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Services secrets, négociations avec le PKK, lutte contre Fethullah Gülen, barbouzeries syriennes : le nouveau ministre des Affaires étrangères turc, #HakanFidan , est une figure intéressante et mystérieuse, qui tranche avec les cadres classiques de l'AKP. Image
Fidèle de Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, dont il partage la vision conservatrice, Hakan Fidan a pris la tête du MİT (les services de renseignement turcs) en 2010. Avec déjà une expérience internationale, puisqu'il avait dirigé la TİKA, l'agence de coopération et de développement turque...
Sa nomination avait notamment inquiété, à l'époque, les Israéliens: en effet, l'homme est réputé eurasiste et proche de l'Iran, avec lequel il souhaite resserrer les liens. Mais rapidement, sa vision va diverger de Téhéran sur un dossier crucial: le dossier syrien.
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Die Bundesanwaltschaft hat ihr Verfahren gegen das linksextreme Netzwerk um Lina Engel (#FreeLina) ausgeweitet. Die neuen Beschuldigten heißen: Melissa Körner, Paul Müntnich, Henry Aulich, Julian Wohlfahrt, Thomas Jacobs. (1/19) Image
Neu ist nicht nur, dass es im Fall des Überfalls auf den JN-Vorsitzenden Paul R. Tatverdächtige gibt. Einer von ihnen hat auch Verbindungen zu Lina Engel sowie zum ausländischen #Terrorismus. (2/19)
Ein Großteil der Täter ist inzwischen untergetaucht. Das BKA befürchtet einen neuen #Linksterrorismus und sieht Parallelen zur #RAF. Offenbar hat man sich lange auf ein Leben im Untergrund mit gefälschten Papieren, Verstecken und bürgerlichen Unterstützern vorbereitet. (3/19)
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Dans une dizaine de jours (le 14 Mai), il y aura des élections cruciales en #Turquie.
Des élections présidentielles et parlementaires très suivis et attendues dans le monde pour l'impact de ses résultats non seulement sur ce pays mais aussi sur la région. ImageImageImage
1. #Erdogan et son parti AKP est au pouvoir depuis 2002, d'abord en tant que premier ministre et puis en tant que président avec le passage au système présidentiel après le référendum de 2018.
Il a gagné toutes les élections depuis (une dizaine) contre l'opposition⬇️ Image
2. Ça sera donc la dernière élection pour #Erdogan s'il gagne celle-ci (limitation à 2 mandats dans la constitution).

En face, il y a 3 candidats:

- le chef du principal parti d'opposition CHP
- un ancien du CHP et ancien candidat présidentiel
- un candidat extrême droite
⬇️ Image
Read 164 tweets
Chopper crash in Iraq exposes ‘secret air corridor’ of US-backed Kurdish groups: Report

According to Turkish sources, these helicopters – a total of four units – were rented from a local company by the #US government and given to the #PUK.…
“Such flights could only happen with the knowledge of the US govt since US forces control the Syrian & Iraqi territory,” the Turkish sources said, adding that the crash has exposed “a secret air corridor to transport senior members of the PKK between Iraq & Syria.”
“These flights have been continuing for the past two years, but they were unregistered ……
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#Turkiye to resume normalization talks with #Syria this week

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar expressed hope that #Syria would be understanding of its unwavering position regarding the #Kurdish presence on its border…
Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said during a press conference on 12 March that Ankara intends to continue down the path of normalization with the Syrian government.…
However, he also expressed hope that #Damascus would “understand” #Turkiye’s concern over the #Kurdish militant presence near its border – a main pretext for the #Turkish occupation in northern #Syria.…
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This is Prisoners in Al-Sina'a prison, and they were transferred to the prisons of the #PKK militia in #Hasakah, which is
#Jerkin _ Prison
#Alaya _ prison
#Chinese _ quantum_ prison
#Shaddadi prison

Abdul Raouf Hadhrami, Yemen
Muhammad Bahjat Saleh, Yemen
Ahmed Monti, Yemen
The names of those who were transferred to Al-Kam Al-Sini Prison in Shaddadi
Fahad Abdullah Al-Otaibi
Mishaal Awad Al-Enezi
Ismail Muhammad Binyamin
Hassan Jawed Al-Raimi
Habib Murhaf Jabar
Those who were transferred to Alaya prison in #Qamishli

