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A l'instant sur #France24 concernant la "contre-offensive Ukrainienne" déclarée & annoncée par #Kiev #Ukraine pour cette fin de printemps!
Ca va être une boucherie, avec des "chefs" bouchers des 2 cotés!
Mais ca va exciter nos Pro/Anti croyant avoir "la plus grosse", alors...
1/5 Image
2/5 - … sur #France24
Un 1er instructeur en surcharge pondérale, ne sachant pas porter son casque :
"2 mois de formation, réduites à 2 semaines" pour pouvoir former les 40k nouveaux enrôlés.
On voit 20 jeunes, physiquement "affutés"!
Les 39 980 autres, aussi ?!
3/5 - … sur #France24
Puis, un (vrai) Officier Ukrainien crédible (physiquement affuté, sachant tenir son flingue & à l'aise mais) lucide, parle de ses inquiétudes sans support aérien face aux mines posées par les Russes (causant 90% des pertes humaines Ukrainiennes).
Read 10 tweets
#ZooRacers more content and multichain blockchain battle blasts ZOON 👉 👈 @ZooEcosystem… Image
#pc and #mac for the beta #android #iOS planned for final releases. Countdown to #ZooRacers beta V3 is here!

👇🦔🎮👇 Image
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Orchestrée par les deux extrêmes, il règne en France une telle cacophonie que les Français, accablés et désorientés, ne savent plus vers qui se tourner pour approcher la vérité. Les infos qu'ils perçoivent sont tant mêlées d'intox et de faits qu'il leur est impossible de trier.
Tant que les très riches seront vilipendés sans nuance par l'#ExtremeGauche ils pourront continuer à cacher leur argent dans des paradis fiscaux sans aucune retenue. C'est pourquoi la situation n'a pas bougé d'un poil depuis que le #PC puis @JLMelenchon déversent leur rage.
Tant que l'#ExtremeDroite déversera sa haine des étrangers il sera impossible d'aborder sainement l'immigration, l'insertion et l'assimilation. Les deux extrêmes n'ont plus aucune crédibilité par leurs vociférations, dévoient et accaparent un débat qui nous concerne tous.
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Which team will win the @FIFAWorldCup Qatar 2022? We still don’t have our types – who knows what’s gonna happen... Take a few minutes off the football mania and read this #WeeklySummary, some great things happened last week in #GameDev!

#BetterKnow #Gaming #Games
🎯 @oml_games (creators of @GhostrunnerGame) signed a publishing deal with @PrivateDivision, a part of Take-Two Interactive. Private Division will release #CyberSlash (codename) – a new IP of OML, planned to be their biggest project yet and a unique take on action games.
🎯 You can nominate games for The #SteamAwards 2022 – feel free to vote for @Lumencraft_game & Destroyer_IWS for Best Game You Suck At Award, @deadlinkgame for Outstanding Visual Style Award and Best Soundtrack Award or JARS by @MousetrapG in Labor Of Love Award.
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(1/16) Applied Materials $AMAT, a leading provider of #semiconductor equipment, became the latest company in the #chip space to warn of weakening trends (also ~$400mm impact from #Chinese #export regulations).
(2/16) The semiconductor space has seen a ton of volatility this year, but sector fundamentals and share prices are entirely following the playbook of the last several decades. Let’s take a quick look…
(3/16) The industry continues to be deeply cyclical (despite playing into secular trends like #computing / processing power – meaning the long term trend is bumpy, but higher) with y/y growth rates rising much more than end-demand for products, as well as falling more steeply.
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A screenshot of an message I once posted was used in a major Riders video (12:50) in a matter relating to a Sega NN Model exporter.

