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#Governments like their citizens to be dumb, ignorant, misinformed, never ask questions, never protest against their policies, never disobey their mandates.

Once you start seeing the patterns it’s pretty obvious they want y’all in a totally controlled #SocialCreditSystem

A…… Image
An example of #CitizenGovernment Image
Read 10 tweets
#CBDCs are an instrument that can be fully weaponized by the governments and central banks to monitor and control every transaction of its citizens. If you think you are free now with cash, wait until you have your freedoms with #CBDCs

A thread 🧵for your awareness👇 Image
#CBDCs have complete surveillance, unpredictable monetary policy and effective controls from governments.

#Bitcoin has a completely predictable monetary policy and enables citizens to be in control of their finances.

Read 4 tweets
No one is above the law is bullshit

Sam Bankman Fried defrauded billions of dollars with millions of customers and he got bail for $250 million from unknown sources

Donald Trump paid a porn actress and getting indicted

Fcuk the biased leftist law

Here’s a prev thread on #Politicians and their biased laws with memes
Law is only for the privileged & left
Law is blind for poor & right
Read 21 tweets
#FederalReserve is the largest central bank in the world.

Citizen vs. State: If you look at the original founding principle objectives of the federal reserve, you can’t find a single one which benefits the citizen. The fifth objective is clearly a great lie we’ve all been……
Just an FYI. I tweet from my readings and curated knowledge of the masses. I’m no banking contagion expert 😂 Image
Read 59 tweets
How dare you...

How dare you steal my childhood, my future and the future of our children...

@ChildrensHD @Togetherdec
Join the fight back against the push for smart cities, against the push for 24/7 surveillance society, against open digital prisons for our children...

We are many; they are few...stand up TOGETHER @Togetherdec

#FreeOurStreets #SmartCities
Read 4 tweets
China's surveillance state starts from digital ID

Thread 1/
Citizens must apply for a ID card, which contains information: name, gender, nationality, date of birth, address, ID number, and biometric information, such as photos, facial features, palm features, fingerprints, DNA.

In China, facial recognition (digital ID) is mandatory to get into airport and board your plane now.

This was in 2019 Beijing airport

In China, facial recognition (digital ID) is mandatory to get into the train station and take your train now.

This was in 2018 Shanghai train station.
Read 7 tweets
CHINA'S social credit system is a combination of government and business surveillance that gives citizens a “score” that can restrict the ability of individuals to take actions — such as purchasing plane/train tickets, acquiring property or taking loans — because of behaviors.
If you are on the blacklist of #socialcredit system, your face, name, I.D. No., address...will display on buses, subways, planes...for everyone to see to shame you.

Zhoukou city, Henan province. 🇨🇳 China.
February 9th, 2023.

Faces, names, I.D. No., address...of persons , who are on the blacklist of #SocialCreditSystem, are being displaying on this giant screen, for everyone to see to shame them.
Read 3 tweets
#CBDC #CBDCs give more power to the government and less power to people using them as means of exchange. Your government could stop your financial transactions at a moments notice just like PayPal/Venmo/Zelle stopping people from using its services, state will do the same like……
Read 5 tweets
You liked #TheGreatReset from @wef and @ProfKlausSchwab ?
➡️ (

You'll love #BuildBackBetter

Who could say no to that? Who wouldn't want it "better"?


Our international Great Leaders have been showing and paving the way since over a year already. After all, is there a better opportunity than this #Covid19 'pandemy' to tackle it?


