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🚨🇮🇱 E dopo una notte di disordini in #Israele arriva la mossa del presidente #Herzog che si rivolge direttamente a #Netanyahu: "Abbiamo assistito a scene molto difficili. Faccio appello al Primo Ministro, ai membri del governo e ai membri della coalizione. Per il bene……
Ultim'ora: secondo i media israeliani Bibi #Netanyahu dovrebbe annunciare la sospensione della riforma della giustizia da qui a due ore.

#Israel #TelAviv
Alcune fonti indicano appunto in due ore l'orizzonte temporale della svolta. Altre si limitano a parlare di una decisione che verrà comunicato "in mattinata".

Fatto sta che Netanyahu sembra alle corde.
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🚨📢 Manifestantes en todo #Israel bloquean carreteras y causan disturbios tras la destitución del ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant. La izquierda está orquestando una campaña mediática en contra de #Netanyahu. 🧵
🌃 En #TelAviv, miles se congregaron en la calle Kaplan, bloqueando la autopista Ayalon en ambas direcciones e incluso encendiendo hogueras en la carretera. La izquierda incitadora detrás de estas acciones.
🚧🔥 Las protestas también se extienden a #Jerusalén, Be'er Sheva y Haifa. Frente a la residencia del primer ministro, manifestantes bloquean carreteras y derriban barreras policiales, desafiando el orden público.
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The moment protesters break through barricades in front of Prime Minister's residence. One newscaster calls this by its name, a popular uprising. Tomorrow a nationwide strike is on horizon, joined by universities. The military is more fragile than ever.
In Tel Aviv unbelievable photos of main freeway blocked at 12AM. Protests happening throughout Israel. Netanyahu's firing the Defense Minister is being declared as the blatant attempt to transform the country to a dictatorship. Netanyahu has sparked a fire he has yet to see-huge.
It is 1AM in the morning and thousands of people are now protesting outside of the Knesset. The gov is starting to show cracks and Netanyahu his getting pushed to the corner. This could cost him his gov--crucial days ahead. A crisis like no other.
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#Watercannons used against #protesters outside PM #Netanyahu's residence in #Jerusalem
A 12-year-old #Palestinian girl is brutally assaulted by #Israel in now-occupied #Jerusalem. You will not see this on western zionist media


Mass protests throughout #TelAviv against the judicial overhaul.

There are protests outside #Netanyahu's house in #Jerusalem.

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🚨🇮🇱 Radar acceso su #Israele. Migliaia di persone in strada a #TelAviv dopo la decisione di #Netanyahu di rimuovere il ministro della Difesa Yoav #Gallant, che aveva chiesto di fermare la riforma della giustizia che da mesi lacera il Paese.
🚨🇮🇱 Proteste all'esterno della residenza di #Netanyahu.
🚨🇮🇱 Gadi Eisenkot, ex capo di stato maggiore Forze di difesa #Israele: "Netanyahu ha dimostrato che la sicurezza di Israele non è la sua priorità. Licenziare #Gallant distruggerà l'eredità di Netanyahu. Sta giocando d'azzardo con le nostre vite".
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In #Israel sind am Samstag Abend rund 630.000 Menschen auf die Straße gegangen, um für Demokratie zu demonstrieren.
Wahrscheinlich die größte Demonstration in der Geschichte des Landes.

Hier Bilder aus #TelAviv.
Gestern hat der israelische Verteidigungsminister zaghafte Kritik an der Justizreform geäußert, indem er einen zeitweisen Stopp forderte.

Heute hat ihn MP Netanjahu, wegen fehlendem Vertrauen, entlassen.

Die Demonstration in #Israel gehen weiter.
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Israeli delegation expelled from AU summit

Although the #AfricanUnion Commission revoked an invitation it had previously sent to the #Israeli delegation to attend the #AfricanUnion summit's opening, they still attended, resulting in their expulsion.
An Israeli delegation that sneaked into the African Union summit on Saturday in Addis Ababa was expelled
According to Israeli media, the Deputy Director for #Africa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sharon Bar-Lee, was expelled from the #African Union summit in Addis Ababa.
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⭕ El gobierno de #México publicó un comunicado conjunto con Argentina, Brasil y Chile en el que critica la decisión de #Israel de legalizar nueve asentamientos en #Cisjordania como una violación del derecho internacional. (1/12) 🧵👇 Image
🔹“Estas medidas unilaterales constituyen graves violaciones del derecho internacional y de las resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, especialmente la n.2334 (2016), además de que contribuyen a elevar las actuales tensiones”. (2/12)
🔹“Nuestros gobiernos expresan su oposición a cualquier acción que comprometa la viabilidad de la solución de dos Estados, en la que #Israel y #Palestina... (3/12)
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Como nos encanta la historia de #Israel, desde hoy hasta las celebraciones del Día de la Independencia contaremos un evento significativo por cada año de nuestra historia. 75 años, 75 historias.

