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Why the sentiment for @RTFKT is so poor right now, and how we can fix some of it.

I’m a diamond hand holder since #CloneX mint, paid the full dutch price. ( for perspective)

As a Clone, I’m writing this because I care about the brand, not because I want them to lose

A thread🧵 Image
I have noticed a shift from holder as investor to holder as consumer. It's been happening for a while. We paid RTFKT for an experience and promise of a future "metaverse", CloneX ecosystem and whatnot. Image
Where they have failed is in executing these for appropriate pricing / disclosing big catches such as a region lock. Furthermore, the communication continues to be "you'll see trust us" rather than transparency.
Read 17 tweets
1/18 @RTFKT's current predicament & PR/reputational problems are well documented.#CloneX holders feel abit lost & unloved. The root of the problem is losing the 3 key 'intangibles' that serve as the fundamental base for pfp projects: vibes, culture, dreams. A🧵 on "fixing" RTFKT:
To recap: in current "pre-mainstream" stage, pfp collections are more about vibes/culture/dreams than actual utility. Since the Nike deal,RTFKT has struggled here with corp takeover ruining the ownership "dreams", customer treatment ruining "vibes" & poor comms ruining "culture". Image
Having this VCD trio (vibes/culture/dreams) is a necessary foundation. You can temporarily larp as bluechip with only VCD. You can temp larp as bluechip by executing with flawless quality without VCD.But if you want to be a sustainable pfp bluechip, you need both VCD AND quality.
Read 20 tweets

A thread on @RTFKT ⬇🧵 Image
I entered this ecosystem just about a month ago.
I have no affiliation with @RTFKT or @Nike.

This is an informative post about what I find to be the strong points of this brand and is in no way endorsed or sponsored. All opinions are personal.

NFA and DYOR.💜

▫ In October 2021, NIKE acquired RTFKT Studio, with the goal of incorporating their expertise in digital design and creativity into NIKE's own products.

▫ This fundamental backing of the company gives it a high standing and credibility in the WEB3 space. Image
Read 24 tweets
1/20 There's growing sentiment that @RTFKT's not focusing enough on #CloneX as god-tier of ecosystem. In reality OGs have received every drop, but RTKFT's taking a siloed approach in creating greater aggregated collection value. A🧵 to explain, why it hasn't worked & how it can:
Unlike a lot of other NFTs, RTFKT is a multifaceted brand aiming to provide EVERYTHING you could possibly want in a digital metaverse-ready identity. From gamified shoe leveling to luxury 'phygitals'. But that scope also means not everyone might want to participate in each part.
This is why separating the different parts into ecosystems makes sense and Clones have gotten free access to each new vertical - with option to stick around or cashing-out. Now Clones are demanding that everything be tied to the pfp rather than the initial ecosystem base drops.
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@DeGodsNFT -> Ethereum
@y00tsNFT -> Polygon




