Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #GPs

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This message is for Hospital trusts #NHSTrusts #GPs There are many thousands of people who are vulnerable and in a very difficult situation with #COVID that need safe access to medical care for some of the following reasons:
1. They are immunocompromised and have an allergy so can’t be vaccinated
2. UKHSA isn’t offering all cev vaccines who are still high risk. They are continuing to narrow the criteria and are leaving many with lung/heart/kidney conditions out in the cold.
3. Children who shielded
are now not all being vaccinated. These children were indoors for 20 months and many are understandably anxious at now not having vaccine protection.
Read 5 tweets
Mais le niveau de la mer, c'était censé être la référence, donc 0m ?
Alors pourquoi un #GPS, placé à ~1m au-dessus de la mer, mesure 4m ?

#mer #mesure
1ᵉʳ indice : la #précision de base de mesure du système #GPS est vers ± 2,5m

⚠️ : La #gravité variant (de peu) selon le lieu, les récepteurs couplent la carte des géodésiques de mesure au "Earth Gravity Model 1996", améliorant la précision vers ±0,5m…
2ᵉ indice : Le "niveau de la mer" moyen n'est pas LE niveau de la mer
Il y a des vagues, ok, mais pas que, le niveau de la mer varie globalement et localement selon :
- La gravité (encore)
- Sa température
- La pression atmosphérique
- La lune (marées)…
Read 6 tweets
اجازه بدید امروز به سبک ما الکترونیکی ها یه سفر مجازی تکنولوژیک بریم، مواد لازم:
یک عدد hackrf اجباری
تقویت کننده سیگنالGPS اختیاری
گین کنترل اختیاری
آنتن ایندور باند GPS اجباری
به مقدار لازم هم کابل و اتصالات RF
#gps #gps_spoofing #gps_jamming #RF
بعد از تهیه مواد لازم /۱ Image
مثل عکس قبل به هم وصل می‌کنیم و دیگه کار سخت افزاری دیگه ای نداریم و باقی فراینده ها نرم افزاری است، من از لینوکس استفاده میکنم و ابزارهایی که کانفیگ میکنم برای لینوکیه،‌اول پک مورد نیاز برای hackrf رو با دستور زیر نصب کنید /۲
#hachrf Image
حالا نیازه که GPS-SDR-SIM رو کامپایل کنیم اول اونو از آدرس زیر کلون کنید، بعد طبق توضیحات خودش هم میتونید برای ویندوز و هم لینوکس کامپایل کنید/۳…
Read 11 tweets
'#NATO'n-salakähmä #Maanpetos-#Metro-tunneliverkosto-#Mänttä.'
"Julkaistu 18.5.2021, Mikkoskopia Tekasin Mäntän tunnelikartan. Selostus löytyy lisätietoja painikkeesta."… Image
#Vapaamuurarit rakastavat kaivaa tunneleita.
- Siksi vähäväkisessä Suomessakin on ns. #Metro, maailman kalleimmat kilometrit, vaikka sitä ei olisi edes tarvittu.
Tarkista kotiseutusi #tunneli-sisäänkäynnit ja raportoi havainnot Mikolle (… Image
#Ulkoministeriö'kin Oyj: ksi äkki poja.
#Korruptio-#Metro on kuin #viina, vaikeinta on ensimmäisen pullollisen nauttiminen!
- Helsingin #metro'n tapahtumista alusta alkaen ja lisämausteena on pieniä episodeja #Länsimetro'n.. vahvasti muhivasta tarinasta.
Read 14 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Podcasting "Gig Work Is the Opposite of Steampunk"; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/
Today (Mar 20), I'm doing a remote talk for the @Ostrom_Workshop's Beyond the Web Speaker Series…

