Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Bacteria

Most recents (24)

26/50 The detected "SV40 promoter with 72bps indel" is a "nuclear localization signal" that means either the #plasmid or one of its expressed proteins can be transported into host cell nuclei,...
27/50 ...where the host DNA is found, creating an open question of whether host DNA interaction will occur and to what effect e.g. integration with human DNA.…
28/50 Potential effects of plasmid #contamination in vivo? Notable, five chemistry professors from German universities have been studying #Pfizer #BionTech's covid vaccine. They addressed some questions to the company. Where does the gray tone come from?…
Read 29 tweets
🔬 Científicos de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM y la Universidad de Arabia Saudita descubrieron el nucléolo en células procariontes (Arqueas), un hallazgo que cambia el paradigma de la biología celular.

#LaBioZona te desglosa este importante notición, que lo cambia TODO 👇👇👇 El nucléolo de la arquea Sa...
Para entender este hallazgo necesitamos entender dos cosas: a) qué es un nucléolo y b) qué carambas es una arquea.
a) El #núcleo celular (en donde está casi todo el genoma) es una estructura tradicionalmente descrita solo en #eucariontes (como tú, yo, tu gato, Paramecium, tardígrados, los champiñones y el árbol del parque).
Read 14 tweets
1/8 "#Ultraviolet #germicidal #irradiation (#UVGI) is known to #inactivate various #viruses and #bacteria, including #SARSCoV2, and is widely applied especially in #medical facilities."

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne…

An abstract thread 🧵...
2/8 "This #inactivation results from the #high #photon #energies causing #molecular #bonds to break, but when #nonpathogen #molecules are affected, #unwanted #effects may occur."
3/8 "Here, we explored the effect of a commercial high-intensity (∼2 kW) #UVC #disinfection device on the #composition and #concentration of #gases and particles in #indoor #air."
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#UVGI #disinfection method kills or inactivates #microorganisms by destroying nucleic acids and disrupting their #DNA
- It's wonderful that Mr. Zero O'Hönö and Jauho-Marin obeyed the order to spend at least 3 minutes #sterilizing in the room before going to the meeting hall. ImageImage
#Sunlight spectrum contains strong #ultaviolet radiation. (#UV Light Is Safe for Humans but Bad for #Bacteria and #Viruses)
1940s UV Light Documentary: Ultraviolet Light Educational Film (For Dummies)
CharlieDeanArchives | 18.2.2013
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The Correct answer is (C)
(1/5)Recombinant vector vaccines are made through genetic engineering. The gene that creates the protein for a bacteria or virus is isolated and placed inside another cell’s genes.
(2/5)When that cell reproduces, it produces vaccine proteins that mean the immune system will recognize the protein and protect the body against it. Hence, statement 1 is correct.
Read 6 tweets

💥UPDATE NOV 21, 2022

How to document your purchases-

1) If you ordered online from you need to include the email address (s) you used

2) A receipt for the impacted product from Jan 1, 2020-November 2020.

2/ Many bought their products via 3rd parties. Initially I bought mine through Amazon, the directly via The Laundress, so I have receipts.

However, if you don’t have the above, you need to include a photo of the product w/the Lot # and your initials + the date. See notice MORE
3/I personally recommend wearing a well-fitted N95 or better (use surgical tape or silicone tape for seal, double glove, sealed goggles-or tape around your glasses as Pseudomonas is spread by inhalation, eyes, wounds & micro tears.

One issue is that the company says MORE
Read 23 tweets
El 60-80% de las #amigdalitis/faringoamigdalitis/faringitis son causadas por #virus. Es menos frecuente que sea causado por bacterias, por lo tanto, si usted se toma un #antibiótico cada ves que le duele la garganta, está cometiendo un grave #error.

Le explico la diferencia


Son las más frecuentes, los síntomas suelen ser más #leves. Es habitual encontrar una garganta muy enrojecida, a veces con vesículas; tendrán también moco, en ocasiones estornudos, fiebre y tos. La evolución es benigna, se curan en pocos días y no tienen complicaciones. ImageImageImage

La #bacteria más frecuente es Streptococcus pyogenes (estreptococo del grupo A), pero otras bacterias también pueden causar amigdalitis. Suelen presentar fiebre elevada, dolor intenso de garganta, mal aliento y de forma muy habitual “placas de pus” sobre las amígdalas ImageImageImageImage
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🧵 "Designing #ActiveMatter in Space-time"

Today's SFI Seminar by @SurajShankar92 (@Harvard), streaming now:
"I consider the Organism, or natural Machine, a machine in which each part is a machine."
- #Leibniz

🦠 Energy → Work

"Active matter *employs* control, either internally [e.g., embryogenesis] or externally [e.g., with sheepdogs]."
- @SurajShankar92
@SurajShankar92 A potent control mechanism for active matter: using #optogenetics to paint portraits and drive micro-robotic ensembles made of modified #bacteria.

