Recent well liked threads

Feb 19
🚨 BREAKING: Trump just WON'T STOP!

The President just dropped ANOTHER executive order that could reshape the entire federal government.

Here's what you need to know... 🧵

1/ Image
The order gives Presidents DIRECT CONTROL over "independent" agencies that have operated outside White House influence for DECADES.

This is HUGE. Constitution Art. 2, Sec. 1 puts that power EXCLUSIVELY in the President. The Deep State has ignored that since the 30s.

2/ Image
We're talking about agencies with MASSIVE power:

• Federal Election Commission
• Federal Trade Commission

They've operated as their own dictatorial Democrat kingdoms for DECADES. No longer!

3/ Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 20
E se os Pokémon fossem ISTs?

Esse fio vai fazer você sentir vontade de NÃO SER um mestre pokémon pela primeira vez na vida. Image
Magikarp, Muk, Mewtwo e Tangela... Image
Gengar, Lickitung (cuidado com a linguada!), Dugtrio e Gloom... Image
Read 5 tweets
Feb 20
🚨URGENTE: Conheça o nome de empresas, empresários e fazendeiros envolvidos na tentativa de golpe no Brasil. Houve muito aporte econômico na tentativa do golpe


Cooperativa Agropecuária do Noroeste Mineiro (Coanor) - Empresa d e Unaí (MG) foi listada pelo STF entre os pro- prietários de ônibus apreendidos no DF. Sócio da cooperativa, Irmo Casavechia de- fendeu fazendeiros acusados d e trabalho escravo após omassacre de Unaí, em 2007. Image

Urbano Agroindustrial - Uma das maiores cerealistas do país, com unidades em sete estados e faturamento anualde R$ 2 bilhões. Pertencente à família de Jair Franzner, prefeito bolsonarista de Jaraguá do Sul (SC). Teve um veículo multado pela PRE por participar de bloqueios golpistas.Image
Read 41 tweets
Feb 20
Elon's xAI Game Studio will revolutionize gaming.

People are already generating games with Grok 3 in minutes.

And you can improve the graphics by just asking Grok.

10 games:

1. Pac-Man in p5.js
2. Grok 3 one shot entire Grand Theft Auto game
Read 11 tweets
Feb 20
As an Elon Musk biographer, I would peg his IQ as between 100 and 110. There’s zero evidence in his biography of anything higher.

And I want to repeat that now, lest you think it a typo.

There’s zero evidence, from his life history, of Musk having anything higher than a 110 IQ.
Stepped away from Twitter for a number of hours—on the basis of this not being a platform worth spending time on—and came back to find this tweet went viral because Nate Silver thinks Carlyle's 1800s theory of history, the Great Man Theory, is still relevant to historians in 2025
I understand the MAGAsphere runs on dudes who stayed at a Holiday Inn last night and are now expert astrophysicists, but another possibility is Musk's biographers know him better than fanboys do, and historians know more than pollsters about history.

Read 45 tweets
Feb 21
🔴 ZIMBÁBUE: O "celeiro" da África que foi destruído em apenas 20 anos.

Por que uma terra fértil e rica em recursos caiu na fome e na miséria?

A verdade é TÃO desconfortável que poucos ousam contá-la.

RT. Eu te conto em 10 tweets🧵👇🏼 Image
ℹ️ Antes da “reforma agrária”, o Zimbabué era o “celeiro de África”: exportava milho, tabaco e algodão.

