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Our new paper ‘Quantifying exposure of #bumblebee (Bombus spp.) queens to #pesticide residues when hibernating in agricultural soils’ is out in Environmental Pollution! 👉… #Pollinators #OpenAccess @ELSenviron @NigelERaine @McArtLab 🐝👑🧵(1/5) Image
(2/5) Many bumble🐝 species hibernate underground, where they can be exposed to soil contaminants. To quantify #exposure to #pesticide residues for these 👑, we sampled soils from suitable likely hibernation sites on🍎and diversified farms in Ontario 🇨🇦 during fall🍂
(3/5) We found that bumble🐝👑 are very likely to be exposed to complex #mixtures of multiple insecticides, herbicides & fungicides in agricultural soils (including high levels of cyantraniliprole, chlorantraniliprole, & boscalid‼️). 53 active ingredients were detected. Image
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Week 81 #FridaysForFuture. The European farm lobby is trying to get rid of any progress made towards the climate and biodiversity crises by exploiting Putin’s attack on Ukraine.
Here is a 🧵about how the EU is trying to disguise false solutions as #FoodSecurity concerns: 1/
There is increasing concern that @vonderleyen and @TimmermansEU will give in to pressures by the farm lobby to postpone or get rid of the upcoming EU Restoration law and a new law that controls the use of pesticides. 2/
The farm lobby is trying to convince @EUAgri to channel huge subsidies into the livestock sector, and are asking that areas used for biodiversity not be used for food but for animal feed. 3/
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#Mixtures matter! Check out our new study in @ScienceMagazine where we show the impact of real-life chemical exposure during pregnancy on language development, integrating epidemiology and experimental neurobiology (1/14)…
on the same issue, do not miss also the insightful perspective by @liew_zeyan and Pengfei Guo (2/10)… (2/14)
and here an animated summary of the story () by @secret_molecule (3/14)
Read 14 tweets
15/ Before beginning today's "episode," we make note of several realities.

"How many?" someone asked, "How many babies were killed by the #pesticides."

Is that even the right question?

How many murders does it take to reach some macabre threshold? But ...

#SBUniv #SBC #SBCtoo
16/ To put this in perspective, one student reported that during Homecoming she realized that virtually every married women in her dorm had two or more pregnancies end in miscarriage, often late term.

Is that enough to prompt the #SBUniv governance to investigate?

#SBUniv #SBC
17/ Apparently not.

Because, in the #SBUniv view, this is *only* women's pain and women's losses.

But, every one of these children had fathers and grandparents and often siblings.

This is long-term, family pain, generational pain, Bearcat pain.

#SBCtoo #SBC #abortion
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1/ UK-Australia deal "Agreement in Principle" published today by both Governments.

The SPS section appears to confirm many of @PAN_UK's fears that the deal will weaken UK #pesticide standards.

Here’s how……
2/ It agrees to "recognition of the principle of equivalence" which means achieving the same regulatory objective/level of protection by different means. #Australiatradedeal #Australiadeal
3/ This opens the door for Australia to argue that UK bans and restrictions on Australian food products which don’t meet UK pesticide standards are not safer to consumers but are designed to keep out imported products.
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1/ As the #AustraliaTradeDeal row rages, here are some facts and figures on UK vs Australian #pesticide standards which reveal the extent of the threat posed to British farming and human and environmental health
2/ Unlike the UK, Australia still allows food to contain residues of Chlorpyrifos which has been shown to negatively affect the cognitive development of foetuses and young children.
3/ Australian apples can contain up to 100 times the amount of Malathion than UK apples. Malathion is an insecticide with links to cancer. It is a suspected endocrine disruptor capable of interfering with hormone systems which can lead to birth defects and many other problems.
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1️⃣ Ce thread revient sur les grands enseignements de la nouvelle étude @Fondapol "Quel avenir pour l'agriculture et l'alimentation bio?" de Gil Kressmann. L'auteur s'interroge sur les raisons et les limites de l'engouement pour le #bio
👉 L'étude @Fondapol
2️⃣ Au sein de la population française, les avis sur le #bio ont tendance à être très polarisés, si bien que l’on peut même avancer l’idée qu’ils constituent un nouveau clivage.
👉 @Fondapol
3️⃣ Le concept de l’#agriculture #biologique est né dans les années 1930 sous l’influence de l’agronome et botaniste anglais Albert Howard et de l’Allemand Rudolf Steiner, un philosophe tourné vers l’ésotérisme dont les idées sont à l’origine de la biodynamie.
Read 26 tweets
1/13 #ClimateChange is a result of a mindset, that is based on monoculture, fossil fuels, chemicals, corporate control. @BillGates cannot alter a condition with the same mindset that created it in the first place @Trevornoah @drvandanashiva…
2/13 The mad rush for #FakeFood and #FakeMeat, ignorant of the #diversity of our food cultures & the role of biodiversity is a recipe for accelerating the #climatecrisis, the destruction of the planet & our health @drvandanashiva…
3/13 The perpetrators of the industrialized & now digitized predatory economic model that has led to worldwide ecological devastation are trying to sell us their solutions as the only path forward @drvandanashiva @NnimmoB #FalseSolutionsToClimateChange
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It's finally out ! With Alex Gohin (@SmartLereco), we have a new paper in @AnnalsOf in which we measure the market and environmental impacts (noinpoint source pollutions, imported deforestation, carbon emissions) of French #pesticide policies:…

