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Most recents (24)

"The situation of drought is going to worsen this summer"

France-drought "crisis" alerts activated with water restrictions for agriculture

Portugal- 90% of mainland suffering from drought

Spain- some farmers already reporting crop losses as high as 80%…
"Severe drought in Southern Europe is particularly worrying, not only for the farmers there but also because this can push up already very high consumer prices if the EU production is significantly lower"

#ClimateCrisis #food #inflation #ActNow #Europe…
'Southern Europe is all set to face another year of brutal summers & heatwaves, triggering fears that Europe might be on its way to facing water shortages ...The trend, attributed to climate change, is expected to spell doom for Europe’s agriculture'
Read 3 tweets
How do you think this will this end?

⚠️Climate-driven food shocks happening around the world, *now*

⚠️Impacts are piling up much earlier then expected

⚠️ We're discovering new, worrying feedbacks & treading closer to several tipping points 

A thread👇

#ActNow #ClimateCrisis Image
'water levels in the Ogallala Aquifer — one of the world’s largest fresh groundwater sources — are already plummeting'

"Water in the Ogallala Aquifer has been severely depleted, particularly in the southern end of the aquifer"
#ClimateChange #foodsecurity…
'Meanwhile: Wildfires and shifting climate patterns imperil water sources on forested lands, as reservoirs "face dwindling inflows and are filling with sediment, increasing flood risk and reducing their capacity to respond to drought"'

#food #water…
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1/12 Here is our very useful series of cards, we handed out to people at @StanChart - everyone was very keen to collect all 12 . We're looking forward to hearing which one was the most useful #ClimateAction ImageImage
2/12 Could this be a regular excuse often heard inside @StanChart to delay climate action? ImageImage
3/12 We have a feeling this card may have proved very useful inside @StanChart . Let us know 🤔 ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
🔥 Sauberes Gas ist eine dreckige Lüge!

🛢️Wir protestieren heute vor der @omv in Wien, weil wir die dreckigen Geschäfte der Gaslobby nicht länger tolerieren.

💞Ungestörtes Gas-Lobby-Kaffekränzchen? Nicht mit uns.✊

#BlockGas #ExtinctionRebellion #actnow #peoplepower #omv #gas
"Wien ist Schauplatz des europaweit wichtigsten Treffens der globalen Gasbranche. Aber wenige wissen davon. Getagt wird hinter verschlossenen Türen. Die Presse wird ausgeladen. Die Protestbewegung „Block Gas“ will nun Öffentlichkeit schaffen."…
Seit gestern findet die #PowerToThePeople - Gegenkonferenz statt. Während die Lobbyist:innen die Öffentlichkeit scheuen wird dort offen über zukunftsfähige Konzepte geredet. Infos dazu findet ihr auch hier:
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Aktivist*innen haben heute, zu Beginn der #Verkehrsministerkonferenz, 18 Verkehrsschilder an das #Verkehrsministerium zurückgegeben.
Die Schilder, welche eine #Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung aufheben, wurden wie hunderte weitere in den vergangenen Monaten auf Autobahnen abgeschraubt. Auf den Treppen vorm Eingang vom Verkehrsministerium liegen
Bei der Übergabe hinterließen Sie eine Karte mit der Aufschrift „Für Euch Geschafft“, adressiert ans #Verkehrsministerium und Volker Wissing.

Sie fordern, dass die #Verkehrsministerkonferenz das #Tempolimit beschließt, ansonsten müssten sie es weiterhin selbst umsetzen. Florian Zander und Amelie Meyer am Eingang des BundesverkehrDer Brief ans Verkehrsministerium.
„Verkehrsminister Wissing, warum zwingen sie uns durch notorisches Nichthandeln, die notwendigen Klimamaßnahmen selber umzusetzen? In Zeiten von Klima- und Umweltkrisen gibt es keine Ausreden mehr für unbegrenzte Autobahnen.“, sagt Florian Zander, Pressesprecher der Aktion. Florian Zander mit dem Brief und der Karte fürs Verkehrsmin
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A coordinated push for 'world leaders' to accelerate climate action. 😏
Greta Thunberg, Swedish climate activist, denounced a “betrayal” by 'world leaders' for failing to act on climate change, as the UN released a major report on its impacts.
António Guterres, UN Sec Gen: The climate time-bomb is ticking but the latest @IPCC_CH report shows that we have the knowledge & resources to tackle the climate crisis.
We need to #ActNow to ensure a liveable planet in the future.
Mary Robinson, former UN Special Envoy on Climate Change “I can’t get my head around why world leaders don’t take this more as an absolute priority. Yes there are lots of crises but this is the existential threat .. We all need to make this crisis personal in our lives...”
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Pedal Rebels are swarming Naarm / Melbourne with a scramble of skeletons and a message for @SantosLtd, sponsor of @TourDownUnder, and @ANZ_au, sponsor of @AustralianOpen:

