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⚽️Hellas never won at San Siro
⚽️Milan top league with most wins (5) and top goalscorer (Ibra/8)
⚽️both sides strong defensively (4 clean sheets each in last 8 games)
⚽️Verona conceded just 3 goals this season
⚽️Empereur to drop to bench?…
Some opera on Sunday!

This one will be familiar to anyone who has been to the Bentegodi!

Rare start for Dawidowicz this evening. But where? In midfield? Man marking Ibra?
Read 6 tweets
Some Israeli public figures responded to the #BeirutBlast with calls for aid & solidarity.
Ron Huldai, Mayor of #TelAviv, announced that City Hall will be lit with the colors of #Lebanon's flag.
Others have responded with their usual mix of racism & nationalism.
Thread👇 Image
Huldai said: "Humanity precedes any conflict, and our hearts are with the Lebanese people following the terrible disaster it experienced"…
To that, Yair #Netanyahu, the Prime Minister's son responded: "Waving an enemy state's flag is a criminal offense!!!!"
It isn't illegal, and neither Huladi nor City Hall are waving it. 🤷🤷🤷 Image
Read 33 tweets
"Maritza Vasquez, the bookkeeper for #Epstein’s #MC2 Modeling agency disputes that claim. Tasked with obtaining visas for Epstein’s foreign models, Vasquez said she received an angry call from Epstein when then 14-year-old Marcinkova’s application ran into a snag" #OpDeathEaters
In 2011, #Marcinkova founded #Aviloop, a marketing company based in New York City that offers collective-buying aviation-related group discounts

“Whether you want to learn to fly, charter an airplane or just see more girls like me, Aviloop can help.” #OpDeathEaters #Epstein
"#Aviloop’s business records show that the company is run out of an apartment complex located at 301 E. 66th Street" owned by Mark #Epstein and where his brother kept apartments full of children who came to him for modeling careers. #OpDeathEaters
Read 14 tweets
#Privacy #Cyber #Journalists: Do a little googling on who is and who was, linked to this Israeli company Carbyne also known as "Reporty" and where some of their people are working now and why. #Epstein #Theil #Barak #BlackCube #ErikPrince…
Peter Thiel built Palentir the old relational database software they used to hunt terrorists. Owns a piece of Carbyne.…
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#Elections en #Israel: pour la 1e fois, le bloc de Centre-Gauche est donné gagnant avec #Gantz & le nouveau parti d'Ehud #Barak. Jamais, dans ses prévisions les + optimistes, l'opposition n'avait imaginé battre #Netanyahu.
Voyons si la tendance se confirme…
Le journal pro-#Netanyahu annonce que 62% des Israéliens souhaitent annuler les #élections (tout comme Bibi, qui les a pourtant provoquées), ce qui est infaisable, et 73% un gouvernement d'union, lequel n'est envisageable que sans Netanyahu
Ces sondages sur les #élections en #Israel et les manœuvres de #Netanyahu (dissolution de la Knesset pour éviter que #Gantz ne soit appelé à former un gouvernement, puis volonté d'annuler le scrutin du 17 septembre) prouvent que la défaite est désormais envisagée au #Likud
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A terror attack in #Paris against the #Iran-ian main opposition group the #MEK was foiled. Attack due to take place during their conference whose speakers included Rudy #Guilani.The 2 arrested terrorists were a couple of Iranian origin living in Belgium
The Belgian couple was arrested in #Brussels a few hours before the attack was to take place at a conference attended by 25,000 people. Police found in their car 500 g of #TATP and detonators. 2 accomplices were arrested in #France and #Germany, including an #Iran-ian diplomat.
The Iranian diplomat based at the Iranian embassy is allegedly a member of Iran secret services and reportedly provided the explosives to the couple in #Luxembourg. The #US intelligences services also allegedly provided #Belgium, #France and #Germany with actionable info.
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#Israel L'ex MinDéfense #Yaalon accuse #Netanyahu d'attiser les peurs & annonce sa candidature aux futures élections Image
Réplique de #Netanyahu ce soir à #Yaalon: "On ne peut pas dire il y a 4 mois que l'#Iran est 1 menace existentielle et la nier aujourd'hui"
#Israel 4 généraux prêts à affronter #Netanyahu:
#Yaalon annonce sa candidature
#Barak fustige le gouv
#Gantz et #Ashkenazi créent 1 parti
Read 4 tweets
#Israel: L'ancien Premier ministre Ehud #Barak dénonce : "le gouvernement est contaminé par des signes de fascisme"
#Barak: "Quelque chose est arrivé. Des éléments extrémistes sont venus affecter le gouvernement d'#Israel."
#Barak: "#Israël n'est pas l'Allemagne nazie. Il ressemble à l'Italie fasciste. Or le sionisme et un début de fascisme ne peuvent cohabiter"
Read 4 tweets

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