What did we do on this paper?

First, we conducted a structural econometric estimation of the impact of output and input prices on the farmers' production decisions, including land-use decisions and pesticide applications.
What's new there?

Well, we used a detailed database from @InseeFr where all farming types (including vineyards and fruit production, which use many pesticides, but also breeding farms) are included for the whole France from 1990 to 2015.

Basically, we have all french farmers.
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La #COVIDー19 a exposé les vulnérabilités de notre syst. alimentaire. Bcp n’ont pas attendu l’épidémie pr relocaliser l’agriculture et favoriser les circuits courts. Tour d’horizon des leviers pr une véritable souveraineté alimentaire. Par @Sophie_Chapelle…
La moitié des fruits et légumes consommés en France sont importés, et la plupart des élevages français sont nourris avec des cultures ayant parcouru 10 000 kilomètres. Pour Stéphane Linou du mouvement #locavore «nos territoires ne sont autonomes sur rien, ils sont sous perfusion» Image
Comment reconquérir notre souveraineté alimentaire?

Rendre obligatoire les projets alimentaires territoriaux et conditionner les autres planifications, comme les plans locaux d’urbanisme. Le retour des ceintures maraîchères autour des villes serait indispensable. #relocalisation Image
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In a recent paper, we found that without crop #insurance being in place, #pesticide expenditures in France and Switzerland would be 6 to 11% lower.

Here a #thread on the relevance of these findings, the underlying mechanisms and policy implications

Cc @tobi_dal @aecp_eth
Reducing risks from pesticide use for humans and the environment is on the top of European policy agendas. Also the support of risk management and insurance solutions, e.g. via subsidies, is gaining relevance in Europe. Especially in light of #climatechange impacts on agriculture
The availability and support of agricultural insurance, however, also affects pesticide use. This is linkage is usually not considered in policy making. Two effects are especially relevant:
Read 10 tweets
🇬🇧🚜Today is a crucial day for the future of food & farming in the UK

Amongst other things, Govt. decisions today will affect the

🐔quality of food we import
🚜way our food is produced

We need your help to raise awareness of some amendments which must be made to the #AgriBill
✊🚜💚🌍 There has never been a more joined-up coalition of farming & environmental organisations all calling for the same thing

Despite this, the Govt. has continuously failed to protect British food & farming standards in the #AgriBill / #TradeBills
The implications for farmers?

"As a farmer, it could mean my production is undermined by cheap imports from countries with lower standards than in the UK. For society, it could mean we won't have the ability to buy food from local & sustainable supply chains"@hayneoak #AgriBill
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Alors, avant de vous faire bourrer le mou par mes amis @coquelicots_ un petit mot sur les #metabolites de #pesticides, je ne met pas volontairement d'* car cela concerne aussi les #pesticides #bio
voila le lien vers le document guide pour les évaluer…

