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Heute ist der 102. Geburtstag von Andrei #Sacharow. Er war sowjetischer Nuklearphysiker und Menschenrechtler. Als erster Vorsitzender von #Memorial verstand er, dass nur eine Aufarbeitung totalitärer Vergangenheit den Weg in eine demokratische Zukunft ermöglicht. Thread/1 Image
Er kritisierte bereits 1966 die unvollständige "Entstalinisierung". Unter Breschnew diente der Siegeskult im Zweiten WK der Stütze des Systems u. seiner Legitimation. Sacharow verurteilte die Niederschlagung d. "Prager Frühlings" 1968 u. forderte d. Einhaltung d. Menschenrechte/2
Als Nobelpreisträger (1975) blieb ihm die Psychiatrie erspart, in der viele sowj. Dissidenten weggesperrt wurden. Die Parteiführung verbannte ihn 1980 in die damals geschlossenen Stadt Gorki (heute Nischni Nowgorod). Sein Gefängnis war als Wohnung im Plattenbau getarnt/3 Image
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@marcopalears @HerrGlanz Se anche fosse, da quando prendere tempo per organizzarsi e difendersi da una possibile aggressione sarebbe sbagliato?
@HerrGlanz non sa che anche la propaganda Russa afferma lo stesso quando loda il patto #MolotovRibbentrop?
Era il 21-12-2009 quando
#žyuganov affermò [1diN]
@marcopalears @HerrGlanz Era il 21-12-2009 quando
#žyuganov affermò ai giornalisti presenti sulla Piazza Rossa "Qualunque cosa si dica, il Patto #Molotov #Ribbentrop è stato il brillante passo avanti di #Stalin nella geopolitica. Ha reso innocua la Germania fascista per due anni, ci ha permesso [2diN]
@marcopalears @HerrGlanz di formare nuovi
ordini industriali e iniziare a produrre il miglior equipaggiamento da combattimento: carro armato "T-34", aereo d'attacco "Il-2", "Katyusha".
"Se la guerra fosse iniziata dall'#Estonia, Leningrado era a soli 140 km di distanza, i fascisti [3diN]
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"Aquí no hay nada que hacer"

El Conde de Romanones en la Sesión preparatoria de la apertura de las Cortes del Frente Popular; #15Marzo 1936.

Aquel día, un centenar de diputados socialistas y comunistas se levantaban de sus escaños para, puño en alto, cantar la Internacional..👇 Image
Aquel histórico día se celebraba la sesión preparatoria (en la q se elige a los miembros de la Mesa, los de menor y mayor edad), sesiones a las q solían asistir escaso nº de diputados.
Sin embargo, ese día, el Parlamento estaba al completo y los espíritus muy agitados..👇 Image
Y es que, tras ser nombrados los miembros de la Mesa, el diputado de la izda. republicana, Fernández Osorio Tafal (IMG), pediría dar un Viva a la República al miembro de más edad de la misma, el diputado de las derechas,Ramón de Carranza:
"No me da la gana",sería su respuesta..👇 Image
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Heute vor 70 Jahren starb #Stalin. Sein langer Schatten ist noch sichtbar. Ohne den Stalinismus lässt sich #Putin/s Invasion der #Ukraine nicht verstehen. Stalins Machtsystem aus ideologischem Wahnsinn, Paranoia u. russ. Chauvinismus wirkt bis heute nach, ein Thread🧵/1
Im Krieg mit dem Dritten Reich ging Stalin als Sieger hervor, aber unter enormen Verlusten. Insgesamt starben ca. 26 Mio. EinwohnerInnen der Sowjetunion aller Nationalitäten. Stalin erklärte in seiner Siegesrede (24. Mai 1945) das "russische Volk" zur "hervorragentsten Nation"/2
Er legte damit den Grundstein zur russisch-nationalen Deutung des 2. WK, die #Putin schließlich zum Kult machte. Statt Aufarbeitung findet eine Renaissance des Stalinismus statt. Kritik an Stalin kann heute - wie bei #Memorial - als "Rehabilitierung d. Nazismus" bestraft werden/3
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Weil es gerade viele Kommentare über 🇷🇺 Zivilgesellschaft und 🇩🇪 Politik gibt dazu noch ein paar Gedanken.

