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#Wisconsin #Republicans are still pushing "The Big Lie.

But... all evidence says that the election was free & fair - it is the #GOP who are lying.

#DemVoice1 #WisDems…
#Wisconsin #Republicans submitted fraudulent

electors in the effort to steal the 2020 election - they

sent the slate of fake electors to the National Archive.

They will be prosecuted.

#DemVoice1 #WisDems…
#Republican traitors pressured VP Pence not to

fulfill his Constitutional duty to certify the election.

Most are still in office.

They are being investigated! There will be


#DemVoice1 #WisDems…
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Who enshrines sadistic Nazi camp guards as heroes? Who takes their lead from a murderous bigot who wanted to overthrow the US gov’t? Meet Sara Ault of Two Rivers, #Wisconsin of the #AsatruFolkAssembly. Image
Ault & her husband, James (left), are both leaders of the #AsatruFolkAssembly. Both identify as white nationalists. Pictured at Willow River State Park near Hudson, #Wisconsin, with #Minnesota folkbuilder Jason Gallagher & Jessie Shaffer at yearly gathering. Image
The Aults are regular visitors to the #AsatruFolkAssembly location in Murdock, #Minnesota. Sara Ault pictured with Brandy Callahan, a top AsFA leader. BTW, #Gilead still wants their outfits back. Image
Read 10 tweets
Remember when?
❗️15 #Wisconsin elected #GOP wrote to VP Pence pressuring him to not to certify a free and fair election.
#WisGOP #Insurrectionists #Traitors
#DemVoice1 #WisDems #WiscoWarrior #WiUnion…
❗️Ten prominent mainstream WI Republicans are accused of fraudulently posing as electors to overturn President Biden’s election
- including the chair of the #WisGOP & a member of the ELECTIONS COMMISSION!…
#WisGOP fraudulent electors are going to court!

"Dane County Judge Frank Remington told attorneys in the case Wednesday that... the jury trial would begin Sept. 3, 2024..."

#WisDems #WiscoWarriors #DemVoice1…
Read 10 tweets
Day 368 of Europe's war and welcome to Sunday's daily thread with all the information you need in one handy🧵

It's still fairly quiet in most of #Ukraine as #Russia continues its illegal war.

Here's the link if you want to catch up on yesterday's events

The death of another American soldier has been confirmed in #Ukraine.

28-year-old Afghanistan veteran Andrew Peters from #Wisconsin died 10 days ago while helping Ukraine defend its territory. Andrew was part of the International Defence Legion.
📷Wisconson Public Radio
Each day #Ukraine releases figures for the numbers of Russian soldiers killed and equipment destroyed.

Invariably it's lower at weekends. So today's numbers (covering Saturday's losses) are lower across the board. I'm wondering if a couple of units don't report at weekends?
Read 32 tweets
#KochNetwork to back alternative to Trump after sitting out recent primaries… resources include "a million grass-roots activists across all 50 states, data targeting technology known as i360, and the Latino outreach organization Libre"
My question: with an organization already set up in so many states, why support any other than their own candidate on the (#KochNetwork ) Stand Together Party ticket? AFP is already America's 3rd political party.…
"What do you call an organization that operates in multiple states, staffs up for elections, and does local endorsements for political campaigns? You call it a political party. And by that measure, the Koch brothers' AFP is the third-largest political party in the U.S."
Read 5 tweets
World Economic Forum founder's right testicle, Yuval Noah Harari #WEF Freewill? Well, "that is over" according to this jizz rag.
It's Mr. ball bag himself, Kuck Schlob-a-knob. Image
Won't play?
Read 44 tweets
@pnjaban @MattRinaldiTX 🧵 Thanking the dozens of @GOP State Chairs, @RNC Committeemen & Committeewomen, State & County parties for their steadfast commitment to #HireHarmeet.
They're standing with us to say #HarmeetDhillon is the #GOP base's overwhelming choice to lead the #RNC into 2024 & beyond.
@pnjaban @MattRinaldiTX @GOP @RNC #HarmeetDhillon is the #GOP base's 86/14 choice to lead us into 2024 & beyond. We thank @GOP State Chairs Frank Easthorne, Elgine McArdle, @JimLyonsMA, @kelliwardaz & @MattRinaldiTX for their commitment to #HireHarmeet.
#RNC Chair / Trafalgar Jan 11 2023…
@pnjaban @MattRinaldiTX @GOP @RNC @JimLyonsMA @kelliwardaz #HarmeetDhillon is the #GOP base's 86/14 choice to lead us into 2024 & beyond. We thank @GOP State Chair @RogerVillere and #RNC Committeemen @SolomonYue, @MortonBlackwell, @JaytheShepard1 & @tylerbowyer for leading us to #HireHarmeet.
Trafalgar Jan 11,2023…
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1) Trump won't be able to terminate the US Constitution but a Republican-led effort to rewrite it continues… Trump's "allies are busy pushing an unprecedented rewrite of the foundational document that would fundamentally alter Americans' daily lives."
2) "In 2022, a group with ties to Trump's orbit was able to get four more states to join its efforts."