Sua agricultura gerava riqueza e tinha sistemas de educação e saúde em expansão. Mas um discurso começava a ser promovido: os brancos são colonizadores e exploradores. Image
1/ Tudo começou com Robert Mugabe, um ditador comunista que governou o Zimbábue por décadas. Nos anos 2000, ele decidiu expropriar as terras dos fazendeiros brancos do país. Seu discurso: colonialismo. Os brancos eram os culpados por TODOS os males do país.
Read 22 tweets
Feb 21
You hear Costco is great. One friend describes it as a 'shopping Disney World'. You start thinking about it. You have some extra cash. You decide to try it out, you'll save that much money in gas anyway! What's the worst that can happen?--
After struggling to find parking, you finally wheel in. The greeters look you in the eye (!?) You immediately see 150 inch TVs and a fence filled with the newest sales items. 60 batteries for $15? Do you even use batteries for anything? You're tempted.
Name brands. Low prices. An industrial-size food processor $80 off. A 5 pound cooked chicken $4.99. All kinds of organic meat and produce. Tons of wine, and most of it is 7.99? What the hell is this place??
Read 23 tweets
Feb 21
OS EVANGÉLICOS VÃO TIRAR O PT DO PODER – e o mercado já sacou isso

Uma das cartas que mais gosto de ler quando sai é a da Mar Asset. Os caras têm uma leitura absurda de macro, política e mercado. E a última carta veio afiada e sem freio na língua.

Bora pro fio de boteco 🧶👇
1. A Mar Asset mandou na lata: o Brasil tá num ambiente de dominância política. O governo tá tomando decisão econômica pensando no curtíssimo prazo, sem se preocupar com o que vem depois.

Segundo eles, Lula queimou a largada. Torrou tudo que podia pra segurar a popularidade. Só que agora o caixa secou, a conta chegou e o mercado sentiu o cheiro de encrenca. O BC sacou isso e já começou a apertar os juros.
2. E aqui entra um ponto que a Mar Asset bate forte: o governo ignorou completamente o ciclo econômico. Nos EUA, Roosevelt e Keynes criaram a ideia de gastar pra suavizar crises, mas depois voltava ao normal. Aqui, o governo só quer gastar sem limite.

Só que isso tem um preço. E a história já mostrou como esse filme termina. Nos anos 70, os EUA tentaram essa brincadeira e terminaram com inflação nas alturas e recessão. Aqui no Brasil, já vimos isso na era Dilma. O final não é feliz.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 21
Nikola Tesla wrote 278 patents that shaped our modern world.

Yet in 1943, he died alone, forgotten, and in crippling debt in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel

Here are 4 times Tesla predicted the future: 🧵
(#4 is most shocking) Image
Tesla was called insane when he described smartphones in 1926:

"We will be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance... and the instruments will be small enough to be carried in our vest pocket." Image
In 1900, Tesla predicted renewable energy would replace coal:

"When the energy is free, humanity will progress at such strides that we cannot even conceive now."

He wrote detailed plans for capturing and storing the sun's energy as electricity. Image
Read 17 tweets
Feb 21
Alexander the Great’s tomb has been missing for centuries. Over 140 official attempts have been made to locate it. All have failed.

But one rogue historian thinks he’s finally found it.

He claims everyone's been looking in the wrong place…🧵 Image
Alexander’s body wasn’t always missing. We know that figures like Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and Augustus visited his tomb in Alexandria during the 1st century BC.

But somewhere along the way it disappears from the record… Image
By the time St. John Chrysostom visited Alexandria in 400 AD, he was unable to locate the tomb and said of Alexander "his tomb even his own people know not.”

There are a few mentions of the tomb afterward, but nothing reliable, and as of today no one knows where it is. Image
Read 26 tweets
Feb 21

New documents EXPOSE a secret EU plot to fracture and destroy the rising right-wing movement in Europe, specifically targeting @PatriotsEP - the fastest-growing conservative party in the EU, led by Orban, Le Pen, and Vox.

With the MEGA movement surging and a global shift fueled by Trump’s second term & @elonmusk’s fight for free speech, the elites are PANICKING.

They know their days of unchecked power are numbered.

1. The EU’s “Democratic” Facade Is A Lie

The leaked strategy outlines a deliberate plan to shut conservatives out of power. Left-wing forces are determined to rig parliamentary votes, silence opposition, and weaponize institutions to protect their agenda. Image
2. "A Menace That Cannot Be Ignored"

The document describes @PatriotsEP as a threat that must be stopped at all costs. The left no longer sees conservatives as opponents—they see them as an enemy to be eradicated. Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 21
BREAKING: If you own an LLC or Corporation, you need to file the Beneficial Ownership Information by March 31 to avoid up to $591 penalty PER DAY.