🇩🇪hat die 🇷🇺Zivilgesellschaft teilweise im Stich gelassen und teilweise nicht. Den "Sonderbeziehungen" mit #Putin ist (zu) viel geopfert worden. Der Petersburger Dialog
ist zu einer großen Belastung geworden. Gut, dass er nun endlich aufgelöst wird.

Aber es gab auch immer intensive Beziehungen in die unabhängige 🇷🇺Zivilgesellschaft hinein. Die engsten Partner von Organisationen wie #Memorial und anderen saßen von Anfang an in 🇩🇪.
Die politischen Stiftungen, besonders @boell_easteurop, @fes_russia und @FNFreiheit, haben wichtige Arbeit gemacht + tun das auch weiterhin, ebenso sehr viele deutsche NGOs. Es gibt, u.a. öff. finanziert, Unterstützung für verfolgte Wissenschaftler:innen.
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#Memorial-Gründerin Irina #Scherbakowa: Wenn #Putin den #Krieg gegen die #Ukraine gewinnt, dann hat #Russland keine #Zukunft. Sie glaube nicht an #Diplomatie mit #Putin. Er werde die Ukraine zerstören, sollte es ihm noch möglich sein … 1/7
Es sei eine Erniedrigung, wie viele kluge und gebildete Menschen von den unvorhersehbaren Entscheidungen einer Handvoll Personen um Putin abhängig seien. … 2/7
Und eine historische Tragödie, dass sich die Menschen in Russland nicht gegen den Krieg und dessen Verantwortliche stellten … 3/7
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Die mit dem Friedensnobelpreis ausgezeichnete #Memorial-Mitgründerin Irina Scherbakowa hält diesjährige „Rede zur Demokratie“ beim Lichtfest Leipzig. Für die „eine große Ehre“. Zuhören werden u.a. Bundespräsident a.D. Joachim Gauck. #Sachsen-@MPKretschmer begrüßt sie auf Russisch
Beim Friedensgebet spricht zuerst eine aus der #Ukraine geflohene Lehrerin: „Dieser Krieg ist Krieg von Gut und Böse, Licht und Finsternis. Das Vertrauen in Gott macht uns Hoffnung auf ein friedliches Leben in der Ukraine, Europa & der Welt. Slawa Ukrajini!“
Zögerlicher Applaus.
„Keine Gewalt! - Der Ruf Jesu gilt. Und es betrübt uns so sehr, dass wir uns jetzt nicht daran halten können“, so die Berliner Pfarrerin Kathrin Oxen in ihrer Predigt zum Friedensgebet #Leipzig. „Angesichts dieser Feinde geht es nicht. …
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"Ich bin nicht aus Angst gegangen", sagt #Memorial-Mitgründerin Irina Scherbakowa über Entscheidung für Exil in 🇩🇪. Repression war sie gewohnt, doch nach Kriegsbeginn habe es sich angefühlt wie Atemnot. "Jetzt auch noch Schweigen zu müssen, hätte ich psychisch nicht ausgehalten." Image
Die Historikerin, Bürgerrechtlerin und nun auch #Friedensnobelpreis-Trägerin berichtet in #Leipzig von Entwicklungen der russischen Zivilgesellschaft. Aufbruch in den 80ern und Niedergang im System Putin, das ideologischen "Giftnebel" über historische Tatsachen ausbreitet.
Morgen hält Scherbakowa die Rede zur Demokratie bei Gedenkfeier an Montagsdemonstration vom 09.10.89 #Lichtfest. Vorab ist sie heute zu Gast bei @EvAkademieSax @hdg_museen.
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I see a lot of discussion about dissatisfaction among Ukrainians with the Nobel Committee's decision to award the Peace Prize to human rights defenders from three countries at once. I will try to explain my view of the problem. 🧵1/7 #NobelPeacePrize
Many of those who are now criticising actually support the awarding of this Prize to both #Memorial and #AlesBialiatski. Their work and fight for human rights and freedoms in their countries deserves enormous respect, there is no doubt! Ukrainians do not see this as unfair. 2/7
The problem lies elsewhere. A more global understanding of the situation. Ukrainians no longer want the world to perceive them in a direct context with Russia and Belarus. 3/7
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Russian disinformation & propaganda created a kind of "alternative reality" (thread)🧵