Muhammad Sail Al-Ajeel Al-Raqqa
Abdul Karim Nasser Al-Omar #Manbij
Samer Al-Alou #Manbij
Fayyad Zaher Al-Bushi #Qalamoun
Sattam Issa Al-Hijr #DeirEzzor
Jassim Al-Aifan #Mayadeen
Hamad Al-Sayer #Raqqa
Ammar Mikhlif Al-Hamdo
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A member of the Executive Committee of the #PKK, Murat Karayılan, called on the Damascus government not to be drawn into dirty Turkish policies, recalling the role of the Kurds in protecting the territorial integrity of Syria. Image
"Russia was also involved in the international conspiracy, perhaps it was not the main actor in it, but in any case it played a role in it. We hope that Russia will not be hostile to the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, but everyone is looking for their own interests"
"What brought Syria to what it is today is the policy of Erdogan, as he destroyed Syria and gathered around him all the mercenaries in Syria and sought to eliminate Kurdish politics, then he said: "I will pray in Damascus," meaning that he is the enemy of Syrian people"
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Yesterday saw an intriguing incident outside al-Bab in northern #Aleppo:

- A prominent member of a pro-#HTS [semi-breakaway] wing of Ahrar al-Sham, Saddam al-Mousa (Abu Uday) was killed outside his home in what was described as a "drone strike."
Abu Uday had become notorious for facilitating #HTS's advance into northern #Aleppo in Oct 2022 -- & in its wake, he secured control of the valuable al-Hamran crossing (to #SDF areas) & agreed to share its revenue streams with #HTS.

He was also a known player in the arms trade.
Abu Day's stubborn refusal to back down & turn al-Hamran back to the Syrian National Army (SNA) had become a source of acute frustration for #Turkey -- both #TSK & MIT.

Numerous attempts were made to evict him, by force & negotiation & their failure was grating Turkey-SNA ties.
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🔴 #USA 🇺🇸 #Syrie 🇸🇾

📍Le pétrole volé de la #Syrie

Un texte de Firas Al-Shoufi, pour la publication 🗞️ The Cadrle
Le rôle de l'armée américaine dans le vol du pétrole syrien va plus loin qu'un simple vol. Ces fonds sont utilisés pour soutenir l'autonomie kurde et assurer la 🔽
division géographique de la Syrie.
En juillet 2021, le porte-parole du ministère chinois des Affaires étrangères, Wang Wenbin, a qualifié de "banditisme" le vol de pétrole par les #USA dans les zones qu'ils occupent dans l'est de la Syrie. Le même terme a déjà été utilisé 🔽
par le président syrien Bashar al-Assad et d'autres responsables dans des déclarations dénonçant la violation de la souveraineté de la #Syrie par #Washington.
Les médias officiels syriens évoquent de temps à autre des convois de camions et de camions-citernes transportant 🔽
Read 38 tweets
1) Last week the #Yazidi community lost a true hero. Jameel Ghanem Chomer was a pivotal and constant figure of the humanitarian and advocacy response to the #YazidiGenocide.
2) This man’s life deserves a much greater tribute than I can offer, but I do want to share some comments and images about his story and his service.
3) Jameel was a schoolteacher from Borek on the north side of #Sinjar Mountain. His family fled from the Islamic State (IS) attack on the morning of the genocide (Aug. 3, 2014).
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1/ Heads of the ministries of defense and intelligence of #Russia, #Turkey and #Syria met in Moscow
A meeting was held in Moscow between the defense ministers and heads of intelligence of Russia and Turkey, Sergei #Shoigu, Sergei Naryshkin, Hulusi Akar and Hakan Fidan. The talks
2/ also attended by Syrian Defense & Intelligence Ministers Ali Mahmoud Abbas & Rafiq Shahadah. This was reported in the press service of the Turkish & Russian defense departments. This is the first official contact between representatives of Turkey & Syria in more than 10 years.
3/ According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the parties discussed the situation in Syria and measures to combat extremists in the country. During the meeting, the need to continue the trilateral dialogue to stabilize the crisis in the region was also discussed.
Read 8 tweets
Ektiğini biçersin!
Avrupa ,Özelikle Fransa ve Almanya başta olmak üzere yıllardır Türkiye düşmanlarına kucak açıyordu sonunda tıpkı İran gibi besledikleri yılan onları soktu.
"Faşist"(!) ,Fransız polisi Paris'i yakıp yıkan, PKK’lıları yerlerde sürükleyerek gözaltına alıyor. 😂
Fransız milletvekili Sebastien Delogu, #Paris sokaklar #PKK paçavraları eşliğinde yürüyordu.
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3 people were killed in a terror attack in Paris today.

A 69-year-old man attacked a Kurdish cultural center, where he started firing at random.