On Weds (Mar 22), I'm doing a remote talk for the @IFTF's "Changing the Register" series:… 2/
Podcasting "Gig Work Is the Opposite of Steampunk": Why today's Luddites should be smashing apps.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)
Read 38 tweets
In this thread, I'll introduce the brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye.
Credible Challenges to General & Special Relativity, Doppler Shift Theory & more.
If Einstein were alive today, he would concede to Dr. Dowdye's scientific evidence and mathematical proofs.
#BlackHistory Image
The brilliant work of Dr. Edward Dowdye…

Why Should We Question Relativity? (FAQs)…

Optics, Electrodynamics & Gravitation based from Re-Worked classic physics/ Galilean Transformations under Euclidean Space…
16 Peer Reviewed Papers by Dr. Dowdye.
Hosted by NASA and Harvard:…

Propagation and Re-Emission of Light:…

Natural Philosophy Bio:…

More background for Dr. Dowdye:…
Read 56 tweets
@XsukysukyX @Ghostof_Atticus My father was a branch chief at NRL who retired in 1980. As far as I can tell, Dr West’s work on the GEOID was in the 1980s. Dad didn’t work on the GEOID so how he could make a mathematical error there escapes me. I doubt if he ever heard of Dr. West. 1/
@XsukysukyX @Ghostof_Atticus Dad designed the 1st satellite with solar cells which power #GPOS satellites. He designed 2 space tracking systems (Minitrack and the Naval Space Surveillance System System). Space tracking is key to predicting future positions of GPS satellites. In 1964, he started working on 2/
@XsukysukyX @Ghostof_Atticus on a Navsat using atomic clocks which again is a key feature of GPS. His Timation Dev Plan (1971) has all the major features of GPS (sat configuration, ground station positions and signal structure).… 3/
Read 6 tweets

Se pronuncia sobre esta cuestión la STS 835/2022, de 21 de octubre (ponente Susana Polo)👇
En este caso el acusado fue condenado x la AP x un delito d tráfico de drogas a la pena d 6 años y 7 meses de prisión, fundamentándose la st, entre otras pruebas, en la información obtenida por la Policía del dispositivo GPS instalado en la furgoneta q había alquilado el acusado.
Contra dicha st se interpuso recurso de apelación ante el TSJ, quien desestimó el mismo. Y frente a esta st recurso de casación, alegando la nulidad de la información obtenida del GPS sin autorización judicial por vulnerar el artículo 18.3 CE (secreto de las comunicaciones)
Read 19 tweets
in 2015 the so called, dark money funded, think tank, the Tax Payers Alliance published their far right wish list for reducing the state and minimising taxes for the wealthy, this is a thread of *just* the contents!!
Read 13 tweets
@realhomerhickam In January 1958, my father realized that Soviet spy satellites would be quiet most of the time and a new tracking system was needed. He devised the Naval Space Surveillance System. When the Project Vanguard people transferred to #NASA, he was one of the few people who stayed 1/
@realhomerhickam at @USNRL. In 1964, the need to synchronize clocks in different space surveillance stations was an inspiration for him to start his Timation Navsat which led to #GPS. The space race resulted in many things besides Apollo 11. You can see a representation of space surveillance 2/
@realhomerhickam @USNRL above Mattingly in the attached photo. L-R Cernan, Mattingly, dad, Evans, Crippen and Kerwin. 3/
Read 3 tweets
The issue with #NP problems is Uncertainty. The greater amount of information about the problem, the less Uncertainty & therefore, the less Computational Complexity. In case of no Uncertainty, NP=P. #NPplusInformationEqualsP @ulisescortes @sierra_carles @vdignum @wooldridgemike
In practice, that's what #DeepLearning does: it gathers data of the problem but runtime is P.
In Research too: we publish about problems until we find a P solution and then we continue optimising the solution in case we need a trade-off PSPACE/PTIME. #AI #MachineLearning
Could we create a Problem Information System to reduce the complexity of Research in general?Could it be automated to the greatest extent? That would be a General Problem Solver. We can be greedy & blindly publish in words everything we might solve, or we could start making a PIS
Read 5 tweets
Got a ton of #constructionindustry #software product analysis cranking up to help #contractors make sense of the market. Check this stuff out ... lemme know if it seems on target for helping that selection team do due diligence ... Let's start w @SageERP…
And for folks in the #concrete or @asphalt industries, you probably know @CMDALKON ... Here, we look at their successful transition to a modern multi-tenant #SaaS with Connex product.…
This one is a bit close to my heart ... @ecobotapp digitizes and speeds up the process of #wetlands delineations. Feel free to forward this to the #environmental engineers you know.…
Read 8 tweets
After 6 years and billions of transaction, @NPCI_NPCI talks about 'consent' while collecting geo-coords for every #UPI txn & gives 6 more months time to make such data collection a choice based consent.

