🧵 [1/9] I recently had a passionate debate with a German friend about whether Islam lies at the root of the dysfunction in Islamic societies and whether it can be reformed. Like many of my privileged Western liberal friends, his understanding of the Islamic world seems to rest on a brief visit to the Egyptian pyramids and perhaps a guided city tour through Istanbul. He offered the usual well-meaning but tired arguments I've heard countless times. When I asked whether he had read the Quran or the Hadiths, he admitted he hadn't yet insisted that Islam wasn't the problem—it was merely a matter of interpretation. He proceeded to recite the familiar affirmations that most Muslims are peaceful, that Christianity, too, had a violent past, and that the Jewish and Christian scriptures were no better than the Quran.
Not long ago, I would have grown impatient with this confident display of theological, historical, and cultural ignorance. But over time, I've learned to remain composed. After years of dealing with modern Orientalism and the soft bigotry of low expectations, I've decided to become the most annoying educator of these oblivious, suicidal fools. I am convinced—beyond doubt—that Islam has become the most dangerous ideology of our time due to its theological impossibility to reform.
[2/9] Claiming to be more than just a spiritual path, Islam explicitly defines itself as a perfect, final, and all-encompassing truth. Sura 3:7 states that only Allah knows the true interpretation of its verses—effectively closing the door to human reinterpretation. Sura 5:3 states that Islam is a perfected religion. Sura 11:1 describes the book as flawless in wisdom and clarity, and Sura 2:2:16 denies the human ability to judge. These verses assert divine authorship and inaccessibility; thus, the Quran cannot be altered, questioned, or reinterpreted. It is a closed loop impervious to reform.
[3/9] There is a persistent attempt among Western thinkers and Muslim reformists to divide Islam into a spiritual, peaceful Meccan phase and a later, political Medinan phase—as if we could somehow return to that early innocence. But this argument dissolves under scrutiny. The Medinan chapters of the Quran, where Muhammad gained political and military power, are not just an addendum—they represent a doctrinal shift. A quarter of the Medinan Quran focuses on Jihad, 21 percent of the Bukhari Hadiths revolve around warfare, and two-thirds of the Sirah—the biography of the Prophet—is concerned with conquest. These are not marginal themes; they constitute the doctrinal core. Muhammad's first thirteen years in Mecca earned him a measly 150 followers. It was only after he embraced Jihad in Medina—using violence as a method of proselytization—that Islam began to spread rapidly. Without Jihad, there would be no Ummah, no Islamic civilization as we know it.
Another persistent fallacy is the conflation of moderate Muslims with moderate Islam—a dangerously misleading confusion. We should indeed be thankful that most Muslims are morally better than Muhammad and choose to live peacefully. But this has no bearing on the doctrine itself. Most so-called moderate Muslims do not follow Islam as mandated in the Quran and Hadiths. They either ignore or reinterpret the Medinan verses and, in doing so, practice a private, unofficial version of Islam that has little to do with its canonical form. Islam, however, defines itself very clearly. It is not up to individual Muslims to redefine it. The belief that personal conscience can override divine decree is, in fact, antithetical to the very structure of Islam.
NEW: ICE is hunting for Yunseo Chung, a Columbia student who attended pro-Palestine protests. Chung came to the US from Korea with her family at age 7, and was her high school's valedictorian. She's a lawful permanent resident. Here's what we know so far. 🧵
March 9 - ICE HSI agent texts Chung, says its "Audrey from the police" - text message mentions that Chung was arrested, along with many others, during a protest for failing to leave an area, charged with "obstruction of governmental administration," a misdemeanor, often dropped.
That same day, Chung gets an email from Columbia Public Safety, informing her that the USAO for the Southern District has asked them to inform her of HSI agents seeking her arrest.
In the last decade, over 50+ telemedicine startups in India raised more than $2 billion and most have shut down. The pitch was- India has too few doctors, too many patients, and a broken healthcare system. Technology would fix it. But it didn’t.
Here’s a breakdown.