@DeGodsNFT目前的地板价是505 $SOL,转换为$ETH将是~4.64 $ETH。在以太坊上有类似地板价的PFP类的NFT项目有@veefriends, #cloneX, @pudgypenguins, 和@MeebitsNFTs
Read 9 tweets
🧵遇到超级骗子所以退出 @CloneXGC
1.今天是 @RTFKT 官方全资赞助的中文社区活动日,看到活动顺利落地,我终于可以公开宣布:我和 @KimBabe0_0 早已于12月01日退出 @CloneXGC ,现明确要求该社区Leader @KUANG_NFT & @_Lee_SP 从即日起停止使用我和Kim设计制作的Logo、Banner等内容 #RTFKT #CloneX
2. @CloneXGC 社区起始于9月 @_Lee_SP 发起,找到我和 @KUANG_NFT 加入,后续为了制作出可以代表社区水准的Creator内容,我又邀请数字艺术家 @KimBabe0_0 加入。我从今年2月进入Web3世界,一直以来我认为社区和同为Holder的家人们是NFT这个行业最宝贵的财富,所以很开心能够组建社区为喜欢的项目贡献
3.作为组建 @CloneXGC 社区的Leader之一,我认为社区Leader并非是一份虚荣,而是一份责任,其最大职责就是要为社区家人们做事,同时基于大家对我们工作的认可,在Web3世界内获得尊重。在筹备我们组建后第一次重要工作就是本次 @RTFKT 官方出资的活动过程中,我发现了令我和Kim不得不选择退出的丑陋事情
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各种Mint了上千个归零小图片 #NFT 后,终于学会了自以为正确的姿势,最近重仓的几个 #NFT 图片都进入了相对稳定的增长曲线,新一代蓝筹应该能抓住一两个吧,就算没成为蓝筹,增长倍数也足够了。总结一下目前采用的几个 #NFT Alpha评估指标(别问我下面谈的指标哪里找DYOR)
1/#NFT Holders % vs Unique #PFP %:很多人只关注 Holders%,感觉这个比率越低项目方控盘越强不敢进入,从而丧失机会。优质项目应该是在前期由一批有影响力的人共同推动市场,所以Holder%和Unique #pfp %的相对比例更重要,尤其是大 #KOL 中的Unique #PFP %,这时可以同时参考Top Whale Followers
2/蓝筹指数(BC Index):新的 #NFT 持有者中持有蓝筹 #NFT 的% ,这个指标包括了一批蓝筹NFT,如 #BAYC #Azuki #CloneX 等,但我最看中的还是同时持有 #BAYC 的数量,因为 #无聊猿 的持有者更趋于长期钻石手且资金实力和影响力都最大。而其他所谓的蓝筹如 #doodles 还面临很多问题可能会跌出蓝筹
Read 6 tweets
Things no one is talking about regarding the @RTFKT #Animus video -- a 🧵--> 1/18 Image
Let's start with the narrative framework: "Project: Animus" -- for those familiar, #CloneX Mint Vials began as "Project: Akira" and suggests to us that the #RTFKT 🥚will be similar in function to Mint Vials -- blind gashapons. Image
If you aren't familiar with blind gashapons, take a read of our recent thread that breaks down the game theory behind this popular web3 minting schema used by #CloneX and @voltz_me among other standout projects in the space.

Read 21 tweets
This week, we launched the Minter Token - our latest innovation with @opensea

Today, we will dive deeper into it's meaning through the lens of @KingJames's @RTFKT CloneX 1/1
(LeClone James)

🧵(1/6) Image
On the 12th December at 9PM UTC, @johnnylcy minted @RTFKT's CloneX #7968

The NFT was sold to @Robistraveling & a month later sold to @RTFKT for 42.069 ETH

What happened next was crazy ✨
This week, #RTFKT updated #7968 to have a 1/1 crown and 1/1 Lebron beard in anticipation of this becoming the official #CloneX for Lebron James - one of the greatest athletes of our generation

Read 6 tweets
1/ 关于 #BendDAO 清算,我们到底该不该恐慌?网上各种蹭流量的自媒体声音并不统一,所以我花了一点时间整理了我的想法。先说结论:最大的风险就是未来的24小时 #BAYC 能够挺过难关。过了明天,风险化解的一大半。之后的8月30日又会有新的危机。以下详述:
2/ 截止今天,#BendDAO 只接受7款蓝筹JPG的抵押借贷,分别是:#bayc#punk#mayc#doodles#spacedoodle#clonex 以及 #azuki。项目已经跑了4个月了。本以为,Azuki价格腰斩只是个例,没想到流动性枯竭,现在谁也跑不了。
3/ 如果NFT资不抵债,极有可能造成类似 #Luna/#UST 的连环清算。然而目前看来,BendDAO的运行依然是健康的。根据目前的清算规则,出价必须高于地板价的95%,以及必须足够偿还全部债务。平台发不承担资金风险。
Read 14 tweets

Here’s a thread on how this guy uses the Opensea Flagging Policy to run a scheme that Franklin warned us about:


Stick around to post 15, as that's where I start connecting the dots.

This was bound to happen:


On July 14th, I traded with RickCaruso, aka Nico__2k (he changed his OS profile/Twitter name) to purchase a Koda for a Clone-x + Meebit + 7.75 ETH total ~ 28 ETH.

Read 28 tweets

L'offre de collections #NFTs est en constante augmentation, alors que la demande a drastiquement diminué depuis le pic de 2021 qui a entraîné un afflux de projets médiocres sur le marché.