"@CommonCause is trying both to thwart any new convention pushes alongside repealing old resolutions calling a convention."… Support them!

#NoConCon Image
GOP proposal calls for convention to amend U.S. Constitution "In 2021, it came within 2 votes of passage in the #Montana Senate...This session, Democrats control three fewer Senate seats and several GOP defectors are no longer in office" #NoConCon Image
Read 22 tweets
2022 #Midterms Simulation: #ArtoftheGerrymander

A Republican House win will be built on gerrymanders (TX/GA/FL/TN/LA, etc.)

To illustrate the need for fair maps, I'm calculating the results using the 2022 votes, but if every state had a Democratic gerrymander. #ElectionTwitter ImageImageImageImage

I’ll apply the difference in Presidential margin to the House result. Thanks @davesredist @mikemathieu @vest_team + @DKElections @PoliticsWolf

Keen to see how my maps perform over the decade; tried to comply with state law if partisan intent were allowed to stand.
#ArtoftheGerrymander: #Alabama
Trump 62.0% - Biden 36.6%
Real delegation: 6R-1D
Gerrymandered: 5R-2D
Δ Share of D seats: 14% => 28%
Easy Democratic pick-up of a safe new African American seat.… ImageImageImage
Read 111 tweets
Capisco che ci avevano avvisati, ma noi malati di politica abbiamo un difetto: vogliamo sempre sapere come andrà a finire. In questo caso parliamo di #Midterms2022. E lo facciamo volutamente, pur sapendo che in queste ore tra Italia e Francia monta un poco edificante caso Image
diplomatico sulla pelle di alcune centinaia di #migranti. È un copione che questo Blog aveva ampiamente annunciato, e non perché spicchi per capacità predittive, ma perché le avvisaglie c'erano da tempo. E i protagonisti mancano di fantasia. Dedichiamoci allora alla politica,
quella vera, quella che - piaccia o no ai complottisti trumpiani che da un paio di giorni (o di anni?) mi chiedono di parlare di fantomatici brogli - ha vissuto un momento importantissimo con il voto di #midterm.
A che punto siamo? Al #Senato la situazione è la seguente. Image
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🚨🇺🇸Aggiornamento #Midterms2022.
La partita è davvero avvincente. Non ci credete? Guardate questa grafica.
Quando negli USA è quasi l'alba ancora non è chiaro chi guiderà il Congresso. Devo tenermi sul vago. Sì, perché il discorso vale sia per il #Senato che per la #Camera.
Partiamo dal Senato. Quello che ripetono i networks USA è il seguente messaggio: sarà lunga.
In #Georgia, uno degli Stati chiave per il controllo del Senato, la situazione è la seguente:
🔵 Warnock (Democratici) a spoglio quasi ultimato conduce col 49,2%. Ma per il NYT
difficilmente andrà oltre il 49,5%. Dunque sarà sotto la soglia del 50% che serve a conquistare il seggio. Se così fosse prepariamoci ad un ballottaggio thrilling il prossimo 6 dicembre con il Repubblicano Walker.
Altro Stato chiave è
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Se l'incertezza è il fattore dominante dell'anno, allora le #Midterms2022 non potevano fare eccezione. La politica #Usa si ferma per guardarsi allo specchio, per scattare una foto al giro di boa della grande corsa che condurrà tra due anni (sì, solo 2) alle presidenziali.
🇺🇸 Cosa c'è in palio?
La risposta corretta è la seguente: il rinnovo di 435 deputati alla Camera e di 35 seggi al Senato. E poi 36 poltrone da governatore dello Stato, per non parlare delle centinaia di referendum statali e delle migliaia di cittadine chiamate ad indicare il
proprio "mayor". Poi però c'è dell'altro. C'è la risposta politica. Quella per cui Joe Biden corre il rischio di trasformarsi nella cosidetta "anatra zoppa", nell'inquilino della Casa Bianca che non controlla le camere (una o due?) ed è vittima dei veti del partito rivale,
Read 21 tweets
Pour bien suivre les #midterms US cette nuit et demain, ma toute nouvelle chronique ce soir pour @Lesjoursfr: #Biden, le vide devant soi. Suivez le guide😉
A lire pour les abonnées et abonnés!
2. Et en complément de l'article pour @Lesjoursfr avec l'analyse historique et politique de fond, petit guide heure par heure des fermetures de bureaux de vote (en heure française) et les courses à suivre...👇
3. A minuit, les bureaux ferment en Indiana. Et on regardera le 1er district de la Chambre dans cet Etat, démocrate de toute éternité, et qui peut basculer républicain pour la 1ère fois. Si c'est le cas, ça sentira TRES mauvais pour les démocrates...…
Read 18 tweets
I candidati repubblicani negli Stati chiave cercano sempre di più di bloccare i voti via posta espressi dai democratici, che accusano: si tratta di tentativi di impedire il voto dei gruppi più svantaggiati. Thread a seguire 🧵⤵️
In #Pennsylvania, la Corte Suprema statale ha dato ragione al Comitato Nazionale Repubblicano sul fatto che i funzionari elettorali non devono contare le schede su cui l'elettore ha trascurato di apporre la data sulla busta esterna.
In particolare anche nei casi in cui le schede sono arrivate prima del giorno delle elezioni e quindi altrimenti sarebbero pienamente legittime. Di conseguenza, migliaia di schede votare via posta sono state accantonate, tanto da poter cambiare il risultato in una sfida serrata.
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Mounting concerns about the safety of US election workers ahead of #Election2022