Is there a #GPS coord in India - where @NPCI_NPCI doesn't have txn data
#CashlessConsumer had noted about this geo-coord collection for every txn as a key surveillance concern back in 2017 -…
In the light of recent #CrPC91 request - it is valuable to revisit the privacy guarentees in the payment systems and #PaymentsPrivacy is key to having civil liberties and is no longer a niche digital rights problem.
Read 4 tweets
#PrivacyResearchDay C'est parti ! La CNIL accueille aujourd'hui des chercheurs internationaux pour présenter leurs travaux sur la #vieprivée et la protection des #données.
Suivez l'événement en direct en 🇬🇧 ou en 🇫🇷👉…
Suivez le thread ⬇️
La présidente de la CNIL Marie-Laure Denis accueille la communauté internationale au 1er #PrivacyResearchDay ! Des chercheurs qui travaillent et enseignent en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, Singapour, Suisse, Royaume-Uni, Luxembourg et France.
La CNIL utilise la #recherche de multiples façons :
👉 Lors de la rédaction de recommandations et de lignes directrices.
👉 Dans l'un des cas sur les #cookies, la CNIL s'est référée aux résultats de deux documents de recherche.
Read 69 tweets
Lieber Herr @MarcoBuschmann,

das nächste Mal, wenn Sie oder die @fdpbt eine längere Laufzeiten von #AKW oder gar den Neubau fordern, bestehen Sie bitte auf den Nachweis der Kernspaltung als auch der Einsteinschen Formel E=m*c^2. 1/
Ohne diese Evidenz wird ggf. kein AKW jemals rechtssicher Strom produzieren. Rechtssicherheit geht ganz klar vor Nutzung des Atoms. 2/
Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, die Karlsruher Nuklidkarte validieren zu lassen. Andernfalls ist ggf. kein rechtssicherer Betrieb von AKW in Deutschland möglich. Es gilt weiterhin: Rechtssicherheit geht klar vor Nutzung des Atoms. 3/
Read 22 tweets
This arrow points to the Singapore the Wall Street of Asia, the entrance to the South China Sea and the most important maritime “choke point” in the word. In black letters is the Chinese Navy’s #PLAN new base.…
A choke point is an area where traffic meets and a numerically inferior defending force can use as a force multiplier to thwart or ambush a much larger opponent or cripple the economy of large regions of the world.
This news is also important because Cambodia is chair of the 10-member regional Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) this year, Cambodia is keen to avoid the perception it is “a pawn” of Beijing.
Read 21 tweets
💈On the day the @ons report 26,000 CYP have symptoms for at least a year (⬆️ 3000 from last mth)
we received an email from @10DowningStreet in response to our visit on April 1st
It confirms the concerns of the children⬇️

"We feel ignored"


April 1st - 12 #children living with #LongCovid traveled
to #london to deliver their own letters documenting their #pain, loss of #sight, #mobility, organ damage, diagnosis of #PANS #MECFS #FND #POTS #MCAS and the detrimental impact it has had on their lives.

100+ page guide providing evidence-based information on #LongCovid in CYP from industry experts, research, and statistics from @GOVUK @ONS.
Did anyone read it?
We were assured @BorisJohnson would receive it.