He was released from prison 2 weeks ago after having attacked an asylum center with a sword a few years ago.
French society ‘brutalized’ as violence committed by migrants hit record levels.
Migrants are again peacefully celebrating Europe's open border policy by destroying Europe.
Read 4 tweets
Jin Jiyan Azadì (#WomanLifeFreedom ) #Kurdistan

Nel resto del mondo quello che sta accadendo in Iran viene letto in maniera riduttiva, sottolineando solo il problema dell’«islam dispotico che obbliga le donne a coprirsi» e ci si concentra sulla questione basata sul diritto di
avere la libertà di indossare o meno il velo. Significa non aver capito i milioni di persone che oggi scendono in piazza in Iran...
...Oggi in Iran non esiste solo la questione del velo, ma anche quella di persone di popoli diversi, Lgbtq, poveri, lavoratori, bambini e molte
altre identità soggette a un’amministrazione oppressiva che non rispetta diritti fondamentali e libertà. Curdi, beluci, azeri e molti altri popoli sono sottoposti a una forte pressione nazionalista. Sappiamo quanti danni hanno fatto nel mondo i missili e le armi chimiche di
Read 11 tweets
1.Die #ISIS war nichts weiter als eine Geheimdienstoption der #USA. Ziel war die entvölkerung der Nord irakischen und Nord Syrischen Gebiete entlang der Ölvorkommen. 10 Millionen Araber sind geflohen und 4-5 Millionen Kurden aus dem Iran und Nord Irak wurden neu angesiedelt.
2.Die demografisch Veränderung wurde systematisch betrieben und diente der Schaffung eines pro amerikanischen Satellitenstaates unter der Führung der Terrororganisation #PKK. Dieser neue Staat sollte die Ölgebiete Nord Iraks und Nordost Syriens mit dem Mittelmeer verbinden.
Die Russen haben den Zugang zum Mittelmeer blockiert und die Türken diesen Imaginären Staat entlang des Nordens zerstückelt.Bald kehren 10 Syrische Araber in Absprache von Ankara und Damaskus wieder zurück in ihre Heimat, und der amerikanische Traum im Nahen Osten ist ausgeträumt
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Nach den schwachsinnigen Äußerungen des türkischen Innenministers zum "#Taksim-Anschlag" in #Istanbul, kann man vermuten, dass der türkische Geheimdienst MIT involviert ist.
Es deutet nichts auf die #PKK hin und erst recht nicht auf die #YPG.

Solch ein Anschlag entspricht nicht der Handschrift der PKK, es gab auch nie Hinweise auf einen solchen Anschlag und es wird abgestritten (normalerweise bekennt sich die #PKK zu jedem Anschlag). Ziele der PKK sind Militär, Politik oder die Polizei. Niemals Zivilisten!

Die #YPG ist eine Volksverteidigungseinheit in Nordsyrien und kämpft dort gegen den #IS und andere Dschihadisten. Sie operieren nicht in der #Türkei und haben noch nie die Türkei angegriffen. Sie verüben keine Terroranschläge und sind keine Terrororganisation.

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for your information: #pkk attacks military targets in the rural southeast of #turkey. and kurdistan freedom hawks (tak)? tak hits military/police targets in cities. yesterday's bombing was aimed at innocent civilians, which fully rules out pkk and tak.
and ypg and ypj in #syria? that's, if possible, even bigger nonsense. they defend the autonomously administered regions in #syria, they don't do cross-border ops, only extremely occasionally retaliation at turkish military targets outside civilian areas in border provinces.
ask yourself: who profits from this #bombing in #istanbul? it's fully against the interest of the #kurds in #syria, they will actually be targeted now. this bombing is exactly what erdoğan needs: a reason to invade syria again.
Read 9 tweets
In #Istanbul gab es heute eine Explosion zu den die näheren Umstände noch nicht bekannt sind.

Wer - verständlicherweise - mit Videomaterial von verletzten und/oder toten Menschen Probleme hat, sollte den Hashtag die nächsten Tage meiden.

Darüber kuriseren aktuell Videos. /TN
Laut türkischer Medien hat diese Frau ein Paket abgelegt, welches explodierte.

