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American Jewish Congress President @JackRosen's statement on President #Erdogan of #Turkey’s condolence call on terror attacks in #Israel, issued on 11 April 2023 as Jews and Muslims observed #Passover and #Ramadan2023 amid attempts to create tensions in #Jerusalem. Full text: /1 Image
Amid a clamor to condemn #Israel for taking firm action to keep #Muslim #Christian, and #Jewish holy sites safe and open to worshippers, and in the fog of disinformation that seeks to incite hate leading to terrorism, President Recep Tayyip #Erdoğan of #Turkey has reached out /2
to the Government and people of #Israel and offered condolences on the murder of two British-Israeli sisters and a young Italian lawyer who fell victim to senseless violence and hate. /3
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Update on #AlAqsa: Again today, Israeli soldiers storm AlAqsa & attack Palestinian worshippers. This video documents a brutal attack against a young lady while people plead with the soldiers to leave her be. Video from @AlQastalps
In this video Israeli soldiers literally walk all over the prayer mats of worshippers and disrupt their prayers. Israel wants to decides when, how and how much Palestinians get to worship in their Mosque. It’s a determined provocation & egregious violation of basic rights.
Lawyers in Jerusalem say bet. 400 & 500 Palestinians were detained last night at AlAqsa. They confirm that most those carrying Jerusalem ID’s will be released but get banned from the holy site. Unclear what will happen to the rest.
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#Palestinian Authority: #IOF #Jenin raid 'organized #crime and a #massacre' | 12:54
- IOF raided the Jenin camp in Occupied Palestine's #WestBank on Thursday morning, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves
#Israeli forces #martyr another #Palestinian in occupied #WestBank | Jan 27
- The official Palestinian news agency #Wafa said he was shot in clashes which erupted during a protest against the killings of nine Palestinians during a raid in #Jenin.…
#Israel and #Gaza militans exchange #missiles following deadly raid in the #WestBank | Jan 27
- as tensions soared following an Israeli #raid killed nine #Palestinians, including at least seven militants and a 61-year-old woman.…
Read 19 tweets
Il primo evento geopolitico di rilievo del 2023 potrebbe essere un riacutizzarsi delle tensioni in #MedioOriente, più precisamente fra #Israele e palestinesi. Fattore scatenante la visita del neo-ministro israeliano della Sicurezza nazionale, Itamar #BenGvir, presso il
Monte del Tempio, nella Città Vecchia di #Gerusalemme. Il luogo in questione viene considerato sacro dalle tre grandi religioni.
Gli ebrei lo venerano in quanto sede del Tempio di HaShem; i musulmani ritenendo che il profeta Maometto sia assunto in cielo dalla roccia situata
in cima al monte; i cristiani ricordando le numerose visite di Gesù.
La previsione è che la visita di Ben Gvir, leader del partito di estrema destra Otzma Yehudit, possa portare nel giro di poche ore a nuovi lanci di razzi dalla striscia di #Gaza. A questo scenario non a caso
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The General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (#OIC) strongly condemned the storming of the blessed #AlAqsa Mosque by extremist settlers groups, under the protection of the #Israeli occupation forces, and their practice of Talmudic rituals in its courtyards,
in addition to the closure of the Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of #AlKhalil (#Hebron), and the continuation of the arbitrary measures and the crime of collective punishment practiced
by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinian citizens, especially in the occupied city of #AlQuds.
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#Peace #NoWar
Ministero della Sanità palestinese: 8 morti, tra cui una bambina di 5 anni negli attacchi israeliani a #Gaza. ⬇1/8

