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NYT-bestselling journalist/lawyer “An unreadable nonsense machine” —Elon Musk 🗣️: @CNN @BBC &c 💻: (Proof);
2797 subscribers
Oct 18 28 tweets 9 min read
(📢) MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Canada Alleges Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson—Both Lately Amplified, in An Orchestrated Campaign, By Prospective Trump Co-President Elon Musk—Are Russian Assets; Elon Musk Has Had Private Calls with Vladimir Putin

The implications are head-spinning. MORE/ CNN: Elon Musk Says Tesla Is Considering a Plant in Russia

Oct 16 4 tweets 2 min read
(BREAKING NEWS) Trump Loses Hundreds of Thousands or Even Millions of Gen Z and Millennial Voters By Promising to Ban Earth's Most Popular Art Form: Video Games with An Adult Rating for Violence*

*If you think you know how big video games are, think again MORE/ The most famous fan of violent video games in the world is Elon Musk, who is currently slated to be co-president with Donald Trump if Trump is elected in November.

Today may be the day Musk realizes what a huge mistake he made by throwing in his lot with a(nother) fascist.
Oct 14 16 tweets 4 min read
(📢) NEW at PROOF: Prospective Trump Co-President Elon Musk Got Rich Off the Backs of Exploited Black Laborers in Africa


This is the most comprehensive report you’ll ever read on this subject, and it goes way—way!—beyond this subject. Please RETWEET.…Image 1/ You want every single detail you could ever want about the apartheid-era Zambian emerald mine that made Elon Musk rich and that he has lied about for years? With full, reliable sourcing? It is here and you will be horrified.
Oct 14 6 tweets 2 min read
(📢) PROOF EXCLUSIVE: Prospective Trump Co-President Elon Musk Got Rich Off the Backs of Exploited Black Laborers in Africa


A shocking true story, with scores of citations. The Introduction is free. Please RETWEET.

This man must not become co-POTUS.…Image 1/ This report will be throttled by Musk and his algorithm to within an inch of its life. The request to RETWEET this is a desperate one, as it simply will not be seen otherwise.
Oct 13 16 tweets 3 min read
MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: Trump Proposes Using U.S. Military Against Political Critics in Confirmation He Will End American Democracy, Violate the U.S. Constitution, Provoke a Historic Constitutional Crisis and Possible Civil War, and Become the Dictator He Has Openly Dreamed Of Being 1/ I have been saying this for years as a January 6 historian and Trump biographer and no one has been listening: one main aim of the coup plot was to create the false impression of a massive leftist attack so that Trump could invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law.
Oct 12 6 tweets 2 min read
Given the breaking news, it must be seriously asked whether these eye injuries were the result of a chemical spray used at Trump rallies to mask the fact that he's been defecating in public. The campaign said it would get to the bottom of this and did not.… Given that Trump is an elderly man in poor health, I agree this conversation must be handled with at least some tact. And of course there have been reports of him defecating in his diaper in public for years. But the fact remains that he's the one who made this a political issue.
Oct 11 5 tweets 1 min read
All the talk of Musk right now should be about his years in the US as an illegal immigrant; whether he stole the idea for Zip2; why every company of his has fired him or—if he ran it—failed or been sued repeatedly; why his tweets sound like those of a pro-apartheid South African. Other reasonable topics would be the Musk Family emerald mine that exploited Black workers in Zambia; Musk offering a horse for a handjob; Musk inseminating workers; Musk absconding with a child; Musk getting disowned by a child; how many people have been killed by his products.
Oct 10 5 tweets 2 min read
The father of Earth's Richest Man—who also happens to be a virulently racist South African going around intimating he'll be co-POTUS under Trump—has revealed his son wants America to be more like apartheid South Africa.

Why is only PROOF reporting on this (via my pinned tweet)? MORE/
Oct 10 17 tweets 4 min read
(📣) ICYMI: Under 24 hours after PROOF published revelations about Elon Musk and his contempt for women and nonwhites— see my pinned report—he has amplified a video doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on the historically racist claims by Trump and Vance about Ohio Haitians. Image 1/ I've so many thoughts I don't know where to start. First, as a matter of media literacy, never share a video of someone translating from a foreign language unless you know the translator personally or they work for an accredited institution. So never share something like this.
Oct 10 53 tweets 12 min read
(📢) PROOF EXCLUSIVE: The Dangers of An Elon Musk Shadow Presidency Are Now Clear Following a Shockingly Raw Interview By His Father

In the Tenet Six series’ shocking finale, Elon’s agenda as he spreads disinformation globally is revealed. Please RT.

🔗:…Image 1/ As discussed in detail in the Elon Musk section of PROOF, and in this report particularly, almost every component of the man's biography is fudged in some way.
Oct 7 6 tweets 2 min read
Elon Musk is running for shadow president.

Peter Thiel and Elon Musk are Vance’s patrons and the reason he’s on the ticket. Trump is old, in poor health, and doesn’t want to govern; he’s already promised Elon a big government role.