@TheJusticeDept Asst AG Kenneth Polite, Jr. met Tuesday w/300 officials, workers to discuss "available grant funding for physical security enhancements"

#Arizona #Colorado #Delaware #Wisconsin
More: the election officials, workers also "received an update on the work of the Justice Department’s Election Threats Task Force, including a briefing from the @FBI on communication & coordination... in the lead up to the November election" per @TheJusticeDept
On Monday, senior @FBI officials said since June 2021 there have been more than 1,000 reported threats to election workers -58% from just 7 US states
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NEW: W/less than 2 months til #Election2022, US "not aware of any adversary #cyber campaigns specifically targeting US elections" per sr @FBI official

BUT adversaries "could seek to spread or amplify false or exaggerated claims of compromise to election infrastructure"
NEW: @FBI warns #Russia #China #Iran "will take advantage of election integrity narratives that come up in the US election ecosystem" per 2nd senior official

"We've seen that already specifically form Russia"

NEW: Ahead of #Election2022 #Russia|n gvt "expanding the ecosystem that they are using to try to identify & recruit both witting & unwitting proxy organizations" per 2nd senior @FBI official

"I think we can infer that they [Russia] think this has been relatively successful..."
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Hey! I betcha you didn’t know this about Wisconsin.

We helped create the idea for Social Security AND put it into place as the FIRST SOCIAL SECURITY ACT in 1935.

( 1/9 )
#Wisconsin #Republican #democrats #mandelabarnes #tonyevers #SocialSecurityFairnessAct #socialsecurity
John R. Commons, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, helped create the American Association for Labor Legislation - Group that advocated for national health insurance- on February 15, 1906.

This group held the driving force behind…
( 2/9 )
…”worker’s compensation, occupational health & safety, and child labor laws” (

1909 the first worker’s compensation came through!

1911 - “Workmen’s Compensation Act” enacted May 3rd, effective as of September 1st, SUPPORTED by WI Supreme Court

( 3/9 )
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#FactCheck 🧵re: #CashBail, @TheOtherMandela #Barnes & @RonJohnsonWI
* In our country everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty at trial. This is true even though they may have been arrested & charged w/a crime.

*#Wisconsin & the fed. gov't both have ... 1/9
#WisPol ImageImage
#FactCheck 🧵re: #CashBail, @TheOtherMandela #Barnes & @RonJohnsonWI
...criminal laws, but different approaches re: protecting constitutional #RightsOfAccused AND #PublicSafety.

*U.S. government procedure does NOT generally rely on cash bail — it only considers ... 2/9
#WisPol Image
#FactCheck 🧵re: #CashBail, @TheOtherMandela #Barnes & @RonJohnsonWI
... public safety. #Wisconsin, in contrast, relies on setting an amount of #CashBail to ensure defendant shows up for trial.

*Wisco’s system of cash bail gives great advantages to ppl w/money... 3/9
#WisPol Image
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I received an email yesterday from an attorney, demanding I remove Tweets in which I noted that Sherrilyn Fisher, wife of @KennethLFisher, is the largest individual donor to Republicans, $2.8 million according to @OpenSecretsDC.…
I deleted my previous Tweets to clarify Sherrilyn Fisher's $2.8 mil donation to Republicans.