#GazaUnderAttack #IsraeliTerrorism #IsraeliOccupation #ApartheidIsrael #HumanRights #SanctionIsrael #BREAKINGDAWN #5agosto…
"Almeno 8 persone sono state uccise, tra cui una bambina di 5 anni, e 44 sono state ferite oggi dagli attacchi aerei israeliani sulla Striscia di #Gaza, ha riferito il ministero della Salute palestinese. ⬇2
Le forze di difesa israeliane hanno affermato che 10 membri della Jihad islamica sono stati uccisi in un attacco aereo sulla Striscia di #Gaza mentre si preparavano ad effettuare attacchi contro obiettivi israeliani usando missili anticarro e proiettili di precisione. ⬇3
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Heute soll es nicht um #Ukraine gehen, sondern um Konflikte, die zuletzt eskalierten, aber in der Öffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen werden:
- Türkei startet Offensive im Irak;
- #Israel führt Angriffe auf #Syrien aus;
- Spannungen zwischen USA und #China in Fernost
Am 18. April startete die Türkei eine Offensive auf dem Territorium des #Irak .
Ankara geht gegen die kurdische PKK vor und begründet diese "Militäroperation" mit andauernden PKK-Angriffen auf türkischem Gebiet.
Die Bodenoperation wird mit Luftangriffen flankiert.
Eigentlich hatte Erdogan ausgesagt, dass er von der irakischen Regierung grünes Licht für die Operation bekommen habe, um die PKK-Bedrohung zu beseitigen.
Bagdad dementierte allerdings, protestierte gegen die türkische Intervention und bestellte den türkischen Botschafter ein.
Read 26 tweets
More than 30 Palestinians were injured in clashes with Israeli security forces at the #AlAqsa mosque compound in #Jerusalem on Friday. Israeli police stormed the mosque after protestors threw stones close to the Western Wall where Jewish worship was taking place. #CGTNAmerica
The mosque, known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount, is a sacred site for both religions.
Protests in solidarity with the Al-Aqsa demonstrators were also held in the Gaza Strip, in Amman, Jordan, and in Dhaka, Bangladesh. #AlAqsa #CGTNAmerica
The recent renewed violence began last week after a series of deadly attacks in Israel and arrest raids in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. After Friday's clashes subsided, more than 150,000 worshippers attend Friday prayers at the mosque. #AlAqsa #CGTNAmerica
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middleeasteye: Early on Sunday, Israeli forces stormed al-Aqsa Mosque for second time in 48 hours, assaulting and blockading Muslim worshippers inside prayer halls while clearing the way for Israeli settlers to enter the Jerusalem holy site.
We take a look at the history of Israeli incursions at the mosque and how Palestinian rights are repeatedly violated

#AlAqsa #Jerusalem #Palestine
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1/5 Angriffe ausgehend von der #alAqsa-Moschee: Von wegen "Heiligtum". Während noch vor einer Woche 50.000 Muslime friedlich an der al-Aqsa-Moschee beteten, wurden heute von dort aus Angriffe gestartet. | Facebook…
2/5 Auf dem Gelände wurden Schießschanzen (!) aufgebaut und innerhalb der Moschee Steine aufgehäuft mit dem Ziel, von der al-Aqsa-Moschee aus Juden auf der unterhalb gelegenen Klagemauer zu bewerfen und potentiell schwer zu verletzen oder gar zu töten.
3/5 Eine hoch explosive Situation, gegen die #Israel sich verteidigen musste. Dabei sind vor allem 3 Dinge anzumerken: 1.) nicht Israel hat die al-Aqsa-Moschee angegriffen, sondern es wurden Angriffe von dort aus gestartet;
Read 5 tweets
Ce qui se passe à #Jérusalem est grave. Après l’attaque de ce matin à l’intérieur de la mosquée Al Aqsa, les forces d’occupation israéliennes sont en train de tabasser les palestiniens. Voyez la violence avec laquelle est frappée cette femme qui ne représente aucun danger. /1
En plein #ramadan, ils tabassent tous les palestiniens se trouvant sur l’esplanade des mosquées, ici des coups de pieds à un palestinien au sol, qui ne représente aucun danger non plus. Faut se rendre compte du niveau d’injustice d’#Israel. Voir ça me met tellement en colère /2
Ce matin les forces d’occupation israéliennes sont carrément rentrées dans la mosquée sacrée #AlAqsa et on tiré et lancé des grenades à l’intérieur. On attend l’intervention du roi du Maroc, Président du comité #AlQods qui s’est empressé de normaliser ses relations avec Israël /3
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On Friday June 4, 2021 I attended a meeting with Secretary of State Blinken. The purpose of the meeting was to talk all things #Palestine
#SheikJarrah #Silwan #Jerusalem #Gaza #EqualityforAll #OneLove
Full thread in 1 convenient viewing location here:…
I attended as an individual. I am not affiliated with any PAC or organization. I obviously do not speak for or represent the #Palestinian people. There’s like 7 million of us at least, and like 2 million of #Palestinians stuffed in #Gaza alone.
To the #Palestinian Americans who boycotted this meeting after the #Biden Administration handed Israel $735 million dollars in weaponry following the merciless attacks on Palestinians locked in Gaza.
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➡️ ⚠️ Un nouveau candidat sur une liste en lien avec #EELV et au profil problématique :
➡️ focus sur Ali #Besli, représentant d’une liste de gauche et écologiste à #Gien (Loiret), et aux prises de position complotistes et antisémites. Un #Thread ⤵️.
2/ Ali #Besli est candidat remplaçant aux #départementales dans le canton de #Gien, sur 1 liste #LoiretEnCommun, fruit d’1 initiative pour rassembler la gauche et de l’écologie. Elle regroupe différents partis (dont le #PS et le #PCF), même si sa liste est sans étiquette.
3/ Cette liste conduite par Philippe Le Dem et Marie-Line Houdou est présentée comme étant #EELV dans la presse (Philippe Le Dem appartient à ce parti. Ali Besli a lui été secrétaire de la section du #PCF de #Gien et, aux dernières nouvelles, il était membre d’EELV).
Read 24 tweets
Update #Israel / #Palästina
Seit Freitag gilt die Waffenruhe.
Nun werden die Verluste ausgezählt.
Laut offiz.Angaben starben auf israelischer Seite 12 Menschen.
Auf palästinensischer Seite beträgt die Opferzahl das 19-fache: 232 #Palestinians starben durch isr.Luftangriffe
Nur wenige Stunden vor Inkrafttreten der Vereinbarung warf die israelische Luftwaffe noch mal richtig schweres Zeug auf den Gazastreifen ab.
Die Waffenruhe wurde übrigens durch #Egypt vermittelt.
Einer der größten außenpolitischen Erfolge von As-Sisi in den letzten Jahren.
Die Waffenruhe scheint zu halten.
Zugleich hat es an der für Muslime heiligen #AlAqsaMosque wieder Ausschreitungen gegeben.
Die Rede war sogar von einem erneuten Sturm der Moschee durch isr. Sicherheitskräfte.
Das bestätigte sich später aber nach meiner Wissenslage nicht.
Read 6 tweets
On hey, look at that. Only a few hours after the ceasefire, Israeli forces are storming the Al-Aqsa Mosque AGAIN! Reports are they're firing tear gas and rubber bullets.