Startups and investors saw telemedicine as a Silicon Valley playbook that can be forced onto India’s complex healthcare reality. It was always an overrated idea because it fundamentally misunderstood how healthcare actually works in India. Let me explain.
#1 India’s healthcare is fundamentally a trust game, not a tech game. The local doctor isn't just a doctor, he's a family confidant. People trust him because they’ve seen him in action for years. You don’t outsource trust to an app. The assumption that people would "chat with a doctor" or "get a prescription over video" was flawed from the start. In reality, Indians want to physically see a doctor, even if it means waiting for hours in a crowded clinic. Because in India, seeing is believing. Even in the metros you will see most people driving to hospitals and waiting in a queue. They don't want a prescription from an anonymous doctor on a screen. Healthcare in India is built on relationships, not transactions.
On this day, we remember one of the darkest chapters in Estonian 🇪🇪 history.
In March 1949, the Soviet regime forcibly deported over 20,000 Estonians—mostly women, children, & the elderly - to Siberia.
Their crime? Simply existing as Estonians.🧵
2/8 Families were torn apart, homes were left empty, & entire communities were erased overnight.
Crammed into cattle wagons like animals, they were dent to Siberia. Thousands perished from cold, hunger, & forced labor. Many never returned.
3/8 The deportations were not just about destroying lives- they were about erasing a nation. Soviet terror aimed to break Estonia’s spirit, silence its culture, & replace its people with a regime loyal to Moscow.
ho collaborato a ‘la Stampa’
per decenni, e sono stato allontanato, senza una parola, naturalmente,
con l’arrivo di Molinari,
giunto al giornale a portarvi il suo carico di sionismo e iperatlantismo - e già allora di russofobia.
Avevo sperato che un
giornalista proveniente da
‘la Repubblica’ come Lei,
avrebbe compiuto uno sforzo di riequlibrare l’orientamento
di questa testata a cui
sono rimasto legato.
Invece no.
E i vostri servizi,
se così vogliamo chiamarli,
sulla guerra in Ucraina,
lo dimostrano, in modo
Ma con la prima pagina di oggi
il giornale da Lei diretto ha toccato il fondo della disonestà giornalistica:
una immagine relativa alla strage compiuta 2 giorni fa
dalle truppe governative di Kiev
ai danni dei civili di Donetsk
(14 morti),
Lavrov: Ukraine is a Nazi project backed by Europe to fight Russia. Moscow will “denazify” Kyiv and build a new world order - with China, India, Iran, and North Korea.
Russia says it’s fighting fascism. But glorifies North Korea. And partners with Iran.
Lavrov: Ukraine is the exception. It’s a breeding ground for Nazis, raised for yet another attempt to rally Europe under fascist banners and push it into war against Russia. 1/
Lavrov: Russia will pursue the denazification of the Kyiv regime, which bans Russian language, culture, media, and Orthodox institutions. Europe enables these violations. 2/
Many of us remember this movie from 25 yeaes ago. I was 16 years old when this came out. And this is one franchise that has always intrigued me. This movie is telling us a few things. Let's see what we can find.
Bloodlines Isn't Just a Title
- It’s a generational curse, a debt carried in the DNA from ancestors who cheated Death.
- The family’s marked every death pays off a cosmic IOU.
Death’s the Real MVP
- Not some hooded skeleton, but a force straight out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead the one who “reckoneth the days.”
- It’s here to unify, not just kill dragging souls back to the source.
Nightmares Are Verdicts
- Stefanie’s violent dreams? They’re not warnings they’re the ka (eternal soul) screaming the truth.
- She’s seeing the end because she’s already toast in Death’s eyes.
Those Rube Goldberg Kills
- Elaborate traps ain’t random they’re destiny’s middle finger to free will.
- The universe is a chessboard, and the cursed are pawns getting checkmated.
No Running, Only Facing It
- Fleeing’s pointless Death’s the shadow of your own soul, like Manly P. Hall said.
- The cursed die ‘cause they don’t see the bigger design.
Family’s the Sacrifice
- Bloodlines mean blood sacrifice old-school ritual shit to clear the lineage’s sins.
- Stefanie’s quest to save them? Noble, but doomed.