Es wird jetzt nach ihr gefahndet.
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Ben kars'lıyım,dayım asker izne gelmiş bir kış.Pkk her kış köye inip,köylülerin kapısını çalar yiyecek istermiş,sıkıysa verme.Dayım da vermiş.Ertesi gün köyü asker basmış.Dayımı ahıra kapatıp,baş aşağı asmışlar,dayımın halbuki pkk ile ilişkisi yok +
Kar,kış,kıyamet yıl 80'ler,galiba darbe dönemi.Askerler dayımın ayak tırnaklarını çekmişler.Üzerinde sadece iç çamaşırı var.Anaannem,namazında niyazındadır,babası 7 kere hacca yürüyerek gidip gelmiş.Oğlu orda aç,işkence görüyor.Bir tencere süt kaynatmış+
Ahıra gelmiş,evladım oğluma da verin sizde için diye yalvarmış anne yüreğiyle.Asker o sıcak sütü anaannemin başından aşağı dökmüş.Anaannem,eve geldiğinde perişan,annem birebir şahit bunlar,anaanem feryat ederek devlete lanetler okumuş,namazında beddualar etmiş.+
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#Turkiye: THREAD 1/5

Turkiye’s Interior Minister reveals new information on the recent terrorist attack against a Police Station in Mersin, Turkiye where 1 police officer being martyred in the attack and 2 being injured.

Turkish Interior Minister says that the #PKK terrorist coming all the way from Manbij, #Syria to Tarsus, Turkiye with parachute motor gliders.

After landing, they stayed for hours on the mountain and later walked to a road where locals thought they help stranded people.
3/5 18+

After reaching their destination to the City of Mersin, Turkiye, the terrorists carried out their attack on the Police Station.

Following the attack more clashes accrued where the 2 terrorist getting injured and later detonating their bomb vests.(#ISIS style)
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#Syrie 1/9 une énième tribune qui fait croire que dans les zones des #FDS #PKK :"kurdes, arabes, assyro-chaldéennes, arméniennes et toutes les ethnies vivent ensemble et essaient de s’organiser dans un système démocratique, féministe et écologique".
2/9 La réalité est tout autre : racket, embrigadement forcée de mineur(e)s, enlèvement de journalistes et militants pacifiques, c'est le PKK qui nomme les administrateurs civils souvent des femmes pour la com, elles n'ont aucun pouvoir. En graph les détentions arbitraires et Image
3/9 morts civils juillet 2022 Syrie. En % de la population syrienne sous leur contrôle, les FDS devance le régime en terme de détention arbitraire.
Le pire reste les bombardements menées par les #FDS contre les civils à Afrin et dans d'autres localités du nord qui tuent bien
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🚨 Türkiye'nin Afrika'daki başarısı, tıpkı domino taşları gibi başlangıç noktası olan Somali'nin güvenliğine bağlı. Batı, şimdi tam da bu ilk dominoyu dinamitliyor.

👇 Aşağıdaki dizide yaşananları özetledim
#SONDAKIKA #Somali #Somalia #Afrika #Turkiye #Analiz #Turkey

#1) Önce hatırlayalım, 2011 yılında üst üste kurak geçen yağmur sezonları Somali'de son dönemin en kötü açlık krizini yaratmış ve 250.000 kişinin açlıktan ölmesine sebep olmuştu.
#SONDAKIKA #Somali #Turkiye

#2) 2011'deki kıtlığın ardından, Somali tam tüm dünya tarafından kaderine terk edilmiş durumdayken CB. Erdoğan Somali'ye gitti.

Düşünün, Somali'yi 20 yıl (yirmi yıl!) sonra ziyaret eden İLK yabancı devlet başkanı oldu. O kadar unutulmuştu ülke.
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1.KISIM: Vurulan nokta neresi?

2.KISIM: Vuran roket ne roketi?

3.KISIM: Olay yerindeki detaylar neler?

SON: Roketler nereden fırlatılmış olabilir?

#Musul #Irak #Iraq #Turk


Konsolosluk binamızın uydu üzerinde nerede olduğunu bulmak çok zor.

Devletimizin bir bildiği vardır diyerek ben de kolaylaştırmayacağım.

Ama olay gecesi birinin arabada çektiği görüntüden vurulan noktayı belirledim-Hassas bilgileri sildim ImageImageImage


Yerel kaynaklardaki iddialara göre gerçekleştirilen terör saldırısında kullanılan roketler '107 mm KATYUŞA' roketleri.

Omuzdan, arazi aracından vs. veya roketatarlardan atılabiliyor.

Maksimum menzili ise her şekilde 8,5 km ImageImageImageImage
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Türkische Medien melden gerade dass der Nationale Sicherheitsrat unter Vorsitz von StP #Erdogan getagt hat! Die Sitzung ist beendet es soll eine schriftliche Erklärung in kürze veröffentlicht werden! #MGK #türkei
Laut der Erklärung, die nach der Sitzung des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates (#MGK) unter dem Vorsitz von StP #Erdoğan veröffentlicht wurden ist wurde folgendes festgehalten:
Es wurde erklärt, dass es inakzeptabel sei, dass #Griechenland seine Verletzungen der Hoheitsgewässer und des Luftraums zusätzlich zu seinen provokativen Aktionen fortsetzt.
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