"What are the rules you need to follow and the policies you need to enact?"
- @SurajShankar92 contemplates design principles:
Read 11 tweets
Quale sarà la maggiore causa di morte nel 2050?
#Cancro? Malattie cardiache? #Diabete? Incidenti?


Le infezioni batteriche resistenti agli antibiotici

Ma si possono trattare con un virus.

A thread

#antibioticresistance #antibiotics #bacteria #infectiousdiseases

Ogni anno in Italia muoiono più di 11'000 persone per infezioni resistenti agli antibiotici. E il problema non riguarda soltanto soggetti anziani, debilitati o ospedalizzati.

Se il fenomeno dell'antibiotico resistenza non viene arginato ci ritroveremo con moltissimi batteri letali.

Gli antibiotici che fino ad oggi ci hanno aiutato a gestire questa battaglia sono definiti la più grande scoperta della medicina moderna.

Read 8 tweets

Since schools opened he’s constantly unwell
Is it normal for kids to get fevers every week?
There must be something you can give to boost her immunity?
He always has this cold,the cough hasn’t left him

We’re swimming high tides of cough, cold and fevers

Paediatricians across the country are running busiest of OPDs, juggling bed availability in wards and PICUs and even falling sick themselves more than ever before
Parents are at their wits end
Classrooms are half empty on some days 2/n Image
#RespiratoryViruses like #RSV, rhino, #influenza, parainfluenza,
human metapneumo, boca,coronavirus,adeno, enterovirus and #bacteria like strep pneumoniae, pertussis, haemophilus, mycoplasma etc were in constant low level circulation or saw seasonal outbreaks but now.. 3/n Image
Read 9 tweets
La #bacteria Staphylococcus aureus es una grampositiva patógena relacionada con múltiples infecciones sistémicas y cutáneas como el #impétigo, cuyas lesiones típicas podemos observar aquí👇🧵 ImageImage
El #impétigo es una infección cutánea superficial que se ve producida por la S. aureus o el Streptococcus pyogenes🦠
Las #lesiones cutáneas características son úlceras amarillentas y con costras, e incluso pequeñas ampollas cuyo contenido es amarillento🧑‍⚕️👩‍⚕️
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Lo que usted debe saber sobre la #tuberculosis (TB).

La TB es una enfermedad infecciosa causada fundamentalmente por la bacteria #Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

La enfermedad suele afectar principalmente a los #pulmones 🫁 pero puede comprometer cualquier órgano del cuerpo.

🧵 Image
¿Como se transmite?

De persona a persona por vía aérea.

"Cuando una persona con #tuberculosis expulsa la #bacteria al #toser, estornudar, hablar, entonces los que se encuentren cerca pueden inhalarla e infectarse"

Generalmente ocurre en contactos cercanos y prolongados. Image
¿Quiénes tienen más riesgos?

❗️Las personas que viven con #VIH (sin TARV) tienen 18 veces más probabilidades de desarrollar TB activa.
❗️La personas desnutridas.
❗️El trastorno por consumo de alcohol y el tabaquismo.
❗️Otros estados de inmunosupresión.…
Read 8 tweets
This is the most straightforward explanation for chronic symptoms in at least a subset of #LongCovid patients. Partly b/c if the #virus is still present its activity can directly contribute to other phenomena also being documented in LongCovid
2/ Persistence of #SARS-CoV-2 in tissue could lead to shedding of spike protein into blood, which can catalyze the ongoing formation of microclots and hyperactivated platelets
3/ Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 can lead to ongoing downregulation of interferon and/or T cell signaling by the virus, creating an optimal atmosphere for activation of EBV or other #pathogens normally controlled by such immunity
Read 10 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/22/2021…
The Corn of the Future Is Hundreds of Years Old and Makes Its Own Mucus…

#CornVarieties, #PlantBreeding, #bacteria, #NaturalFertilizer, #mucus
The Second Great Age of Political Correctness…

Read 20 tweets
"I am convinced that immunizing young #children [] will lead to a tsunami of #autoimmune diseases." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, virologist

Don't think for 1 sec. that the #pharmaceutical industry is unaware of the implications as outlined by V. Bossche.