Musk and Thiel will rule openly and via Vance. Image I’m telling you this because Elon Musk’s last three years of breaking very bad make no sense—they’re antichrist levels of vile incoherence—until you understand he’s legally barred from running for POTUS but believes that he can become a trillionaire *and* run the world via Trump.
Oct 3 37 tweets 8 min read
(📢) UNREDACTED: The Historic January 6 Filing From the Department of Justice


Everything you could want in one place: all redactions unredacted; identification of the key DOJ witnesses and turncoats; an alphabetized master list; and more.

PLEASE RT.…Image 1/ We need to understand what we are looking at here: the witness list for the most significant trial in the history of the United States, which will begin in 2025 or (at the latest) early 2026, but may be placed on indefinite hold if the insurrectionist Trump wins this November.
Oct 2 22 tweets 4 min read
(📢) LIVE PROOF EXCLUSIVE: Unredacting the Historic 165-Page January 6 Filing From the Department of Justice


This is happening right now, in real time. This first-ever live PROOF report will unfold over the next 6-7 hours. There’s so much work to do.…
Image (PS) We are really cooking with gas here. Tons of names already revealed and confirmed. See the link above.
Oct 1 7 tweets 2 min read
Dramatic video.

Iran has a history of firing missiles in ways that ensure there are virtually no—or no—casualties. That appears to have happened here. At this moment, this reads like a gesture, not a serious attack. Netanyahu will treat it as something else for his own purposes. It's asinine to think a nation of the size and sophistication of Iran is unaware of how Iron Dome works. It understands what sort of missile barrage will/can have an effect and what will not. By the same token, when Netanyahu overreacts to this he'll know exactly what he's doing.
Sep 28 51 tweets 9 min read
(🧵) THREAD: Should journalists publish hacked materials?

Different journalists have different understandings of the profession. Mine is admittedly idiosyncratic. But after 30 years as a journalist and six as a journalism prof, I can say that I wouldn’t publish hacked materials. 1/ Today I saw an article from one of the heads of Substack—where Ken Klippenstein, now banned from Twitter, published the Vance dossier Team Trump built pre-selection—and the claim Hamish McKenzie made was that publishing criminally acquired materials is not just fine but good.
Sep 27 6 tweets 2 min read
Trying to figure out why I would obsess over the foreign convictions of a demographic of people in the U.S. who provably according to every study ever done on the subject commit markedly fewer crimes than U.S. citizens

Make that make sense to me beyond straight-up fear-mongering I'd also say as a criminal justice expert that watching MAGAs try to break down crime data they lack the capacity to understand or speak of coherently (did you know homicide and murder aren't interchangeable terms?) is like watching someone try to make a pizza out of dry cleaning
Sep 25 11 tweets 3 min read
(📢) PROOF EXCLUSIVE: The Real Reason Iran Wants to Kill Trump Is Not What He Says or What You May Think


If America is about to end up in another war of Trump’s making, it’s reasonable for us to ask why. The short version—*he* created this nightmare.…
Image 1/ We have come to a time in American history when even recent American history is treated as ancient history.

The events discussed in this report were confirmed true in 2020, and this report is fully sourced.

They are not even seriously contested anymore by anyone who matters.
Sep 25 7 tweets 2 min read
I’ve now watched 6 January 6 films in the last 3 days. A couple made me cry. I’ve seen things I never thought I’d see and learned things I didn’t know. As a historian, one thing eats at me: my successors 100 years on will be stunned that the man who caused all this wasn’t jailed. Image PHOTO CREDIT: Mel D. Cole, who I’ve now learned took the most incredible photographs from January 6 of anyone there that day. You can find him at @meldcole.
Sep 24 12 tweets 4 min read
(📢) Please pass this on. Before Election Day, every American who can should watch:

1⃣ Four Hours at the Capitol (HBO, 2021)
2⃣ January 6th (HBO, 2023)
3⃣ Stopping the Steal (HBO, 2024)

No good person who watches these will have any doubt about how to vote. The trailers follow: FIRST TRAILER/
Sep 21 27 tweets 5 min read
(📢) PROOF EXCLUSIVE: The Tenet Six, Part 4: The Story of Kremlin-Paid Tenet Six Member Tayler Hansen Just Opened Up a New Nightmare for America


This series is going to kill me, I swear. This entry alone is book-length. You’ll be floored.

Please RT.…
Image 1/ This series—now four parts long, with a fifth coming very soon; the whole thing is multiple books of material, with hundreds and hundreds of citations—has become its own organism. It has become the most important thing PROOF has published. And it has a very long way to go yet.
Sep 21 5 tweets 1 min read
(📣) POLL: Imagine Trump has lost in November and—as he's said he might—he flees America forever to avoid his November 26 criminal sentencing, his pending state and federal (January 6) criminal cases, and the likely return of his stolen docs case in Florida.

Where does he flee? (PS) For those wondering, yes, Brazil (🇧🇷) would have made the list if close Trump family friend Jair Bolsonaro and his son Eduardo Bolsonaro had successfully staged the violent coup they plotted in 2022. Unfortunately for Trump, the coup—explicitly modeled on January 6th—failed.