Here's everything you need to know (and how to file):
With the February 18, 2025, decision by the U.S. District Court, beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) are back in effect.

FinCEN is extending the deadline 30 days from February 19, 2025, for most companies. Image
They also said "During this 30-day period FinCEN will assess its options to further modify deadlines"

And "FinCEN also intends to initiate a process this year to revise the BOI reporting rule to reduce burden for lower-risk entities"

But for now, March 31st is the deadline.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 21
Postpartum psychosis affects 1-2 per 1000 births. 72% of cases emerge within 2 weeks postpartum (Bergink et al., 2016).

If misdiagnosed, it can lead to infanticide or suicide.

Here’s how to recognise, differentiate, and manage it effectively. 🧵👇 Image
What is Postpartum Psychosis?

It’s a severe psychiatric disorder occurring post-birth, characterised by:

🔹 Acute onset: Symptoms develop over hours to days.

🔹 Rapid mood & cognitive shifts: Mania, depression, confusion.

🔹 Psychotic symptoms: Delusions, hallucinations, disorganised behaviour.

🔹 Severe risk of harm: Suicide, infanticide, neglect.

🚨 72% of cases occur within 2 weeks postpartum—early recognition is crucial!
The “Kaleidoscopic” Presentation

Postpartum psychosis symptoms shift rapidly—hourly changes are common.

🔹 Delirium-like: Confusion, disorientation, derealisation.

🔹 Mania/Agitation: Irritability, impulsivity, restlessness.

🔹 Psychotic Symptoms: Bizarre delusions, childbirth-related hallucinations.

🔹 High risk: Suicidal thoughts, intrusive thoughts of harm.

🚨 Hourly reassessment is crucial!Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 21
A McKinsey consultant just leaked their most guarded secret:

They use a WW2 military tool to identify future leaders.

88 of Fortune 100 companies, Goldman Sachs, and US Airforce do the same.

Here's the personality system that is the ultimate career hack (and how to use it): Image
MBTI stands for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

It's inspired by Carl Jung's ideas during WW2 to categorize:

• I/E: Introversion vs. Extraversion
• S/N: Sensing vs. Intuition
• T/F: Thinking vs. Feeling
• J/P: Judging vs. Perceiving

But here’s where it gets interesting... Image
The 4 dimensions of how you perceive the world create a total of 16 personality types that are grouped into four main categories:

- Analysts
- Diplomats
- Sentinels
- Explorers

It’s like having a roadmap for your mind, and also a user manual for others.

Let's get into it... Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 21
30 minutes ⏰️

Report on Med-Bed Development and Deployment

Preliminary Observations on Devel- Sites

Facility Overview

Analysis indicates the presence of a significant industrial complex located in an arid region, likely within the American Southwest potentially Nevada or Arizona. The facility is characterized by its expansive, low-profile design, constructed with concrete and steel, and fortified with razor-wire fencing along unmarked access roads. No visible signage or corporate identifiers are present, suggesting a covert operation possibly linked to military contractors or undisclosed technology firms. The site emits a low-frequency hum, detectable through the surrounding terrain, hinting at advanced machinery or energy systems in use.

Interior Configuration

Within the complex, the environment is maintained at a sterile level, with a noticeable charge of static electricity permeating the air. Observations reveal multiple rows of advanced, pod-like devices tentatively identified as Med-Beds or similar regenerative technologies (possibly designated internally as “Regen Units” or “Quantum Chambers”). These units feature sleek, curved glass enclosures emitting a faint blue luminescence, integrated with intricate circuitry and crystalline components. Personnel operating within the facility are equipped with specialized suits, resembling hazmat attire, designed not for biological containment but for protection against electromagnetic interference. The operational atmosphere suggests a high-security, precision-driven initiative supported by substantial, undisclosed funding.

