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Wonderful presentation by Dr @TSNolanPhD in the @OSUCCC_James Spielman series this morning on her research on #survivorship needs of Black younger women #survonc #supponc #bcsm @osunursing 1/
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South Australian High school students - unsure about your career in science?

This Monday, you'll have a chance to learn about where a career in science can take you!

A thread πŸ‘‡

Register here:

Event page:… Image
Meet Michelle Forgione @ForgioneAu.

Michelle is a #PhDcandidate at @sahmriAU, researching acute lymphoblastic #leukaemia. She has special interests in #cancer epigenetics and #pharmacogenomics. Image
Meet Dr Hannah Wardill is a #NHMRC CJ Martin Biomedical Research Fellow.

@hannahrwardill is developing personalised #supponc solutions for the #ConsequencesOfTreatment to ensure people with cancer don’t just survive, but they survive well! #CuredatWhatCost #survivorship Image
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1/13 #FOAMed #MedTwitter

Everything I've learnt about living and beyond #cancer research (#lwbc) over the last 3⃣ years in this 8⃣ minute video! #survonc #survivorship in primary care covering:

➑️ Research
➑️ Policy
➑️ Practice
➑️ Future Directions


I wrote a couple of articles in:

@BJGPjournal πŸ”—:…

@CHematology πŸ”—:…

πŸ‘†πŸ½ But summarised the content in the video above πŸ‘†πŸ½


πŸ€” What is "living with and beyond cancer" or #cancer #survivorship❓ #survonc #lwbc

The definition depends on who you talk to! Is it at diagnosis, at the start of treatment or after treatment has finished?


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Hey #tipsfornewdocs #medtwitter folks! I wanted to review side effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) for a non-#oncology audience. Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) present across all medicine specialties so we are all in this together. 1/x
The most common ICIs are against PD-1 (e.g. nivolumab, pembrolizumab) and PD-L1 (e.g. atezolizumab, durvalumab). I use a blanket term β€œPD-1” throughout. Anti-CTLA-4 (ipilimumab) is a distant second; often in combo or directly after PD-1 in #melanoma #lung #kidney cancers. 2/x
They have led to pharma riches and Nobel Prizes and lots of TV commercials because they work really well for some patients. People with advanced #melanoma, #lcsm etc who used to live ~1 year now can hope to live for several years or more. 3/x
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