Russia is always a victim but also a superpower🖊️

NATO = threat for Russia but 🇷🇺military=superior🖊️

Russia is always right & never did anything wrong🖊️

Ukraine/EU/USA = evil🖊️
Russian & Soviet history:

Historical revisionism is a main part of Russia's propaganda policy: Critical historical reviews are banned and archives are protected by FSB officers to cover the truth about RU/USSR history - it's all about the glorification of 🇷🇺 no self-criticism
Historical revisionism is also part of the Hybrid War against #Ukraine🇺🇦

"Ukraine has not history of statehood"
"Ukrainians are Russians"
"Ukrainian is not real language"
"Ukrainian statehood is a product of Lenin"

Kremlins genocidal narrative against Ukraine is based on this
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The Jewish cemetery of #Salonica was once the largest Jewish cemetery in Europe, with over 350,000 graves. Its destruction began with the Hellenising policies of interwar Greece and concluded in 1942 during the Nazi occupation of the city. #Thread
Whereas the Jewish cemetery was destroyed and incorporated as part of the Aristotle University, #Salonica’s Dönme cemetery became a football field, and the city’s main Muslim cemetery became the International Fair Ground.
Though the vast majority of tombs in the Jewish cemetery belonged to #Sephardim, there were also many Ashkenazi tombs, as well as some headstones dating back to the Roman era.
Read 13 tweets
🚨#Russia Orders Liquidation of #Memorial—revered human rights NGO formed by Soviet dissidents to chronicle political repression

Memorial was a symbol of Russia’s post-USSR democratization. It’s shuttering is a symbol Putin’s power needs Soviet repression…
#Russia banning #Memorial is Putin admitting he’s a repressive Soviet autocrat erasing memory & history. Prosecutors said Memorial misinterpreted history—“creating a false image of the USSR as a terrorist state” & criticized the state. Putin is the state. And Puti fears criticism
🇷🇺#Memorial: “Our country needs an honest and conscientious reflection on the Soviet past.…The entire Russian society needs to remember the tragedies of the past. And not only Russian: the memory of state terror unites all the former Soviet republics.” @MemorialMoscow #Russia
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1/. #BREAKING: A Russian court has just shut down human rights group Memorial International

"The authorities’ use of the ‘foreign agents’ law to dissolve this organization is a blatant attack on civil society that seeks to blur the national memory of state repression" @amnesty
2/. “Shame! Shame! Shame!”

Crowd gathered outside the Supreme Court building in Moscow after the decision to shut down #Memorial, Russia’s oldest human rights NGO.

At least one protester was taken away by police
(Footage via @hrc_memorial)
3/. Memorial was founded in 1987, with Nobel laureate Andrei Sakharov serving as its chairman

It consists of Memorial International, which deals with Soviet-era crimes, & Memorial Human Rights Centre, which deals with political prisoners in modern-day Russia (Pics David Frenkel) ImageImage
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We, the Presidents of #Poland, #Lithuania, #Latvia and #Estonia express our concern regarding historical revisionism in #Russia and specifically the possible closure of #Memorial.
#Memorial is one of the oldest independent organizations involved in defending human rights in Russia and documenting Stalinist crimes across the whole former Soviet area.
We greatly appreciate the dedication and determination of #Memorial staff to commemorate the victims of Soviet crimes perpetrated against the Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian nations, as well as against millions of Russians, Ukrainians and people of other nationalities.
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Kein Ende in Sicht für die größte Repressionswelle gegen unabhängige Medien und NGOs in der Geschichte der Russischen Föderation. 1/8

Allein in dieser Woche erweiterte das russische Justizministerium dreimal die Liste der "ausländischen Agenten", darunter auch um das Russische LGBT-Netzwerk. 2/8

Weiters fordert die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft #Russland|s die Auflösung des Menschenrechtszentrums „Memorial“ (@MemorialMoscow), da angeblich – nicht näher bestimmte – "gesetzliche Anforderungen in Bezug auf den Status als "ausländischer Agent" nicht erfüllt" worden seien. 3/8
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High Representative #Inzko used his so-called Bonn Powers to amend the 🇧🇦 Criminal Code & introduce sanctions for “glorification of war criminals convicted by final and binding judgments and the denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.”

