Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Genealogy

Most recents (24)

With yet more restrictions being imposed on how you can use Twitter, here are two ways you can still keep up to date with the #Genealogy community on Twitter.

A thread...
The first way (and this is not intended to be self-promotion) is my Twitter community. All sorts of genealogy blog posts, and dilemmas are here. I will work on bringing discussions into this as well. To join, go here:ā€¦
Way number two (and the majority of this thread) will be using Twitter lists. They are not my favourite, but with the feeds being loopy - this might be the primary way I see things now.

To find the lists feature, if you're on your PC, see picture one, phone - picture two. Profile view on Twitter Web...Twitter for iPhone app with...
Read 10 tweets
Elon's mother was #Canadian.
Did she, like #Justin's mother, get herself impregnated by a #Communist leader???
Official history makes out that #MaoZedong was some random peasant, but #British and #Jesuit schemers had been sowing wild oats in #China for generations previously. ImageImage
Of course, the #KGB may also have been sending Red Sparrows to #China in order to collect the #Genes of #MaoZedong, knowing that anyone created by #British or #Jesuit schemers would have been top level #Genius. No surprise that Mao has offspring in #Soviet lands.
And it could be even DEEPER.
Remember how Skull and Bones stole the bones of #Geronimo, the #Apache leader? Apache people spoke a language related to Navajo and Dene, thus were part of the 2nd wave to move from #Siberia into the Americas. And in the land of Astana (Satana)...
Read 6 tweets
Bahmani Sultanate of Deccan 1347-1527.
This was the 1st Independent Muslim Monarchy of Deccan/South #India established by Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah.
180 years of complete Genealogical History of 18 Sultans.
#BahmaniSultanate #Deccan #History #Genealogy #Bahmani @HiHyderabad Image

Companion youtube video for #Bahmani #Sultanate - First Independent #Muslim #Monarchy of #Deccan - 180 years of #History 1347 to 1527.

Please consider subscribing to my channel if you like my work.
Detailed thread below šŸ‘‡šŸ»šŸ‘‡šŸ»
If you are finding it difficult to read the chart please load the image in 4K by clicking 3 dots on right or click this link to find high res. copy on my #reddit.ā€¦
Read 26 tweets
Family Tree of #Rohan, House of Eorl, Complete Ancestry & Genealogy of #Ɖowyn, #Ɖomer & #ThĆ©oden. #LOTR

This is my 10th Chart in Middle-earth series based on J.R.R. #Tolkien's works.

A detailed thread on the #Genealogy of the House of #Eorl
#LordOfTheRings #LOTR Image

Companion Youtube Video for this Chart

#LordOfTheRings #LOTR #TheHobbit #Tolkien
Read 32 tweets
I seem to have drifted back to this a/c from my @ancestorsreuni1 one, but as Iā€™ve got some DM convos on the go Iā€™ll stay on this one for a while, just need to remember to tag myself more often šŸ˜‚
Soā€¦ #geneaology #Genealogy #FamilyHistory : my paternal grandparents gifted my sister @JeanTho35976906 & I with literally hundreds of family photos, some of whom we still havenā€™t identified. Because we have many cousins w/shared ancestors out there, Iā€™ve decided to post someā€¦
.. of them here & on @ancestorsreuni1 , both known & unknown faces, in the hope that, just maybe, someone might recognise a face/surname. Please may I ask you all to RT each photo, on the off chance that a follower may recognise someone? Iā€™d really appreciate the exposure! šŸ˜Š
Read 7 tweets
Free, open access resources to historical American Samoa primary sources - a thread.

#AmericanSamoa #twitterstorians #Archives #libraries #Genealogy

American Samoan Digital Archives

University of North Texas (UNT) Digital Library - "American Samoa"

Read 5 tweets
Free, open access resources to historical Guam primary sources - a thread.

#Guam #twitterstorians #Archives #libraries #Genealogy

University of Guam Libraries Digital Repository

Loyola University Chicago Special Collections Catholic Church Extension Society

Read 5 tweets
Free, open access resources to historical Northern Mariana Islands primary sources - a thread.

#NorthernMarianaIslands #twitterstorians #Archives #libraries #Genealogy

Northern Marianas Humanities Council Digital Archive

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Oral History Project

Read 4 tweets
Hey #Genealogy Twitter, don't scroll past this yet!
So as time progresses, I've seen people wondering if Twitter does go down in a ball of fire or people leave, where to go?

One of these suggestions was Mastodon.
While it's been described as not an alternative to Twitter, it's very similar to how it operates. You can respond, boost (retweet) and favourite (like) tweets and even see all the hustle and bustle of Twitter.