The (in)famous @wef is of course pushing for it.
➡️… (
Read 37 tweets
om een afwijkende
#5G #reclame-spot uit China
De Totale Bewaking in het #SociaalKredietSysteem
#Spoedwet / #Sleepwet
Straks in Nederland,
te beginnen met de #QRcode
The EU’s biometric power-grab is sinister and grotesque

Brussels is rolling out an invasive new border system that will cause massive delays, and further undermine our liberty

Read 16 tweets
Read 46 tweets
Ich habe schon ein Abo auf Windeln laufen um mein Punktekonto etwas aufzubessern.
Read 4 tweets
Gab: @ TommyRobinsonOfficial -15m
#UK Boris announces the #end of "#covidpassports" and #masks.
#European Legal Expert Says #VaccineMandates Are the Beginning of a '#SocialCreditSystem' - January 19
- There is a massive movement going on in Europe, right now hundreds of thousands, millions actually who are very much aware of what’s at stake here.…
#China #Rothschildism #Macron
I think that #France should quickly adopt our #socialcredit system [0:12].
'Laught' [0:17-0:20].
#YellowVests detected before they acted [0:27].
Read 5 tweets
Straks jouw QR gekoppeld aan je Co2 uitstoot. It's al coming Image
2.Langzaam 'gaan' ze 1 netwerk creëren met QR-codes/gezichtsherkenning en AI. In feite is de Coronacheck app de 'engine' van het Sociaal krediet systeem wat in China al loopt.
In Nederland worden de eerste berichten er al over gegeven dat het mogelijk is om het te…
Read 20 tweets
(Opinion) Thread 🧵

The more oppressed minorities/protected classes you create, the more you can regulate 'hate speech'.
The more regulations you create, the more you can regulate people.
The more you can regulate people, the more you can regulate their speech, behaviour & ultimately their thoughts.
The soon to be implemented Social Credit System will benefit all who participate in the way it is designed to be played.
This system will socially credit score each & every American based on what they say, do, 'like', follow/subscribe to (podcasts, SM accounts etc) but also who
Read 222 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerber's Apollo 13

In March 2020, the German Ministry of the Interior @BMI_Bund issued a #strategypaper that weaponized fear in order to accomplish compliance with #COVID policies. The authors' emails were litigated under #FOIA request. My analysis. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: The @BMI_Bund emails have been released to the public as they were successfully sued by lawyer Niko Härting in a FOIA proceeding. They can be requested directly from @BMI_Bund/ @rki_de via @fragdenstaat. Download it here: Image
3/210: The emails originated March 19-25, 2020. They are so explosive because they map the inner discourse of the @BMI_Bund's now infamous #COVID-19 taskforce, which produced several crucial domestic policy documents. @OttoKolbl
Read 210 tweets
1/210: Markus Kerbers Apollo13
Im März 2020 stellte das @BMI_Bund eine COVID-19 Taskforce zusammen, die ein umstrittenes #Strategiepapier verfasste. Die #Emails der Autoren wurden per Informationsfreiheitsgesetz freigeklagt. Hier kommt meine Analyse der 59 Emails. #MEGATHREAD ⬇️ Image
2/210: Die @BMI_Bund-Mails sind geschwärzt für die Öffentlichkeit freigegeben, seit sie durch den Anwalt Niko Härting per IFG-Verfahren erstritten wurden. Über @fragdenstaat können sie direkt beim @BMI_Bund @rki_de angefragt werden. ImageImage
3/210: Die Emails enstanden vom 19.-25. März 2020. Sie sind deshalb so brisant, weil sie die inneren Diskurse der inzwischen berüchtigten COVID-19 Taskforce des @BMI_Bund abbilden, aus der diverse innenpolitische Dokumente hervorgegangen sind. @OttoKolbl
Read 211 tweets
It is very important in this period of humanity to take a serious look at what is happening in the world friends.

Watch this video first in its entirety & reflect upon current situations critically.

#Menticide is here & with it, a new attempt to establish a "#TechnoTotalitarian" rule over the lives of American citizens.

The final variant of #Coronavirus could very well be the manifestation of a #NewWorldOrder under #totalitarian rule.
That may sound absurd, but what is very concerning is that many talking heads in the media & even public figures are now making very carefully worded emotional appeals to logic to further induce a totalitarian #masspsychosis.
Read 53 tweets
1/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


2/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


3/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


Read 18 tweets

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