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Fyi, no serious economist - including Patrick Minford - would think that £30-£40 billion of tax cuts would mean UK interest rates have to rise to 7%... 🙄

#RishiSunak #LizTruss #LeadersDebate
Ps. here's what #Minford actually said... 👇

(Most economists agree that UK interest rates are unsustainably low. In my view, the neutral rate would now be much lower than past norms of 5-7%. But Minford did NOT say that #Truss's tax cuts would raise them to 7%.)
pps. and since then (in a piece for the Mail), #Minford has clarified that he thinks the neutral rate is now more like 2-4%... đŸ€“

In short, poor from Rishi Sunak.
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This is đŸ”„ again.

Rishi Sunak accuses Liz Truss of ÂŁ40bn of unfunded tax cuts.

Truss insists she’ll start paying down the debt in 3 years. “I don’t believe this negative declinist language”.

How do they erase these attack lines once one of them becomes PM?

“This is scaremongering! This is Project Fear!” says Truss.

“I remember who was on the side of Project Fear in the referendum and it wasn’t me” says Sunak.

“Maybe I’ve learnt from it” replies Truss.

Sunak has really come out fighting tonight - real underdog spirit. He is coming across as much more assured in his economic argument, but this was always going to be his strong suit and suspect Conservative members will still like Truss’s talk of tax cuts. #BBCDebate
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Ch7: we have game-ified the shit out of this, with game show music.
Can't wait for the Lanai Scarr round, where if Lanai can answer more pub trivia questions about Perth, then you lose all your WA seats.
"Everything is going up except people's wages". Drink! #auspol #LeadersDebate
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#LeadersDebate No. 3 — a thread. Are you ready?
25 'pub test' voters will deliver their verdict after the debate.
Scott opens: A mix of 'mea culpa' and 'BUT' and already on to the broken record of 'strong economy', 'uncertainty' and 'shields'. Blaming the globe, glossing over mistakes and talking up failure. It's his usual word salad, but he looks tired and sad.
Read 79 tweets
BREAKING: Anthony Albanese has defeated Scott Morrison in the second #LeadersDebate. While Channel 9's voting website did not work for the duration of the debate, it was a very clear victory for Albo. Morrison was shaken from the start, likely after seeing tonight's polls.
There will be one more leaders' debate before the election. Albanese has won two out of two so far.
Channel 9 audience 'Preferred PM' result:

Albo: 49%
Scott: 45%
Undecided: 6%

(Note: the voting website broke down for most of the debate).
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#LeadersDebate — a thread for those who can't or won't watch. Grab a drink, some snacks, get comfortable...
Okay, here we go, Channel 9's on-brand overly dramatic music and intro. You'd think this is a Big Brother finale. The expert panel is Chris Uhlmann, Deborah Knight and David Crowe. Vote here:

Scott Morrison won the coin toss, he goes first. He's on script, been told to not get nasty (but he will, later). He's rattling off on the economy, but that just sounds silly now given all the alarms going off on the economy following his sloppy work. He's stumbling a bit.
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Can we please stop this #NowPlaying long drawn out past decade of pushing #BlackPeople out there as if #BlackLivesMatter @ukblm now have the #Blackpower who will make that change who are listening to their own @Blackbirds to #Brainwashing you into thinking,
well if #BlackWomen #blackmen #LeadersDebate are seen to be in talking #StopRacism in the @churchofengland @ECB_cricket that must put an end to #PoliceBrutality #policecorruption #RacismReckoningMed22 as the rest of those like @mjtward19 who loves #football along with
the rest of @GREATBritain as @wabbey @UNESCO ?refuse to see the real reasons #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #BorisJohnsonMustGo, being the very same reasons @Keir_Starmer #StarmerOut who should never ever have been the #LeadershipDevelopment for @UKLabour
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This is what happens when @CUhlmann smears @Mon4Kooyong in a Tweet without context. Terrible loss for @9NewsAUS and voters. A debate in Kooyong with undecided constituents on Nine would have been free to air. But will Josh be game to agree?

2. What the hell is wrong with @abcnews and @9NewsAUS??? Surely a local town hall with undecided local voters is not beyond them? Free to air much better for all voters. 3 times now Murdoch’s Sky - Zali-Abbott 2019, Allegra-Sharma, now maybe Monique-Josh is bloody ridiculous.
3. I thought when @David_Speers joined @abcnews it was in box seat to host a free to air town-hall #leadersdebate pioneered by Sky. To have the first #leadersdebate on a Murdoch cable channel live-streamed by Murdoch media a disgrace.