There are also some improvements to Mastodon that aren't on Twitter.
One of these things is the character count in a post. You can have 500 characters in a post on M compared to 280 characters on T. Another thing is there are no ads or algorithm-suggested/popular tweets, who you follow is all that will appear in your timeline unless...
Read 12 tweets
1/11 This @CTW_ATC discussion outlines my book on how the Western intelligentsia of the global theory industry has helped consolidate the "compatible" Left (i.e. compatible w capitalism & imperialism). šŸ§µ
#FrenchTheory #Postmodernism #FrankfurtSchool
2/ I explain the work of #Derrida w "anti-totalitarian" dissidents funded by the NED (a CIA cutout), while rehabilitating an unrepentant Nazi (Heidegger), collaborating w a Nazi collaborator (De Man) & foreclosing any analysis of "context."
#PostStructuralism #Postmodernism Image
3/ I've provided detailed scholarly accounts of #Derrida's idealist misreadings of philosophic history in these two books, which demonstrate that even his 'internal analyses' leave much to be desired:ā€¦ā€¦
@EditionsHermann @EdinburghUP ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Paul Lowe, head of @NatRecordsScot, is giving evidence to Parliament this morning on the census fiasco. Meeting starts at 8.45, you can watch it live here:ā€¦

#Genealogy #Scotland
@NatRecordsScot On the day NRS is criticised for its lack of transparency, it's not a good look for the Committee to decide to consider NRS' evidence on the census in private.
Paul Avery of Prospect is talking about budget constraints (read: cuts) affecting government bodies responsible for national collections, with restrictions on how they can raise funds/charge for services. Suggests this means inevitable focus on core statutory services.
Read 46 tweets
And I shall! Second tech tip of the day, who wouldā€™ve thought it! So #genealogy folks who have either an iPhone or iPad, this is for you. (Android folks, stay tuned - I may have a similar way)

Hereā€™s how you can get TweetDeck as an app.
Firstly, what youā€™ll want to do is open up TweetDeck on Safari on your device (it has to be Safari, from what Iā€™ve tried) and make sure you sign into your account. Once youā€™ve done that, and your TweetDeck has appeared. Hit the share button (box with an up arrow - as shown) Tweetdeck dashboard with share options button highlighted wi
Once youā€™ve done that, scroll down the options and select ā€œAdd to Home Screenā€. Tweetdeck dashboard with share options menu open.
Read 8 tweets
(1/3) I think a lot about a certain phenomenon I've observed as a Jewish #genealogist. The generation born after the generation born after the Holocaust often mention in our consults "I don't think our family lost anyone" (if there's no explicit family story) (cont.)
(2/3) And invariably, even for the ones whose families were here decades before, there's always someone. There's a moment of silence when they discover their beloved grandmother lost cousins, aunts, uncles. When they learn the fates of their great great grandparents (cont)
(3/3) I was explicitly as a child who was murdered in my family. This is not the case for so many of us. Pain and the distance of generations let the memories fade into silence. It's my daunting and precious task to bring them back into living memory. #genealogy
Read 3 tweets
Genealogy + Organization geek alert!

If you are seeking ways to get even more organized with your genealogy, you may enjoy this video. šŸ‘‡ #productivity #genealogy #organization #genealogyorganization #NotionApp
My friend Julie (@geneaJulie) and I chatted about Notion (@NotionHQ) & I shared how I use it to keep my life + my genealogy projects organized.

Check it out for it may give you ideas for how you can use Notion too!ā€¦
And, if you like the video, follow both @geneaJulie and to keep an eye out for future tweets related to Notion & genealogy!
Read 4 tweets
Now that the #MRoots2022 #genealogy #familyhistory #history #storytelling #conference is behind us, I wanted to share some lessons and thoughts I had as chair for this new type of learning experience. šŸ§µ
The future of #genealogy #familyhistory #education is happening NOW for things you want to see and have mainstream in 3-5+ years. Thereā€™s no room for waiting. Thereā€™s no room for wishful thinking of before 2020. Itā€™s embrace change. Be the change maker. Or fold.
Stop stereotyping people into boxes of how you expect theyā€™ll respond. Age. Experience. Heritage. Race. Dive in and discover together. Invest in new learning styles. Invest in rising/emerging professionals. Push #genealogy learning spaces to be learner inclusive.
Read 14 tweets
Information. Genealogists and family historians are swimming in it all.of.the.time.

You have many ways of managing all of that info you consume.

What if I told you that you probably have not even begun to wrangle it all as best as you could?

Strong words, eh? A thread šŸ§µšŸ‘‡
With strong words come strong conviction.

You see, I have recently purchased the book "Building a Second Brain" by Tiago Forte (@fortelabs) and I'm so excited!

What even is a #SecondBrain? Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte
A "#secondbrain" is a personal knowledge ecosystem you build to capture info you consume.