And I am NOT!! very happy about it.
Before I start, I want to make it very clear. I speak on behalf of myself; not @ExGearLabs or their development team. I've been generally uninvolved with Riders for a while now; and not part of any Riders server or dev group for 4 months at this point.
I'm not very fond of a statement that I made (while emotionally extremely unstable); being used to misrepresent the actual situation at hand. With regards to the exporter; the communication has always been clear from the very beginning:
Read 42 tweets
Il #PD ha definito "fisiologico" il caos che ha caratterizzato la drammatica Direzione Nazionale in cui tanti di loro hanno compreso che il 25 settembre non saranno più della partita a mangiar a sbafo sulle spalle degli italiani. Infatti sondaggi alla mano
Hanno rivendicato tutti un seggio blindato, ma aimè, dovendo #Letta_stai_sereno pagar marchette per garantire l'ammucchiata i posti sicuri si sono assottigliati. C'è da dire che che i pitici trombati, non sono più abituati all'agone delle elezioni.
I malumori sono stati sollevati ad esempio dalla #Contessa_Serbelloni_Montino_Cirinna, che con poco spirito di abnegazione ed ancora alle prese con il #24milaeurogatedelcane, ha deciso di rinunciare per la paura di competere a Roma, dove la destra è forte.
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Happy first day of #BlackHistoryMonth! To celebrate, we'll periodically take time to honor the brilliant Black minds that have contributed to our field over the years. A thread: Image
First up in our series: @6Gems, who founded @BlackGirlsCode after noticing the severe underrepresentation of minorities in the startup world. Bryant's nonprofit has enabled many young black girls to create meaningful work & go on to become leaders in their communities. #BHM2022 Image
@6Gems @BlackGirlsCode Katherine Johnson was a human computer whose calculations were essential to @NASA's Project Mercury, Apollo 11, and more. When the space program switched to digital computers, Johnson helped confirm the accuracy of their calculations. Image
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Versi seluler dari kasino mereka adalah tempat yang paling ingin kami lihat kemajuannya. Kami percaya mereka harus menyediakan variasi permainan kasino dan slot yang lebih beragam; pilihan game PC mereka sangat terbatas. #PC…
Perbankan: Kami suka ketika kasino menawarkan berbagai alternatif perbankan karena memungkinkan pemain untuk menyetor dan menarik uang dari kenyamanan rumah mereka sendiri. Beberapa lebih suka kartu kredit.
Atau transfer bank, sementara yang lain lebih suka transaksi yang lebih aman seperti Bitcoin Cash atau Ethereum. Untungnya, semua opsi yang disebutkan di atas, serta yang lainnya, tersedia di kasino uang nyata ini.…
Read 8 tweets
Did you know that #PC #gaming is estimated (by actual scientists not anons on the internet) to use as much energy annualized as the #BTC network? And more than #NFTs?

No? Well here's a 🧵for you then:
2/ TLDR: estimates for 2020 say PC gaming alone (not taking into account console or mobile gaming) use ~125TWh of electricity annualized. The BTC network is actively measured and is currently estimated to use ~129TWh of electricity annualized.
3/ Before we get any further here's some sources:
For the BTC energy calcs:

At first I was a leery of this source bc they don't show their calculations in a very accessible place. BUT it's good enough for the traditional media to rail against btc so... 🤷‍♂️
Read 19 tweets
🪅Too weird to not be believed😵‍💫

@Roblox the Massive Online Gaming Platform Rife W/ Scams & Abuse, & uses children as free labor 🎮😵… #roblox #RTC #gaming @SophNar0747 @Grummz @YellowFlashGuy @TheQuartering @RealClownfishTV @neontaster @InsideRoblox
Thanks go to People Make Games who first did the legwork on this story & it was their report that inspired me to cover this story

Great channel that is very informative & interesting

@chrisbratt @anni_sayers @Quinns108

#gaming #gamers #peoplemakegames
Roblox is Yuge,

Arguably most popular video game on earth,
40 million players login in daily to play 50 million different games (experiences)

