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Many in 🇨🇳China’s gay community are strangers to Western #LGBT cultures, and Westerners are unfamiliar with their Chinese counterparts’ lifestyles

Using Western metrics like #pride month & #rainbowcapitalism 🏳️‍🌈 to weigh their joy is intellectually flawed…
#Homosexuality existed throughout ancient China, but #gaypride is a modern American celebration → its irrelevance here is nothing to be appalled about

Demanding Asian policies to be more Westernised reinforces the harmful narrative that homosexuality is a Western “lifestyle” 👬
Gay venues and activities in China are unlike those in the West. E.g. In #Chengdu, teahouses are a popular LGBT integration space 🍵

Allies should NOT assume that they are oppressed based on a limiting framework that reduces the West to #liberalism and the East to #conservatism
Read 6 tweets
«Госслужащих и банкиров будут штрафовать за рабочее общение в иностранных мессенджерах»¹ — депутаты Госдумы приняли в 1-мчтении поправки в КоАП. Соавтор инициативы — конечно Горелкин.


Горелкину простительно не знать российского законодательства ↓
и правоприменительной практики… Он депутат — не читатель, а писатель. От него ждёшь откровений! Так и вышло. Законодатель перечислил недозволенные на работе мессенджеры, чем ввёл офисных в иллюзию безопасности.
Клерки вот-вот вообразят, что в одних мессенджерах рассказывать рабочие секреты «нельзя», значит в остальных«можно»? Это не так. Тоже нельзя. Сядем все! Карать ВСЕХ за ВСЕ потусторонние средства связи на работе, включая русскую связь — решил Конституционный суд РФ в 2017 году.
Read 16 tweets
1/15❗️🔻 Big announcement, big thread !🧵🔻❗️
#MultiversX partners with @Tencentcloud

This is absolutely huge ! $EGLD about to hit the asian market ! Why ?
Answers below 👇
2/ #Tencent, what is it ?
Well, only the BIGGEST game publisher in the world, and owns at least of one game you've already played : #Fortnite  #Riotgames with #Leagueoflegends

But it's also involved in #universal Music, and other giants in every industries...
3/ The biggest of their babies ? @WeChatApp a must have in China, and its getting ready for the metaverse they want.

So, @beniaminmincu announced the partnership with their tech company @tencentcloud and with it released a full article on what they are going to achieve.
Read 15 tweets
Auf der Urumqi Road, dem Hipsterviertel in #Shanghai wird demonstriert.

"Nieder mit der kommunistischen Partei"
"Nieder mit #Xi Jinping"

Dass es gerade Shanghai ist, halte ich für ein gutes Zeichen.
In mehreren Städten in #China gibt es derzeit Proteste gegen die Regierung.
Das soziale Netzwerk #WeChat kursieren etliche Videos.
Read 7 tweets
🇺🇸 "@elonmusk est en train de construire une puissance géopolitique formelle, complémentaire des prérogatives actuelles des États-Unis."

Enrichissant article de @AsmaMhalla pour @Grand_Continent.…
"De la 'post-truth politics', @elonmusk nous fait entrer dans l’ère de la 'post-truth economics' à travers l’invention d’une capacité de nuisance inédite sur le plan économique."
"Le #trolling économique lui permet de disrupter les codes du marché financier mondial et les institutions qui l’encadrent. @elonmusk peut déstabiliser le marché financier de la Tech [...] : un tweet et le marché, irrationnel, peut, théoriquement, s’effondrer."
Read 10 tweets
Elon (all)
I have been working on the Everything App since I observed why MSFT was failing at the architecture of MS Vista OS. That analysis, plus a prediction of the 'distributed employee' future, drove my design of Oversing (UI) + Runcible (Backend).
1/n @elonmusk
But when I combined the UI/Backend with my work on 'the methods by which humans avoid truth (lying)', I understood that an Everything (universal) App for desktop, tablet, and phone etc, that solved the negatives of social media 'regulation' as well, was possible.
2/n @elonmusk
The problem, of course, by being ahead of the curve, was using a business model that was fundable long enough to produce this rather large set of functionality -b/c the investment horizon of capital investors is shorter than the R&D horizon of producing that tech.
3/n @elonmusk
Read 26 tweets
Na, wer weiß es? Wieviele Social-Media-Accounts betreibt die Bundesregierung? 🤔

Da war auch ich jetzt ehrlicherweise etwas überrascht:

415 (sic!)

👉… via @hib_Nachrichten/ @polisphere

Ein Thread. 1/9

Die meisten Accounts befinden sich im "Verantwortungsbereich" des @BMI_Bund.

Insgesamt 134 Accounts (2 inaktiv) gibts hier von @NancyFaeser über das BKA bei Insta (…) bis zu #Abdelkratie auf YouTube (, ein Projekt der @bpb_de 2/9 Screenshot des YouTube-Accounts Abdelkratie des Comedians Ab
Danach folgen:

@BMVg_Bundeswehr: 54 Accounts
@BMG_Bund: 35 Accounts
@AuswaertigesAmt 27 Accounts
@BMFSFJ: 27 Accounts
@bmuv: 26 Accounts
@BMWK 22 Accounts
@bmdv: 18 Accounts
@bmf: 14 Accounts
@bmj_bund: 11 Acc

Zum Vergleich, das Bundespresseamt betreibt 5 Accounts.