Will there be a free-to-air #leadersdebate?
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Morrison: "I designed OSB & the turnback policy of our govt"

"I'm just looking for accuracy & the truth"

PM didn't design 'turnbacks', he copied from Howard

Morrison became an MP in 2007

Howard turned back 5 boats btwn 01-03
#auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022 Image
Is it illegal to seek asylum by boat?

Is Australia a signatory to the Refugee Convention & Protocol?

Yes, Australia voluntarily acceded to the Refugee Convention & Protocol
#auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022
Since 2015, Labor has supported 'turnbacks'

So, Morrison asking Albo if Labor supports 'turnbacks' illustrates the PM is woefully uninformed about Labor's policies for the last 7 yrs

It's always wise to know your adversary's policies well
#auspol #ausvotes #AusVotes2022 Image
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I’ll do a thread in the #leadersdebate questions asked.

Paul: what will you do on housing affordability and to stop foreign ownership of homes.
2. What will you do improve the nursing workforce - especially Australians - and particularly in aged care.
3. Roger: PMs Federal Integrity Commission Bill - how will you give it teeth, especially public hearings.
Read 14 tweets
LEADER'S DEBATE — a thread. I'll be commentating live so you don't have to watch. #LeadersDebate #auspol
Morrison won the coin toss, he's talking about resilience and glossing over his record. Already told a lie about the economy in the first 15 seconds. He's a little nervous and quite wooden, which is understandable, he's under a lot of pressure.
Now to Albo, he's a bit more at ease than Morrison, talks about need for costs to come down and wages to go up. Recognises the economy needs to improve and Australia needs to pick up manufacturing again. We must do better and we can do better. Says an ICAC is needed. Good start.
Read 82 tweets
#LeadersDebate Thoughts from an American/Réfléchis d'un Américain
I'm glad I watched last night's Leaders' Debate in English in Canada. The difference between the 2 debates extended far beyond language - even though language also played a role in how each played out.
#LeadersDebate #CanadaVotes #Elxn44
Canada has a debates commission similar on some level to ours. I'd say that they messed up last night. The English-language debate moderators were, well, very American in their approach.
#LeadersDebate #CanadaVotes #elexn44
They asked long questions and they tried to be provocative; the French-language moderators from the previous night asked short questions and tried to keep themselves out of the limelight.
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Here are five key takeaways from the federal English-language debate from @markusoff for @macleans: #LeadersDebate #elxn44 #cdnpoli (1/6)

Trudeau's record was easily criticized for its shortcomings by Singh and O'Toole, who targeted the Liberals' failure to lift all water advisories and meet climate targets. (2/6)
A mostly steady O’Toole benefitted from lines of questioning on Canada’s relationship with China during the imprisonment of the two Michaels and the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan. (3/6)
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Already so tired of the “undecided voter” trope.

#Elxn44 #LeadersDebate
The bias from the moderator is already ridiculous. “You inspire people” she says to Jagmeet, then complains in her q that Trudeau “plunged the country” into an election. No minority government has ever lasted more than 2 years. We should vote mid winter?
#Elxn44   #LeadersDebate
OMG!!! O’Toole pretending to be a “pro choice ally”. Meanwhile he would have 14 rabid far right anti choice extremists in his cabinet. Unbelievable! #OTooleIsALiar

#Elxn44   #LeadersDebate
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What does each leader need to accomplish in tonight’s debate? What do they need to say? Let’s have a think, writes @AGMacDougall. #elxn44 #leadersdebate

Trudeau has to rally wary progressives back into Camp Liberal and re-energize his base. He’ll do this by tearing the NDP’s climate “plan” apart and encouraging progressives to rally behind the best plan in Canada for tackling climate change.

Erin O’Toole needs to reassure suburban voters who are struggling with the cost-of-living and housing prices, but are wary of some elements of his party. He’ll do this by talking up job creation, his housing plan and desire to reduce household bills.