2025 Drop Ain’t Random
- Year adds to 7 in Gematria mystery, spirituality, hidden knowledge.
- This flick’s a coded wake-up call for the masses.
What It Means for the Cursed
- They’re not just dying they’re being erased, scrubbed from existence.
- Their bloodline overstayed its welcome, and Death’s collecting.
This isn’t just a slasher it’s a mirror to humanity’s denial of fate. The cursed bloodline reflects our collective arrogance, thinking we can outsmart the natural order. Like Bobby Hemmitt said, “You don’t escape; you delay.” The masses sleepwalk through life, ignoring the ledger of existence ‘til it’s too late this film screams that wake-up. The premonitions and kills we know are not random; they’re initiations, like Crowley’s “dream is the gate to the unseen.” Death here is the teacher, forcing the cursed (and us) to face the illusion of control. It’s enlightenment by force spirituality stripped of the New Age fluff, showing the masses that truth lies in surrender, not resistance.
The title Bloodlines ties to ancestral karma straight out of the Book of Magi’s “chain of the spirit.” The Rube Goldberg deaths? Symbols of cosmic machinery, mocking free will. These are not accidents; they’re rituals, glyphs of a higher design the masses miss ‘cause they’re too busy scrolling through social media most of the time. Numbers Don’t Lie.
Dropping in 2025 (2+0+2+5=7), it’s stamped with 7 Gematria’s number of mystery, spiritual awakening, and hidden knowledge. Seven’s the seeker’s digit, the call to pierce the veil. This ain’t coincidence; it’s a signal to the masses that the clock’s ticking on their ignorance.
Spirituality beyond the church.
The film’s generational curse echoes the Egyptian Book of the Dead the weighing of the heart, the debt of the soul. It’s spirituality without the preacher, showing the masses that the Architect of Death don’t care about prayers or bargains just justice. That’s the wake-up: your soul’s on the line, not your Sunday tithe.
Final Destination: Bloodlines* ain’t just a flick it’s a siren blast cutting through the fog of the masses’ mundane trance. The bloodline curse ties to the Devil’s Dictionary’s “Fate” a tyrant’s trick we’re all caught in while the 7 of 2025 whispers Gematria’s call to wake the hell up and see the spiritual grid. Those freak deaths, orchestrated like a dark symphony, echo Dr. Phil Valentine’s “the universe ain’t random” they’re the Architect flexing, showing the masses their lives isn't theirs to keep. It’s enlightenment through terror, a brutal nudge to peep the symbols like the nightmare omens straight out of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and realize truth ain’t in your 9-to-5 grind; it’s in the unseen tally of your soul’s debt, ticking down to zero whether you’re ready or not. This is the wake-up: stop running, start reckoning.
You want more deeper insights on things like this?
في وطننا العربي ابحث عن أي فساد، ستجد الإمارات العبرية المتحدة
وفي مصرنا الجميلة العديد من عملاء الإمارات ولكن هذه المرة عميلة بدرجة وزير، فاقت في فسادها جميع السيدات الذين تولوا مناصب
اليكم احد القصص الشائكة التي جمعت لكم كافة تفاصيلها
📌 داليا خورشيد
سرد سيصدم البعض...🧵
داليا حازم جميل خورشيد، مواليد 1974 (50 عام) "بوتكس"
بكالوريوس ادارة اعمال
بداياتها من البنك التجاري الدولي وسيتي بنك الشرق الاوسط من 1996 لـ 2005
وبداية انطلاقها الحقيقية من اوراسكوم مع نجيب ساويرس "قرني" الذي رقاها لمنصب مدير تنفيذي في 2016 و💲💲
وتملك ايضاً شركة مسار للاستشارات المالية (تذكرها جيداً)
ولكن دعك من عملها وقصة صعودها
لنذهب إلى الخيط القذر في القصة، فقوتها الحقيقية كانت من خلال منصبين
المنصب الأول جاء عبر ارشيف اداري خرندعي ووساطة ساويرسية
23/3/2016 حلفت اليمين الدستورية كوزيرة للاستثمار
Avanza la entrega del legendario @CanalOnceTV
a las GARRAS de @Azteca
Ahora, la Dirección de Producción de Noticieros, clave para @OnceNoticiasTV, fue puesta en manos de Enrique Valdés Bremont @smartsscreens, un abierto ODIADOR de la 4T
🔥TV Azteca apaña Canal Once🔥
Por +20 años, Valdés Bremont @smartsscreens fue Productor en @Azteca donde operó las áreas de Noticias, Deportes y Especiales
En noviembre pasado @rturrent le entregó el control de la producción de informativos de @OnceNoticiasTV
🔥TV Azteca apaña Canal Once🔥
Valdés Bremont @smartsscreens
es un explícito y abierto ODIADOR de la 4T
y del ex Presidente @lopezobrador_
a quien públicamente REPUDIÓ en redes sociales, llamándole el "güey en Palacio" y comparándolo con Hitler
1/ WE TOOK TERRITORY by issuing the first bank-issued #stablecoin on a permissionless blockchain & it's not what you think. 🧵 below. The real impact is on #tradfi--yes, #crypto took regulatory territory, but #tradfi is the real story in what @custodiabank did w/ @Vantage_Bank.