Read 12 tweets

A thread to show how Chinese gov & nationalists support Russia’s invasion in Ukraine via
diplomats actions
financial/tech support
dis/mis-info propaganda
and online trolling

It will reveal a lot hate speech from China‘s internet under CCP’s info manipulation. Image
2. After the invasion started,24th Feb China lifted restrictions on Russia wheat and expands market.…
3. On 26th Feb, News in China reports that Tech Giant #Huawei is planing to help Russia to train 50,000 tech experts immediately in response after Russia is under cyber-attacked.

Read 57 tweets
1/ @GWtweets George Washington University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (GWUCSSA) is launching a witch-hunt to the student activists puting my boycott #beijing2022  posters in campus.

A classic smear campaign to cancel criticism against CCP via calling it “racism”. ImageImageImage
2/ The collection posted in @GWtweets includes 5 posters depicting CCP’s

1. Oppression of the Tibetans
2. Uyghur genocide
3. The dismantling of HK democracy
4. The regime’s omnipresent surveillance systems
5. lack of transparency surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Image
3/ it is misleading & ignorant to call my art “anti-China” or “racist” giving fact I am Chinese artist
The smear campaign from CCP affiliated groups like this directly harms #FreeSpeech in uni
@GWtweets must protest & defend rights of its students to voice out for human rights. ImageImage
Read 21 tweets
China has warned investing in Metaverse stating its still infancy and could likely end in tears for investors

Meanwhile ByteDance has bought VR gear maker Pico for $1.4 billion

#China #Bytedanc #Metaverse #Pico #VR #VRChat
#Pico was valued by PE investors in March 2021 at nearly $155 Million and now #Bytedance has purchased Pico at $1.4 Billion… a very aggressive valuation for a VR gear manufacturer
VR is the interface of Metaverse, but at present, the most widely used scene of consumer VR is games.
#VR #Metaverse #AR #GamingNFT
Read 16 tweets
At least five popular Chinese apps have suspended new user registrations in compliance with regulatory demands

This is part of China's latest #BigTech Crackdown (read more about that here...)
Ride-hailing behemoth #DiDi Chuxing has over 90% marketshare in China and stopped new user registrations after an investigation into the company's #cybersecurity practices

#ChinaTech #BigTech Image
However, the impact of suspending new registrations is limited for big firms like #WeChat because they are already so widely implemented
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The $DIDI App is not accessible on all mobile App stores including Android and iOS, due to the investigation conducted by CAC, the Cyberspace Administration.
DIDI has been reported collecting users' data and use it illegally.
$DIDI's service is still available on the #WeChat Applet platform. The App has been downloaded before is not affected by CAC's command.
@zerohedge @BaldingsWorld
$DIDI's response:
DIDI has suspended registrations since July 7 as required and the App will be rectified.
The services for users and drivers are unaffected under this command.
#DIDI @zerohedge
Read 3 tweets
A pesar de su clara orientación comunista, la revolución protagonizada por #MaoZedong tuvo un importante componente nacionalista.

Su objetivo más inmediato no era implantar el socialismo, sabían que no había las condiciones necesarias capitalistas para hacerlo, sino...
...sino recuperar la soberanía nacional y restablecer la fortaleza de China frente al extranjero.

El Partido Comunista Chino (PCCh) es la columna vertebral del gigante asiático. Sin PCCh no se puede comprender la historia moderna de China 🇨🇳
90 millones de militantes
Estructuras barriales, en edificios de hogares, en empresas. Todo/as organizados en asambleas locales hasta nacionales y comunicados por plataformas como #WeChat.

De su estructura, 3 órganos destacan por encima del resto, y que son clave para...
Read 20 tweets
Infographic: How the Global Pandemic Spread From China

An Epoch Times investigation traces how initial outbreaks around the world were seeded by travelers from Wuhan, ground zero of the pandemic (Thread👇)
For at least 3 weeks, #Beijing knew about the severity of the #CCPVirus outbreak in #Wuhan, but downplayed the crisis and suppressed any information at odds with the official narrative.