Indications of Purpose and Scale

The arrangement and sophistication of the observed equipment imply a focus on cutting-edge medical or regenerative technology. The scale of the operation evidenced by the number of units and the extensive infrastructure points to a project exceeding standard research and development parameters, potentially aligned with strategic national or international objectives. The absence of overt branding and the fortified perimeter reinforce the hypothesis of a classified endeavor, possibly involving collaboration between governmental entities and private-sector innovators.

Locations of Construction
Primary Sites

Further assessment identifies multiple locations implicated in the construction of these units. One prominent site is situated near Groom Lake, Nevada, in close proximity to known classified facilities, suggesting a connection to historical technological research initiatives. This location features cavernous, partially subterranean hangars housing approximately 50 units in varying stages of assembly, from skeletal frameworks to fully operational prototypes. Additional sites include a retrofitted automotive plant in Michigan previously abandoned by a major manufacturer, now repurposed under a nondescript entity such as “NextGen Dynamics” and a facility in rural Germany near Ramstein Air Base, potentially linked to NATO-aligned testing efforts.

Supply Chain and Component Sources

The production process involves a complex, obscured supply chain. Microcircuits are sourced from a Lockheed Martin subsidiary in Colorado, while a biotechnological gel originates from a laboratory in Raleigh, North Carolina. A distinctive crystalline material, shipped in unmarked black crates, arrives via a port in Rotterdam, Netherlands, possibly routed through a DARPA-affiliated intermediary. Transportation of these components is conducted via unmarked C-130 aircraft or armed truck convoys, minimizing traceability.

Manufacturing Details

Assembly within these Facilities is highly meticulous. The core of each unit appears to incorporate a compact, orb-shaped power source approximately the size of a basketball exhibiting characteristics of a plasma-based or quantum-entangled energy system. This core emits a pulsating resonance, detectable as a subtle vibrational distortion. The units feature holographic interfaces capable of generating three-dimensional scans of human anatomy, identifying cellular damage at a molecular level. The technological foundation integrates elements reminiscent of Tesla-inspired electromagnetic coils, bio-resonance emitters, and components with an unusually seamless, almost extraterrestrial design aesthetic.

Timeline for Public Release
Strategic Considerations

The timeline for deployment remains fluid, influenced by strategic and geopolitical factors. Within a secured conference room featuring dark wood paneling and no external windows a group of military and corporate personnel deliberate over logistical challenges. Discussions highlight concerns regarding economic disruption (e.g., impacts on pharmaceutical industries and healthcare systems) and the need for sociopolitical stability. Projected timelines on internal documentation suggest an initial target of mid-2026, subsequently revised to 2027, with notations indicating a preference for a post-election rollout to ensure controlled conditions.

Phased Deployment Plan

Initial deployment is anticipated to commence with military applications, potentially within Veterans Affairs hospitals or installations such as Fort Bragg, by late 2026. This phase aims to assess functionality and public perception under restricted conditions. Civilian access is projected for 2028, with a phased introduction in designated “pilot cities” such as Austin, Texas; Raleigh, North Carolina; and Boise, Idaho selected for their technological infrastructure or demographic receptivity. The delay appears intentional, driven by a stockpile strategy hundreds of units completed, with thousands planned and mitigated by concerns over economic upheaval, equitable access, and the risk of revealing long-term possession of such technology by select entities.

Operational Evidence

Indications suggest limited, pre-release use within a subterranean vault at the Nevada facility, where approximately 20 units are operational. These appear reserved for high-priority individuals potentially government officials or corporate executives addressing severe ailments such as cancers or neurological damage in accelerated timeframes. Full public deployment may be contingent upon an external catalyst, such as a global health crisis, a political shift, or competitive advancements by nations like China or Russia.

