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📢SAVE the DATE 🗓️ 16 June ⏰10:30-12:00 New York time, virtual event organized by @UNISPAL “Apartheid, International Law,​ and the Occupied Palestinian Territory”​
A high-level conversation between @raad_zeid & @AgnesCallamard
More details⬇️ Image
@raad_zeid @AgnesCallamard @Palestine_UN @AmnestyMENA @ipinst 📢SAVE the DATE 🗓️next Thursday, 16 June⏰10:30-12:00 New York time, virtual event organized by
@UNISPAL “Apartheid, International Law,​ and the Occupied Palestinian Territory”​ A high-level conversation between @raad_zeid & @AgnesCallamard
More details➡️ Image
The panellists will discuss @amnesty landmark 2022 report entitled “Israel’s Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity”, the reactions that the report generated as well as the way forward.
more details ⬇️
Read 34 tweets
Ein kleiner Thread zur #Nakba.
531 palästinensische Dörfer wurden zwischen Ende 1947 und Mitte 1948 ausgelöscht, ihre Bewohner vertrieben oder ermordet.
Das war kein Kollateralschaden eines Kriegs, das war eine genau geplante ethnische Säuberung./1
"Die Araber müssen weg, aber man braucht einen günstigen Zeitpunkt, um das herbeizuführen, zum Beispiel einen Krieg."
David Ben-Gurion, Tagebuch, 12 Juli 1937
Aber bis heute leugnen Apartheid-Befürworter wie
@DIGeV_de @ProfSalzborn oder
@Volker_Beck die #Nakba , das ist in Deutschland salonfähig.
Read 16 tweets
#ApartheidIsrael #Peace #NoWar
"La polizia israeliana lancia granate stordenti al corteo funebre della giornalista palestinese #ShireenAbuAkleh." ⬇1/7

#Palestine #HumanRights #PoliceBrutality #IsraeliOccupation #RestiamoUmani #WestBank #Gaza #13maggio…
"Il corteo funebre di #ShireenAbuAkleh, giornalista di @AlJazeera , uccisa mercoledì, è stato segnato da scontri con le forze di polizia israeliane a Gerusalemme, che hanno usato granate assordanti sulla folla a #SheikhJarrah. ⬇2
Centinaia di persone si sono radunate fuori dall'ospedale dove è iniziata la processione, molte delle quali sventolano bandiere palestinesi e intonavano quelle che la polizia ha definito “cori di incitamento nazionalistico”. ⬇3
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Sami Abu Shehadeh, member of Balad party in Israeli Knesset, is visiting the US for the first time:

"There are 1.7M Palestinian citizens of Israel. We didn't emigrate. Israel emigrated to us. Often our legitimate political demonstrations are met by inhumane violence by Israel"
"There is a continued process of ethnic cleansing from the Nakba to #sheikhjarrah. And taking land is the main way this is done. This is why #LandDay is so important" Sami Abu Shehadeh
"I don't know why they get crazy when we call Israel apartheid! In every sense that is what Israel is. Israel controls everything including Gaza and the borders. There are different legal systems for different people. If you are Jewish, you have supremacy in Israel"
Read 11 tweets
#SheikhJarrah - again the hotspot for disturbances and tensions caused by the heightened risk of forcible transfer and supplanting of its #Palestinian inhabitants with #Israeli settlers- has been at the epicenter of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since its inception.
#SheikhJarrah is also the place where international humanitarian law #IHL saw a major development in relation to the protection of medical personnel and transports and the role played by the @ICRC and national Red Cross and Crescent Societies @ifrc:
On April 9, 1948, when militants from the Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed an estimated number of 250 Palestinians, including women and children, in #DeirYassin, a village of roughly 600 people near #Jerusalem.
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In May 2021, Members of Congress spoke out against the forced displacement of Palestinian families in #SheikhJarrah.

8 months have passed & Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people continues - @USProgressives, stick to your word & keep up this pressure.
.@USProgressives you can't call yourself progressive if you're silent when Palestinian people are being ethnically cleansed by the Israeli military that the U.S. funds.

