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🔥#ONU - 2019 - Donald #Trump :
"À l'instar de mon pays d'origine, ces nations représentent une histoire, "
#Globalist #Patriots #NWO #liberte #Freedom @YvesPDB @BugaultV #USA
"une culture et un patrimoine précieux qui méritent d'être défendus et célébrés et qui nous confèrent un potentiel et une force singuliers. "
"Le monde libre doit embrasser chaque fondation nationale. Il ne doit pas tenter de les arrêter ou de les remplacer. En regardant autour de nous et partout, il y a une grande planète magnifique. "
Read 6 tweets

This topical article goes through the liberties stripped of the Americans in the last few generations, and accelerated in the last 3 years.…


The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @POTUS44, @HillaryClinton, and the @FBI interfering with the 2016 election. Image

The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @BarackObama authorizing the IRS under @LoisLernerIRS to target conservative not for profits such as the Tea Party Movement. Image
Read 25 tweets

Australian Banks are now colluding with the WEF to #debank Australians who speak out against the WEF and their #Globalist policies.

Citizen journalist Maria Zeee was recently #debanked by WEF partner ING Australia

Once #CBDC, #DigitalID’s and…
Screenshots here:
Read 4 tweets
#Rothschild #Rothschilds #Antisemitismus

"Rothschilds Reichtum und Erfolg riefen Neider auf den Plan - und eben auch Antisemitismus."

"Der Name wurde zugleich im Laufe der Zeit zu einer Projektionsfläche für antisemitische Verschwörungsmythen."

"Um die Rothschilds ranken sich viele antisemitische Legenden."

#Gemeint sind dann Juden oder eine nicht näher bezeichnete »Elite«, die für Unerklärliches als vermeintliche Verursacher herhalten muss, und hinter Entwicklungen stehe, um damit angeblich Profit zu machen."

"So wird die Legende der »jüdischen Weltverschwörung« befeuert, wie es momentan auch in der aktuellen Corona-Pandemie der Fall ist."

Diese Zitate stammen aus:…

Oft handelt es sich um codieren #Antisemitismus.

Read 19 tweets
The U.N. is a happy organization?

This happynwo site is now the forwarding address for: (which was a blank site in 2020 with only "Ⓒ Copyright New World Order Project 2020" at the bottom.)

Hmm.🤔 #NewWorldOrder Image
Ha! Found it. Image
Read 72 tweets
#Globalist Jews Created And Run Communist #China
- Israel #Epstein was one of the few foreign-born Chinese citizens of non-Chinese origin to become a member of the Communist Party.
- Sidney #Shapiro, an American Jew, was a high ranking member of CCP’s govt
#China is #Rothschild's Model for #NWO | Dec 9, '19
"Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and occupation of the US body politic by the sons and daughters of alleged Jews from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania & Russia, ALL becomes clear."
Read 20 tweets
A thread about media #censorship, #globalist #technocracy, Jeffrey #Epstein, and Hegelian dialect drivers, all from one plane crash that killed 4 people on March 18, 1970 near Elizabeth, #NJ; with a brief Son-of-Sam mention and Charlie Manson. Image
The Son-of-Sam reference is a different rabbit hole, so this will be brief. We found this article while looking for mentions of a Col. Rowan who was involved in a Catholic charity working in S. America suspected to be a #CIA cutout and possibly connected to a Yonker's NY cult.
We came across the article again while looking for references to Cleveland Amory, Animal Rights activist, & brother of #CIA Director Bob Amory Jr. (Charlie Manson is peripherally connected to Cleveland, via the son of Doris Day, Animal Rights activist/actress close to Cleveland)
Read 15 tweets
@lladany @ClareCraigPath #ClimateChange = a corrupt & dangerous political agenda.

It was quite easy to trace the history + figure out the hidden agendas.

#ClubOfRome #EcoFascist #Malthusian #DepopulationCabal

Not friends of humanity.…
@lladany @ClareCraigPath This is what these #EcoFascist #Malthusian #Technocratic ideologists believe ::

The Earth can only support max one billion people under totalitarian control.

But their ‘modeling’ has also been proven wrong, over and over and over.

#ClubOfRome #ClimateChange
@lladany @ClareCraigPath #TedTurner is another one of these #EcoFascist #Malthusian #Globalist ideologists + part of #TheGoodClub = billionaires with bad intentions.

