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Euer #Trump hat im Auftrag der #Republicans eine Erpressung in #Deutschland (Europa) mit #FBI #CIA am laufen. #Biden steckt auch mit drin + grosse Teile der #Democrats auch. Diese sogenannte #TrumanShow läuft jetzt fast drei Jahre. Ich hoffe sehr, dass #RFKJr2024 nicht dabei ist.
2) die #TrumanShow in Bayern ist abgesagt. Sie heissen jetzt #Robinhood . Die selbst ernannten #Eliten bezahlen für das, was sie wollen und zwar Millionen. Egal, ob #Adel #Rep #Dem #Royalty damit ich es für ärmere Menschen preiswert liefern kann. Bedankt Euch bei #CIA #FBI 3)
3) die Geschäftemacherei des #RedCross und der #Johanniter (Dörnyei) ist vorbei. Und fühlen sie Caroline #Kennedy auf den Zahn, inwieweit sie gegen ihren Bruder arbeitet. Das ist nur ein Gerücht. Prüfen Sie es.
Read 10 tweets
Delhi High Court dismisses a plea by separatist organisation Dukhtaran-e-Millat challenging the Centre government's decision to declare it a 'terrorist organisation'.

The group was declared a 'terrorist organisation in 2004.
#DelhiHighCourt #DeM #TerroristOrganisation Image
ASG Chetan Sharma appeared for the Centre today and argued that it is the prerogative of the Centre govt to say who is a terrorist and who is not.
#DelhiHighCourt #DeM #TerroristOrganisation
The ASG said that the information that Dukhtaran-e-Millat was declared a terrorist organisation has been in public domain since 2004 but the group chose to come to court only in 2022.
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My 2022 Year in Review and look ahead to 2023…

An unusual year of ups + downs that took my research agenda to unexpected places.

Yet the result was invaluable + ended up taking my work to useful new places.

A longish 🧵 on #cio #cloud #digitaltransformation #FutureOfWork. 1/x
First up is my detailed analysis titled “The #Cloud Reaches an Inflection Point for the #CIO in 2022.” It remains very pertinent reading.

Written as the cloud industry reached an early maturity point, it highlighted a top hot issue: Complexity…

Then I took a deep dive into #decentralization, perhaps one of the most significant generational revolutions of our era:

What is #Web3 and Why It Matters…

Regardless of what happens to #crypto, the underlying tech esp. #blockchain, is an inflection.

Read 19 tweets
1. mentre un'informazione pesantemente inquinata ci dice che da oltre Oceano ci sono preoccupazioni per l'estrema destra che ha vinto in Italia, i fatti ci dicono che non è affatto vero
2. NON esiste un cablo della diplomazia USA che riporti preoccupazioni per l'estrema destra: #Fini,#LaRussa,#Crosetto,#Meloni escono dai cablo senza alcun rilievo negativo da parte della diplomazia USA, al contrario del vituperato centrosinistra
3. per gli Stati Uniti anche a guida Biden il problema rimane #sinistra:#LaRussa,#Crosetto non solo hanno avuto dialogo con i #Dem in anni cruciali 2009-2010,ma era ansiosi di costruirne uno.
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Oggi #Obama ha dichiarato che i #social stanno "amplificando alcuni dei peggiori istinti dell'umanità" e ha chiesto la riforma della #Section230. Istituita da Clinton nel 1996, la legge non considera i social come “#editori” e dunque li esonera dalle responsabilità editoriali 1/6
Ci sono però dei limiti. La #Section230 non conferisce immunità x reati federali o rivendicazioni di #proprietàintellettuale. Il Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act del 2018 ha inoltre specificato che la Section230 non si applica alle violazioni delle leggi sul #trafficosessuale 2/6
Con un contestato executive order,#Trump mise in discussione la #Section230 nel 2020. Secondo lui, proteggeva i #social a lui ostili dalle azioni legali contro la censura. Le aziende Tech protestarono. L’account di Trump fu chiuso da #Twitter gen 2021
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1.tra poco più di un'ora mi collegherò con la High Court di Londra per la seconda e ultima udienza del processo di appello sull'estradizione di Julian #Assange. Prima,però, vi voglio far notare una cosa importante
2. il giorno dopo che #MatteoRenzi (in Arabia Saudita dal principe macellaio di giornalisti) è sospettato di aver contribuito ad affossare #DDLZan,#Repubblica pubblica editoriale del suo uomo dentro i circoli di #Washington,più esattamente dentro circoli della #Clinton
3. il grande sponsor di #MatteoRenzi dentro il circolo dei #Dem centristi USA di Hillary #Clinton si chiama #MattBrowne e lo trovate oggi su #Repubblica a tessere i fili del disegno Dem centrista della "Terza Via"
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This #NYTimes piece on #Biden is #interesting. It'is almost honest.