What do you support: justice for the Palestinian people or the Israeli apartheid regime?

Ethnic cleansing of Palestinian communities in Sheikh Jarrah, the Naqab, & Massafer Yatta is escalating.

.@USProgressives your inaction is complicity.

Read 10 tweets
🧵 @POTUS meeting w/ PM of Apartheid Israel Bennett for the 1st time today. We demand Biden end US complicity in Israeli colonialism: sanction Israel & end the military & diplomatic support that enables ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. #SaveSheikhJarrah #MakeNoiseForJerusalem
Raya from @palyouthmvmt says the struggle to remain in #SheikhJarrah, to #SaveSilwan & to #FreePalestine is "a promise to our ancestors, our siblings, and our children." The #UnityIntifada continues across historic Palestine and beyond.

#SanctionIsrael & #MakeNoiseForJerusalem to show up for justice everywhere. @OsamaAbuirshaid of @AJPaction & @AMPalestine condemned every form of supremacy: we will fight white supremacy, Islamic Supremacy, Jewish Supremacy, AND Hindu Supremacy—we build safety for each other.
Read 8 tweets
Un tribunal de Israel dijo a 4 familias palestinas en #SheikhJarrah, a quienes colonos israelíes quieren desplazar por la fuerza, que pueden quedarse en sus casas si pagan renta.

La ley es tan desigual que los palestinos no pueden usarla para reclamar la tierra como suya.
Los colonos israelíes promueven el desplazamiento forzado de más de 1000 palestinos en Jerusalén Oriental ocupada, incluido #SheikhJarrah.

Durante la creación de Israel, entre 1947 y 1949, al menos 750 mil palestinos se convirtieron en desplazados. La ocupación no ha parado.
“Tú sabes que esta no es tu casa”.

Esta mujer palestina discute con un colono israelí que intenta apropiarse de su hogar en el barrio de Sheikh Jarrah, donde el despojo a los palestinos continúa con la aprobación de Israel.
Read 4 tweets
Israeli Supreme Court's offer to #SheikhJarrah families can be summarized as: Accept & recognize that our violations of international law and our policies of apartheid are legitimate, and in return we will allow you to stay a bit longer in your homes. 1/2
The actual offer is: Israeli top court presents Palestinian residents of #SheikhJarrah a compromise that involves issuing them with “protected status” & prevent expulsion in the “coming years.”

The catch: They would have to pay a “rent fee” to the settler org Nahalat Shimon. 2/
In most self-respecting courts around the world, the goal is to achieve justice. In Israeli courts, when it comes to Palestinians, the whole aim is to legitimise injustice by any means necessary. 3/
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The israeli supreme court will rule now on the expulsion of Palestinians living in the Jerusalem neighborhood of #SheikhJarrah
This issue is extremely simple to understand. Palestinians displaced by the first war in 1948, went to live in this neighborhood. Now israel wants to displace them again to make way for Jewish settlers to take their homes. This is not a bug it's a feature of Zionism.
Read 18 tweets
On Friday June 4, 2021 I attended a meeting with Secretary of State Blinken. The purpose of the meeting was to talk all things #Palestine
#SheikJarrah #Silwan #Jerusalem #Gaza #EqualityforAll #OneLove
Full thread in 1 convenient viewing location here:…
I attended as an individual. I am not affiliated with any PAC or organization. I obviously do not speak for or represent the #Palestinian people. There’s like 7 million of us at least, and like 2 million of #Palestinians stuffed in #Gaza alone.
To the #Palestinian Americans who boycotted this meeting after the #Biden Administration handed Israel $735 million dollars in weaponry following the merciless attacks on Palestinians locked in Gaza.
Read 56 tweets
The Walla Israel website reports the Israeli regime has vowed to launch the Iron Dome after receiving Sinwar’s warning.

Is #Israelkoyak ?