Worshippers flee the carnage at Al-Aqsa this afternoon. Video via @JatIkhwan

Video of armed Israeli forces storming the third holiest site in Islam, just hours after the ceasefire was agreed upon.

They have also taken prisoners.

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#BREAKING: Palestinian PM @DrShtayyeh says he welcomes the success of Egypt-led international efforts to stop the “war on #Gaza” – Al-Arabiya TV
#BREAKING: Palestinian PM @DrShtayyeh says #Israel’s crimes in #Gaza will be brought to the @IntlCrimCourt – Al-Arabiya TV
#BREAKING: Palestinian Health says death toll in #Gaza is 243, and 1910 injured after #Israeli airstrikes – Al-Arabiya TV
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Making matters worse, social media companies — like FB, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok — are censoring Palestinians as they face military violence and evictions from their homes.

But why?

As part of our TL;DR series, we explain below 🧵 #SavePalestine #SaveSheikhJarrah #الاقصى TL;DR: The ongoing online censorship of Palestinians
Since 1967 the state of Israel has occupied East Jerusalem, where Sheikh Jarrah residents have been peacefully protesting against forced evictions.

In the past 2 weeks, Israeli police violence/crackdowns have escalated. Nearly 200 Palestinians have died.…
Palestinian activists and citizens are primarily using social media to draw global attention.

People have taken to social media to document and denounce Israel police brutality, violent attacks, occupation and apartheid, and forced dispossession from their homes.
Read 15 tweets
HILO | Región geopolítica MUY caliente 🔥🔥 ¿Por qué el mundo entero y no sólo Israel🇮🇱 está en peligro? ¿Cuáles son las principales organizaciones terroristas que llevan a la inestabilidad en Medio Oriente? ¿Las respuestas de Occidente son suficientes? 👇👇
#MedioOriente es una región muy difícil para explicar y entender por una multiplicidad de caras en las luchas: se mezclan control de recursos naturales, política, religión y disputas internas. Entran muchos países en juego e intereses muy distintos de 🇺🇸🇷🇺🇪🇺🇨🇳🇸🇦🇮🇷
¿Cuales son las organizaciones terroristas más peligrosas?