je l'appellerai 221/2000 par la suite. Donc cela fait bien depuis les années 2000 qu'ils sont étudiés et évalués. Ce sont les #metabolites retrouvés dans les eaux souterraines
donc de boisson potentiellement. Donc dans l'eau du robinet. Bon heureusement que les #pesticides se décomposent en métabolites, sinon on en retrouverait partout et ça serait vraiment un problème.
Donc on étudie toutes les transformations
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I was writing a rebuttal to Dr Grum’s article “The Case for GMOs” @Ethiobserver . But I have to break my silence as some people, out of their utter ignorance, are relentlessly making ad hominem attacks on #GMO opponents. #Ethiopia
You can search “@kebyes GMO” so that you will learn how enthusiastic I am about the issue. Unlike others who are bashing every opinion/evidence, I like to ask questions first. That is how you learn. So please ask before resorting to attacks, PEOPLE. #Ethiopia
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#Live in Brussels 🇪🇺 IPES-Food's Nick Jacobs is at the European Committee of the Regions (@EU_CoR) for an exchange of views on the impending #EUfarm2fork Strategy.

Nick will be joined by @GuidoMilana @rozathun & @SchilthuisGijs.

⌚️ We'll bring you updates from 15h30 CET 👍 Image
The @EU_CoR is exchanging views on #EUFarm2Fork Strategy. For our director Nick Jacobs, initial thinking on the #F2F has taken an "à la carte approach", failing to map out a real "paradigm shift".

#FarmToFork #CommonFoodPolicy

Some thoughts 👇
1. #EUFarm2Fork targets not enough. #Pesticide & AB reduction targets won't be effective w/o viable alternative products/production systems. 2. Techno-fixes (gene editing, feed additives, #data-driven ag) reinforce current system & entail trade-offs! 3. Support for #agroecology? Image
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IPES-Food advisor Francesco Ajena is live at a packed @EU_Commission stakeholder consultation on the #EUFarm2Fork Strategy.

#F2F #CAP #FutureofCAP #EUGreenDeal

Some important reflections at this crucial time 👇 Image
"#CAP provides the tools to make #FarmtoFork successful, but also might allow for its tools & budget to make the #F2F a failure. We need to identify the main gaps & possible inconsistencies b/w CAP and F2F. We must address them early instead of waiting for the next CAP reform."
"In the #EU we need a truly integrated food policy, not an à la carte set of proposals. Proposals need to be mutually reinforcing. With objectives including production systems, food environments, food chains, #trade and access to and protection of #land and natural resources."
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Quelle différence y-a-t-il entre le bon & le mauvais #pesticide pour les industriels du bio ?

"Le mauvais pesticide est chimique de synthèse !
Alors que le bon pesticide...
Il est chimique aussi, synthétisé par l'industrie oui, peut-être
Mais c'est un bon pesticide bio"

Face aux questions posées aux industriels du bio, les limites du dogmes se dessinent

Le règlement #bio accepte des pesticides chimiques d'origine minérale mais interdit les "substances issues de la chimie organique"...🤔
Par définition cela correspond à tout ce qui est vivant !
Par cet imbroglio nimbé d'idéologie les industriels du bio essayent de distinguer les pesticides "naturels" autorisés en bio, des autres...

Ils illustrent ainsi de manière évidente leur stratégie de communication décrite dans le thread ci dessous ⤵️

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Farming without plant protection products. Can we grow without using herbicides, fungicides and insecticides?

Cultiver sans phytosanitaires. Peut-on cultiver sans herbicides, fongicides et insecticides?

Tel est le titre d'un rapport du service Recherche du Parlement Européen
Quelques graphiques et conclusions intéressantes dans ce rapport uniquement disponible en anglais.

Je vous propose donc d'en faire un synthèse à travers d'un #ThreadAgri

Le rapport complet est là :…

Il est sorti début mars 2019.
Le rapport rappelle d'abord que Malthus avait tort. Ça donne le ton pour le reste du rapport qui change des nombreuses discours collapsologues...

Compte tenu de la démographie, il faudra passer de 4300 m² de surface agricole/ habitant en 1960 à 1600m²/hab en 2100

Joli challenge
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Bon je m'y colle. Mais je ne vais pas y passer des heures, j'ai mal dormi 😀 @SciencesPoulet
@AntBerranger @emma_ducros @agritof80 et aux autres. Petit rappels sur le #glyphosate.
Préliminaire : mes tweets n'engagent que mon opinion personnelle. Ceci étant dit, jevais commencer par une petite présentation pour ceux qui auraient la flemme d'aller voir mon profil sur #LinkedIn. Je n'ai pas de pseudo et c'est volontaire.
Read 49 tweets

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