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1/5 đŸ§”#CDNpoli #Polling #Elxn44

I see many of you were excited by the polls today, so here's a few things you #NeedToKnow about polls

First, all pollsters exhibit bias & it's measured enough to constitute a graph. Here's one from the 2015 election to give you some example:
2/5 đŸ§”#CDNpoli #Polling #Elxn44

Watching polls throughout an election is a fool's game. It may provide insight at a given moment but it isn't until the final stretch that it may be indicative. Much can happen & a #LeadersDebate can change everything (click photo to see tail end)
3/5 đŸ§”#CDNpoli #Polling #Elxn44

Next, the #338PollAggregator contains every bias from every pollster, as demonstrated in the photo from (1/5) in this thread. With that said, they currently list an exact tie between Libs & Cons, with NDP ranking lower than the poll released today
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The absolute audacity of @Douglas4Moray badgering @NicolaSturgeon to ‘answer the question’ when he has consistently avoided answering any questions in every interview ever. @theSNP and @scottishgreens are the only candidates who do answer questions #Leadersdebate #c4debate
@AnasSarwar and @Douglas4Moray cowardly refusal to answer questions on a democratic path to independence makes it transparent just how undemocratic union politics actually is. #NextLeaderOfScotland
@ScottishLabour and @ScotTories are the ones using independence to cause division by refusing to have an honest conversation on the topic and refusing voters the right to choose #NextLeaderOfScotland
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Yes there is.

He had her on his lap, seen without his shirt on in the company of what was clearly a underage girl.
#BorisHasFailedTheNation #KeirStarmerhasfailedthekids when head of @cpsuk helping @ClarenceHouse #PrinceCharles @JimmySavileNews to be buried.

Who is now #leadersdebate of @UKLabour who is attempting to divert you away from @TheDukeOfYork as @KensingtonRoyal carry on as
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The whole "A JEREMY CORBYN GOVERNMENT WILL THREATEN OUR FREEDOMS!" is one of the weirdest attack lines against Labour. Corbyn, John McDonnell and his key allies were serial rebels against New Labour's authoritarian attacks on civil liberties #BBCQT
Jeremy Corbyn should be saying here that Evo Morales has been overthrown by a military coup which is an unacceptable assault on democracy (though honestly viewers would be utterly baffled by this line of questioning, honestly) #BBCQT
A really good answer on Brexit from Corbyn (and better than the #LeadersDebate): that he'll be neutral in a referendum so he's an honest broker implementing the will of the people, rather than another divisive PM. It should have been said earlier - but stick to this #BBCQT
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This is a lie

There are at least 130 outstanding antisemitism cases, some dating back years, that still haven’t been dealt with. The Party haven’t bothered to investigate the cases properly or make decisions. This is the tip of the iceberg /1

#ITVLeadersDebate #LeadersDebate
Corbyn and Labour’s total failure to deal with antisemites has seen it be investigated by the EHRC for institutional anti-Jewish racism.

They don’t launch major investigations without cause, and the investigation continues through the election /2
Today @JewishLabour submitted its final submission. The culmination of 18 months work with @Mishcon_de_Reya, documenting thousands of pages of evidence and argument.

Over 70 witnesses, including activists, officers, staff and politicians have given sworn testimony /3
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The question about trust and personal integrity from Faiz (so?) was a very good one but neither Johnson nor Corbyn answered it very well. But as the issue of racism was raised why wasn’t racism in *both* parties mentioned? All racisms matter #LeadersDebate
Typo meant to write sp for spelling. Why isn’t Boris Johnson’s party being held to account for the devastating impact of austerity on lower income groups? Why isn’t someone reminding the electorate that Conservatives are merely replacing (and not even that) what they scrapped?
Absolutely astonishing that Boris Johnson was not held to account for the high levels of #Islamophobia and racism in the Conservative Party given that the issue of antisemitism in the Labour Party was raised. Racism is not on a spectrum or in ranking order @ITV #LeadersDebate
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This election will be another ‘lottery election’ – with so-called vote-splitting leading to random results. People are switching sides and shopping around at ‘astonishing’ levels #LeadersDebate
The 2017 General Election saw the second highest electoral volatility (the movement of votes between parties) since 1931

In the 2017 election, 0.0016% of voters choosing differently would have given the Conservatives a majority, while the election saw rise in very marginal seats: eleven seats were won by fewer than 100 votes
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A vote for Corbyn is a vote for a hung Parliament, which would only deliver more gridlock, more delay, and two more chaotic referendums.

👎 He's failed SEVEN times already this debate to say what he would do on Brexit. Yep, that's 7

That's EIGHT times Jeremy Corbyn has failed to say what his own position is on Brexit.

That's NINE times.

9 times Jeremy Corbyn has failed to say what his own position is on Brexit.

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