The coverup allowed the virus to spread, sparking a global #Pandemic.…
Internal documents obtained by @EpochTimes show that patients with #CCPVirus-like symptoms started appearing in #Wuhan hospitals from September 2019, suggesting the disease may have been silently spreading around the city in the autumn.…
Read 12 tweets
On the day that @realDonaldTrump's WeChat ban comes into effect, a federal judge temporarily blocked the executive order, writing that evidence reflects that "#WeChat is effectively the only means of communication for many in the community,...…
... not only because China bans other apps, but also because Chinese speakers with limited English proficiency have no options other than WeChat."
"The judge's order not only blocks the Trump administration's attempted ban on downloads of WeChat, but also blocks the government's effort to restrict internet infrastructure companies from carrying or hosting WeChat's internet traffic."
Read 3 tweets
[A LA UNE A 18H] Deux personnes sont portées disparues dimanche au lendemain d'intempéries qui ont frappé hier le Gard où la situation revenait progressivement à la normale, selon les autorités #AFP 1/4 ImageImage
[A LA UNE A 18H] Près d'un million d'habitants de la région de Madrid se préparent à l'entrée en vigueur demain de strictes limitations à leur liberté de mouvement, destinées à freiner la deuxième vague de l'épidémie de #Covid19 #AFP 2/4 Image
[A LA UNE A 18H] L'Iran a raillé aujourd'hui "l'isolement maximal" des Etats-Unis après leur proclamation unilatérale d'un retour des sanctions de l'ONU contre Téhéran, une démarche rejetée par Moscou et les pays européens parties prenantes de l'accord sur le nucléaire #AFP 3/4
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向TikTok及WeChat頒布的禁令不僅荒謬,亦有害於美國國內與海外的社群。… (English)

向#TikTok及 #WeChat頒布的禁令不僅荒謬,亦有害於美國國內與海外的社群。

#TikTok #WeChat A preview image of a young woman's face within @efforg's Tik
其一,此禁令不僅禁止使用app商店,並且禁止使用泛美網路,此舉不經推敲。代碼自身乃是言論。禁止美國人使用TikTok及WeChat有違憲法第一修正案所賦予的權利。… (English)
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The proposed ban on #TikTok and #WeChat is nonsensical and harmful toward our communities in the US and abroad for a number of reasons. (Thread)… A preview image of a young woman's face within @efforg's Tik
First: This isn't just a ban from using App Stores, but from using US networks entirely—and it's untenable. Code is itself speech. Banning Americans from using TikTok and WeChat would violate their own First Amendment rights.…
Second: Trump says he’s banning the apps due to national security concerns. While there are genuine security concerns with WeChat and TikTok, this ban does not solve them. Worse, blocking app store security updates makes them less secure.
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AL AIRE | @cibercrimen, fundador de @mattica y experto en ciberseguridad habla con nosotros sobre el anuncio: Estados Unidos prohíbe las aplicaciones chinas #TikTok y #WeChat a partir del domingo.
#W90años #VamosAEscucharnosíLasCosasW Image
AL AIRE | "El comunicado dice que lo que se prohíbe es la descarga de la aplicación dentro de la tienda; la gente podría comenzar a descargarla antes, pero no prohíbe el uso si ya se tiene" @cibercrimen,experto en ciberseguridadíLasCosasW
AL AIRE | "A la discreción del presidente es que se están tomando estas acciones por la preocupación sobre la recolección de información personal de ciudadanos para otras razones de espionaje" @cibercrimen experto en ciberseguridadíLasCosasW
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#BREAKING US to ban TikTok, WeChat operations from Sunday: official
#UPDATE The United States on Friday ordered a ban on downloads of popular Chinese-owned video app #TikTok and use of the messaging and payment platform #WeChat, saying they threaten national security
#BREAKING Chinese-owned video app TikTok slams US download ban, says will challenge 'unjust' order
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Les applications chinoises #TikTok et #WeChat interdites aux Etats-Unis à partir de dimanche (officiel) #AFP Image
Le téléchargement des applications chinoises TikTok et WeChat sera interdit aux Etats-Unis à partir de dimanche, annonce le département du Commerce américain, citant des menaces à la "sécurité nationale" #AFP ImageImage
"Le Parti communiste chinois a démontré qu'il avait les moyens et l'intention d'utiliser ces applications pour menacer la sécurité nationale, la politique étrangère et l'économie des Etats-Unis", affirme le ministère américain dans un communiqué #AFP
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Great article on how #ByteDance's #tiktok algorithms made it such a success in #China; mainly because in #China, AI algorithms have been applied at scale to entertainment. With AI, the more inputs you have, the better and more accurate the algorithm becomes.
2/ #Tiktok would not likely be as effective in the US because the market is smaller (fewer inputs) than in China. This means that the algorithms could not be optimized as it has with #Douyin in China. In the US, algorithm optimization at #Microsoft, #Google, #Facebook, #Apple
3/ is a much slower and better documented process. With #facebook, it monetized advertising mainly through small ads and political ads targeting extremist subcultures and conspiracy groups, which adds to social fracturing in the US. #Facebook makes money from US collapse.
Read 20 tweets
Should Chinese diplomats be banned on Twitter?

I'll be leading a 30-minute debate next week (9/10) between two @ipacglobal members: the US's @RepGallagher (R-WI) and European Parliamentarian @MiriamMLex on this very question.

A brief thread on why this matters. (1/) Image
Since the start of the Hong Kong protests in April 2019, we've seen a massive uptick in Chinese state messaging on Twitter.

Accounts connected to Chinese embassies, consulates, and ambassadors have increased by more than 250 percent. (2/) Image
As might be expected, these diplomatic accounts have consistently pushed pro-Beijing narratives, at times with a complete disregard for facts or reality. Here is a top Chinese diplomat alleging COVID-19 originated in the U.S. (3/) Image
Read 16 tweets

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