The reporters express surprise that #SenileJoe is siding with the #Dem #Left. Maybe they really ARE surprised. If they are, it just shows they were conned as thoroughly as most of the country was in 2020.
It’s now clear that Biden had a three part agenda: 1) Get elected #POTUS. 2) Pass a lot of very expensive government programs. 3) Go down in history as an #FDR or #LBJ, a president who permanently transformed American society.
#Joe’s problem was that 2) endangered 1). He needed to pretend to be “moderate” to get elected. So he ran a campaign that came down to ‘#OrangeManBad, #SenileManGood, and let’s not talk about what I’ll do in office.’ And it worked. He got the #DemocraticParty united behind him.
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1. oggi #Repubblica pubblica un commento su #elezioniUSA di #MattBrowne: senza le email di #Podesta rivelate da #WikiLeaks non potremmo capire chi è #MattBrowne: è analista politico del potente circolo dei clintoniani che supporta leadership di #MatteoRenzi
2. possiamo capire chi è #MattBrowne leggendo email di #Podesta rivelate da #WikiLeaks.Nel 2016 ne scrissi in questa esclusiva basata su email di #Podesta, in cui purtroppo ero l'unico media partner di #WikiLeaks, perché NESSUNO voleva pubblicare[ARCHIVIO]…
3. #MattBrowne è,come scrissi nel 2016,grazie alle email di #Podesta è un insider dei circoli di Washington che fa da collettore tra i liberal USA e i leader #Dem nel mondo. Promuove:#JustinTrudeau,#JacindaArdern e per l'Italia #MatteoRenzi
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@carmenxbrook #MedicareForAll Act of 2019: Introduced in the House 2/27/19.

House members who support the bill: 118. Number of additional House members needed for passage: 100.…
@carmenxbrook #MedicareForAll Act of 2019: Introduced by #Bernie 4/10/19.

Senators who support the bill: 15. Number of additional Senators needed for passage: 45 w/ filibuster, 36 w/o filibuster.…
@carmenxbrook IF #Republicans hold the Senate, NO #healthcare bills will pass. McConnell & the GOP are killing 400 bills, most bipartisan, passed by the House incl'g multiple bills on rx drug prices, #vets' healthcare, preexisting conditions. See the list here:…
Read 13 tweets
July Fox News #poll: “#Biden is preferred over Trump among extremely motivated voters (+8 points), those extremely likely to vote (+9) and those who feel it is extremely important their candidate wins (+13)."…
.@FoxNews polls have "found that a larger share of voters strongly disapprove of President Trump than strongly approve in every single poll we have taken since inauguration day. This strong disapproval is driven by Democrats." #polls #polling
In most recent quarter, #Biden raked in $16 million more than Trump & added 2.6 million donors. 97% of Biden's $$ is from grassroots donors.

