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May is #MentalHealrhAwarenessMonth and one of the MH issues we never discuss in the US is #grief. It sent me to the hospital two weeks ago. I wrote about that and more here, and got some experts to explain the impact.

Grief: A Mental Health Crisis…
A trauma explained how #grief is impacted by social norms: men are expected to hide/control their feelings. This makes #grief even more dangerous. Men who lose a spouse are more likely to choose suicide. #Grief also leads men to substance abuse.
Women are more likely to experience heart-related problems like I did: #grief has physical ramifications, as one expert said. The pandemic made many of us party to collective grief: as a society we suddenly lost over 1M people we never even mourned.
Read 8 tweets
Just doing some digging. #Pain is extremely nuanced. And the approach should also. W my kids #health & #pain there has been continued lack of knowledge, assumptions, & unwillingness to understand.
➡️#Anatomy of those that had #TPAIT & lack of understanding
by many docs 1
how this can impact #pain
➡️ Not identify or understanding impact of #MalabsorptionSyndrome
➡️Assumption that removal of #pancreas should immediately ‘solve’ issue of #ChronicPain
➡️ #GastricEmptying issues
➡️ Age of my kids (too young to have #pain)
➡️ Lack of 2
understanding & identification of #MedicalTrauma
➡️T3c #Diabetes
➡️ Impact of #NASH on #pain & options for #care

There are numerous factors that are critical in #Treating an #ChronicPain in #Individuals. They list of few listed above that are factors w my kids, have often 3
Read 8 tweets
LET'S EXPLORE🌿Understanding #Grief🌿 The Dual Process Model of grief, developed by Margaret Stroebe and Henk Schut, suggests that grief is a dynamic process of oscillating between 2 types of coping: loss-oriented, restoration-oriented. 1/10
💔Loss-Orientation💔 involves focusing on the pain of losing a loved one. This includes feelings of sadness, yearning, and longing. Acknowledge these feelings and give yourself permission to grieve. It's essential for healing. #grief #GriefSupport 2/10
🌱Restoration-Orientation🌱 is about engaging in activities and tasks unrelated to the loss. It means focusing on daily life and finding a new balance. This can include self-care, hobbies, and social interactions. #HealingJourney #grief 3/10
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1/ 🌟 Thread: Disenfranchised Grief 🌟

Let's dive into the world of #grief that isn't openly acknowledged or socially supported, known as "disenfranchised grief". We'll cover its definition, examples, and ways to support people experiencing it. 🤗 #MentalHealth #Support
2/ 🧠 Origin of the Concept

The concept of disenfranchised #grief was first introduced by Dr. Kenneth J. Doka. He recognized the unique challenges faced by those experiencing grief that wasn't openly acknowledged or validated by society. #DisenfranchisedGrief #GriefEducation
3/ 📚 Definition

Disenfranchised #grief is a type of grief that society tends to overlook or minimize. It often results from losses that don't fit socially acceptable narrative, making it harder to find validation and support. #InvisibleGrief #Loss
Read 11 tweets
TW: my thread here talks about #Cancer #chemotherapy #Grief #Loss #COVID19 #forgotten500k #ClinicallyVulnerable if any of these topics are painful for you, this might not be a helpful thread to read. 🙏🏼 please sign this petition asking for #MasksInHealthcare
🧵 1/
Two years ago my mum died in hospital from v rare #chemo complications Bcs of covid rules we hadn’t been able to see her during her 3 wk hospital stay apart from briefly in her last 48 hrs on compassionate grounds. We had just come out of the horrific winter20/1 wave
2/Of course I wanted to see my mum prior to that though initially the gravity of her symptoms weren’t known. I WANTED her to be on a ward with restricted visits & mask mandates bcs I appreciated she & other patients on the oncology ward were very vulnerable…
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Aditi Vaze became a counselor through her gift for listening and empathizing 🎧💖

#counselor #empathy.
Therapy was once dismissed as a "pseudo-science," but Aditi persisted and now values evidence-based techniques 🧐📚

#therapy #evidencebased
Aditi faced many challenges and skeptics, but she persisted, knowing her work could help heal people. Today, she is proud to be part of a growing profession that values evidence-based techniques and rigorous training 👩‍⚕️💪🌟

#proud #mentalhealthprofessional
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1/3 #Gratitude: I Know What It Is Like…
To Overcome:

* #Homelessness
* Profound #Grief at the loss of hopes and dreams for a loved one
* #Failure - personal and professional
* #TBI, #CPTSD. #Anxiety Disorder and other #MentalHealth-related labels that no longer define me
2/3 * Intense isolation due to #stigma
* Being misunderstood in my intentions
* A sense of loss of self and purpose
* Over-inflation of my own ego
* Soul crushing #poverty
* Compassion fatigue - profound in its depth
* Asking God, “Why?”
* Turning too far inward
3/3 * Lack of simple #forgiveness
* Numbness
* Shit being placed in my mailbox

What have you overcome that you would add to this list? 🙏❤️🙏
Read 4 tweets
It's the 1st December. I want to channel how I'm feeling into something positive & so would like to share a little more about what we know happened to Alexander in the hope it'll raise awareness of #sudc. I'm so grateful for the support that has given me strength to speak (1/?) Image
As many know, our lovely 3 year old son Alexander died on Boxing Day 2021. He had mild tummy bug symptoms over Christmas but otherwise seemed a little under the weather, nothing more. He danced to the Masked Singer with Freddie on Christmas Day night. One of my treasured memories
Although a little tired & still with mild tummy bug symptoms, Boxing Day showed no signs of anything more serious. After falling half asleep on the couch, Alexander suddenly had a seizure and suffered a cardiac arrest. He died a mere couple of hours later despite heroic efforts
Read 13 tweets
This mornings rant is for ppl that keep losing ppl.

Or, ppl that keep losing ppl & there never seems to be time to process all the death, or for the people that constantly live in grief since they were young cause people are always dying.

And for Olivia E. #mourning #death
Olivia passed away the other day. Some sent me a screen shot on a story about someone saying goodbye. Apparently it happened last week.

Like all of us I rush to her social media “no way” I think. Looking for an obituary cause we live far from home now. #Minneapolis
My mind floods - which isn’t about Olivia - it’s about losing many friends and chosen family to these common killers 1) fetanyl 2) suicide 3) homicide.

My bias tells me it’s surely 1 of the 3. B/c I’ve lost more ppl to the top 2 - around 15-20 to be exact. #suicide #fetanyl
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Important questions for those who may have received blocked property in a #grief #spray #spam attack from blocked #tornadocash #ETH addrsses remain unanswered. #OFAC may give clarity in an FAQ; are a few questions that would be helpful for OFAC to address.1st some background/1
By now all of #crypto knows that #OFAC sanctioned #ETH & #USDC addresses related to #Tornadocash and service providers and many #crypto users are struggling to adapt. Why? /2
We’re dealing with a law designed to regulate legal people & entities, &their property, not quasi-autonomous code used by third parties to transact third party assets to others. Arguably the designation exceeds #OFAC’s statutory authority. That’s an argument for another day. /3
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1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4639: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's grief and agony in Bucha, Ukraine.
#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #Bucha #Zelenskyy #Grief #Agony
2/ In the above image, President Zelenskyy is seen earlier today, witnessing the aftermath of the torture and murder of unarmed Ukrainians civilians (including the elderly, women, and children) by Russian soldiers in Bucha.
3/ In this close-up we can see somewhat greater facial detail. In the central portion of President Zelenskyy's forehead, we can see the superficial manifestations two juxtaposed muscles. (Photo: AFP, Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
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1/64 Τόσο από τα παλιά thread για τον πιλότο όσο και από το χθεσινό με τους τραγικούς γονείς από την #Πάτρα είναι πλέον ξεκάθαρο ότι η ευαισθητοποίηση του κόσμου σε τέτοια θέματα είναι τεράστια, όπως και η ανάγκη για δικαιοσύνη.Και ενώ γονείς βγήκαν τηλεφωνικά στο #fosstotounel
2/64 …προχωράμε στην ανάλυση του δεύτερου μισού της συνέντευξης των γονιών των τριών νεκρών κοριτσιών στον κ. Σόμπολο Σε μία μικρή ανασκόπηση του πρόηγούμενου thread στο οποίο παρατηρήσαμε πλειάδα stress and deceptive clusters με κύριο πάροχο των…
3/64 …clusters αυτών την μητέρα όπου με κυρίαρχο pattern την πλήρη απουσία θλίψης και οδύνης ακόμα και στα σημεία που περιγράφει τις τελευταίες στιγμές των παιδιών της. Παράλληλα παρατηρήσαμε σωρεία απο confirmation glances αλλά και aggressive micro…
Read 65 tweets

2021 has been one crazy year for me.

Recently took a break from twitter as I needed to think & reflect in solitude.