Analyse de la situation 👇 Image
1/18 L'indice NFT-500 de @nansen_ai suit l'action globale des prix du marché #NFT.

Le marché haussier🚀s'est terminé en février. En mars, le marché s'est redressé📈avec le lancement du $APE et du #Metaverse #OthersideMeta par le @BoredApeYC

Le marché NFT s'est depuis calmé.🦥 Image
2/18 L'intérêt des recherches Google pour les NFT se situe à environ 30 % du pic de janvier.

La baisse 📉 de l'intérêt pour les NFT indique souvent une baisse de la demande des acheteurs et donc moins d'argent entrant sur le marché. 💸 Image
Read 19 tweets
This is gonna be an epic 🧵 of show clips that also contain all the intel to give peeps perspective on how important it is 2 keep track of the $vix along with $spy & those epic Goku levels 😁👉this show covered some #Metaverse #NFT tings as also😼👉
This is a clip from the insanely well timed show “Foto 📸” where we not only gave a tour of our @RTFKT #Lootpod & intel on #VirtualRealEstate but also helped peeps a ray of 🌞 in an otherwise very 🌧 late Feb as markets were derisking rapidly $spy #nft
Skeleton Krew 💀 a very aptly named show is definitely also a set look fav cooked up by @directorvale 🙏😻👉 in this show we used discord / show sentiments 2 #TA an instabanger in both $TSLA & $btcusd #Bitcoin  this show was full of all kind of 💎’s

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Let's Talk: @nansen_ai 🧵

Today we'll be showing some of what this platform can do, which can prove to be worthy during this times where alpha might seem hard to find in #BTC or #Ethereum !

1/ Let's look what Smart money is putting their cash

That's a unusual inflow for $ENS
2/ Are this Smart Money players actually buying?

Analyzing token movements for the past 2 days shows just one wallet to "blame" for this, since all the other movements are not significant.
4/ What is he doing with the tokens?

This guys (wallet labeled as langford.eth) has been taking $ENS from #Binance to his personal wallet, meaning this guy is not planning on selling short term.

Does he knows something we don´t about #ENS ?
Read 8 tweets
结合 @wilxlee 的此篇推文,nft 玩家如何去发现蓝筹 #nft, 避免“nft卖家秀翻车”。


- 个人资金情况和风险承受能力
- NFT:种类,其外形,叙事,赋能的权益及价值上升空间
- 社区:热度,社区文化及带来市场效应
- 团队:背景,可信度及其规划之下的执行力
- 安全:合约、交易、保存的安全性
- 时间:进入的时间点,项目的timeline
- 创新:碎片化,衍生品..
- 链上工具参考及使用
- IPs
- meme & hape
- 消息渠道

Read 24 tweets
🧵 Time for some $APE-alytics! Lots of chatter about what #BAYC holders are buying with their airdrop. The data shows that since March 16, OG apes have mostly bought #BAKC, #MAYC, #Meebits, #Doodles, #CrypToadz, and #CloneX (in that order). Mutant owners bought BAKC & BAYC 💸... Image
People asked me to add a bunch of collections in my last post... so here's the update! #WorldOfWomen loves #VeeFriends. #CapsuleHouse loves #CrypToadz. #AlienFrens loves #Deadfellaz #CryptoMories #CoolmanUniverse, #Azuki loves #CloneX, #mfers loves #CrypToadz 🖤... Image
This is based on wallets only, so it's just directionally correct because many people have multiple wallets (use hardware, folks 💾). Also, not symmetric because different collection sizes and people own more than 1 in a given collection...
Read 4 tweets
🧵How to value #NFTs:

There is no right way of valuing NFTs, but hopefully this can act as a guide for people who are looking to enter the NFT space, for both for Fun & Profit, as NFT are generally less straightforward as #DeFi, where #cashflow & #TVL can be a good proxy.
Rule of thumb:
Similar to how you value a #DeFi token based on Future #cashflow, one can gauge the Value of the #NFT via the utility & future potential #airdrop/cashflow it can bring.
It's a better gauge than simply "Oh the Art is good."
Ofc, the Art itself, can be a proxy to the team's attention to detail. Usually, effort put in by the Team, is inversely proportionate to #rug risk

(Not to mention, the Art itself can also be something of value)@takashipom
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gm, seems like a good time to drop this LUKSO🆙 primer!