#Dem Senate candidates outraised GOP incumbents in Alaska, AZ, CO, GA, IO, KY, #Maine, Mont, NC, SC. #voteblue
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1. qualcuno mi ha chiesto (NON ritrovo il tweet)perché ho raccontato di essere stata l'unica giornalista media partner di #WikiLeaks per le email dei #Dem USA(#PodestaEmails): l'ho raccontato perché dopo 4 anni,NON c'è stato un media che mi ha chiesto di raccontare cosa ho visto
2. essere l'unica giornalista che è stata media partner di #WikiLeaks nella pubblicazione delle email dei #Dem(#PodestaEmails) al centro del #Russiagate NON è un vantaggio:se ci fossero stati altri,avrebbero potuto dire anche loro cosa hanno visto.Purtroppo,NON c'era nessun altro
3. il punto è: perché non c'era nessun altro media partner? E' questa la domanda da farsi. E a cui, in un futuro non lontano, risponderò
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1. voglio chiarire l'eterna questione delle email dei #Dem Usa pubblicate da #WikiLeaks visto che @jacopo_iacoboni ripropone torbidi rapporti con #RogerStone, appena salvato da #Trump, che gli ha commutato la pena
2. la pubblicazione delle email dei #Dem USA da parte di #WikiLeaks è stata al centro di DUE ANNI di indagini da parte del procuratore speciale Robert S.Mueller ricostruita nel suo report disponibile pubblicamente e che chiunque può leggere online
3. ebbene in DUE ANNI di indagini con poteri investigativi notevolissimi,Robert S. Mueller NON ha trovato una sola prova di collusione tra la campagna di Donald Trump e #WikiLeaks.
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Thread #ElectionSecurity is THE #VoterSuppression issue.
1. I want you to listen to this @nytimes #TheDaily podcast about the #GeorgiaPrimary meltdown… Listen to how they tiptoe around the issue of #votingmachines & don't identify them as the CENTRAL issue.
2. Why are #votingmachines the central #VoterSuppression issue in #GA & many other states? Because they are the new #JimCrow. The machine is the way officials control how many ppl vote & how those votes are counted. It might as well be a literacy test. Could it be more obvious?
3. The podcast notes that the counties that did not get enough voting machines (for example 3, when they needed 8) were the counties with LARGE #Dem populations w/predominantly voters of color. W/a touchscreen voting machine if you don't have enough machines you have long lines.
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#Orban #PieniPoteri #UrsulaVonderLeyen #EnricoLetta #PD #Dem

🔲 {Democrazia}
“Sono due lupi ed un agnello che votano su cosa mangiare a cena”
[Attribuita (erroneamente) a Benjamin Franklin]
◾️ “Democrazia” non è sinonimo di “giusto”. Mettetevi l’anima in pace

◾️ Cosa c’è di antidemocratico in un parlamento che vota, democraticamente appunto, per ridurre (temporaneamente) i propri poteri? #MondoFolle
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This is the type of info consume - rational talk from doctors, scientists & healthcare professionals. We don't have to be cultists. Rather, we can continue to think and revise our preferences and recommendations.

"A #COVID19 Reality Check," with @ZDoggMD
America's rationed healthcare system is the culprit behind our #COVID19 crash - and both DEMS and the GOP chose it for us. I love @ZDoggMD, because he tells the truth - without notes, from his heart.

"Stay away from healthcare if you want to live a long and healthy life." ~ZDogg
This isn't about Doctors NOT KNOWING good medicine - it's about a system that prevents MD's from practicing good medicine. #PublicHealth is a concept that was hidden and lost under #PredatoryCapitalism, exposing the fundamental flaws America's corrupted healthcare infrastructure.
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Analysis: Why #Sanders lost the nomination: "Simple explanation" is that he got "trounced" when the race narrowed to 2; "many of Biden’s wins were blowouts, ballooning his pledged delegate lead to 311, a margin that is essentially insurmountable." | thread…
.@perrybaconjr "Why did Sanders do so badly in a 1-on-1 contest against Biden? I’d offer 3 explanations, none of which are mutually exclusive from the other 2."

1>"Sanders didn’t run a smart enough campaign."
#Bernie's campaign "seemed to think that #Sanders had a unique appeal to white working-class voters that would simply continue in 20," despite "clear indications" that some of his success in '16 w/ whites w/o college was more anti-HRC than pro-Sanders.
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✔️#Biden is not a "moderate" #dem. He's running on a platform to the left of Obama & Hillary. If elected, he'd be the most #progressive president in our lifetimes.

This thread fact-checks a graphic circulated by #Sanders supporters that equates Biden & Trump.
✔️#Biden supports universal healthcare. He proposes adding a singlepayer Medicare option to the #ACA, open to individuals & employers. It could be immediately implemented, unlike #MedicareForAll which has a 4-yr transition.

✔️#Sanders introduced #M4A. It has 15 Senate votes.
✔️#Biden's plan to add singlepayer Medicare option to ACA follows the public/private hybrid that's most commonly used by countries with universal healthcare.