He’s repeatedly on-record wanting a global population of less than one billion people + #Monkeypox = #NTI.…
Read 10 tweets
#THREAD #threadstorytime

#NWO #Globalist #oligarch
Lets take a look at his
#backstory & #history

Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of The Carlyle Group, President of the Alfalfa Club ect..…
RUBENSTIEN is also on the board of trustees of the world economic forum…
Read 16 tweets
#Thread #threadstorytime

Interesting timeline prior to C0V1D
August 2019

#BlackRock Investment Institute
Dealing with the next downturn:
From unconventional monetary policy to
unprecedented policy coordination
#FederalReserve #GreatReset…
August 22-24th 2019
Federal reserve and central bankers from around the world
met at Jackson Hole Wyoming .

Blackrock presents the white paper written by 3 ex central banks ( one has dual citizenship btw) to them .…
Sept 16 2019
3 Traders at JP Morgan were indicted on RICO for manipulating the metals market…
Read 16 tweets
[#NATO war propaganda]
US orders families of #Kyiv #embassy staff to leave Ukraine | Jan 23
- In a travel advisory published on its website, the State Department said that there were reports Russia is planning significant military action against Ukraine.…
The #misinformation spread by the British Foreign Office is another evidence that these are the #NATO countries, led by the Anglo-Saxons that are #escalating tensions around #Ukraine | Jan 24
-We call to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense…
[War criminals: #NATO-#ISIS-#AlQaeda-#CIA]
We call on the British Foreign Office @trussliz to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense and focus on studying the history of the Tatar-Mongol yoke” a representative of the Russian FM told | Jan 22…
Read 58 tweets
Details of an excellent Hotel Loyalty program which does not get much attention due to no Points Transfer Partners in India.

World Of Hyatt!


What does it mean? Earn Points thru Stays or purchase points!

@Hyatt - Credit Card Partners in India plz.

@Hyatt Program covers 1000+ Hotels across 18+ Brands 

- Alila
- Andaz
- Caption
- Destination Hotels
- Exhale
- Grand Hyatt
- Hyatt
- Hyatt Centric
- Hyatt House
- Hyatt Place
- Hyatt Regency
- Hyatt Residence Club
- Hyatt Zilara
- Hyatt Ziva
- Joie de Vivre

- Miraval, Park Hyatt
- Thompson
- The Unbound Collection

where hotels are categorised from Category 1 (Lowest) to Category 8 (Highest)

Read 12 tweets
#Technocracy is #Fascism, #Communism, or something parallel. Coronavirus pandemic accelerated long-held plans of #WEF #Davos to establish #Globalist #Elite so-called #Leftist NWO. #Global policymakers advocating the “Great Reset” advocate #EcoDystopia…
The coming #technocracy is Marxism: involves close cooperation between heads of #digital #industry & #govts. Programs such as minimum income & healthcare for all? NWO governance 'strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice
NWO of #digital tyranny comes with a intrusive #SocialCredit system. The People’s Republic of China is the pioneer of this method of #Surveillance & #Control of #Individuals, #Corporations, & #SocioPolitical entities
Read 29 tweets
Aims of the #GreatReset #American #Bankers #Oligarchy ... "We will promote social justice policies to reduce inequalities including through support to tax redistributive & domestic resource optimization approaches social safety nets & or insurance schemes"
Newly Unsealed Docs in 2018 showed top #FDIC Officials Running Operation #ChokePoint* under 2013 #ObamaAdministration to form public/private oligarchy

* to freeze politically disfavored #businesses deemed not PC / high risk out of the financial system…
Read 39 tweets
Apr.2020 #Pandemic At Center of #Globalist & #Psychological
#Warfare Against #Freedom.

