormerLife & will not excuse my behaviour, but the lack of meaningful #engagement with me or my #beliefs was a factor in being more involved in Echo Chambers
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 7/02/2020-2…

Nathaniel Cline and Nathan Tankus: Fiscal Systems, Organizational Capacity, and Crisis: A Political Balance of Payments Approach…

#crisis #payments #balance #systems #capitalism #capacity
We might finally know why the coronavirus spread is out of control again…

#coronavirus #spread
Did protests drive more Covid-19 cases? New research reveals a surprising answer…

#COVID19Cases #research #protests
Read 8 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/06/2020-2…

Coronavirus May Be a Vascular Disease, Which Explains Everything | Elemental…

#vessels #blood #coronavirus #disease
Out-of-Sync ‘Loners’ May Secretly Protect Orderly Swarms…

#individual #swarm #nautilus
Opinion | The ‘Liberal World Order’ Was Built With Blood - The New York Times…

#liberal #blood #order #world
Read 12 tweets
Leading in Crisis✊
"sharing & self reminder tentang bagaimana leader menghadapi krisis"

written by @HandryGE
#dirumahaja #COVID19 #Leadership
Photo by Jehyun Sung via @unsplash
1a/ #Leader dlm situasi krisis harus mulai dengan asumsi bahwa #problem is worse than it appears. Sehingga langkah mengatasinya dan plan A, B, C, D nya kuat.
1b/ Bukan untuk menjadi pesimis dan #negativethinking, tapi realistis dan berhitung dengan cermat, sehingga aksinya jadi cepat dan tepat. Jangan menyepelekan sesuatu ketika krisis datang.
Read 16 tweets

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