¿Listos? Image
El 14 de mayo de 1948, David Ben Gurion lee el acta de independencia del naciente Estado de #Israel bajo los principios de "libertad, justicia y paz".

Después de generaciones, por fin se cumple el sueño milenario del pueblo de Israel de volver a ser libre en su tierra ancestral. Image
En 1949, los restos del padre del sionismo moderno Theodor #Herzl se trasladan al joven Estado de #Israel para su descanso eterno.

Miles de israelíes salen a las calles para honrar al líder sionista, cuyo sueño y el de millones alrededor del mundo ya es una realidad. Image
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1\ Activists daring to raise the Palestinian flag at the #Israeli pro-democracy demonstrations tonight were at risk of assault by both the police & fellow protesters who think that "democracy to all" is too controversial & outrageous.
2\ Here, a pro-democracy protester blocks the Channel 14 cameraman from filming the Palestinian flag in #TelAviv. The protester then accused the cameraman of assault.
3\ Israeli pro-democracy protesters were forcefully preventing a protester from waving the Palestinian flag at the Azrieli Junction #TelAviv.
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#Syria says #Israeli #missile strike puts #Damascus #airport out of service | Today
- Israel has carried out hundreds of strikes on targets inside government-controlled parts of Syria in recent years…
#Israeli #raids #kill Syrian soldiers, shut down #Damascus airport | Jan 2
- The volley of air-launched #missiles came from the direction of Lake #Tiberias in Israel at about 2am local time on Monday (23:00 GMT Sunday)
#Israeli Raids Kill Syrian Soldiers, Shut Down #Damascus Airport | Dec 2
-The #TelAviv regime has been a main supporter of #terrorist groups that have battled the govt of Pres Bashar #AlAssad since #foreign-backed #militancy erupted in #Syria in early 2011…
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Cosa sta succedendo a #Gaza?

L'esercito israeliano - nel corso dell'operazione denominata "Breaking dawn" - ha ucciso il comandante della #Jihad islamica palestinese nel nord della Striscia Tayasir Jabari. Insieme a lui sono morti altri 14 membri dell'organizzazione.
Il ministero della sanità di #Gaza traccia per ora un bilancio, destinato a salire, di 8 morti e 40 feriti.
Tra le vittime c'è anche una bambina di 5 anni.
"Arrivo di un nuovo giorno": così si può tradurre Breaking dawn. Aggiungo io: un nuovo giorno (e forse molti di più) di tensione, è quello che attende il #MedioOriente.
Il portavoce militare di #Israele ha infatti annunciato che "una allerta speciale" è stata dichiarata sul
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#Peace #NoWar
Ministero della Sanità palestinese: 8 morti, tra cui una bambina di 5 anni negli attacchi israeliani a #Gaza. ⬇1/8

#GazaUnderAttack #IsraeliTerrorism #IsraeliOccupation #ApartheidIsrael #HumanRights #SanctionIsrael #BREAKINGDAWN #5agosto…
"Almeno 8 persone sono state uccise, tra cui una bambina di 5 anni, e 44 sono state ferite oggi dagli attacchi aerei israeliani sulla Striscia di #Gaza, ha riferito il ministero della Salute palestinese. ⬇2
Le forze di difesa israeliane hanno affermato che 10 membri della Jihad islamica sono stati uccisi in un attacco aereo sulla Striscia di #Gaza mentre si preparavano ad effettuare attacchi contro obiettivi israeliani usando missili anticarro e proiettili di precisione. ⬇3
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Le forze di difesa Israeliane starebbero conducendo operazioni nella striscia di Gaza
Taysir Al Ja'bari, comandante della Jihad Islamica Palestinese è stato ucciso durante gli attacchi delle forze 🇮🇱.
Le batterie Iron Dome 🇮🇱 sarebbero state attivate in tutta la zona centrale del Paese in previsione di attacchi di ritorsione da part della PIJ.
Video dell'Iron Done 🇮🇱 che intercetta razzi del PIJ lanciati in risposta all'attacco dell'IDF di oggi. Secondo fonti locali, un centinaio di oggetti sono stati intercettati fino ad ora. Solo uno o due sarebbero caduti su suolo 🇮🇱.
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Significant statement from caretaker PM @yairlapid: "Two-state solution is a strong guarantee for a democratic state of #Israel with a #Jewish majority."
Interesting moment during the @JoeBiden-@yairlapid presser in #Jerusalem when #Saudi news outlet @AlArabiya correspondent asked @POTUS what the #US is offering #Gulf states on #Iran's malign activity in region, and Lapid on where #Israel disagreed with Washington on Iran policy.
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Introducing StarkNet House:
@StarknetHouse is a virtual educational summer program presented by @topology_gg in collaboration with @StarkWareLtd and pioneers in the #StarkNet ecosystem. The program is open to anyone excited about learning to build on StarkNet using #Cairo. [1/10]
Our mission is to congregate a burgeoning community of #developers and help you #jumpstart the most #innovative projects in #Web3 [2/10]
@StarknetHouse kicks off on June 1, 2022 with the creator of #STARK, @EliBenSasson, and consists of 11 weekly sessions in which you will learn how to thoughtfully design, develop, test, and deploy #Cairo smart contracts and start building on #StarkNet. [3/10]
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Heute soll es um eine Reihe von Konflikten gehen, die brisant sind, aber im Schatten der #Ukraine weitgehend unbemerkt bleiben, darunter:
- #Biden genehmigt die Entsendung von US-Truppen nach #Somalia ;
- Kämpfe in Libyen;
- #Israel fliegt Luftangriffe auf Syrien.
US-Präsident #Biden hat die (Wieder-)Entsendung von US-Spezialtruppen nach #Somalia genehmigt.
Es wird erwartet, dass rund 450 US-Soldaten in das Land geschickt werden...offiziell, um gegen die Shabab-Terrormiliz zu kämpfen, die zuletzt wieder erstarkt sein soll.
Die permanente US-Präsenz in #Somalia wurde eigentlich erst vor zwei Jahren von Ex-Präsident Trump beendet mit der Begründung, es sei an der Zeit, aus den "unendlichen Kriegen" auszusteigen.
#Biden will nun wieder eine kleine, aber "anhaltende Präsenz" in dem Land aufbauen
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#Web3 builders across the world are coming together to learn about #Chainlink and the benefits of cryptographic truth.