Technical Specifications and Observations
Unit Design

Each unit measures approximately 8 feet in length and 4 feet in width, featuring a curved, transparent lid that opens with a pneumatic hiss. The interior contains a gel-like surface that conforms to the occupant’s body, maintaining a warm yet non-adhesive texture. A network of tubes extends from the base, delivering a misted gas likely an oxygen-rich compound with metallic undertones. The control system operates via a gesture-based holographic interface, enabling rapid scans of skeletal, circulatory, and neurological systems, followed by targeted repair using light beams and low-frequency pulses. Treatment durations are estimated at 20 minutes for minor injuries (e.g., fractures) and up to 3 hours for complex organ regeneration.

Personnel and Security

The workforce comprises engineers, biophysicists, and specialized researchers including former NASA personnel and individuals with expertise in unconventional fields (e.g., references to “tachyon fields”). Security measures include RFID implants for tracking personnel, reinforced by drone patrols along facility perimeters, and stringent non-disclosure agreements.

Energy Requirements

Operational energy demands are significant, necessitating dedicated microgrids for each unit. Adjacent solar installations, disguised as renewable energy projects, supplement power needs, with additional reliance on compact fusion cells portable devices not yet publicly acknowledged. The units exhibit a faint glow, likely a byproduct of their energy systems.

Sensory Characteristics

The facility interior carries an olfactory profile of ozone and copper, evocative of a post-thunderstorm industrial environment. Within the units, a subtle antiseptic scent merges with a sweet, honey-like note, possibly linked to the bioactive compounds in use.

Broader Implications

The development of these units transcends mere technological innovation, representing a potential shift in global health, economic, and power dynamics. Internal divisions are apparent: technical staff advocate for immediate dissemination to address widespread medical needs, while strategic overseers prioritize controlled release to maintain systemic stability and leverage. Deployment projections center on 2028 for public access, contingent on societal readiness or external pressures, with current construction concentrated in concealed locations across Nevada, Michigan, and Germany.
This was an illustration. This picture is not how they look. Just a promotional piece. Image
Read 2 tweets
Feb 21

Você sabia que existe uma palavra mística que faz até jogadores perderem pênaltis?

Que palavra essa? E o que isso tem a ver com o Sevilla?

Já deixa o like, o RT e vem entender uma das MAIORES superstições da história do futebol 👇🧶 Image
Tudo começa nos anos 80, na Argentina.

Juan Carlos Kiricocho era um torcedor fanático do Estudiantes de la Plata e aparecia de vez em quando para ver o treinamento do seu time do coração.

O problema é: sempre que ele estava presente, alguém se lesionava. Image
Supersticioso, o treinador da equipe, Carlos Bilardo, percebeu que poderia usar esse ‘azar’ ao seu favor.

Então, instruiu Kiricocho a assistir treinos de equipes rivais acreditando que sua presença faria a diferença.

E incentivou ele a cumprimentar adversários nos jogos em casa Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 21
🚨🇺🇦☠️ Ukrainian soldiers are BLOODTHIRSTY DEMONS who regularly MURDER unarmed civilians

🧵Think that’s too harsh? Let’s examine their atrocities in the Donbass town of Selidovo👇

⚠️WARNING: Graphic content Image
After Russian soldiers liberated Selidovo in October 2024, they discovered evidence of Ukrainian mass executions of local residents
Selidovo residents said that Ukrainian soldiers deliberately terrorized them — beating them, extorting them, and in many cases murdering them. Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 21
Die “Dup,düp düp,döh”-Strategie zum Scheitern🧵🎶

Wie schaffen wir es, radikale, Russland-nahe Parteien so zu stärken, dass sie eine Sperrminorität im Bundestag bekommen,
z.B. gegen neue Schulden für Verteidigung oder Unterstützung für die Ukraine?
Ein Rezept zum Scheitern:
1/21 Image
1.) Priorität setzen

Man nehme DAS MARKENKERN-THEMA der stärksten Russland-freundlichen Partei und erkläre es zum wichtigsten politischen Thema dieser Zeit:
So wichtig, dass man dafür öffentlichkeitswirksame politischen Stunts durchführt.
“Dup,düp düp,döh”!
2.) Emotional andocken