"neither Ken nor Sherri Fisher has ever made any donation - whether directly or through any entity, whether of funds or anything of value - to Doug Mastriano or any campaign of his..."
Lucas Kunce is running for U.S. Senator from Missouri.

I have asked the Fishers' attorney whether any of Sherrilyn Fisher's reported $2.8 donations to Republicans went to Republicans who turned their backs on veterans who were exposed to toxic burn pits.
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Eté 2022: Donald #Trump continue à harceler le président républicain de la Chambre du Wisconsin, Vos pour qu'il fasse invalider le résultat de la présidentielle de novembre 2020 dans cet Etat. Quelqu'un de célèbre aurait parlé de "coup d'Etat permanent"…
...on arrive ainsi à 1 situation inédite en démocratie. 1 ex-président (#Trump), qui a inspiré 1 coup de force factieux contre le Congrès le 6/01/2021 mais s'en tire sans aucune sanction, prépare son retour au pouvoir par les urnes, en niant toujours leur précédent résultat.2/
On peut toujours penser et arguer que #Trump ne sera pas investi par le parti républicain en 2024- mais l'historique de soumission depuis 2015 et les résultats des primaires 2022 amènent à 1 jugement bien plus nuancé- mais 1 question se pose d'ores et déjà...3/
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THREAD: So if you love #fishing and your water, something to consider. I have bald eagles, trumpeter swans, pelicans, herons here on the Lower #Wisconsin #River. Lead kills #birds. I lose probably more than my share of jigs and hanging with the @riveralliancewi got me thinking.
I am more pragmatist than activist, but #environmentalism hits home as you watch eagles soar as you fish pristine, delicate waterways. The 92 miles LWR is mostly in conservancy, and is recognized as a @RamsarConv Wetlands of International Importance.
So I cultivated a local guy who makes lures out of his garage. Very skilled fisherman too and I have learned a lot from him out on the water. Had him cast me this initial run of jigs out of tin bismuth alloy.
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So it appears as if the #B1G may hold off on further expansion until atleast 2024 (why 2024?, ND/NBC contract expires in April 2025 & the BigTen won't make a move w/out a definitive answer from the Irish). Let's take a look at what Pods may look like from the new 16 team B1G.🧵
Pod 1

Travel is going to be a nightmare for USC/UCLA. The #B1G would be wise to try and ease that as much as possible. The easiest/closest travel from LA would be to Chicago hence Northwestern. Illinois comes along as NW's biggest rival.
Pod 2

This Pod is fairly self explanatory. Preservation of the historic Iowa/Minnesota/Wisconsin rivalries is obtained and the new additional rivalries w/ Nebraska are nurtured. #B1G shouldn't spilt these four.
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#COVID19 #VariantDashboard - #UnitedStates

TOP lineages (15-DAY TRENDS):

46.33% BA.2.12.1**,
17.07% BA.5^^,
15.30% BA.2,
9.02% BA.4^^,
5.80% BA.2.12,
1.75% BA.2.3 and
1.21% BA.2.9

**S:L452Q; ^^S:L452R/F486V

#OmicronUpdates 06/23/22 Image
#OmicronVariantUpdates #UnitedStates 06/23/22

Top 5 lineages:
BA.2.12.1, ⬇️ (Spike: L452Q)
BA.5, ⬆️ (Spike: L452R)
BA.2 ⬇️
BA.4 ⬆️ (Spike: L452R)

* includes recently designated BA.2.x.y and undesignated BA.2s Image
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We are roughly 2 months away from the start of #CFB season! Lets talk expectations. Ill go through each team & give what my model predicts as the % chance each team gets to bowl eligbility, and also the % chance each team gets 10+ Ws given their respective schedules. Lets go!🧵
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws)

#Alabama #RTR 99.9%/89.5%
#Arkansas #WPS 55.3%/11.0%
#Auburn #WarEagle 36.9%/1.8%
#Florida #Gators 81.0%/17.4%
#Georgia #UGA 99.9%/93.3%
#Kentucky #BBN 66.7%/7.3%
#LSU #GeauxTigers 81.8%/29.1%
#HailState 47.8%/2.6%
#SEC (% Chance @ 6+ Ws/% Chance @ 10+ Ws) (cont)
#Mizzou 69.2%/11.6%
#OleMiss 96.9%/41.4%
#SouthCarolina 31.2%/0.8%
#Tennessee #Vols 95.3%/35.6%
#TAMU #GigEm 99.0%/75.1%
#Vanderbilt #AnchorDown 2.3%/ <0.1%
Read 12 tweets

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