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This is Day 391 of the #RussiaUkraineWar and you've found the start of another daily thread.

For all the news from Monday, click and scroll yesterday's 🧵

Monday was pretty quiet and this morning has started the same way in #Ukraine, with no major news to report overnight, with no update on the drone attack in #Crimea

So let's look at #Russia's daily losses. Almost 1,000 troops: tanks and artillery system numbers above average too
The British daily update uses polite language to effectively say "can you imagine what it's going to be like in #Russia in coming months: psychopaths, drug abusers and thieves are back on the streets, with many of them now suffering PTSD too. Good luck!"
Read 33 tweets
#WEF | World Economic Forum officially began to advertise the Marburg virus, the PCR test and the vaccine against it🤔…

#WEFpuppets #Vaccine #Virus #ClownWorld #BillGates
#Marburg the Next #Pandemic | #WEF already launching #propaganda campaign for the next "#Catastrophic Contagion", the next #Plandemic | #MarburgVirus 🙆‍♂️
20-year-old clip from #AlexJones and Dr #RimaLaibow telling us about all that has been happening all these years

#WHO is already getting ready for the next planned "pandemic" ... they have already started introducing the global population to the existence of the next coming planned "pandemic" now!! -> Marburg Virus.

#WEFpuppets #Vaccine #Virus #ClownWorld #BillGates #ClimateScam
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1. Seems like everyone is complaining about egg prices on my FB page. Why now and not a few months ago? I have no idea. But if you are interested in a great post on what is driving egg prices see this from @JaysonLusk…
@JaysonLusk 2. Jayson has the lowdown on egg prices in this chart. Yes, egg prices have gone up a lot lately.
@JaysonLusk 3. Here is the main culprit: Avian bird flu deaths in the laying flock. Jayson shows how this can exaplain most of the price increase
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Honestly I’ve got a lot of questions on this whole #plandemic COVID vaccine debacle. Masks, social distancing, lockdowns, school closures, business shutdowns, churches, gyms etc.

Then vax mandates, threatening jobs and travel, immunity for Big Pharma from liabilities. A 🧵👇 Image
Germany had its HIGHEST EVER excess mortality of over 40%

It is definitely "NOT THE VACCINES", says German health minister Karl Lauterbach and fact-checkers.

And it is not Covid either... Do you really believe these guys deep down inside? Image
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Oh my, what a quandary we're in,
With seals, lions, bears,
All dying from a flu so grim,
#H5N1's spreading, we must not give in 🧵
In #Peru, sea lions by the score,
Are falling ill, what's this virus for?
And in #Montana, bears so bold,
Are losing sight, feeling so cold.
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The #Peru National Agricultural Health Service reports that a dolphin and three sea lions found dead along the Peruvian coast recently tested positive for #H5N1.
They are also awaiting results from a lion at the Municipal Zoo in Huancayo.

People who have had contact with sea lions, with or without signs of illness, or other mammals should seek medical treatment or monitoring. Personnel handling the corpses must also follow all biosecurity protocols as a precaution.
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In the last month, our winged-pals and gobble-tastic turkeys at multiple far-meadows have been featherly infected, causing the deaths of over 1.3 million poultry.

This is one talon-ted virus that's causing quite the flap in the food chain! #BirdFlu
But don't just wing it, this isn't just a poultry problem. This flu is spreading like wildfire and is even affecting our wild bird friends and other wildlife, including the ursine species. It's time to take action and prevent this virus from hatching any further plans!
This outbreak not only affects the poultry industry, but also has wider implications for the food supply chain, as well as for the environment.
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Only 785 views & 3 comments🤦‍♂️

Hope it's due to 1000s of other uploads w millions of views

#SwineFlu #GuillainBarréSyndrome #X53aVaccine

NB #SpanishFlu not even Swine Flu was #BirdFlu

Vaccine used was 2nd UNTESTED version NOT 1 described in consent form
Only 785 views/3 replies🤦‍♂️

Hope it's as 1000s of other uploads w millions of views

#SwineFlu #GuillainBarréSyndrome #X53aVaccine #Covid

NB #SpanishFlu not even Swine Flu was #BirdFlu

Vaccine used was 2nd UNTESTED version NOT 1 described in consent form
Wow! Only 785 views & three comments!🤦‍♂️

I hope it's because there are thousands of other uploads of this with millions of views all over YouTube!!!

