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Your #dermatologist and medical establishment is giving you #melanoma.

Here's how.....

In 1975 there was a major US study that concluded exposure to UV light causes melanoma. But now there here an update to… Image
that study that found across all ages and skin types, increasing full spectrum UV light exposure does not significantly increase melanoma risk BUT there is a significant increase in melanoma with a DECREASED dose of UVB.

This probably means that a lower vitamin d level and/or...
an increased dose of UVA due to wearing sunscreens, pushed nonstop by derms, that block UVB combined with working/living indoors under windows that block out the UVB (and some red/infrared) but still let in a ton of UVA and blue could lead to increased melanoma risk.

As you see
Read 13 tweets
Como este mes d Febrero va dedicado a las #EnfermedadRaras, hablaré un poco de mi enfermedad #VHL #VonHippelLindau 🔬 y d noticias ó Tweets q me parezcan interesantes stos días; aunque no tenga q ver con mi enfermedad.
Xq #TodosSumamos.
Hásta el 28 Feb #DiaDeLasEnfermedadesRaras Image
¿Por qué se llama VON HIPPEL LINDAU? 📝 Image
¿ Qué es la enfermedad VON HIPPEL LINDAU?
#EnfermedadesRaras Image
Read 44 tweets
1/ A $PVCT THREAD: (3) Potential 2023 read outs of preclinical data from sponsored research programs (#SRAs) in different diseases. #research. #oncology #hematology #dermatology #InfectiousDiseases #ophthalmology #WoundHealing #TissueRegeneration. #rosebengal #rosebengalsodium.
2/ $PVCT 2023 Stockholder Letter (released January 9th). . #rosebengal #rosebengalsodium.
3/ In 2023, $PVCT expects research collaborators at different academic medical institutions to read out data from their preclinical research work under newly established and existing #SRAs. #research. #rosebengal #rosebengalsodium.
Read 60 tweets
$PRTG new investor presentation out this week, worth a look through 🧵 1/26
2/26 legal disclaimer
3/26 $PRTG Investment Highlights
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Abro 🧵para hacer un recuento de lo que el #Año2022 nos dejó:
1. La aprobación por la @US_FDA en Noviembre del Tzield (#Teplizumab), un anticuerpo monoclonal anti-CD3 que retrasa la aparición de la #diabetes tipo 1.
2. La publicación en @ScienceMagazine de la fase 1 del ensayo clínico con la #vacuna eOD-GT8-AS01B para prevenir el #VIH, que indujo la sintesis de #anticuerpos neutralizantes vs el virus, en el 97% de los que fueron vacunados.
3. El #Daxxify una nueva forma de toxina botulínica tipo A, cuyo efecto tiene una duración de hasta 6 meses. El efecto del #botox es de alrededor de 3 meses.
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#Debate 👥| #Inmuno-#oncología en estadios precoces: un camino de esperanza a la curación

👩‍🔬 Estos tratamientos suponen una nueva "oportunidad" para que los pacientes con #cáncer no deriven a un cuadro metastásico…
Para analizar el papel de estas terapias, Redacción Médica y Bristol Myers Squibb (@BMSIberia ) han celebrado un debate con varios expertos en #cáncer de pulmón, #melanoma y cáncer renal 👇
👤Eva Muñoz (@evamuco ), médica adjunta del Servicio de Oncología Médica del Hospital Vall D'Hebron (@vallhebron ): "El #melanoma ha sido de los pocos #tumores donde hemos demostrado que un tratamiento en estadios precoces tiene una implicación muy importante a largo plazo"
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#KRAS alert! Over the past 4 years, a multi-disciplinary team from @hopkinskimmel @VUMC_Cancer @DanaFarber @MSKCancerCenter & @Amgen has been studying the distribution and co-mutations of KRAS, NRAS and HRAS mutant #cancers under the auspices of @AACR project #GENIE. Read the 🧵 Image
Our work is now published online at @CR_AACR and represents the largest study of RAS genomic architecture to date, leveraging #NGS data from >600,000 mutations and >66,000 tumors across 51 #cancer types.