💻Testnet soon™
👟#rtfkt x #nike hype building
💼Increased lifestyle business interest in Web3
🤬OpenSea + MetaMask banning
💸More scams + fake mint sites


#crypto #nft #metaverse $LYXE $LYX #clonex
LUKSO is a next-gen #layer1 for the modern lifestyle industry.

LUKSO provides the infrastructure for blockchain-based permanent digital IDs (Universal Profiles 🆙) necessary for building a truly decentralised and seamless Web3 economy.


#crypto #nft #metaverse $LYXE $LYX
LUKSO is the brainchild of @feindura + @m_h_d_v.

The choice of advisors reflects LUKSO's direction, with industry veterans from @CHANEL, @Nike, @instagram etc.

Along with names from the DLT world including @NEARProtocol, @ethereum etc


#crypto #nft #metaverse $LYXE $LYX
Read 11 tweets
Why I think @Nike & @RTFKTStudios's CloneX is INSANELY genius & imo > @BoredApeYC

A long but neccessary🧵:

- Intro & Stats on project
- Thesis PRIOR to mint
- Thesis POST @Nike acquisition
- Progress thus far
- Upcoming catalysts

LFG ft. my #CloneX no. 57

- @RTFKTstudios's CloneX is (initially) a PFP & Metaverse-ready project w/ 20k supply
- 18.8k has been revealed; 8.2k holders & floor of ~14.2 E ($43k)
- ~29E ($88k) now to reveal 1 of the remaining vials
- Largest holder @luggisdoteth owns 348, NONE LISTED FOR SALE 💎

✔ Utility beyond PFP; usable as an avatar in the metaverse
@RTFKTstudios has a high probability of delivering that promise; already recognised as a branded studio amongst crypto-natives
@takashipom involved too
✔ Potential physical drops
Read 26 tweets
[THREAD] Mes objectifs #NFT 2022

On peut choisir de passer son temps sur Twitter à suivre les dramas & chercher des calls, ou alors on peut se focus sur un marché qui devient de + en + passionnant chaque jour

J'ai choisi l'option 2 & voici un résumé de mes dernières semaines ⬇️
⚠️ Je vais partager pas mal de projets dans les tweets qui suivent mais comprenez bien que ce ne sont que des exemples issus de MES wallets ⚠️

Ils servent uniquement à illustrer MES propos & MES convictions de degen du jpg

Faites VOS recherches & partagez-moi VOS trouvailles 🙏

J’ai loupé les #CryptoPunks
Je ne comprenais pas les #BAYC
Donc j’ai tout fait pour rentrer sur ce qui me semblait être LA future bluechip: #CloneX

Depuis la hype s'est emballée car ils nous ont régalé à base de teasing/alpha/vision...
Read 23 tweets
𝗔 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝗯𝟯 𝗰𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲: 𝘁𝗵𝗲 @RTFKTstudios #mnlth 𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗽

Regardless of who I'm working with, when, or on what, I always at some point tell them the following: if you don't understand the CULTURE of #web3 , the project won't fill its potential.

The reason I believe that is because #Web3 isn't just about tech. I would dare to say it's mostly not about tech. It's about a change of paradigm and the evolution of how humans perceive the digital realm.
That affects everything: UX, UA, marketing, community, partnerships, the whole shebang.

Here's a wonderful example that happened over the past 24 hours. Go to this link:
Read 12 tweets
I was recently #scammed and lost my #CloneX (@RTFKTstudios).

I've noticed a significant uptick in scams recently, so using my anecdote to help educate others🧵

Stay safe people!
TL;DR (1):
1. Never assume the scammer is acting alone
2. If you're going to use Sudoswap or NFTTrader, make sure the right URLs are used
3. Always corroborate a Discord channel with the official website and Twitter page to make sure it's legit
TL;DR (2):
4. If the person mentions screensharing at any point, be weary. Likely an attempt to get you to reveal your seed words.
5. Similar to above, never be convinced to change your language within Metamask. Likely an attempt to get you to reveal your seed words.
Read 19 tweets

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