#SwineFlu #1976SwineFlu #SwineFlu1976 #GuillainBarréSyndrome #GBS #X53aVaccine #X53aSwineFluVaccine #COVID
Read 14 tweets
'#NATO using #ChemicalWeapons in #Bakhmut in order to stop the #Wagner groups | Jan 8, 2023.'

Timeline of #Chemical and #Biological #Weapons News Developments During Russia's 2022 Invasion of #Ukraine | Aug 2022…
Military Situation In #Bakhmut-#Soledar Region, #Ukraine, On Jan 7 (Map)
- Russian-led forces entered the Pidgorodne village;
Russian-led forces reached the central district of Soledar;
Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Bakhmut
#Documents Expose Barack #Obama Ordered Construction Of #Biolabs In #Ukraine To Create Dangerous #Pathogens | March 9, 2022
- Sensitive #biolabs documents deleted by #USEmbassy and published by GreatGameIndia.
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#MinkGate. #Martians attack.
#Poultry #Lockdown Looms in England to Thwart Spread of #BirdFlu | 2h ago
- New #mandatory measures will require all poultry and captive birds to be kept indoors,
- Orson #Welles cannot explain the phenomenom.…
The War of the #Variants ImageImageImage
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Our mission at @Sentient_Media is to tell animal stories and hold mainstream outlets accountable for misrepresenting #animal issues.

As October comes to a close, we are taking a look at six articles that caught our attention this month. 👇1/13 Image
đźš«In a piece published via @unherd, @JLewisStempel warned that the rise of vegan companies threatens to create a #FoodSystem similar to the dystopia described by Aldous Huxley in "Brave New World." 2/13…
🔎The article failed to consider that a system run by massive agribusinesses that depend on industrially-produced crops and reproductive exploitation similar to #BraveNewWorld already exists.

@hemikim reports on modern #dairy farming. 3/13
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One month ago, the Norwegian fishing ministry shot #FreyatheWalrus dead, leading to media coverage saying she was “euthanized.”

Today, we look at four euphemistic terms used by industries that profit from #animal death and at outlets repeating this lingo without scrutiny. 1/10
Outlets like @guardian, @euronews, @CNN and @NPR were among many that used the word “euthanized” to describe Freya’s death.

A rare exception, which did not repeat the language used by the #fishing ministry, was a piece by @jasondhorowitz at @nytimes. 2/10…
Animal #euthanasia is supposed to be an act that reduces suffering, says veterinarian @iltaylorwriter.

Freya was neither ill nor suffering. She was shot because Norway’s #fishing ministry @fiskeridir declared relocation “not a viable option.” 3/10
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Cafe Ursula yrittää edelleen sinnikkäästi myydä elintarvikkeitaan #H1N2 #Birdflu hanhenpaskan keskellä. Seuraava #Pandemia lähtee liikkeelle Kaivopuiston pyhän #EU -hanhen ulosteista. ImageImageImage
#Ylpeys #suicide #Pride. Hanhien lisäksi punapäähömeliäiset,käyvät ulostamassa #Kaivopuisto'n rantavedessä, Cafe Ursula'n vieressä.Lajille on tyypillistä, köyhästä raviinnosta aiheutuva, kaksineuvoinen käytös ja matala älykkyystaso. ImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Very pleased to see a long segment at the start of today's @BBCSpringwatch episode about Bird Flu. But there's a LOT more to be done. A thread...

All photos in thread @macstronach

Bird Flu will be referred to as AI (avian influenza) from now on in this thread.

First, the facts. When a bird is infected with AI, research suggests that it will likely die within 28 hours. However this isn't the end of the matter.

AI can persist for up to around a month after a bird has died, creating a problem for any species feeding on the bird, or just generally living in the area the infected bird has been defecating. It spreads like wildfire, basically

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June 3 is #NationalEggDay. We honor today by taking a close look at the environmental, ethical, and health impacts of poultry farming and highlighting ways to help hens raised for their #eggs. 1/13 Image
Studies show that #chickens are socially complex beings capable of self-control and empathy.

Despite their proven sentience, the #poultry industry raises billions of chickens for their meat and eggs every year. @JenMishler reports. 2/13…
Before the 1920s, #chickens were thought of as smart and industrious.