Full text here….
Our findings provide insights in the genomic architecture of RAS mutant cancers and may serve as a blueprint for mapping therapeutic vulnerabilities for mut RAS. Given the vast array of findings we have put together a shiny app for interactive #dataviz:
Read 22 tweets
If you want to keep patients safe from 'fake news', stop using baby language.
I've been challenged to write down how we actually *do* things in @MPNEurope. Considering that it was me who started it, that's fair enough, I guess. It's also utterly painful. I already knew I'd never make it in one go, so my New Year's resolution was 1 blog a week...
I just finished…. It's 16/52 so you can see how it goes.....but it got me thinking about knowledge and teaching again and *the* most important thing in it all: stop using baby language with patients.
Read 18 tweets
So, working on something that loosely falls under 'patient involvement in research'. Loosely as, let's face it, most of it that just dutty- dutty pat-on-the-head
after years of Pharma THEPATIENTATTHE❤️OFALLWEDO- as long as that's an indication they got a new, usually expensive, new drug for, obviously, otherwise you get dumped at the speed of light-
all this *enthusiasm* of researchers suddenly keen to involve patients in their research projects?! It's definitely not met with anything like that in our community.....
Read 27 tweets
An advocacy colleague of mine just complained about having had to sit through a talk short of an hour on how to talk patients into participating in clinical trials *without* a single reference to what clinical trials have to deliver for patients, so here some explaining 🧵
relevant for any patient considering participating in a clinical trial and equally, any patient advocate asked to provide 'a patient perspective' on clinical trials
in cancer, considering ignoring if it's a trial where the risk to yourself and your life is negligeable or you don't dare contradicting your oncologist anyway (though consider changing oncologist in that case)
Read 63 tweets
After some recent experiences, here some thoughts on patient involvement in research, in particular for my colleagues in patient advocacy. A 🧵
An increasing number of grant agencies ask for patient involvement in research projects. That's usually after political pressure, like when evaluations show that the public doesn't seen the value of innovation and research- like with #Horizon2020
Or when people realise that vested interests of diverse parties prevent progress and that having the very person in whose interest everyone *claims* to act in the room tends to unblock things....
Read 48 tweets
Día Mundial de Concientización sobre el #Melanoma

Sigan el hilo y difundan🔁
1. Es un tipo de #CáncerDePiel agresivo y con alta mortalidad.

9 de cada 10 casos se deben a la exposición solar☀️(principal factor de riesgo).

En su gran mayoría se pueden prevenir y curar.👇
2. Clínicamente, los melanomas aparecen con mayor frecuencia en sitios de exposición crónica al sol (cara, cuello) o intermitente (es decir, , tronco, piernas) como propagación superficial, #Melanoma nodular o lentigo maligno. 👇
3. La vía de las MAPK está implicada en casi todos los melanomas.

Esta vía estimula el crecimiento celular y la supervivencia. Las mutaciones BRAF, RAS y NF1 son parte de esta vía y representan el 50%, 25% y 15% de todos los melanomas, respectivamente. 👇
Read 9 tweets
#JACCCardioOnc #Tweetorial: Along the spectrum of cancer Tx, #YeSCCT has a lot to offer regarding identifying subclinical #ASCVD, excluding obstructive #cvCAD in cardiotoxicity when appropriate. #CardioOnc, as a field, can gain from incorporating CCT in practice.

#YeSCCT may identify subclinical #ASCVD in cancer patients & survivors. Reviewing previous non-gated thoracic CT scans for CAC may help identify subclinical #cvCAD and start prompt preventive Tx.