Read 13 tweets
1859 kam es zu starken #Sonneneruptionen, die zu den stärktsten, bisher gemessenen #magnetischenStürmen auf der Erde führten. #Polarlichter waren bis Cuba und Rom zu sehen.
Würde das sogenannte #CarringtonEreignis heute stattfinden, würden unsere #Stromnetze zusammenberechen. Dieser Thread ist ein fiktives #CarringtonEreignis2 und soll aufzeigen, mit welchen Folgen wir zu rechnen hätten. #CarringtonEvent2
Bilderquellen: #Pixabay und #Pexels
Read 82 tweets
❓ Live now: #LordsQs on food security and Ukraine, #GPS disruption or damage, ministers of religion at scenes of serious injury and reducing reliance on Russian energy.

🔴 Watch live…
Votes may take place today. Here’s how to follow live:

💬 See what is currently being discussed in the #HouseofLords on Parliament Now

🔴 Watch live on Parliament TV…

✔️ See results of votes
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❓ In #LordsQs from 2.30pm: 

@AnneCMcIntosh questions the government on food security in the UK as a result of the war in Ukraine.

📺 Watch #HouseofLords online…
Global Positioning System #GPS in #LordsQs at 2.45pm as Lord West of Spithead quizzes government on the UK’s fallback should services be disrupted or damaged.

📺 Watch online…
The attendance of ministers of religion at the scenes of serious injury in #LordsQs spotlight as @danielmgmoylan presses government for an emergency services strategy.

📺 Watch online from 2.55pm…
Read 4 tweets
Drones, Fitbits and AI, oh my: Happy #WorldPenguinDay! Come learn about how #NSFfunded researchers from @PointBlueConSci study Adélie penguins at one of the windiest locations on Earth. #takeoverNSF

📸: @ae_schmidty
Can you guess what an Adélie penguin 🐧 and a salmon 🐟 have in common? #WorldPenguinDay

📷Matthias Breiter

Both of these charismatic species exhibit what scientists call “natal philopatry,” which means they return to their birthplaces to breed!

Adélies often end up building their pebble nests very close to where they hatched. #takeoverNSF
Read 23 tweets
Russian #Strikes Hit Outskirts of Ukrainian Capital and #Lviv | 4h ago
- Russian forces pressed their assault on Ukrainian cities Friday, with new missile strikes and shelling on the edges of the capital Kyiv and the western city of Lviv, ~its mayor…
Russian #missiles hit military #aircraft #repairfacility in Ukraine's #Lviv | Mar 18
- three explosions in quick succession rocked the training facility around 6 am. A nearby resident described his building vibrating from the explosions…
Russian strikes hit Ukrainian #capital and outskirts of #Lviv | Mar 18
- The early morning barrage of missiles - was the closest strike yet to the center of the city, which has become a #crossroads for people #fleeing from other parts of Ukraine…
Read 21 tweets
Local media reports that the UAF troops from the territory of Ukraine launched a rocket at #Belgorod, which is a Russian city near the border with Ukr. It was reportedly shot down
Captured UAF Manpad and #NLAW in the #Kiev area ImageImageImageImage
The Rus Army captured a large UAF field camp in the #Kherson region with large quantities of supplies and equipment
Read 573 tweets
Ce tweet a eu son petit succès, je crois qu'il est temps d'en dire un peu plus sur le pourquoi du comment
#lièvre @OFBiodiversite @OSURennes #FDC35
je me lance dans mon 1er #thread👇
cette semaine, c'était donc #captures de #lièvres d'Europe en Ille-et-Vilaine en collaboration avec la FDC 35, une FDC tjs très intéressée dès qu'il s'agit de travailler avec nous sur le lièvre
Comment on capture un lièvre ? soit en utilisant une cage-piège, soit à l'aide de filets et de beaucoup de bénévoles. pour des captures tôt en saison, avec une faible végétation => capture au filet
Read 32 tweets

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