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#Arbitrum #crosschain #RELAY
This thread will cover

1️⃣What is Relay?
2️⃣Why Relay
3️⃣Relay and Staking
4️⃣Relay and security
6️⃣HoW to bridge
7️⃣Recent happening
8️⃣Useful links
1️⃣what is Relay

Relay is a Cross chain bridge aggregator that seamlessly connect different blockchain
networks. It enables the easy transfer of assets between one blockchain to another enabling "interoperability"
Read 16 tweets
#ZooRacers more content and multichain blockchain battle blasts ZOON 👉 👈 @ZooEcosystem… Image
#pc and #mac for the beta #android #iOS planned for final releases. Countdown to #ZooRacers beta V3 is here!

👇🦔🎮👇 Image
Read 4 tweets
To make exchange holdings easier to understand, below are both their relevant portfolios & associated explanatory statements.

- Binance
- Cryptocom
- KuCoin
- Deribit
- Bitfinex
- Huobi

2/ 📌 Assets/Net Worth shown is the value of the holdings in the wallet addresses provided by the exchanges, on blockchains that we support.

It is not meant to be an exhaustive or complete statement of the actual assets/reserves held by the exchange on behalf of its users.
3/ @binance portfolio:…

Current holdings: $64.3B (removed Binance Bridge pegged tokens, only include their original assets)


Binance statement:… Image
Read 11 tweets
Se me hace una locura que el proyecto con mayor TVL en #Moonriver solo tenga un marketcap de +/- $400,000 dolares!

El protocolo tiene una dominancia del TVL en la red de Moonriver del 59,36%‼️

Con un TVL de $37 millones de dólares. Image
Nada mas tiene 15% de sus tokens en circulación, aun así si tuviera todos los tokens en circulación tendría un marketcap de $2.4 millones de dólares. Image
Read 4 tweets
New day, new thread! Today, we'll take a look at @MoonbeamNetwork and dig the tech behind it 👇

Moonbeam is a smart contract platform built with the @rustlang while also utilizing the @substrate_io framework.

The project is essentially a Layer-1 #blockchain with full #Ethereum interoperability presented on the @Polkadot network as a parachain.

Moreover, @MoonbeamNetwork co-exists along its sister-parachain @MoonriverNW which was launched on the @kusamanetwork in June 2021.

. @MoonriverNW is an independent parachain providing real economic conditions on #Kusama. It may be used as an experimental environment to test dApps before deploying them to #Moonbeam. Meanwhile, dApps that require Moonbeam security can be deployed there immediately.

Read 10 tweets
1/9 Impossible Finance has defied the realms of reality this past month, raising its score to an outstanding 94%. With brand new documentation to showcase information of vital importance, the team has shown a commitment to expert-level process quality 🧵⬇️
2/9 Firstly, the launchpad provider had a decent running start in our core transparency metrics. Addresses are public and easily found, devs are doxxed, technical documentation was present, and the well-maintained GitHub contained fully open-source software.
3/9 However, one thing that was clearly missing was admin control information. Upon establishing contact with the developers, they worked very hard to produce this important document. It can now be found here:….
Read 9 tweets
Wow, we really blew the roof off with this tweet, thank y’all so much.

If you want to learn more about the undervalued L1s listed, check the threads below!
Read 8 tweets
Here’s a quick reminder of how underrated @MoonriverNW #Moonriver DeFi is
There are 2 main DEXes on Moonriver (besides for Sushiswap)-@Solarbeamio and @HuckleberryDEX, yet for some reason people haven’t discovered their yield opportunities 🤷‍♂️
Let’s start with @Solarbeamio:

Deposit $FRAX+ 3pool ($USDT, $USDC, $BUSD), and earn 27% APR
Risk= very low

Deposit $WBTC+ $USDC LP tokens and earn 131% APR
This is a relatively new pool, so get in quick!
Read 14 tweets
A weekly recap of what's happening on @MoonbeamNetwork & @MoonriverNW

1/16. Very important integrations happened this week, but also big names coming over.

In the meantime, #MOVR keeps paving the way towards true interoperability.
@MoonbeamNetwork @MoonriverNW 2/16. #Moobeam joined forces with data indexing platform @subsquid to accelerate apps development on its ecosystem.

Subsquid Archives are already deployed on both #MOVR and #GLMR chains, and multiple Squid APIs are planned to follow.…
@MoonbeamNetwork @MoonriverNW @subsquid 3/16. #Moonbeam has also integrated the governance explorer and forum @polk_gov.