#JACCCardioOnc #CardioOnc #MedTwitter #CardioTwitter

Several clinical scenarios in the context of cardiotoxicity may require ruling out obstructive #cvCAD. Cancer pts tend to have ⬆️ risk of complications from invasive procedures➡️ thrombocytopenia & hypercoagulable states. #YeSCCT may derive significant benefit. #JACCCardioOnc

3/ This table shows some possible clinical indications of #YeSC
Read 5 tweets
#Melanoma: tumor agresivo de la piel. Frecuente en México en la región plantar. Mancha café a negro. Crece horizontal en un inicio y posteriormente invade. Se conoce como melanoma acral lentiginoso con crecimiento radial y vertical. Si está ulcerado, es peor el pronóstico (1).
Si tiene mayor cantidad de células que invaden, espesor tumoral (Breslow) tiene posibilidad de entrar en vasos linfáticos, por ello es el factor pronóstico más importante. Debe incluirse en mm en el reporte histopatológico. Si es mayor de 0.8mm, cambia de estadio pT (2).
Es trascendental que se realicen revisiones anuales de toda la superficie de la piel. Que incluya que le revisen entre los dedos y si se ha visto lesiones en genitales, también deben ser evaluadas. Usamos el dermatoscopio para encontrar patrones incipientes. #dermatoscopia (3)
Read 10 tweets
➡️ABCDE⬅️ y como detectar cambios en nuestra piel en el hogar para hacer controles personales y poder ir a la consulta a tiempo. Fue mi primer hilo en la cuenta anterior. Muy importante. #Hilo @gustavobonzon @DrJorgeBombau @albertvaccaro21 @BUBYTTALT Image
Paso a explicar que son las letras
A➡️ ASIMETRÍA Los lunares sanos son redondos y simétricos.
B➡️ BORDES : Los lunares sanos tienen bordes regulares. Si el lunar es irregular, está mal definido o tiene ondulaciones, debe ser chequeado por un profesional.
C➡️COLOR : Los lunares No deben tener más de un color, si evidencias más de un color en el
mismo lunar consulta a un dermatólogo.
D➡️DIÁMETRO: Los lunares con + d 6mm tienen mayor riesgo d evolucionar a cáncer d piel, deberías controlarlos👇
Read 15 tweets
It's Friday evening. And today is the day where I've been patient-involved one too many times. So all of you patient-at-the-heart-of-all-we-dos, this is for you 🧵
I got into patient advocacy because #Melanoma killed my husband in a horrific way. And the healthcare system overall, in particular the clinical trials that were his only option, only added to the insult.
He died barely 37. I was 35. Our daughters 4 and 6. The time between his diagnosis and his death- and the time after- were horrendous. Looking back, I'm not quite sure how I managed. But I DID manage.
Read 72 tweets
Delighted to share our new study… introducing PhasED-Seq out today @NatureBiotech.
A fantastic collaboration from @StanfordMedicine led by Dave_Kurtz & Joanne Soo with @max_diehn to help transform #cancer interception & monitoring by improving #LiquidBiopsy #ctDNA detection of #MRD.
For many cancers & nearly all currently available techniques, the impressive KM plots of #ctDNA #MRD immediately after definitive Rx w/ curative-intent unfortunately still miss ~50% of all events which occur in the MRD-negative subset, thus having modest NPV.
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With one day for the dust to settle, here are my thoughts on some of the #ASCO21 #melanoma data.
1) It is interesting to me that no adj PD-1 melanoma study has yet shown OS benefit vs comparator arm (CM238 - nivo vs ipi, S1404 - pembro vs HDI or ipi, KN054- pembro vs placebo).
Is this because more time in f/u is needed to see diffs emerge? Or does it suggest that PD-1 is equally effective regardless of disease setting (adj vs metastatic) and that enough pts with metastatic melanoma have durable long-term control on PD-1 to explain lack of OS benefit?
I suspect that PD-1 does cure some melanoma pts in the adjuvant setting. But are these the same pts that would have been cured in the metastatic setting? Not easy to answer but longer f/u of these three pivotal studies will be very important.
Read 11 tweets
Ok. Recently, I have been approached a lot to be involved as patient advocate in grant applications for cancer research projects. Let's call the entire experience *suboptimal*, so here are a few pointers, for researchers and patient advocates alike.
So, I totally get that no one exactly knows what patient advocacy is. I for starters started thinking about it after someone else called me a patient advocate after I which I felt obliged to have an opinion.
I also get that grants are stressful- I have never submitted anything that wasn't last minute (usually minus a margin, I'm not that crazy, usually). And that people read that 'you have to involve a PA'(= patient advocate *not* personal assistant) just before deadline
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I am excited to share our manuscript "Therapeutic Implications of Detecting MAPK-Activating Alterations in Cutaneous and Unknown Primary #Melanomas" published at @CCR_AACR. I think it offers important clinical and translational insights into melanoma. 1/x…
All of the genomic and clinical data are available on @cbioportal at… – thank you to @nikolausschultz Lab, esp @chatila_w + @fjsanchezrivera (bioinformatics/data viz), Arshi Arora (stats), and @sloan_kettering molecular path (all the sequencing) 2/x
This will be a loooong thread for my fellow #melanoma geeks! All other melanoma-curious oncologists and #medtwitter can skip towards the end where I try to highlight some themes for investigating other tumors. 3/x
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La muerte de #BobMarley como ayuda para derribar varios #mitos en #Melanoma
En julio de 1978 Bob jugaba futbol, sufriendo una lesión en el pie. Sintió dolor, pero no consultó sino días después dado que constató un hematoma que no se iba. (+)
En la consulta se le dijo que dicha mancha NADA tenía que ver con el traumatismo, sino que se trataba de un tipo de melanoma en la uña, y que había que amputar el dedo. Bob se negó rotundamente y siguió con su vida normal... acompañada de tratamientos tópicos y naturales..
En octubre de 1980 presentó convulsiones. Una tomografía mostró que la enfermedad había hecho metástasis a nivel del cerebro, pulmones e hígado. 3 días después.. igual tocó en el que sería su último concierto
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Let's kick off the new year with a #dermatology #tweetorial! I put together some tweets on