2/ Background: Fed Governor Waller's #stablecoin speech a few wks ago distinguished btwn "real" dollars & "synthetic" dollars, noting stablecoins are synthetic. Only the Fed + special types of entities legally authorized to take demand deposits can issue *real* dollars. federalreserve.gov/newsevents/spe…
3/ Crypto doesn't care abt that distinction, but to #tradfi that distinction is EVERYTHING. Why? bc tradfi must care about legal, accounting & tax rules. I can't give legal, accounting or tax advice, but when a bank authorized to issue a dollar issues a dollar, it's a dollar.💡
Dipandang rendah tuh ternyata bisa memacu otak, energi, dan semangat ya wkwkwk dulu, sebelum ada di titik ini, gue harus relain beberapa hal yang gue punya untuk ngejar mimpi gue. Kehidupan yang layak kayak sekarang. Gue harus ikhlasin seseorang, gue harus ikhlasin –
Beberapa hal, gue harus neken emosi tiap hari, dan harus rela tidur 2 jam demi dapet uang. Gue kerja 9am-5pm selama 5 hari, 9pm mulai kerja freelance dari perusahaan yg basednya di Ontario (2thn 6bulan) dengan perbedaan waktu gilak bgt *demi bayaran pake $ brok wkwk
Kalo sabtu/minggu gue jadi tour guide untuk turis dari pagi sampe sore 😂 ya Tuhan.... kalo gak dosa, saat itu gue mau jadi sugar baby aja tau gak luh?!!! Tapi dengan kegiatan yang sepadet itu, masih juga gue dikira jual diri atau pesugihan 😂
Prominent Illinois Democrat Jackie Traynere SLAMS child with her car in broad daylight, flees scene! Police dash cams caught it ALL. Is the deep state protecting one of their own? You won't BELIEVE what's coming! THREAD🧵(1/22)
Jackie Traynere, Democrat heavyweight and Will County Board Member, PLOWS INTO a young boy riding his bicycle in a Bolingbrook crosswalk. Witnesses horrified. She left the scene without calling 911. Political privilege run amok AGAIN. This cannot stand, folks! (2/22)
Witnesses CONFIRMED child was in crosswalk with clear "walk" signal. Jackie Traynere sat at red light—then accelerated, striking the boy. Dash cam and eyewitness accounts tell the TRUE story. What was going through her head to just DRIVE OFF? We DEMAND answers! (3/22)
Covington is also the firm that colluded with Mueller to throw @GenFlynn to the wolves, advising him to plead guilty without ever requesting the transcript of the call he allegedly lied about. It's deeply troubling that someone from that same firm is now Waltz's number two.
Even more troubling is the fact that Waltz occupies the role from which Gen. Flynn was fraudulently removed—an appointment many believe should have rightfully gone to Flynn. It would be a true act of justice if Flynn were to reclaim his old job, especially given recent events.