You build it purposefully with a goal of organizing that information, understanding that info, with intention to make it easier to re-share and present it to the world.
Read 10 tweets
Here's what to do if you see "No one home" in the address that you want in the #1950census. First, don't panic. Read the entry. It should say something like "See Sheet 71, Line 4." #genealogy /1
If the family wasn't home when the enumerator came around the first time, they were supposed to revisit them. The "revisits" begin on Sheet 71, at the end of that enumeration district. #1950census /2
"But there aren't 71 pages in my enumeration district!" That's ok. It doesn't matter what sheet number the regular visits end on. The revisits begin on Sheet 71. So the enumeration district could jump from Sheet 12 to Sheet 71 (no pages missing). /3
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#Genealogy update! A thread on how I depend on the kindness of strangers.

Michael kindly commented on my #Korsun rebbe thread and led me to the incredible work of #AlexKrakovsky, who digitized Ukrainian Jewish records even as Russia invaded:ā€¦
I owe my rudimentary Russian alphabet skills to my olā€™ bestie @_atricapillus, who I shocked/amused once by singing the Russky alphabet to ā€œTake Me Out to the Ballgame.ā€

Any hope of reading Tsarist era handwriting is thanks to this Cyrillic cursive chart:ā€¦
And to my haters who say it canā€™t be done, hereā€™s the Russian Alphabet sung to ā€œTake Me Out to the Ballgameā€ in slightly minor mode and in appropriate bass:
Read 15 tweets
When the 1921 census was released, I found my only grandparent who was alive that year: William Herbert Jefferson, a Church of England priest. He is on the list of vicars at Christ Church, New Seaham, a church built for miners in County Durham that I last visited in 2015. (1/7) Image
William was a miner's son. On the day of the census (held at @UkNatArchives) he was 4 years and 11 months old. He was in Geoffrey Street, Whitburn, with his parents: William Herbert senior, a heaver at Marsden colliery who was ā€˜out of workā€™ and Edith, who had ā€˜home dutiesā€™. (2/7) Image
William Herbert Jefferson senior had fought in the First World War in the West Yorkshire Regiment, and was a prisoner of war in Germany. His son (my grandfather) was born in 1916, but did not see his father (my great-grandfather) until after the war had ended, in 1919. (3/7) Image
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Iā€™m taking a page from @PYMundGenealogy and microblogging a cool #genealogy find via @nycrecordsā€™ NYC Historical Vital Records Project. This new site (thanks to @ReclaimTheRecs) provides FREE access to 13.3 million NYC birth, death & marriage records!
So in one big gulp I found 50+ vital records from my Great-Grandma Bessā€™ Russian Jewish American family, last name Davis, original name something like Davinsky. I noticed an interesting patternā€¦
SIX family weddings (an aunt and her five nieces) taking place between 1899-1907 involved the same rabbi, Max Etkes (later Max Etkin)ā€¦ Image
Read 14 tweets
I have a story to share about the impact of family history.

A moment that brought tears to my eyes - and the eyes of many other family members too.

Why? Because of the power of seeing family memories come to life.
My grandmother, Cora, passed away in 2006. Until this past week, we had no video footage of her. Only photos. But, that changed this weekā€¦
I now have digital footage from a birthday party given in 1987 as a surprise for one of her sisters, who also, is no longer with us. At that birthday party were many, many family members. Including myself, my siblings, and my dad. I had pictures of that party...
Read 9 tweets
#CivilWar veteran Theophilus L Covington widowed two women and was a widower once before his own death in 1911.

I still have significant gaps in his story from his birth to 1875.

Where should I start? Maybe chronology will be key. So... #BHM #USHistory #MIHistoryšŸ§µ
1st sign I have of him is 1860 census where we see his wife Anna Ward Covington and daughter Gertrude, aged 2, born in Michigan. Living in Owosso, Shiawassee County - which became a sundown town. No Theophilus. 2/
During the Civil War, there were income taxes so I find Theophilus L Covington (fabulous uncommon name) in Houghton County Michigan by November of 1862 operating a saloon. 3/
Read 16 tweets
If you like using newspapers for your #genealogy, #familyhistory research, you'll love this update. This month, we started our Tennessee Genealogy Indexing project to pull names from historical newspapers. And our volunteers have been doing an amazing job...
In just under 3 weeks, they've indexed about 3,000 names from historical newspapers around the state. We are using @_FromThePage_ as our crowdsourcing platform and it's been going so well!
Over in the @tngenweb Facebook group, I shared an example of why this project is so important. The example was an 1850 obit for Mrs. Martha Pettitt that was published in the Athens Post and found no online researchers that had her obit as a source...
Read 12 tweets

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