✔️Trump admin has filed suit to overturn the ACA & protections for people w/ preexisting conditions.
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Ya'at'eeh my relatives. On Tuesday Joe Biden won three more state primaries including Florida. His lead over Senator Sanders is being labeled by some as "insurmountable". And many are calling for Bernie to bow out of the race.
Thread: 1/4 Image
I receive messages daily from Bernie Sanders supporters telling me that if/when their candidates is out of the Democratic Primary, they will vote for me (#MarkCharles2020). Senator Sanders is working towards systemic change, as am I.
One of the primary differences between us is our understanding of the root of the problem. Sen. Sanders argues that the root is economic while I argue that the root is racial. It is this difference that has made it difficult for him to gain traction with communities of color.
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1. remember what happened in 2016 with #primaries? we know what happened because we have the internal email of the US Democratic Party revealed by #WikiLeaks in July 2016: the #DNCEmails
2. in 2016 #BernieSanders enjoyed support, BUT the US Democratic establishment did NOT like #BernieSanders: the establishment liked a centrist candidate: the usual centrist candidate in bed with #WallStreet and the #military-industrial complex.
3. #DNCemails revealed by #WikiLeaks in July 2016 exposed how the US #Dem establishment wasn't neutral and boycotted #BernieSanders to support #HillaryClinton. When #DNCEmails let this internal manoeuvring surface, the #DNC chairwoman,#DebbieWassermanSchultz, resigned
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1. ricordate cosa accadde nel 2016 con le primarie USA? Sappiamo cosa accadde esattamente, perché abbiamo le email interne del Partito Democratico USA: le #DNCEmails pubblicate da #WikiLeaks
2. nel 2016 #BernieSanders andava bene,ma ai signori del Partito Democratico USA, #BernieSanders NON piaceva assolutamente: volevano un candidato centrista. Solito candidato finta sinistra a letto con #WallStreet e #Pentagono, così i signori del Partito Dem boicottarono #Sanders
3. le email interne del Partito Democratico rivelate nel 2016 da #WikiLeaks lasciarono emergere proprio queste manovre interne ai danni del candidato di sinistra, #BernieSanders, e a favore del candidato centrista #Hillary
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Of 235 #Dems in the House, 139 publicly support #impeachment investigation on #Ukraine allegations that #Trump personally & directly intervened in release of foreig#n aid $ to a “hot” war zone & raised investigating #Biden. Today I expect we will hear #Pelosi saying it’s time.
While the #MuellerReoort gave ample grounds for concern on #Trump campaign 271 contacts with #Russians, this is a case where #Trump admits undeniably dangerous behavior & obstructing Congressional oversight of it.
#Trump calls #Ukraine Pres 1 day after #Mueller testimony in Congress reduces #GOP fear of #impeachment.
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The only thing keeping us from a full blown #TrumpRecession is your consumption. The consumer is strong while all else fails. If you limit your spending until #Election2020 you're helping to get #Trump out of office. RETWEET

#Resistance #DeutscheBankLoans #ResistersUnite #resist
Tariffs have increased prices on large appliances and other big purchases. It's in your best (#resister) interest to hold off on any big purchase until after the election. You'll ensure Trump can't boast about the economy, and you'll save money after #Dems are back in power.
You may think interest rates are low, so it's a good time to spend, however as the #TrumpRecession gathers steam the fed will need to lower rates. New #Dem prez will reduce tariffs. That will increase your buying power in 2021 and help @thedemocrats economy flourish.
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@TheDemocrats @DNC @DNCWarRoom issued their barking points and all the #Democrats issued their #dire #TitleX #PlannedParenthood #EndoftheWorld tweets.

Weird, really.

Congress imposed limitations on use of Title X funds. The regs were held constitutional by #SCOTUS 30 years ago.
Yet, according to nearly every #Dem spreading their lies and legs for the #presidentialnomination, the rule is "unethical" and women will lose access to contraception and basic health services.
@PPFA could continue using #TitleX funds.

They really could.

All that is required is that @PPFA segregate out its abortion and abortion referral programs and services from its #TitleX programs and services.
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Farm losses drive Iowa's flood damage to $2 billion, Farm Bureau economists estimate

And this amount was in April, they have been flooded repeatedly- #KneeHighByJuly might be three years from now... we will starve if we don’t get the #Dem takeover ASAP…
June 2018 Iowa Farm Bureau is a suburban insurance company pretending to be the voice of farmers…
Iowa Farm Bureau was created to advocate for Iowa’s farmers and rural communities, it now receives 84% of its revenue from its for-profit insurance arm, the FBL Financial Group, which controlled $10.1 billion in assets in 2017 alone
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