It’s time to kick fossil fuel sponsorship out of Aussie sport! 🖕

@ANZ sponsors the @AustralianOpen and is one of the big four banks funding @SantosLtd, responsible for desecrating sacred Gomeroi Country and cooking the planet.

Santos sponsors the @TourDownUnder. Rebels have protested Santos’ sportswashing all week:…
As rebels swarm the streets of Naarm, deathly fingers of @ANZ and @SantosLtd Business Execs are clutching briefcases stuffed with worthless dollars because business-as-usual = death.

@ANZ_au: We 👀 through your greenwashing!

@SantosLtd: We 👀 through your sportswashing!
Read 20 tweets
'U.S. winter wheat farmers plant into dust as Plains drought persists'

"It's sort of a grim situation"

#ClimateCrisis #food #inflation #VanGogh #USA…
The climate crisis is a food crisis.

And It is just ramping up.

#USA #Australia #Chad #Somalia #News #ActNow #ClimateEmergency #inflation
'Smoke from forest & grassland fires is darkening summer skies with increasing regularity.Potato growers say yields are down by 10 to 15%'

'What makes smoke particularly worrisome is that it can affect large geographic areas, filling entire valleys'
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❤️‍🔥Here comes trouble❤️‍🔥

flooding in Australia that "could greatly harm grain and oilseed quality"

"protracted drought" impacting Argentina corn planting

French farmers harvesting "drought-affected" maize

#VanGogh #ActNow #inflation…
👆My intention through my posts is to convey the immense sense of urgency we all need to have

I am actually very scared

And I am increasingly worried that our leaders remain completely oblivious, isolated in their little bubbles of yes-people

Our federal Tourism Minister commenting on the "million dollar" view of the north shore through a thick cloud of wildfire smoke that has been blanketing southwestern BC in the midst of an epic drought & heatwave

You can barely even see the mountains

#ClimateCrisis #Vancouver
Read 4 tweets
Blockade des @AufstandLastGen nah einer Schule.
Ein betroffener Autofahrer hat als Lösung für sein Problem ausgeheckt: er schiebt und zieht die Blockierenden von der Straße
- und leitet den ersten im Stau an, langsam weiterzufahren. Dann käme er auch durch...
1/8 Straße am Fußgängerübergang, hellblauer Himmel mit Schle
blöd nur, dass die blockierenden Menschen ihren Platz immer wieder einnehmen.

Ein anderer Autofahrer meint, ich solle den Menschen der #LetzteGeneration sagen, dass sie weggehen. Ich erkläre: „Das funktioniert nicht. Die wollen jetzt da sitzen!“
Also doch: stehen, warten, die Lage besprechen.
„Ich finde es gut, wenn die jungen Menschen sich politisch engagieren. Das Anliegen ist berechtigt. Nur die Aktion finde ich nicht gut“ erklärt mir ein Autofahrer. „Haben Sie eine bessere Idee?“, frage ich. Nein, hat er nicht.
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We are here 👇

"By the end of the 2022/23
crop year, the world's buffer
stocks of corn will be
enough for just 80 days'
worth of consumption"

Crops ruined by widespread drought in the US & Europe, flooding in Pakistan, incessant rains in India & more…
"Tight grain supplies reflect the impact of climate change on crop production as well as growing global demand for livestock that feed on corn, eating away at stockpiles"

& guess what?

The #ClimateCrisis is ramping up as our leaders pour fuel on the fire…
☝️All these warning signs at the same as we know models are likely highly conservative in predicting how #ClimateChange will impact global food production-

Our leaders are clueless or incompetent-

Please do what you can to wake them up!

