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Most recents (16)

It is time to begin documenting a #Plandemonium #GameOfThreads. Image
2. First, I'll point back to my old thread of threads, so much of which is still censored on Twitter, sigh.
3. Next, Big Data helps us with the #HealthyUserBias thread.
Read 13 tweets
Sometimes I post a load of what might look/sound like gibberish to most; perhaps it really is.šŸ¤·

Other times, I have a choice selection of wisdom to impart.šŸ¤Ŗā“

No, I can't tell them apart either, that is better done by other, more sober minds not yet extant.
For tonight, I have chosen to concoct a short telling, relating to a story about a vicious mongrel motherfucker with absolutely zero regrets about chosing to be a completely, rampantly aggressive dick shoving itself right into any available orifice, or creating them by-need.
If you hadn't guessed so by now.. It's me I'm talking about.. I'm the motherfucker, the mongrel, but only because I hold back with more strength than I care to admit to having in the first place. I don't like to admit it, as I'd prefer to not to be that, but I loathe deceiving.
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šŸŖ” ā€” Why #Scientology canā€™t respectively doesnā€™t sue people anymoreā€” What are they so afraid of?
Full video by @GrowingupinSCN
āā€¦Everyone knows they cannot file lawsuits ā€” not just because what is said is true, but because Miscavige cannot afford to go into deposition and be exposed for what he really isā€¦āž ā€”
@MikeRinder via his blog |ā€¦
āā€¦in a lengthy message that was forwarded to thousands of Scientologists around the world, Debbie used the words of LRH to take apart #DavidMiscavigeā€¦āž ā€” #TonyOrtega viaā€¦
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ā I was stalking #MikeRinder, #AmyScobee & many others āž
ā€”3rd PI to come forward, who was hired by infamous PI Dwayne Powell. Most PIā€™s who value their reputation avoid cooperating with #Scientology's snooping, stalking & harassmentā€”
By @GrowingupinSCN & @MikeRinder
āā€¦Powell is a real piece of workā€”
you may recall he was one of the father & son team arrested stalking Ron Miscavige (#DavidMiscavigeā€™s own father) with illegal weapons in the trunk their carā€¦āž | Blog-post by @MikeRinder |ā€¦
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Lead attorney for #Scientologyā€”
Who focuses her practices on assisting non-profit organizations in keeping their tax exemption. Perfect for the CoS right? Sheā€™s also willing to partake in their PR/IRS cover story of
ā€”ā giving back to the communities āžā€”ā€¦
BILLIONS! Tax free! ā€”
Where does the šŸ’° go?
1 | Buying buildings that stay empty.
2 | Propaganda
3 | Stalk/harass journalists & defectors.
#Scientology ā€” #DavidMiscavigeā€”spent MILLIONS OF DOLLARS for 2 PIā€˜s to follow #PatBroeker for 25 YEARS.

These PIā€™sā€”Paul Marrick & Greg Arnoldā€” tracked Broeker from a California apartment to a cowboy town in Wyoming and even to the Czech Republic. ImageImage
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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Revenge of the Linkdumps; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A kitchen junk-drawer, full...
Revenge of the Linkdumps: Something for the weekend, sir?

3/  Image: Robert Miller (modi...
Read 27 tweets
Prosecution & defense have rested. I guess #TonyOrtega hasnā€™t been called to testify after all. Would have been interesting considering that his pre-trial Ā«Ā interviewĀ Ā» with one of the Jane Does; was apparently published WITHOUT her approval & consent. #DannyMastersonRetrial
As @GrowingupinSCN said; this is NOT about drama itā€™s about his position to talk about what he knows & experienced with #TonyOrtega
I think this is very important to know. It wasnā€™t an interview apparently it was a phone call in CONFIDENCE that #TonyOrtega had with one of the Jane Does (alleged incident #Dracula2000) and was then published as an interview without her consent.
Read 11 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦


1/ A giant robot hand holding ...
Today (May 10), I'm in #VANCOUVER for a keynote at the #OSSummit:ā€¦

And a book event tonight at #HeritageHall:ā€¦

Tomorrow (May 11), I'm in #CALGARY for @WordfestTweets:ā€¦


2/ Image
Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms: Don't just try to make platforms better - make them less important.

3/    Image: EFF https://www.e...
Read 24 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Flickr to copyleft trolls: drop dead;; and more!

Archived at:ā€¦

#Pluralistic 1/
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/
Flickr to copyleft trolls: drop dead. Pixsy's predators no longer welcome.