#MedEd #FOAMEd #medtwitter #dermtwitter #onctwitter

Let's start with a poll:

Among BOTH males and females in the US, how common is melanoma?
Melanoma is the 6th most common malignancy (that's tracked) for BOTH men & women. Basal cell carcinoma is actually the MOST common cancer in the US, but we don't track it.

While melanomas are 6th, in certain groups (eg: women age 25-30), it is the #1 cause of cancer death! Image
So melanoma is deadly, especially in certain age groups. But something peculiar is happening too. @AdeAdamson recently spoke at @MassGeneralNews about this interesting finding 👉 melanoma diagnosis is increasing, but melanoma death is decreasing.

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I joined Twitter >10 years ago after I successfully treated a case of blepharitis (eye infection) with a good quality Colloidal Silver.

I wasn't being foolhardy, I was Dir of BioMed R&D for 12 yrs. I knew silver (AgNPs) works vs VIRAL infections.

To get FDA-Approval, a drug...
the drug's sponsor must prove to the FDA that it's 1) Safe and 2) Effective.

Which is Chemo?

I had a friend die from Chemo, and I had a cousin die from cancer who took all the Chemo her oncologist recommended.

Not Safe. Not Effective. FDA-Approved.

See PubMed.GOV
I also got #Melanoma, and stopped it 3x (>5 years) w/o Chemo.

Curcumin is why Indian curries are yellow. A Billion Indians eat a LOT of curry - Safe.

EGCG comes from green tea. Billions drink it daily. Safe.

Betulinic acid (birch bark extract) in Chaga and Root Beer. Safe.
Read 7 tweets
Hey everyone, the first-in-human clinical trial of tebentafusp, the HLA-specific fusion protein targeting gp100, is now online @CCR_AACR! Cool mechanistic proof of concept that you can get CD3+ cells into a poorly infiltrated tumor like #uveal #melanoma.…
A prelim efficacy signal for uveal melanoma in this trial with a dose (50mcg weekly) that is lower than the 68mcg weekly dose later expanded upon and presented at ASCO last year. Fingers crossed for our patients with this rare disease!

(note: I have fCOI with @Immunocore) Image
Cytokine Release Syndrome: uncommon but potentially serious side effect. Manageable with everyone's growing experience with adoptive T cell therapy. This trial predated the approval of tocilizumab for severe CRS. Hospitalization mandatory for first 3 doses on study. Image
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