Das Thema “Ausländer raus” bietet sich im Wahlkampf auch deshalb an, weil es in der eigenen Nachwuchsorganisation für Begeisterung und Engagement sorgt.
“Dup,düp düp,döh”!
3/21 Image
Read 21 tweets
Feb 21
The UK seems like a free nation. It’s not. It is run by a tyrant, Prime Minister @Keir_Starmer . Shame on him for his totalitarian demand. And bravo to Apple CEO @tim_cook for defying the government. Please share this to warn the world that UK is no longer safe for free people! Image
“Apple previously called a bill from the UK Parliament that sought access to user data ‘unprecedented overreach by the government.’ At the time, the company said that ‘the UK could attempt to secretly veto new user protections globally preventing us from ever offering them to customers.’”
“Customers already using Advanced Data Protection, or ADP, will need to manually disable it during an unspecified grace period to keep their iCloud accounts.

“The company said it will issue additional guidance in the future to affected users and that it does not have the ability to automatically disable it on their behalf.

“The move to pull its encryption feature — rather than complying and building a backdoor — is a clear rebuke of the government’s order.”Image
Read 10 tweets
Feb 21
And also, it would serve people well to not forget that OTHER very awesome PRECEDENT that the Biden White House/Garland DOJ helped firmly establish just over a year and a half ago, with the Biden DOJ very HELPFULLY submitting briefs of HUNDREDS N' HUNDREDS OF PAGES to argue that...

Are you sitting down?

....anybody who DEFIES a Congressional or Special Counsel or grand jury subpoena to appear and/or turn over evidence has in fact COMMITTED A FEDERAL FELONY.

Yes, indeed.

I'm not pulling this claim out of my ass, by the way.

I read MANY of these filings made by the lawyers in the Bannon/Navarro cases. The lawyers for the defendants left NO STONE UNTURNED in their efforts to argue that their clients could defy both congressional and grandy jury subpoenas, it wasn't a crime and they certainly shouldn't be sent to prison for doing so.

The DC Courts **very carefully considered the arguments advanced by the Bannon/Navarro legal teams...and REJECTED THEM ALL ONE BY ONE.



The DC Courts **agreed** on every point with the DOJ prosecutors that anybody who does what Bannon and Navarro did, defy a subpoena, refuse to appear and refuse to turn over subpoenaed items

I saw this coming, this precedent, and posted about it extensively at the time, how all involved in establishing this firm precedent were going to REGRET DOING THIS.


Why do think Schiff and the DC Parasite Class in that vile town are in open and obvious PANIC right now?

They're already seeing that the judicial bulwark they thought they could rely on in the 'unlikely' event Trump ever did manage to return and hand the DOJ to someone like Pam Bondi and the FBI to someone like Kash Patel and control of the CIA to someone like John Ratcliffe and control of the 17 intelligence agencies to someone like Tulsi Gabbard is FAILING.

And here's the kicker. You can't **reverse** a judicial precedent in that town that **you just set yourself** in judicial rulings now in the record all by yourself.

You **NEED** a client to file a case challenging a subpoena they received to get the change to REVERSE YOURSELF.

Once Kash and Bondi begin sending out the subpoenas that are coming, one of the targets has to **file a lawsuit** claiming they should be allowed to defy the subpoena they got.

So what's the problem here? People tell me "Of COURSE the DC Courts are going to reverse the precedent they set less than 2 years ago in the Bannon/Navarro cases just as fast as they are given the opportunity to do so."

Well there's a massive complication. This is why I'm different from most social media influencers out there. My brain doesn't shut down once it hits a popular narrative everyone just instantly accepts.

See, Bannon and Navarro had no **EVIDENCE** in their possession that would've proven that they or Trump were involved in any real 'insurrection' activity before, after or during the January 6 protests.

So they chose to defy the fishing subpoenas from the J6 Congressional committee and the subpoenas they got from the Jack Smith grand jury.

Keep this firmly in mind: the subpoenas in question were **fishing** for evidence that didn't really exist.

J6 was a Fedsurrection set up of patriotic protestors.