My thread🧵👇🏼1/18
Survivors & families of war victims, individuals & institutions active in human rights, remembering the past & reconciliation #welcomed #Inzko’s #decision. Most of them advocated for such legislative changes for years. Even Inzko promissed them many times to make it happen. (2)
As reported by the #Srebrenica #Memorial, denial & glorification of war crimes, incl.genocide, take place on regular & systematic basis in 🇧🇦 & the region =🇷🇸.
Ministries finance books on or by convicted war criminals, governments commission reports full of denial of facts.. (3)
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The #WWII #Canadian Loan Program

An Operation Market Garden thread in 22 Tweets. #OMG
2 of 18:

Many people know about the #American and #British forces committed to Operation Market Garden. Some know about the #Irish Guards and the #Polish Brigade. But many don’t know about the #Canadians who fought during the operation.
3 of 18:

At the time of Market Garden, Canadian forces were advancing from #Belgium to the #Netherlands. While Canadian units were not involved in the Battle of #Arnhem, a number of Canadian Officers, like this one Ashton Kerr, were.
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1. Jonah is the fifth of the Minor Prophets.
Apart from the book traditionally ascribed to him, Jonah is mentioned once in the Old Testament: 2 Kings 14:25.
#Prophet #Jonah #Bible
#memorial #Sep21 #CatholicTwitter #Christian #faith Image
2. In the book which bears his name, in the opening verse it is stated that "the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amathi, saying: Arise and go to Ninive, the great city, and preach in it: for the wickedness thereof is come up before me."

#biblequotes #mondaythoughts
3. But the Prophet tries to escape the task assigned to him. He boards a ship bound for that port, but a violent storm overtakes him, and on his admission that he is the cause of it, he is cast overboard.

He is swallowed by a great fish and after a three day’s sojourn
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9/11 Memorial Plaza, recordings start 11:37 PM, Manhattan, New York City, Friday, September 11, 2020
This is a multiple tweet thread.

#911 #memorial #Plaza #Manhattan #NewYorkCity #NewYork #nyc #ny #9/11
3/ ImageImageImageImage
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@LorenaSGonzalez @LorenaAD80 #UPDATE: #Free #Food Opportunities #SanDiego County:

#School #Summer #Meal Services by School District
#Pandemic-#EBT (#PEBT) - Deadline to APPLY, July 15
Food Resources During Coronavirus Crisis
School Summer Meal Services Listed by School District:
#ChulaVista #Elementary #School District -

#Meal #distribution will continue through #summer. #Drivethru meal distribution of #breakfast and #lunch takes place daily at the sites below, beginning at 10 a.m. and ending when all #bags are distributed.
#Bags will be placed into #automobile trunks; they will NOT be handed through #vehicle #windows unless absolutely necessary. #Meals are intended for our neediest #children between the ages of 1 to 18 years, & #students should be present when receiving meals.
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I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
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'Asked how she and Paul took on life after turning 70, Rhoda said "I am his ears and he is my eyes."' And we sing Malibongwe. #RhodaJoemat #Memorial.
Cde Mcebisi Skwatsha says he never saw cde Rhoda without a smile. Shares that Rhoda was giving the nurses trouble. Nurses accused her of being rebellious. Yeah, right! She was insisting on having a cigarette. It as her one vice, she said.
And then we have a power cut. Mcebisi continues his tribute to Aunty Rhoda, a people's person. The generator outside kicks in. He mentions that on this 6th anniversary of Maria's passing it is noteworthy that Aunty Rhoda did not do this for personal glory, he says.
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@ilb_ @UN the international response to the murder of Mr. Khashoggi marks the hollowness of the universal declaration of human rights. Sitting at an event tonight put on in his memory, I couldn't help but cringe while listening to the 30 articles read aloud. They are meaningless
If no country is willing to uphold the values contained within. It's business as usual between the Saudis and signatories of the UDHR. What do these words do for people whose rights are being violated - whose lives are being taken from them? We need real protections
And systems in place to make sure these things no longer happen, and that culpable governments are held accountable, not fairy tales to make us feel better about being human. #Khashoggi #journalism #memorial #realtalk #FreePress #Saudi #usa #Canada
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