Read 10 tweets
Heat stress already poses an "extreme risk" to agriculture in 20 countries, including agricultural giant India

But by 2045, 64 nations representing 71% of current global food production will be impacted

Including China, India, Brazil & the U.S.

"I think what it reinforces is that, even though a lot of us are sort of sitting in sort of Western countries, where we might think we're a bit more insulated from some of these threats, actually we are not necessarily" 

#ClimateCrisis #food #farming…
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"We should be harvesting fruits right now, but it's all gone, dead from the scorching sun."

"It's impossible to work out in the orchard, because the ground temperature is around 60° celsius" [140°F]

"It's too miserable to bear witness to."

'China is facing severe shortfalls in the autumn harvest of rice & wheat in the Yangtze basin...

In Sichuan province alone, 47,000 hectares have reportedly been lost, and another 433,000 hectares seared.

The problem, however, extends far beyond Sichuan'…
'Parts of the European Union could face 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 of warmer and drier conditions as Europe weathers a major drought that has fueled forest fires, dried up rivers and devastated crops'

#ClimateCrisis #food #farming #health #nutrition…
Read 53 tweets
"Ich bin Landwirt. Ich habe meinen Wald verloren. Mein Hof ist nichts mehr wert, weil seit 6 Wochen nichts mehr wächst."

"Wir sind existenziell bedroht durch eine #Klimakrise, die von den Politikern und den Medien in ihrer Tiefe immer noch nicht begriffen wurde."

"Wir Bauern erleben innerhalb von 5 Jahren das 4te #Dürre​jahr. Das ist existenz-zerstörend für Tausende Höfe."

"Deutschland hat sich von einem fruchtbaren und wasserreichen Land zu einem Hochrisiko-Standort gewandelt."

"Wir haben in großen Regionen unsere Nadelwälder verloren. Die Laubwälder sind schwer krank."

"Es bleiben uns nur noch wenige Jahre, danach ist diese #Klimakrise nicht mehr heilbar."

"Die Lösungen müssen radikal klimaverträglich sein, weil uns die Erde keine Zeit mehr lässt."
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'Very scary': European agriculture hit hard by climate change and drought

⚠️It is *really*, absolutely scary. Please pay attention to this & get it on the radar if your broader community-

This is happening way too soon & only gets worse.

The climate crisis is *already* impacting food supplies in wealthy countries- & look at what is being ignored in Somalia:

'Crops are failing while millions of livestock die, as the drought cripples the main source of income for 80% of the population...'…
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Fucking fuming.

One of these 2 people will take charge of the UK in the midst of a climate and ecological emergency.

All evidence points toward the urgent need for government action.

And the BBC ask them what individuals should do?

#BBCOurNextPM #ClimateCrisis #ActNow
A. They are clearly not clued up to advise on what individuals should do.

B. The policies they failed to ask about are the crucial decisions in the midst of a crisis with billions of lives on the line. If they aren't clued up on that, we need to know.
Now there are moments when the media could discuss what individuals should do. But to use #BBCOurNextPM to look at individual action rather than life or death policies in the middle of a crisis is unforgiveable. The media must #TellTheTruth and hold the next PM to account.
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⚠️Your food - being hammered by climate change NOW

News round-up:
➡️Italy rivers drying up, 30% of agriculture at risk
➡️Extreme heat & fires badly damaging Tunesia's crops
➡️2°C of warming may see SE Asia’s crop production decline by 1/3 per capita by 2040

#food #NEWS
➡️Massive volumes of crops -in the field & already harvested- washed away by floods in Bangladesh
➡️“truly biblical” swarms of crickets thriving in heat & drought devouring crops in American West
➡️ UN: "a real risk that multiple famines will be declared in 2022"

#food #NEWS
➡️'desperate drought conditions' impacting crops across the United States
➡️Extreme weather battering farmers in India
➡️'Grain shortage could cause food crisis in Ireland' - by this winter!
➡️high temperatures, drought, record rains hitting crops across China

#food #NEWS
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Percent of childhood deaths in the US caused by firearms. Things are not getting better.