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Ein laufenderšŸ§µĆ¼ber den menschenverachtenden, antidemokratischen & verfassungsfeindlichen Psychokonzern & Aludosen-Kult #Scientology sowie dessen lokale AktivitƤten & Verbindungen zu Pseudomedizin, Querdenken, Verschwƶrungsideologien & brauner Esoterik in & um #Stuttgart.
Der Psychokonzern #Scientology wurde 1953 von Science Fiction Autor L. Ron Hubbard gegrĆ¼ndet. Noch heute sind dessen Lehren, die auf Esoterikquatsch & einer sehr schrƤgen Geschichte um den AuƟerirdischen Xenu basieren, fĆ¼r Scientolog:innen heilig (siehe:ā€¦)
Dabei ist #Scientology keine Kirche oder religiƶse Gemeinschaft, sondern ein zutiefst menschenverachtender Psychokonzern, der mittels perfider Techniken & Methoden ("#FairGame") seine Mitglieder radikal ausbeutet, Familien gnadenlos zerstƶrt & Kritiker:innen aggressiv bekƤmpft .
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Die #Corona #Pandemie hat deutlich gezeigt, dass im Raum #Stuttgart ein groƟer #Esoterik-Hotspot liegt. GrĆ¼nde gibt es viele, eine Ursache scheint die Offensive von #Scientology in #BadenWuerttemberg zu sein, den Status als #Kirche zu erlangen.
Es lohnt ein Blick in die Vergangenheit. Bereits 2010 nannte die #Scientology Organisation #Stuttgart als ihren bevorzugten Ort um eine "ideale Org" zu schaffen und plante den Erwerb eines reprƤsentativen GebƤudes. Hier die EinschƤtzung des #Verfassungsschutz aus dem Jahr 2011.
Das Projekt kam wg. Personalmangel in Verzug. Die Wochenzeitung #Kontext berichtet 2014 Ć¼ber die Bestrebungen von #Scientology #Stuttgart zu einem Zentrum der #Organisation in #Deutschland neben Berlin & Hamburg zu machen. Die Expansion erfolge aus Israel:ā€¦
Read 20 tweets
0/1 Da nun auch in #Echterdingen auf den #Fildern zunehmend geschwurbelt wird, werden wir in diesem Thread immer wieder von dort berichten Aktuell trifft man sich montags & donnerstags, meist in sehr kleiner Zahl. Daran hat auch ein Auftritt von Wolfgang #Greulich nix geƤndert. ImageImage
0/2 Auch auf den #Querdenken-Demos in #Echterdingen sind vorwiegend die gleichen Gesichter zu sehen wie in #Filderstadt #Bonlanden. Auch dieselben Redner geben sich hier wie dort das angerotzte Mikro in die Hand. Das Mobilisierungspotenzial scheint trotz Promi-Support mickrig. ImageImageImageImage
I/1 18.3.21
Wie gewohnt war auch die #Querdenken-Demo in #Echterdingen komplett von #fakenews & #Verschwƶrungsideologien geprƤgt. Den Anfang machte Frank, der sowohl mehrfach in #Filderstadt #Bonlanden, als auch bereits in #Echterdingen sprach & hier wohl die Demos mitorganisiert Image
Read 443 tweets
Seeing some surprise from people who apparently weren't up on the story regarding Danny Masterson. So how about some links to bring you up to date. March 3, 2017: We broke the news that Danny was being investigated by the LAPD...ā€¦ #Scientology
[March 8, 2017] We've referred to the first three accusers as Victims A, B, and C from the beginning. Victim C was the first to give us an interview, and provided harrowing details of her rape.ā€¦ #Scientology
[March 11, 2017] Danny Masterson's Victim B did report her 2003 assault to the Church of Scientology and the LAPD. And #Scientology made her pay for about $15,000 in "past-life therapy" to discover what terrible things she had done in previous centuries.ā€¦
Read 13 tweets
@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets
We've itemized a list of EVERY time an #UnHingedDem has attacked a normie conservative. Would you like that list? I think its up near 700 instances in the last 19 months. Shall we play your game? #REDWAVE #VOTERED #SPIN #SCIENTOLOGY #BULLYTACTICS #NOSHAME #SUPPORTTRUMP #POTUS
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to ā€œtake a page from The Godfatherā€ to ā€œgo to the mattressesā€ to stop Trumpā€™s Supreme Court nominee.
July 6, 2018: CNN analyst justifies violence against Trump supporters
July 6, 2018: Long Island Man Threatened to Kill Supporters of Republican Congressman, Trump: Police
July 6, 2018: Florida man attacked over Trump flag in yard.
July 6, 2018: Woman threatens to stab Alan Dershowitz in heart.
Read 74 tweets

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