1️⃣ #Hamas hoy está en boca de todos por los ataques a Israel pero fue fundada en 1987. Su acta fundacional habla de aniquilación de 🇮🇱 y la solución del conflicto por medio de la #Yihad y la Guerra Santa.
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A thread for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict highlights:
We have three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The place of origin for the three religions is in the middle east as per the three holly books. (1)
Judaism started in 1400 BC, Christianity started in 1st century and Islam started in 7th century. As the place of origin for the three religion is the middle east, up until 1910 the three religions co-existed together. (2)
Specifically to Palestine, it had the majority of its population of Jews up until the 5th century, people either converted to Christianity or more Christians moved into Palestine after the spread of the religion. (3)
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Las grandes mentiras del actual conflicto ISRAEL VS HAMAS.

Sale #hilo

#PalestineUnderAttack #PalestinaLibre #IsraelUnderAttack Israel y Palestina #GazaUnderAttack #HamasTerrorists
ISRAEL COMENZÓ LA ESCADA IRRUMPIENDO EN #ALAQSA. FALSO: Israel incluso prohibe a los judíos rezar ahí (lugar santo judío también), solo entró cuando empezaron los disturbios. Orquestado previamente por los fanáticos palestinos que profanan el lugar llenandolo de piedras y armas.
ISRAEL COMENZÓ EL CONFLICTO EXPULSANDO PALESTINOS DE SUS CASAS EN #SHEIKHJARRAH. FALSO. Se trata de propiedades Israel expropiadas por Jordania cuyos inquilinos palestinos dejaron de pagar el alquiler y están en juicio por eso. Problema de morosidad, nada de nacionalismo.
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Latest updates: May 13⤵

Palestinians in Gaza mark #EidAlFitr – one of the holiest occasions in the Islamic calendar – amid relentless aerial bombardment by Israel.

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#Gaza #Palestine
Israeli fighter jets have attacked high-rise buildings and other targets in #Gaza as Palestinians in the besieged enclave woke up on Thursday to mark the #EidAlFitr religious holiday under relentless aerial bombardment.

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Hundreds of Palestinian worshippers attended Eid prayers at #AlAqsa Mosque compound in #Jerusalem’s Old City, Islam’s third holiest site.

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Die Lage in #Israel / #Palestina ist endgültig eskaliert.
Israel führt massivste Luftschläge gegen paläst. Ziele durch.
#Palestinians attackieren isr. Städte mit Hunderten Raketen.
Der Himmel wurde zum Schlachtfeld.
Bodenoffensive befürchtet.
Details und Videos im Thread👇
Zunächst zur Erinnerung:
Nachdem ein isr. Gericht die Zwangsräumung von palästinensischen Familien aus ihren Häusern in #EastJerusalem entschieden hat, kam es zu Zusammenstößen, die schnell eskalierten.
Isr. Kräfte stürmten die #AlAqsaMosque .
Zu diesem Moment stand die Lage noch auf der Kippe.
Doch die Chance auf eine Deeskalation wurde vertan.
Aus unbekannten Gründen brach in der Umgebung der #AlAqsa -Moschee Feuer aus.
Als sich dann radikale Israelis davor versammelten und das bejubelten,eskalierte die Lage
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#BREAKING Gaza rocket fire kills two women in south Israel: emergency services
#UPDATE Rockets fired from Gaza killed two women in the southern Israeli city of #Ashkelon on Tuesday, the Magen David Adom emergency service told AFP, after Palestinians militants unleashed a massive barrage
#BREAKING Israel PM Netanyahu vows to 'step up' attacks on Hamas
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🔴More than 300 Palestinians wounded during the Israeli raid of #AlAqsa Mosque compound and surrounding areas in occupied East Jerusalem's Old City.

🔴228 Palestinians hospitalised, including 7 in critical condition.

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Israeli forces withdrew from #AlAqsa Mosque compound, allowing Palestinians trapped inside to leave.

LIVE updates ⤵…
“I made this to show the world the amount of weapons used against people who are not armed.”

A Palestinian man made a sculpture of the Dome of the Rock using rubber bullets and stun grenades that were used by Israeli police against Palestinian worshippers
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