I don't want to #visitisrael
I don't #supportisrael
I don't #loveisrael forever
#israeloftheday torn
Allahuakbar 😢

The Gaza Detainee Information Office reported that Zionists detained a Palestinian youth, Wajdi Nayef Atta Al Jaradat in a raid in Sa'ir City, Hebron at dawn this morning

May Allah protect our sisters and brothers in P$lest1n ameen🤲🏻🤲🏻


Muna Al Kurd, an activist and also a Palestinian resident in Sheikh Jarrah who is famous on social media for fighting Zionist aggression has just been arrested by the Israeli police at her home in Sheikh Jarrah.

|A thread|
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Hard & soul crushing.
#Jerusalem journalist Zeina Halawani (recently arrested by Israeli forces in #SheikhJarrah), speaks about desperation she felt hearing children screaming for their mothers at night during the few nights she spent in Israeli cells. 😣
Translation of the entire video, h/t @SaadAbedine Image
Read 4 tweets
🧵In my meeting today w/US Secretary of State @SecBlinken. I told him that w/out making Israel's occupation costly, nothing will change—it is now a 1 state reality of apartheid from the river to the sea. The US should nix their $735 million sale to Israel.
I told @SecBlinken of the last 4 years of Trump—cutting UNWRA & US aid, closing the PA office, expanding settlements and violence without accountability, moving embassy to Jerusalem, the nation state law against Palestinians inside Israel. I asked him to visit #SheikhJarrah
I asked @SecBlinken to hear from the families directly, and to visit Gaza to see the full destruction. I asked him up visit my home city Hebron where walkways are divided, one side for Jews, one side for Palestinians.
Read 10 tweets
I activated my long-dormant FB account to see if I could find #SheikhJarrah settler Jacob Fauci from Long Island, who seems drawn to any camera like a moth to a flame. From his public posts, I found a party animal, Kahanist, Trump-supporter, and COVID-truther. Some highlights:
He's willing to use the word describe vaccine passports and other COVID shutdowns.
He quotes Meir Kahane approvingly.
Read 25 tweets

“Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Presiden Mesir dan diplomat Mesir. AS berjanji membantu membina semula Gaza namun kami akan bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa Palestin, bukan Hamas. Kami juga akan membantu Israel menguatkan Iron Dome (wtf).” Image
Mungkin ada yang tertanya-tanya, Alhamdullilah Masjid Al Aqsa tenang sejak beberapa hari lepas walaupun kelmarin adalah perayaan orang Yahudi namun mereka tidak dapat masuk ke dalam.

30 minit sebelum jam 2 pagi. ImageImageImageImage
20 minit sebelum jam 2 pagi.

Penduduk Gaza diminta keluar ke rumah dan jalanan, naik ke atap-atap dan menara-menara bagi meraikan genjatan senjata ini. Setelah solat Jumaat nanti, perarakan besar-besaran akan dilakukan. Image
Read 216 tweets
#BREAKING: Ceasefire announcement with #Israel to be announced in 24 hours, a senior Hamas official tells CNN #GazaUnderAttack
#BREAKING: Several injuries reported during an #Israeli raid on a house in southern #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack
#BREAKING: #German foreign minister says there is a need for humanitarian support operations in #Gaza #GazaUnderAttack
Read 48 tweets
We stand with the Palestinian people against settler-colonization. We stand against all forms of colonialism and systematic repression by militaries and institutions.

A thread:
To be clear, in response to some feedback we've received from previously shared posts, we stand against antisemitism and all forms of discrimination.
We know that in certain countries the BDS movement may have been co-opted or taken away from its intended purpose.
But as we are based in many countries across the world, we primarily listen to the colonized and oppressed people (in this case, Palestinians especially) on the non-violent civil disobedience actions that they are calling on the rest of the world to do.
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En quelques jours, plus de 210 personnes ont été tuées dont 198 Palestiniens et 10 Israéliens.

Le bilan ne cesse de s’alourdir.