Already live on #MOVR (and coming soon to #GLMR) Polkassembly enables $GLRM and $MOVR holders to directly participate in governance and discussion for both chains.…
Read 16 tweets

@Meter_IO's Bridge, Meter Passport, has been exploited

Please be cautious if interacting! $MTRG

More info/Analysis coming soon

1. The attacker address:…

$4.3M in funds were moved to Tornado Cash including 1400 ETH (~$4.2M) and 2 WBTC (~$83k)

One of the exploited tx’s👇…
The attacker called the `Bridge.deposit()` function to deposit 0.008 BNB to the contract `Bridge` connected to multiple chains including #BSC, #Ethereum, #Moonriver (twice).
Read 5 tweets
🔥The rewards rate of the farming pair wanMOVR/WASP will be increased to 2x on January 21st 08:00AM UTC

🌉Using #WanBridge to convert your $MOVR to $wanMOVR

Happy farming, #Waspers! 🐝


@MoonriverNW @wanchain_org

#yieldfarming #DeFi
Read 8 tweets
1/ 很高兴看到 @Polkadot 波卡生态在 @MoonbeamNetwork 上在网络刚启动的两天内有了许多“土矿”,是好事。

下面是一些以风险程度划分不同等级的 yield place,仅代表个人观点 #DYOR 🧵
2/ 低风险:

- @ZenlinkPro $ZLK

@AlamedaResearch 领投 A 轮融资,获得2轮 @Web3foundation Grant,已上线 @bifrost_finance @MoonriverNW @MoonbeamNetwork 3条平行链,波卡生态 TVL 第一 #DEX 平台(所有链相加),也是 #Moonbeam 官方唯一转发合作的 DEX。

3/ 中风险:

- @Solarbeamio $SOLAR $FLARE

早期上线 #Moonriver 的 DEX,Moonriver 和 Moonbeam 两条链双代币模式,属于 @SushiSwap folk,懂代码的可以自行查看下代码,匿名团队但因为焦躁上线 Moonriver具有一定的先发优势。

Read 7 tweets
[THREAD] Présentation de #Moonbeam et ma stratégie d'investissement les 40 prochains jours. (Avec 20% de mon portefeuille total)

@MoonbeamNetwork est un très beau projet, c'est le projet soeur de @MoonriverNW $MOVR et je pense le Layer 1 le plus prometteur de 2022.

Un thread :
Après avoir gagné sa parachain aux enchères de #polkadot le 18 décembre en étant le projet avec le plus de Dot contribués (35.75 Millions de $DOT contribués, qui valaient à l'époque 50$ = 1.8 Milliards de dollars levés). Moonbeam $GLMR se lance demain.
Moonbeam c'est LE Layer 1 de l'écosystème Polkadot. C'est celui qui a pour ambition de devenir comme Ethereum.
Il permet à n'importe quel projet codé sur Ethereum d'être bridgé sur Moonbeam en quelques secondes, avec une blockchain sécurisée et à très faible coût de transaction.
Read 21 tweets
Comment " essayer " de trouver un contrat early sur n'importe quel blockchain? Notamment sur les stealth launch. Technique très dangereuse mais lucrative si vous tombez dans le mille.

Tout d'abord, on le sait tous, être early est voué également à prendre plus de risques. Et qui dit prendre des risques, dit possibilité de pertes. Mais sur les stealth launch notamment réussir à être early en trouvant le contrat = prendre une longueur d'avance sur tout le monde.
Tout d'abord, on va donné un nom au projet " police game " (par exemple). Et l'admin vous dit :
" Launch entre 18h et 22h ", comme beaucoup vous serez à l'affût pendant 4 heures en vous disant devant votre écran : " putain je suis sur il va dévoiler le contrat à 21h59 "
Read 15 tweets
[THREAD] Tracker un Wallet : Pourquoi ? Comment ? Quand ?

Tracker les adresses peut être un bon moyen pour trouver des informations précieuses.

Dans ce thread je vous explique à quoi ça sert, et vous donne des exemples d'application QUI MARCHENT VRAIMENT.

Let's go ?
Pour bien comprendre, quand je parle de Wallet, ou d'adresse, je parle de l'adresse à laquelle correspond votre portefeuille décentralisé de cryptomonnaie.
Vous en avez aussi bien sur les CEX (Binance, Coinbase, ...) que sur Metamask, Trustwallet etc
Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, vous pouvez trouver votre adresse facilement. Sur les exchange, c'est l'adresse que vous utilisez pour déposer de nouvelles cryptos. (Dépôt & retrait > Dépôt > blockchain > ...)