When chickens became the first factory-farmed animal in the world, #chicken representation in the media evolved to justify their treatment within farms. @LillieGardner reports. 3/13…
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(Only in China and) #Canada finds suspected "deer-to-human" new crown case or isolated case | Mar 2
- According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Canadian researchers recently discovered a highly mutated #variant of the new crown in #deer in #Ontario…
The novel 'crona virus' #batflu Vs #Catflu - SIMPSON CARTOON | 6.6.2020
- The today novel corona virus that spreading day by day the simmilar virus was documented in simpson cartoon sereis like All other pridictions.
'#Pneumovirus' #PalmBeachCounty Animal Care and Control quarantines dogs following outbreak | Mar 1
- "Because it's #novel and we don't have a #vaccine for it currently, the dogs just don't have good immunity to it," said Dr. Sara Chapman.…
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1/10 I write to share some updates re the current H5N1 outbreak in Israel from our #movement_ecology perspective, with aspects highly relevant to #epidemiology as well.

But let me start with some background first.

#BirdFlu #AvianFlu #influenza #cranes #H5N1 #Zoonotic #Israel
2/10 Around 12-13 December, the first observations of avian flu in cranes at the Hula Valley arrived, following three H5N1-positive cases elsewhere and in other bird species since mid-October.
3/10 With @SashaPekarsky and Idan Talmon, we then checked the situation with our GPS-tracked cranes, 11 of them were in Israel in the relevant period. We noticed clear movement/behavioral changes in few individuals.
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Worrisome—Several outbreaks of severe bird flu in Europe and Asia have been reported in recent days, in a sign the virus is spreading quickly again. Previous #birdflu outbreaks have led to culling tens of millions of birds. It can infect humans. 🧵…
2) It is attracting the attention too of epidemiologists as the virus can be transmitted to humans. China has reported 21 human infections with the H5N6 subtype of avian influenza so far this year, more than in the whole of 2020.…
3) South Korea reported an outbreak at a farm of around 770,000 poultry in Chungcheongbuk-do, the OIE said on Monday, citing a report from the South Korean authorities. All animals were slaughtered.

(Photo of bird flu culling from 2016)
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Petra Chlumecka reported the death of juvenile white-tailed #eagles from highly pathogenic avian #influenza #H5N1 in #Estonia. I discussed it with the responsible vet. 1/7

#vogelgriep #birdflu #Vogelgrippe #InfluenzaAviaire

@VroegeVogels @GlobalFlyway…
I think this case may herald a new phase in the expansion of highly pathogenic avian influenza into wildlife. This infectious viral disease was historically restricted to poultry farms; an old name for the disease is "fowl plague". 2/7
In recent years, highly pathogenic avian influenza has spread to wild waterbirds. However, outbreaks in wildlife were restricted to mainly to autumn and winter, and had stopped altogether or were at very low levels by the time spring arrived. 3/7
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#Germany #MärkischOderland #Brandenburg #H5N8 #BirdFlu

Avian influenza has again led to massive killing of chickens and turkeys. As the Brandenburg Ministry of Consumer Protection announced, the H5N8 pathogen was found in a turkey population in the Märkisch-Oderland district.
Around ten thousand turkeys were killed. It is therefore already the ninth case of avian influenza in a poultry population within a few weeks in the state.
Yesterday, the Schleswig-Holstein Ministry of Agriculture announced in Kiel that a large poultry farm with around 76,000 laying hens in the Plön district is affected by avian influenza.
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#Japan #Yokoshibahikari #Chiba #BirdFlu #H5N8

At a duck farm in Chiba Prefecture, east of Tokyo, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Chiba Prefectural Government said Thursday, an outbreak of avian influenza thought to be highly pathogenic has been reported.
Approximately 12,400 ducks will be culled for food, including 6,000 at the Yokoshibahikari town farm and 6,300 chicks shipped from the farm in the past week to six prefectures, including neighboring Ibaraki.
The nine farms in Akabira in Hokkaido, Kakuda in Miyagi, Koga and Kasumigaura, both in Ibaraki, Gyoda and Kasukabe, both in Saitama, Matsubara in Osaka and Gose in Nara, are subject to duck culling in the six prefectures.
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