📽 #UN #WEF Globalist admit Coronavirus is at the centre of the wheel for #Global #Governance…

#ClimateTax > #ClimateHoax
#COVID > #Agenda2030 ImageImage
Apr.2020 #US #CoronavirusReliefBill had 'Digital Dollar' in it but was stripped out. On #DigitalDollar* website (Digital Dollar Project states it is partnering with Accenture) led by David Treat

* was going to create a federal reserve digital dollar

/1 #BiteSizeChunks
Digital Dollar: David Treat Snr MD & co-lead of blockchain / NY Fintech Innovation at Accenture, also serves on board for #ID2020 alliance, #WEF #4IR Global #Blockchain Council member, program advisor Chamber of digital commerce, & WEF digital ID

/2 #BiteSizeChunks
Read 25 tweets
From #Lockdowns to "#TheGreatReset". Lockdown in the wake of #coronavirus pandemic accelerated implementation of long-held plans to estb. so-called NWO. Under auspices of #WEF, global policymakers are advocating a “Great Reset” with intent of creating a global technocracy
It is not by coincidence that on 18 Oct 2019, in NYC the WEF “Event 201” at “high-level” pandemic exercise organized by John Hopkins Center for Health Security. This coming technocracy involves close cooperation between the heads of the digital industry and of governments
With programs such as guaranteed min income & healthcare for all, new kind of governance combines strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice. The truth, however, this NWO of digital tyranny comes with a comprehensive social credit system
Read 10 tweets
Biden is in favor of #abortion, he is #racist, Biden finances #chaos.
Joe Biden was Obama's accomplice in the creation of the #ISIS, in the destruction of 7 countries.
Joe is a #pedophile, a #Satanist and a #globalist.
The Democrats' logo says it all. ImageImageImageImage
BIDEN #abortion ImageImageImageImage
Biden #racist ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
1) I think this is #DictatorDan's actual testimony. Still weird as, but. He looks skinnier, paler, way younger. And his hands look large in comparison to his body. I suspect tech heads could explain weirdness as result of Skype or similar software with low resolution.
2) But it's not remotely batshit to wonder what is going on here. Look at insane stuff going in #Victoria lately. To say it seems surreal (zif dystopian satire) is yuge understatement. Also, many #MSM glitches involving pollies esp those linked to Cabal, Dems (as Dan is).
3) Check out this "glitch in the matrix" featuring #HillaryClinton.
Read 42 tweets
1) Another yugely OTT police visit. Again woman is victim, this time late at night. Why do #VictoriaPolice keep doing this? Women so often victims of loathsome bullying. Clearly meant to make us hate the plods. Stop being played Aussies. A psyop!…
2) This has #globalistelite written all over it. Their MO: engineer events to make masses *demand* totalitarian measures they wanna install. If they didn't use this ploy and were actually honest they'd never get what they want coz we'd say: "You want to do what? Sod off!"
3) All this #VictoriaPolice bastardy in viral videos part of psyop to push for UN community policing. #Defundthepolice Down Under. Look at Dirty Dems in USA. Use #BLM, MSM to flog "cops racist" lie. Even had Afro-Latino reporter arrested live on TV.…
Read 8 tweets
#NeverForget911 #Sacrifice
#Illuminati #NewWorldOrder #NWO

The truth has always been before your eyes, but you insist on not wanting to see it.

It wasn't just about oil, the media didn't talk about opium and also lied about Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons.
#NeverForget! ImageImageImageImage
Part 2
#Bush, #McCain and other globalist #puppets started a non-existent war in which they started an enemy that also did not exist leading chaos, death and destruction to various nations with support from the #globalist media.

#Satanism #DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateLuciferianCabal ImageImageImageImage
Part 3
#Bush, #McCain, #Obama, #BillClinton, #HillaryClinton, #JoeBiden are all criminal terrorists protected by a highly corrupt system (#Establishment) and are also shielded by the #corruptmedia.
@CNN @CBS @NBCNews @MSNBC @ABC @nytimes @washingtonpost, etc. ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
WEF coverage on #COVID19 is like a lesson learned of the #TheLeft championing #Globalist ideals thru the lens of COVID19 (catalyst) climate (destination)

#GlobalistLeft view the pandemic as a stepping stone to change policies on health, social, economics

#thread ...
Jun 2019: A new agreement with WEF World Economic Forum gave multinational corporations influence over matters of global governance. #WEF & #UN signed a memo of understanding to partner with each other. UN quietly turned itself into a public-private partnership
2008 Labour #British PM Gordon Brown & #French President Nicolas Sarkozy made calls for a new International Governance System for a (#WEF Global Redesign) to overhaul the int'l financial architecture” akin to the 1944 Bretton Woods…
Read 31 tweets

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