Ahmed Al-Khalidi Profile picture
Pragmatic Liberal Palestinian || Do you care about Palestinians life? || Why don't you demand that Hamas surrenders?
Oct 15 10 tweets 2 min read
How many times did we get an offer to split the land with the Jews?

1. Peel Commission (1937): This was the first major proposal for partition by the British, recommending a division of Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. The plan proposed a small Jewish state in> parts of the north and coastal areas, with the remainder of the land going to the Arabs. The Jewish leadership accepted it in principle but wanted modifications, while the Arabs outright rejected it.

2. United Nations Partition Plan (1947): Known as UN Resolution 181, this>
Jul 20 9 tweets 2 min read
What is the biggest lie the PLO and their supporters have ever told? The lie is that the PLO is willing to compromise and make peace with Israel. How do we know this is a lie? The PLO has never deleted the clauses calling for the destruction of the State of Israel from its> charter, as it committed to in the Oslo Accords and countless times afterward. But the "recognition of Israel" is only the lower level of the lie. This level can perhaps, with great difficulty, be imposed on the bloody reality and short public memory since Arafat signed the Oslo>
Mar 20 4 tweets 1 min read
More exmaples of our "education".

Suicide bombings are glorified, as is cutting the necks of the enemy> Image Reading comprehension is taught through a violent story promoting suicide bombings and exalting Palestinian militants in the battle of Karameh as their blades “fell on the necks of enemy soldiers” and “wore explosive belts, thus turning their bodies into fire burning the Zionist>
Mar 20 9 tweets 2 min read
Why am I saying that we don't have education?

Students to be punished for not directly connecting Judaism with murder:

Antisemitic grading instructions tell teachers to deduct grading points from students who fail to “tie the perpetration of Zionist massacres to Jewish> religious thought.” In a section titled “Mechanisms for the Application of Lessons,” teachers are required to grade students’ performance based on their comprehension of a history lesson which discusses the events of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, including the exodus of Arab>
Feb 9 4 tweets 1 min read
People who call you a Zionist are often those who usually hate Jews.

People who hate Jews frequently believe in conspiracy theories.

People who believe in conspiracy theories typically love buzzwords like 'open-air prison,' 'genocide,' 'occupation,' and 'unicorns.'> People who are fond of such buzzwords are often convinced that they alone possess the truth.

People who believe they have a monopoly on the truth usually struggle to accept a complex reality that isn't simply black or white.>