2020 was not better.
2021 not better
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The @EnR_Network held its first in person meeting in over 2 years in #Lisbon. After a first day of fruitful discussion on collaborative action between Energy Agencies, today, the network held a seminar on #energy and #water #efficiency at national and local levels.
The President of @EnR_Network, @nelsonlage highlighted the role of energy agencies in the #GreenTransition, as enabling agents acting between international and local level, to balance the three dimensions of the #EnergyTrilemma: Security Affordability #Sustainability
Sec of State @Joaogalamba described the vision for national-local level governance towards #NetZero in 2050: "energy agencies work to mobilize local authorities, economic players, and citizens to fight #ClimateCrisis, to foster cities’ pivotal role to deliver the #EUGreenDeal"
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🧵With (some) Tory MPs finally acting against their corrupt sham of a PM*, it would be great to see current and former politicians of all allegiances joining @99Organisation.


🏘️Many politicians want to improve their communities
🧒& invest wisely in the future so today's children have a better life
💷& end mass impoverishment

😡Our increasingly polarising, vitriolic & corrupt Cabinet is good for almost no-one.

🚨It's very bad for 99% of us.

👩‍⚖️Johnson is the first serving PM to be found guilty of a criminal offence
🗑️He won't resign
🪧Our democratic rights are vanishing
🥣Most of us are getting poorer (largely due to Brexit & Govt bungling, compounded by COVID & war in Ukraine)
🪙 While Govt friends get richer

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“[Johnson] is showing signs of being extremely impatient in regard to the constitutional constraints upon him. He gets angry if the courts or parliament try to interfere...'

- Ken Clarke, Nov '21 (…)

🚨 & now Johnson has rewritten the #MinisterialCode 🚨
- adding this clause:
1.7 Where the PM determines that a breach of the expected standards has occurred, he may ask the Independent Adviser for confidential advice on the appropriate sanction. The
final decision rests with the PM...
...Where the PM retains his confidence in the Minister, available sanctions include requiring some form of public apology, remedial action, or removal of ministerial salary for a period.

Now, Johnson alone decides the fate of any minister, including himself 🚨🚨🚨

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Fact: there are #BiosphereReserves in 131 countries 🌎

Each take a holistic approach towards ecosystem conservation & promote a full reconciliation with the living world through sustainable livelihoods & research.

A thread on @UNESCO_MAB's work #ForNature ⬇️

🤝 When places reconcile conservation with #SustainableDevelopment & research, @UNESCO designates them as #BiosphereReserves.

As of 2022, these amazing places are allowing 250 million people to learn and thrive on sustainable solutions! #ForNature

The Tsimane have always guarded the Beni #BiosphereReserve in Bolivia.

To create a sustainable economic activity and restore ecosystems, the Amazon programme - supported by @LVMH - is helping them build a greenhouse & providing native seeds.
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Warum sind viele Menschen bei @FridayForFuture immer verzweifelter? Warum gibt es die drastischen Aktionen von @ExtinctionR_DE? Warum blockiert der @AufstandLastGen unseren Alltag?
Das lässt sich in einer einzigen Grafik veranschaulichen. Sehr leicht erkennbar ist links oben
1/6 Pfade zu Netto-Null-Emissio...
in schwarz: Unser Pfad seit dem Parisabkommen (mit Coronaknick und Wirtschaftserholung). Er führt bergab - aber sehr moderat!

Viele nennen das „grünes Wachstum“. Sie sagen: Wirtschaftswachstum und Ressourcenverbrauch haben sich voneinander entkoppelt.
Das mag so sein. Aber es ist völlig klar, dass dieser Weg NICHTS mit einem 1,5 °C-Pfad zu tun hat!
Wie auch das aktuelle Klimaschutzgesetz (oben, orange)!
Nötig ist: Ein umfassender, sofortiger, radikaler Umbau. Warum? Weil sonst Leiden+Chaos drohen!…
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#SuperRareBears and #Elrond #community, we are family & want to look out for each other.

It's with this in mind that we have some heartbreaking news
@dnsv123 Son, Victor has recently been diagnosed with a rare condition known as SMA type 1.

#🐻to make a change
#actNow #SRB Image
The main treatment is Zolgensma by Pharma company @Novartis costing $2.1 million😱

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic condition that makes the muscles weaker and causes problems with movement. Image
It's a serious condition with type 1 being the worst, chances of survival without treatment are slim

There are a few treatments available, although not a cure, they can improve quality and prolong life
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