This week, connect with your local Chainlink community at events in #Phuket, #NYC, #LA, #TelAviv, and #Chicago Image
On May 9th in Phuket, discuss the future of the #metaverse with leaders from @Dashpay, @initeio, and @master_ventures at this Chainlink Plugged-In event:…
On May 10th in New York City, explore the #multichain future of Web3 and projects building on #Fantom with speakers from @EverRise and @FantomFDN:…
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Heute soll es nicht um #Ukraine gehen, sondern um Konflikte, die zuletzt eskalierten, aber in der Öffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen werden:
- Türkei startet Offensive im Irak;
- #Israel führt Angriffe auf #Syrien aus;
- Spannungen zwischen USA und #China in Fernost
Am 18. April startete die Türkei eine Offensive auf dem Territorium des #Irak .
Ankara geht gegen die kurdische PKK vor und begründet diese "Militäroperation" mit andauernden PKK-Angriffen auf türkischem Gebiet.
Die Bodenoperation wird mit Luftangriffen flankiert.
Eigentlich hatte Erdogan ausgesagt, dass er von der irakischen Regierung grünes Licht für die Operation bekommen habe, um die PKK-Bedrohung zu beseitigen.
Bagdad dementierte allerdings, protestierte gegen die türkische Intervention und bestellte den türkischen Botschafter ein.
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HAPPENING NOW: @CENTCOM Cmdr Gen Kenneth "Frank" McKenzie & @USAfricaCommand Cmdr Gen Stephen Townsend testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee

Chairman @SenJackReed opens up talking abt #Iran missile strike in #Irbil #Iraq...
Intro remarks from ranking member @JimInhofe

"#Iran is the foremost threat" in the @CENTCOM region, he says

"Our partners increasingly doubt America's resolve" he adds, blaming what he calls "Pres. Biden's misguided policies"
"The threat posed by #Iran is graver than ever" @CENTCOM's Gen Kenneth "Frank" McKenzie warns in his opening remarks

"#Russia's invasion of #Ukraine moreover has violently demonstrated its willful disregard for int'l norms just have we have seen thru Russia's actions in #Syria
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Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- WHO fordert Vernichtung gefährlicher Pathogene in der Ukraine;
- weitere Tschetschenen in UKR angekommen;
- brutale Straßenkämpfe in #Mariopol ;
- isr. Premier forderte Selenski zum Aufgeben auf;
- Kiew bittet den Westen um S-300;
Die Geschichte mit den Biolaboren in der #Ukraine , wo offensichtlich an gefährlichen Pathogenen und Viren geforscht wird, wird zunehmend zu einem Politikum.
Die WHO forderte die Ukraine auf, alle Pathogene zu vernichten, um ihren Ausbruch bei Kampfhandlungen zu vermeiden.
Zuvor hatte es eine Sondersitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrates gegeben, bei der Russland seine Vorwürfe gegenüber Amerikanern wiederholte, wonach das Pentagon Biolabore in der #Ukraine unterhalte. Angeblich werde dort an Viren geforscht, die auch militärisch eingesetzt werden können.
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שגרירות ״רוסיה״ בתל אביב מי בא? לא משנה מתי? לדרוש את העלמותו של השגריר של משטר פוטין מאדמתנו ?
Israeli twitter people . Who is coming with me to the #Putin regime embassy in Tel Aviv to demand the ambassador to be sent away?
Все русскоязычные израильтяне , кто идёт со мной сегодня к посольству требовать высылки посла Путинского режим из Израиля?
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