My biggest learnings / relearnings of 2021 - A thread as random as my thoughts. :))

#Life is fragile.

We never know when it shall be our last breath. Covid just reinforced this.

Do good. Be good. Expect nothing.
Make mistakes but have no regrets.
Forgive . Make peace often .
Live life each day to the best of your abilities.

That's all that can be done!

Always ensure you have a nominee to all your investments. Don't take on unnecessary loans.

Make a WILL !

Inform your spouse / family.
Document everything correctly &

Else, this becomes an added pain later on for the bereaved family !
Read 20 tweets
In the wee hours this morning I heard the heartbreaking news that Anne Rice died, surrounded by loved ones, due to complications from a stroke.
Anne revolutionized gothic horror writing with her layered, humanizing, and sensuous approach to storytelling...
Anne Rice initiated a trend toward more sympathetic portrayals of (say) vampires, telling the story of their eternal power and anguish from *their* point of view, which became the de facto norm for later shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight, and True Blood.
The LGBTQ community in particular embraced Rice's supernatural creatures’ ‘outsider’ status as their own, and she embraced them right back, becoming an early safe haven and trusted voice for queer folk.

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Slept badly woke early spooked with the “only 6” headline. I don’t meditate but like to start each day in my garden with a cuppa & birdwatching. Mum loved birdwatching too & we shared little anecdotes & updates. Little reminders like this, that your loved one is gone…
is sad but still comforting. My youngest is whipping up cookies for my brothers birthday lunch tomorrow I’m browsing mums recipes for inspiration I’m the cook. Another sad/happy as mums birthday is a couple of days later & we usually got together for a posh meal out.
Not sure why I’m posting this really, just reflecting on grief and how as a nation we seem to have become numb to the daily figures, cruel & thoughtless for those who covid DOES pose a life/death threat. Just reaching out to anyone mourning, or whose life is forever changed
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1/ Παρασκευή με #fosstotounel, και ξεκινάμε #thread με την ανάλυση της υπόθεσης της #Ολυμπίας Κυρήκου, της οποίας χάθηκαν τα ίχνη το Σάββατο, 11 Νοεμβρίου 1995, απο την Νέα Ιωνία. Θα αναλύσουμε μία σειρά από 7 βίντεο της εκπομπής από το 1996 με πρώτο το
2/ H εκπομπή γίνεται στις 2 Φεβρουαρίου, 1996, με τους συγγενείς να απευθύνονται στην νεαρή τότε Αγγέλω, για να τους βοηθήσει στην αναζήτηση. Να θυμίσουμε ότι το #fosstotounel ξεκίνησε κάπου μέσα στο 1995, οπότε βλέπουμε τα πρώτα βήματα της εκπομπής και των συντελεστών..
3/ Αυτο φαίνεται τόσο από την παραγωγή/ σετ και την εικόνα που έχουμε από τότε, όσο και από το γεγονός ότι πολλά από τα τηλεφωνήματα που γίνονταν από `τηλεθεατές` δεν μπορούσαν να διασταυρωθούν (όπως θα δούμε) με συνέπεια να παραπλανούν, πιθανότατα με δόλο, τις προσπάθειες
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I’m going to post this tonight because I have purposely planned a day away from screens tomorrow. It is the 20th anniversary of 9/11 down here in Australia and I am going to pack a picnic and spend it at the idyllic Rainbow Bay. Today has been a slow sink into the PTSD that 2/
has shaped my life since that day. What can I tell you? 6:45am I arise to feed George Eliot my cat. I amble half asleep to the kitchen and put the coffee on. 7:10 am- showered and and sitting with my first double shot coffee and cigarette of the day. Turn the tube on 3/
for NY1 news with the temperature on the bottom left corner. I never seem to get the layers right otherwise. It was unseasonably warm. The sky was a perfect blue. Also get updates on the subway delays because from here on 5th St I have options. I can get the F line from 2nd at 4/
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1/ 🧵🎥 Chronic Pain

#Pain comes in all shapes & sizes. Let’s explore how we process pain. Watch & Listen to what Anderson Cooper tells Stephen Colbert about #grief and #suffering: “You can’t have happiness without having loss and suffering.”
2/ My lucid & kind patient (pic w written perm) uses scalding water as a coping mechanism for abdominal pain from pancreatitis. He wants to share his rationale.