"We cannot, we should not, under NO condition, vaccinate any child." - Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, #virologist

COVID-19 Vaccine Risks in #children - Geert Vanden Bossche speaks

Full presentation:

April 10, 2019: "Why Are #Autoimmune Diseases on the Rise?"

"It’s not so much our cleanliness but our increasingly #industrial lifestyle that is blocking the intake of these important #microorganisms."…
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⭐️ It is with immense pleasure that we share with you the published #Sitophilus oryzae #genome paper in @BMCBiology… 1/n
S. oryzae is a #coleopteran capable of destroying entire cereal crops posing a significant threat to the food security of many developing countries. The female #weevil lays ~300 eggs during its lifetime. They develop within the cereal grain until a ~3 day old adult emerges 2/n Image
Cereal grains are nutritionally poor, and S. oryzae partnered with a gram- bacterium that complements its diet. The bacteria are present within specialized insect cells, called #bacteriocytes. Check here for our latest research on this #symbiosis…. 3/n
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In our recent review on #LongCovid/PASC we bring up the possibility that dysbiosis or imbalance of host #microbiome communities (in ecosytems such as the gut, lungs, or oral cavity) might contribute to at least some LongCovid symptoms:…
2/ More specifically immune dysregulation driven by #SARS-CoV-2 might allow pathobionts (bacteria capable of both commensal + virulent acitivty) in the gut, mouth, or other body sites to collectively shift towards a state of imbalance + pro-inflammatory gene/metabolite expression
3/ Conversely, b/c composition + activity of the microbiome can influence host susceptibility and ongoing control of #viral pathogens, exisiting microbiome dysbiosis in a range of body sites may serve as a form of predisposition to LongCovid
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#martes de (amor a los) #microorganismos 🦠
En este hilo de te dejamos con algunas de sus funciones, cualidades y razones para amarlos tanto como nosotros 👇🏽🥰

¿Sabías que los #microorganismos son el ingrediente principal en algunas #vacunas? 💉

¿O que los #microorganismos se asocian a animales y les otorgan habilidades sorprendentes? 🐡🦠
¿O sabías que los #microorganismos están dentro y sobre nosotros y convivimos con ellos a lo largo de toda nuestra vida? ✨🦠🥰

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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 07/30/2021…
A process-based approach to understanding and managing triggered seismicity…

#seismicity #ProcessBasedApproach #MultidisciplinaryMethod
A Digital Locksmith Has Decoded Biology’s Molecular Keys…

#NeuralNetworks #ProteinSurfaces #ViralDefenses
Read 8 tweets
If you’re considering studying blockage of GPCRs in #LongCovid or related conditions, please start w/ the understanding that humans are not sterile...and that common human organisms/pathogens express proteins/metabolites that block/dysregulate GPCR signaling
2/ Herpesvirus re-activation is common in #COVID-19, and may impact some LongCovid cases. The herpesviruses alone (EBV, CMV etc) create a wide range of proteins that block GPCR signaling:… Indeed, viral hijacking of GPCRs is a big topic in cancer research
3/ Beyond that, many commensal #bacteria derived from the human #microbiome appear capable of expressing metabolites that are GPCR mimics, that directly impact GPCR signaling. That means even changing microbiome dynamics could impact GPCR-related issues:…
Read 4 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 05/08/2021…
Grimm Choices: How Energy Transition Threatens A Fairy Tale Forest…

#WindEnergy #germany #environment #forests #consequences
‘Escape mutation’ in Covid strain discovered in Angola able to evade Coronavirus antibodies…

#COVID19 #africa #variants #EscapeMutation
Read 10 tweets
And so Day 3 of my story of God at work in my life as part of #OfGodAndMe #ThisNunsStory series. Yesterday mention of the book, The Silver Sword seems to have struck a chord with many so perhaps its not out of place to mention that today 7th April is #Worldhealthday 1/20
Ian Serraillier ended his talks by showing this photo with the words, ‘No child should ever again have that expression on his face’. My hope this the UK as host of the upcoming #G7 summit will prioritise Universal health care for all. #UCH 2/20
So back to my story. Living at home again and my dream of religious life gone out the window I applied and got a place for September at Brighton College of Education to do a cert ed in biological science & primary education 3/20
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