The size of 7 Ubisoft's,
Next closet competitor is Nintendo
#gaming #gamer #gamedev #roblox #YouTube #twitch #streamer #robux #kids
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Durante un tiempo me he dedicado a recopilar #tips sobre #escritura, que me gusta llamar #mantras. Ahora he decidido compartirlos a ver qué os parecen 😉. Abro hilo 👇🏻
#consejos #consejosdeescritura #escrituracreativa #escribir #escritores #escribe
1. «Cada 800 palabras haz que pase algo»
No recuerdo dónde leí este #consejo, pero es uno de mis preferidos. Si lo que buscas es #escribir #FicciónDeAltaVelocidad lo que debes hacer (creo yo) es no demorarte en las descripciones
2. «No escribas ni una sola línea que no contenga información útil»
Este #consejo es de #DashiellHammett y compañía. Hay que entenderlo en su contexto: un tipo de escritura #pulp, muy directa, sin florituras y sin ambiciones literarias donde prima el entretenimiento
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Aux #regionales2021 est-il possible de battre #Macron la droite et l’extrême-droite dans toutes les régions et de donner un signal fort aux français pour une autre voix que l’ultra-libéralisme et le fascisme ?
OUI [Thread]
Comment ? Signer un contrat de front populaire et écologiste.
Chaque liste #LFI #PC #GS #EELV #PS en 2ème position dans les derniers sondages se retire immédiatement. Union de toutes les forces de gauches pour gagner et faire une politique de bien commun.
En #RhôneAlpes LFI, PCF, PS/PRG s’effacent pour #Grebert #EELV
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I'd starting working on a co-op #wordgame in the year of the void (2020). It was a mashup of #scrabble & #tetris and though the idea seemed like it'd be fun, the gameplay felt too slow or too fast. On top of that, the logic I implemented for checking strings for valid words 1/5
was expensive and prevented players from easily making the words they wanted to make. For example, the only way to make the word RATES would be to place RA_ES and then hope you get the T by the time you needed it. 2/5
So the #unity project sat in its folder for a few months, until last week, when I had a couple of ideas for it. I was supposed to have ideas for #sandsofchaos, but of course that didn't happen. Need idea for A? Here are three ideas for B. Thanks Brain! 3/5
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@DukePallCare SUCCESS! Journal Club Time Machine: Speed Dating with the Classics. Format - everyone in attendance (MS2-Attending) teaches a classic article for 4 minutes, it is put in context by someone old for 1-2 min, and we move on. Here's the list! A #HPC thread:
No 1 - SUPPORT Trial: 5 AMCs. Docs don't know pt's CPR preference, many DNRs within 2d of death, lots of ICU time and pain. RN led intervention gives docs data. Centers around communication. NO CHANGE IN KEY METRICS.
No 2 - Prognostication: Docs of pts referred to #hospice asked for assessment of prognosis. Only 20% accurate (+/- 33%) with most over-optimistic. Average miss factor of 5.3! Longer pt/doc relationship = worse prognostication accuracy (#LoveThemTooMuch)
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We celebrate that dance is a place where people of different backgrounds can come together around a common love for self expression through movement. But we are watching our dance communities crumble under the divisive ideology of critical theory/identity politics.
There are still racial injustices in the world. We believe that the best way to fight them is to work together as a community and as equals, regardless of skin color, sex, sexual orientation, gender, etc.
We see the racism happening in the classic sense, but we also see the racism happening within woke ideology and we are standing apart from it.
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🇧🇦 Ayer se cumplieron 98 años de la fundación del club bosnio Velež Mostar pero hoy te contamos su historia política.

Pasen y lean la historia del equipo comunista que todavía persiste en la lucha!👇 Image
Fundado en 1922 por trabajadores e integrantes del club Radnicki #Omladina, ligado a la clase obrera y prohibido en esa epoca, lleva el nombre de #Velez por la montaña que se encuentra cercana a la ciudad. ImageImage
En 1923 el club es acaparado por el Partido Comunista: cuando se inicia la fase de la dictadura en la monarquía yugoslava de entreguerras, el #PC yugoslavo, que habia sido prohibido, pone en marcha una estrategia de entrismo en diferentes instituciones, entre ellas las deportivas Image
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Die #IT-Umgebung des indischen #AKW's Kudankulam wurde nicht nur gehackt, sondern als Command and Control Server benutzt.

Hoffentlich war die #OT nicht auch öffentlich am Netz!

#KRITIS Sektor #Energie #nuclear #nuclearsafety #Resilienz #Cyber #Security

Zur Unterscheidung:

IT sind Informationstechnische Systeme (#PC #Laptop #Windows #Office, #Buchhaltung...)

OT sind Operative Systeme (#ICS #SCADA #SPS #HMI #PLC #Steuertechnik...)
Angemessener Stand der Technik #SdT wie in #KRITIS gefordert wurde offenbar im #AKW nicht eingehalten.

Strikte #Trennung zwischen #OT-Steuersystemen und #IT ist eine wesentliche #Sicherheitsmaßnahme!