#MedTwitter #ChronicPain #nurse
3/ Before I share what he told me, I first want to make my mindset as his #physician clear: My first job is to believe in him. Then to understand him. Then to devise a plan to help him.
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1/ν Ενώ οι έρευνες για το αποτρόπαιο φονικό στα #Γλυκα_Νερα συνεχίζονται, και διάφορες εικασίες ακούγονται από κάθε πλευρά, ακολουθεί #thread με την ανάλυση της πρώτης συνύντευξης του πιλότου από πλευράς #bodylanguage και λεκτικής επικοινωνίας
#Γλυκα_Νερα #γλυκανερα #Καρολαιν
2/v disclaimer 1:Τα παρακάτω δεν αποτελούν επιστημονική/τεκμηριωμένη γνώμη παρα μόνο προσπάθεια ανάγνωσης της γλώσσας σώματος και της λεκτικής επικοινωνίας του συνεντευξιαζόμενου.Δεν είναι σκοπός της παρακάτω ανάλυσης να υποκαταστήσει σε καμία περίπτωση την δουλειά της αστυνομίας
3/v disclaimer2:Το μόνο που κάνει είναι να παραθέσει ορισμένες παρατηρήσεις και να τις αξιολογήσει σε μία κλίμακα παραπλανητικής συμπεριφοράς.Οι αντιδράσεις κάθε ανθρώπου,ειδικά όταν μιλάμε για ακραίες καταστάσεις,μπορεί να είναι μοναδικές και να παρεκλίννουν από τις αναμενόμενες
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A thread about #Grief.

Disclaimer: I've no formal training in psychology/psychiatry. This is my very personal take. So feel free to take whatever you want, and leave whatever you don't want. 1/2
Earlier this month I faced grief for the first time in a very personal sense when I lost my father to #COVID19. I was close to my grandparents, but it was different with them. And all other deaths I've had to mourn were not as directly impacting as my father's. 2/
I had read some of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Notes on Grief, last year when it came out in The Newyorker. Would highly recommend reading it (although I've not finished it, but plan to)… 3/
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My family, knowing how close I was to my #mother, is trying really hard to fill the gap

They mean well, but are wired so differently from me & see the world so differently, that it’s making it worse - I miss her more

She can’t be replaced
She’s gone

#COVID19 #grief
I am one of these circles.

I essentially want to be a circle of one right now, though.

Others’ ways of processing grief or their ideas of what I need can frustrate.

Everyone knows I was very close to Mommy.

But only I can take care of myself.
No one else can help me.
It’s not unique to grief. I accepted, a long, long time ago: only I can help myself.

I did find some sense of community in informal grief circles online. That meant a lot and helped in the first month. Now, it is just so personal, what my mother meant to me.
Read 15 tweets
I state, highlight, mark up, not insinuate
Why is someone who likely does not menstruate a sudden expert on #womenshealth to identify a WOC seeking #data #quality & #integrity as the women?
"Respecting" social science = using respectable methods, not online surveys.
What you see in the tweet and the "study" is ego, defensiveness & flagrant Dunning-Kruger effect for #womenshealth, #menstrualhealth, #COVID19, #vaccine #research.

The best way to demonstrate the value of a field is to be consistent on #quality not…
Academic language on #online #survey #data:
"systematically assess carelessness in a crowdsourced sample" Denial that quick & dirty is poor #quality is an odd use of time & ineffective. One could better defend one's merit, by delivering #quality per best practices and standards.
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A year ago, my son Raphaël, also known as the activist IggyFox, died suddenly of an undiagnosed heart condition. Here’s what I have learned in #grief, and what he has taught me.
Even in the depths of despair, we are hard-wired to survive.
So if you are overwhelmed by loss of any kind, remember this: a new seed of new life is in you, germinating.
This is the seed of Future You. You won’t feel its growth for a long time. I didn’t. But it’s there. Trust it.
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Patients are my greatest teachers & recently I’ve had a patient unexpectedly become one of my biggest cheerleaders - a 🧵

Over the past few mths, I’ve been providing #PalliCare to a patient whose elderly body is ailing them while their mind remains extraordinary & vibrant. 1/
During our visits at their home, I’ve learned that they immigrated to Canada bringing with them diverse life experiences, spending their adult lifetime in academia. They live alone, so upon realizing how big of a nerd I am, they have generously shared their passions & slivers 2/
of their vast knowledge & wisdom with me. Even assigning me homework! Each visit I leave inspired, wishing I had taken notes during these precious conversations. It is an incredible honour to share time with them caring for their body/mind/spirit. I always look forward to it. 3/
Read 9 tweets

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