Il y a urgence ! Le @UNSC_Reports doit condamner fermement ces violences.
2 événements sont à l’origine de l’escalade de ces violences :
➡️la menace d’expulsion de plusieurs familles palestiniennes à #SheikhJarrah au profit de colons israéliens
➡️les restrictions des manifestations de Palestiniens à la porte de Damas dès le début du Ramadan.
En plus de ces événements récents, des causes plus profondes peuvent expliquer les tensions actuelles :

➡️L’impunité des responsables des violations des droits humains et des crimes de guerre
➡️La discrimination envers les Palestiniens et leurs déplacements forcés
Read 5 tweets
I hate talking about Israel-Palestine on twitter. It seems hopeless. You make enemies. But it also feels cowardly to say nothing. I’ve been trying to work out what I could say about the situation that won’t immediately be processed along partisan lines. [thread]
Many Americans worry that any criticism of the occupation is either inherently antisemitic or gives comfort to anti-Semites. Here’s a picture that may complicate that. I took it in Hebron in 2016. Two settlers abuse Breaking the Silence activist in Hebron
Three Jewish men walking through the ‘sterile zone’ in the center of Hebron on the West Bank, a place where no Palestinians can go, but settlers can move freely.
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Un thread sur la résistance palestinienne à #Gaza.

Pourquoi #Israel concentre toute sa propagande sur le #hamas?

Pourquoi les officines israéliennes en occident attaquent les frères musulmans?

Quel rôle/realtions avec les dictatures arabes alliées d'Israël?

C'est parti⬇️
1. Pendant que #Israel massacre les palestiniens à #Gaza, toute la communication et la propagande israélienne aussi bien en interne mais surout en occident, consiste et peut se résumer à ceci:

"#hamas, terroriste, nous attaque.
Israël, victime, ne fait que se défendre"
2. La porogande israélienne veut ainsi faire oublier la "root cause": colonisation, massacres, déportations, apartheid...qui sont le quotidien des palestiniens depuis la création d'Israël en 1948...bien avant la création du hamas en 1987.
Read 48 tweets
As a journalist, I understand the lack of resources in a newsroom on a weekend. I’ve worked those shifts. However, this story has issues and lacks details that only take a few extra minutes to fix. Here’s what they are:
The first issue is the headline. The violence *started* in East Jerusalem but it fails to acknowledge the catastrophic violence that has spread to Gaza and other parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territories which was also part of the protest.
The second issue is in the lede (paragraph). The word “noisy” is an adjective & we love colour in a story. But, it reinforces the stereotype of Arabs being loud and it distracts from the message. The word “orderly” also reinforces chaos & people’s inability to be peaceful.
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At #UNSC meet today on Israel-Palestine, I said: 1/3

🔹Deep concern at violence in #Jerusalem, Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount, & eviction in #SheikhJarrah & Silwan
🔹Rocket attacks from #Gaza, we condemn, & retaliation into Gaza caused deaths
🔹Condemn all violence, destruction ⬇️
In that #UNSC meeting, I added: 2/3

🔹Mourn #Indian national death & of all others
🔹Call for immediate de-escalation
🔹Refrain from unilateral change in status-quo, including in #EastJerusalem & neighbourhood
🔹Historic status-quo of holy places in #Jerusalem be respected ⬇️
In same #UNSC meeting, I added: 3/3

🔹Old City of #Jerusalem houses Al Zawiyya Al Hindiyya - historic #Indian Hospice associated with #Sufi Saint Baba Farid
🔹Immediately resume direct dialogue, create conducive conditions
🔹support just #Palestinian cause & two-State solution
Read 3 tweets
Okay, let’s do a thread about #SheikhJarrah and how we got here.

(I’m no expert on this so please correct anything I’ve gotten wrong here.) #Israel #Palestine 1/x
It’s complicated but here goes… (again to the best of my knowledge)

It’s follows a ruling from Jerusalem’s District Court and is set to the Supreme Court, which is why the protests started… 2/x…
Back in the 1870s when Jerusalem was under Ottoman rule, the Jewish community purchased the land of what is now Sheikh Jarrah, in order to live close to the supposed tomb of a Jewish High Priest dating back to antiquity. 3/x
Read 13 tweets

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