Weitere #Maßnahmen und #Forderungen finder Ihr hier.…
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Burnout 2 : Point of Impact
Nintendo GameCube (2003)
Un jeu de course où l’on roule à grande vitesse sur des axes urbains en évitant le plus grand nombre de véhicules.
Si vous voulez une anecdote personnelle concernant ce jeu, ça se passe sur Instagram : Image
VR Ping Pong
PlayStation 4 (2017)
Un jeu de simulation de Ping Pong en réalité virtuelle proposant 4 modes : Pratique, Solo, Tournament et Arcade.
#1Jour1Jeu #PlayStation #VR #VRPingPong #PingPong #PSVR Image
Darkest Dungeon : Ancestral Edition
Nintendo Switch (2018)
Un mix de RPG et dungeon crawler dans un univers dark fantasy très sombre et à la difficulté élevée, où l’on doit gérer le niveau de stress des héros, leur mort étant définitive.
#1Jour1Jeu #Switch Image
Read 199 tweets
What EXACTLY happened in Newport West?

1. A, in 2016, staunch Leave seat voted in a Labour #PeoplesVote campainer as MP
2. UKIP vote increase was less than the Tory loss
3. Biggest gain was minor anti #Brexit parties - #Green, #Renew, #PC, #LibDems

& thats in a Leave seat....
In other words:

Delay/2nd ref likely to be more dangerous to Tories than Labour.
Danger to Labour is if anti #brexit is concentrated outside of Labour.

Remain thus becomes a vote winner even in Leave constituencies...
...but only if Labour takes lead & doesnt split remain vote.
Its increasingly clear that #Brexit is actually an oppotunity for Labour.
There will (always has been) 10-15% brexit vote, but Labour shouldnt fear this. A tory party obsessed with EU will split/demotivate their vote - Labour just needs to be the remain party & its a home run.
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Bir yazılım geliştiricinin bilmesi gerekenlerle ilgili 15 maddelik flood geliyor.. Mümkün olduğunca fazla keywordü bir araya toplamaya çalıştım.
Hadi Başlıyoruz!

#Developer #Software #Java #code #kod #yazılım #development #computer #bilgisayar #tool #PC #IT #web #tech #data
1-Temel veri yapıları (linkedList, map, tree vb) ve temel algoritmalar (sıralama, arama vb)

Sıfırdan kodlama ihtiyacınız büyük ihtimalle hiç olmayacak. Ancak ihtiyaç anında doğru yerde doğrusunu seçebilmek için o veri yapısının veya algoritmanın nasıl çalıştığını bilmeniz şart
2- Network Temelleri

OSI Modelini ve 7 katmanı; temel protokolleri(#TCP-IP, TCP-UDP, #HTTP, #FTP), güvenlik protokollerini(#HTTPS, #SFTP, #SSL), monitoring protokolleri(#SNMP, ICMP) bilmekte fayda var. Ayrıca ağ ekipmanlarının görevlerini tanımak ve 7Layer yerlerini bilmek lazım
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I see that the Kulve Taroth update has landed on PC (although the quest doesn't activate until 2-Nov).

In preparation for that, I wanna lay down a few tips that I've learned after dozens of runs on the PS4 version:

#MHWorld #PC #KulveTaroth
- Phase 1 is best suited for environmental and cannon damage; the area is too narrow.

KT has 2 pairs of bi-directional tunnels ports she enters/exits from.

She spends a moment looking around upon exit, so load up and aim the cannons beforehand!

#MHWorld #PC #KulveTaroth
- Phase 2 is where standard combat begins. Wide field, but don't get smushed by her roll!

There are also Wedge Beetles above, so if you wanna get a mount, this is probably the best area - but no pressure.

#MHWorld #PC #KulveTaroth
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I'm #sorry...
...I've spent a great deal of time trying to figure out "how" to express this to you all...

...unfortunately, the fact of the matter is, language is completely insufficient in properly illustrating the sort of sentiments that I wish to convey...
...I've never really been at a loss for words, until now. #Ineffable

My family and I have been going through an incredibly serious...ordeal...and, as of yet, no one even knows about it because...well, I never intended for this project to....turn into a...
Read 12 tweets

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