Pour le reste, elle est en général apparente sur tous vos comptes.
Read 20 tweets
KSM, qu'est-ce que c'est ? [Thread]

KSM, c'est la crypto qui a été créée pour être complémentaire à Polkadot.

On entend souvent que c'est juste la crypto "test" de polkadot, mais en réalité c'est bien plus que ça !
Et à mon sens ça a bien plus de potentiel aussi !!
Sur le papier, KSM c'est exactement pareil que DOT. Ca sert à la même chose : c'est un layer 0 qui va permettre d'intégrer plusieurs blockchains par-dessus.
Ca a été créé par la même équipe, et c'est prévu plus ou moins depuis la création de Dot.

Alors déjà pourquoi faire 2 fois le même projet ?
Vous vous en doutez, c'est pas vraiment le même projet.
L'objectif premier de Ksm c'est d'être "le canari" de Dot.
Read 13 tweets
Chainlink empowers smart contract developers to build increasingly advanced #dApps that are already redefining traditional industries.

Check out the latest #Chainlink integrations across #Avalanche, #BSC, #Fantom, #Harmony, #Moonriver, and #Polygon.
Read 4 tweets
@RealFlokiInu @0xDeXHawk @SabreEthereum @100bviking @FlokiViking456 @wenEthmoon @RajveerJolly @FlokitoValhalla and all the other $FLOKI #FLOKI Vikings, we congratulate you over the bridge at #Wanchain for the great successes into #DeFi with @InverseFinance…
@RealFlokiInu @0xDeXHawk @SabreEthereum @100bviking @FlokiViking456 @wenEthmoon @RajveerJolly @FlokitoValhalla @InverseFinance If you'd like to connect to discuss expanding your cross-chain capabilities to #wanchain #avalanche #fantom #moonriver #polygon #bsc #Polkadot with your current $FLOKI vastly expanding chains and possibilities. Considering connecting with our Ambassadors.
@RealFlokiInu @0xDeXHawk @SabreEthereum @100bviking @FlokiViking456 @wenEthmoon @RajveerJolly @FlokitoValhalla @InverseFinance To connect with us, many are regularly available on Twitter, and Telegram - also for getting streamlined bridge building there is a form here as well for #wanchain this is for ERC-20 and other EVM…
Read 7 tweets
Metamask, ¿qué es y cómo crear una cuenta?

Si aún no tienes una cartera en Metamask estás perdiendo muchas oportunidades para comprar tokens a mejor precio del que son listados en exchanges o simplemente para proyectos de menor MC

Si te interesa, sigue leyendo
¿Qué es Metamask?

Metamask es un monedero gratuito de crypto que se usa como extensión de navegador. Actúa como "puente" entre tu ordenador, webs3 y la blockchain. Se puede utilizar con Chrome, Firefox y Brave y hay apps para smartphone
¿Cómo crear una cuenta?

Paso1: Lo primero que tienes que hacer es instalar la extensión en tu navegador. Una vez aceptado y añadido a tu navegador, podrás ver el icono del zorro arriba a la derecha en la barra de extensiones
Read 22 tweets
A weekly recap of what's happening in the Moonriver Network

1/18. Our saddest day since we're part of the #MOVR community.

@SaturnbeamFi has hard rugged this morning, stealing over $10M of user funds!
@SaturnbeamFi 2/18. The community has united in trying to trace the money and even @DonnieBigBags is on matter.

They had booked an AMA with us for next Tuesday. Here's the address that paid for it:


Apparently it has already been blacklisted.
@SaturnbeamFi @DonnieBigBags 3/18. Anyway, there are still a lot of good things happening on @MoonriverNW!

Huge news this week! Oracles, Data Providers, Bridges, Launchpads...

#MoonRiver's infrastructure is getting set to go BOOM!
Read 18 tweets
1/15 Here's why I'm MEGA bullish on $Relay @Relay_chain and why you should be too.

Monthly Buyback and burns 🔥
Major partnerships incoming 🤝
Triple audited bridge by @HalbornSecurity 🔐
10m market cap 💰
Price: $3 💸

#Moonriver #bridge
Blockchain technology is rapidly evolving, and many more chains will be created in the coming years. It's important to recognize that bridge services will play a key role in transporting assets between popular blockchains and enabling specialized blockchains to connect.
So What is Relay? Relay is a bridge that lets us move crypto between blockchains with simplicity, security and speed, making cross-chain accessible to the masses. Because Relay is a service, you might not even know you’re using it, yet Relay is the premiere bridge of DeFi.
Read 16 tweets

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