Now...the subpoenas that are going to out from the House Weaponization Committee and other committees in Congress, was well as from any new US Attorneys or Special Counsels working with Pam Bondi...are NOT...I REPEAT...**NOT**...going to be 'fishing' for evidence of crimes that do not exist.

Understand the difference?

I hope new vistas of understanding are about to open for you.

WHY do I KEEP PISSING SOME PEOPLE OFF by saying there is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on the leaking of classified national security materials, paid espionage, or treason?

I mean, why? Why do I keep saying something that upsets a lot of people out there? Why don't I just go along to get along and agree NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN and that NONE OF THE SPYGATE PEOPLE ARE EVER GOING TO BE BROUGHT TO JUSTICE?

Well, a lot of my insisting on saying there's no statute of limitations on these things is because I am a huge asshole and I just like upsetting some people who don't understand how anything works.

And also because IT'S THE FUCKING TRUTH.

And I don't care about anybody else's narratives or feelings or how they're stuck in a mental loop.

I say there IS no statute of limitations on selling state secrets or treason or murder or espionage because...there is no statute of limitations on selling state secrets, treason, murder or espionage.

If a FACT causes you to LOSE YOUR SHIT and scream at me if anything was gonna happen to these traitors, it would have happened by now, I...don'

I really don't.

Pay attention in the back of the room, all you people who've screamed at me for going on 5 years now that I got 'everything wrong':

There's only ONE THING you need to indict someone for espionage, criminal leaking of class/SAP materials, murder, or rape or what have you. Guess what it is?


All you get the indictment at any time, because a statute of limitations DOES NOT the EVIDENCE that the person COMMITTED THE CRIME.

That's IT.

That's all you need.

As a prosecutor, all you NEED to file the indictment, arrest the suspect, arraign them and take them to trial is enough EVIDENCE to meet the burden of proof in a courtroom.

Some people DO NOT BELIEVE THIS. But it cannot be helped. It's true. Their mental loops they're stuck in doesn't change the law or anything else, for that matter.

I understand what's about to happen.

I know why they fought so hard to stop Pam and Kash and Tulsi and John and Pete.

THERE IS NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON 90% OF THE CRIMES THESE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ENGAGING IN FOR DECADES, even BEFORE you get SpyGate and all the other shit they've done since 2015.

These people can be charged for such crimes at any time once two prerequisites are satisfied:

1. Enough evidence has been acquired to sufficiently prove the case in the court of law


2. A prosecutor with the courage to take that evidence, swear out an indictment based up on it, and make the arrests and try the cases.

Even if you have a shit-ton of social media influencers on here giving you their bullshit hot takes based on their surface skimming of what was going on from 2016-2024, their vapid opinions do not change anything.

IF the ground has been prepared...

...and IF enough evidence was accumulated to catch them all...

...and IF the right people are now getting into place to unseal the indictments and try the cases...

...we live in amazing times.

Most of the evidence of the felony crimes with no statute of limitations that all these DC Swamp Elites committed has been **in the public record** for years at this point. thanks to Durham, Horowitz and others.

Trump told you he caught them all. He caught the Swamp. I know, I know, you have people telling you he was just bullshitting, making that up.

Here's something else you have to understand: if you indict somebody via a grand jury, the indictment is unsealed AT THE PROSECUTOR'S discretion.

We still don't know who was leading that super-duper-never-leaked-at-all grand jury that was investigating HPSCI chair/Gang of Eight member Adam Schiff and 70+ others inside and around our US Congress for almost 4 years, from late 2017 thru 2021.

That mystery prosecutor, whoever she/he is, has been the most carefully and viciously guarded secret for going on 9 years now.

That's kind of AMAZING in a town like DC when you think about it. Which most people won't do because thinking is hard.

If the crime being charged is a crime with NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS...this is important...then there is no 'ticking clock' counting down by which that indictment needs to be unsealed before time 'runs out'.

And that's...a very...VERY...beautiful thing.Image
@threadreaderapp /unroll please and thank you.
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