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Sharing life lessons on the True, Good and Beautiful | Helping men flourish through Faith, Fitness and Philosophy
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Mar 25 20 tweets 7 min read
Remember the labyrinth and minotaur story?

It’s not just a myth — it’s a map of your soul

The beast at the center is the root of all evil:

Conquer it, and you master yourself. Run, and you’re lost forever

Here’s how to slay your Minotaur—and why your life depends on it…🧵 Image The minotaur story begins with a wicked ruler — King Minos

The son of Zeus, he sought to prove his divine right to rule Crete

To do so, he struck up an ill-fated deal with the gods Image
Mar 21 17 tweets 6 min read
Alexander the Great conquered the known world

He never lost a battle until he met one man:

A beggar-philosopher mocked him to his face and left him speechless

Here’s what he said, and how his wisdom humbled the greatest conqueror in history…🧵 Image Since birth, Alexander was bred for greatness

The son of King Philip II, he was trained for war and mentored by Aristotle

He inherited his father’s kingdom at age 21:

This included his father’s army — the strongest war machine in the world Image
Mar 17 18 tweets 7 min read
Moby-Dick is a terrifying tale:

It warns you about the one evil that dooms a soul forever

Commit it, and you won’t just lose your life — you’ll lose eternity itself

Here’s the unforgivable sin, why it destroys you, and how to escape it before it’s too late…🧵 Image Moby Dick follows the exploits of a whale hunting crew

Their ship — the Pequod — is filled with formidable hunters

They’re excellent sailors, hoping for a profitable expedition

Unfortunately, this voyage will be anything but normal Image
Mar 12 21 tweets 8 min read
Why does a good God let you suffer and die?

The question haunted Augustine for years — his best friend’s death shattered him

Yet that same grief led him to God

Here’s how death and despair led to the conversion of history’s greatest theologian…🧵 Image Augustine is known today as a great saint, but he didn’t start that way

In fact, he rejected Christianity for 30 years

Though he was well-studied in religion and philosophy, one objection kept him away from God… Image
Mar 11 15 tweets 5 min read
Medusa is more than a mythical monster:

She's an allegory for the timeless evil that destroys your soul

Here’s the evil that she represents, how it leads you to ruin, and why conquering it teaches you greatness of soul...🧵 Image Before Medusa was a monster, she was a maiden

She served as a priestess to the goddess Athena, and was a model of beauty and virtue

Then a Greek god showed up in her life, and all hell broke loose… Image
Mar 5 12 tweets 4 min read
The West was nearly ruined by an ancient heresy

For a decade, Christianity’s greatest thinker fell for a grave lie:

It would’ve deprived us of his writings that built civilization

Here’s the man, and how he conquered the heresy that *almost* changed world history…🧵 Image Long before he was a Saint, Augustine was a sinner and heretic

The heresy he fell for — Manichaeism

It’s an ancient religion that blends eastern mysticism, Christianity, and astrology

What’s dangerous about this religion? Image
Mar 3 22 tweets 8 min read
Hercules wrestled a lion, slayed a hydra, and braved Hell itself

But none of this compares to his greatest deed — an act so noble, it made him a God

Here’s how Hercules became immortal, and what his story reveals about seeking true glory that’s worthy of eternal life…🧵 Image As a recap, Hercules is the greatest of heroes in Greek mythology

He was most famous for his 12 Labors:

He spent 12 years nobly slaying monsters, paving the way for humanity to flourish

His greatest foe, however, appears BEFORE his famous trials… Image
Feb 27 12 tweets 5 min read
Ancient philosophers weren’t just book nerds

They were BRAWLERS

Plato wrestled, Pythagoras boxed, and Socrates fought in wars

They knew strong bodies built sharp minds

Here’s what fighting reveals about fortitude, virtue, and the good life, per ancient philosophy…🧵 Image "It is a disgrace to grow old before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength" — Socrates

Socrates wasn’t just a philosopher. He fought in wars too

In a world where war is certain, he said you had to embody virtue via discipline and training Image
Feb 24 17 tweets 6 min read
Odysseus had the offer of a lifetime:

Immortality and unlimited sex with a goddess

He turned it down… Why?

He knew it was a trap that’s ruined the souls of men for millennia

Here’s why an eternity of sex is a fate worse than death…🧵 Image Odysseus is the protagonist of Homer’s “Odyssey”

The plot:

After winning the Trojan war, Odysseus is trying to find his way home

In theory it should be an easy journey, but fate has other plans for him... Image
Feb 20 17 tweets 6 min read
Louis IX was a legendary king

He served the poor, led the crusades, and died a hero’s death

He even became a saint… but none of this compares to his best achievement

Believe it or not, he saved a holy relic that belonged to none other than Christ himself…🧵 Image Born in 1214, Louis was groomed for greatness since birth

He was educated in government and military affairs, and by age 12, inherited the French throne...

His mother’s wisdom guided him early:

She had one demand that shaped Louis' destiny forever Image
Feb 18 21 tweets 8 min read
The Iliad is a nightmare of a read:

Eyes gouged, skulls crushed, heads chopped — it depicts the horrors of war like nothing else

But there’s a deeper meaning to the story too:

It teaches you how to find true meaning and glory, even in a world of cruelty, death and despair…🧵 Image The Iliad follows the Trojan War:

It begins with Paris (a Trojan Prince), kidnapping Helen (a married Greek)

He brings her home to Troy, and the Greeks pursue in a fury

What follows is 10 years of bloodshed and terror Image
Feb 13 18 tweets 7 min read
Dr. Peter Kreeft is a genius philosopher

After 50+ years of study, he says there’s one work that’s better than all the rest:

“The greatest book ever written outside the Bible”

Here’s the book, its genius, and how it will change your life…🧵 Image Kreeft calls Augustine’s “Confessions” a work of profound genius

It details Augustine’s life from a miserable wretch, to a Saint who changed world history

But it’s not just a personal story of piety:

It’s a universal story of how you can achieve greatness… Image
Feb 11 17 tweets 6 min read
Tolstoy warns lust is more evil than you think

It doesn’t just ruin marriages — it’s a self-eating, suicidal demon

He wrote a whole book about how it can eat you alive

Here’s the book, the horrors it reveals about lust, and how you can escape them…🧵 Image “Anna Karenina” is a novel about a woman ruined by lust

It follows Anna — a rich aristocrat in a loveless marriage

She begins a casual fling with another man:

It’s fun at first, but by the end, she suffers one of the most gruesome fates in all literature… Image
Feb 3 20 tweets 8 min read
The Divine Comedy has a wild origin story:

Dante spent 20 years in exile — facing heartbreak, death threats, and homelessness — to write it

His story teaches you how to conquer Hell itself, and why your greatest pains can lead you to ultimate happiness…🧵 Image Of all things, The Divine Comedy’s origins begin with... teenage romance

The poet's author, Dante, had an ordinary upbringing in Florence

Then at age 18, he had a chance encounter with a pretty lady that changed everything Image
Jan 30 23 tweets 8 min read
One man’s genius saved the West from annihilation:

2,500 years ago, Persia nearly sacked Greece

As they ransacked the country, all hope seemed lost... but one man was ready for them

He laid a trap that not only saved Greece, but Western Civilization as we know it today...🧵 Image Born 524 BC, Themistocles was nothing special

He was middle class, but his mother’s foreigner status brought him stigma in Athens:

No one would’ve expected him to rise to power

Yet as child, there was also something strange about Themistocles Image
Jan 23 21 tweets 8 min read
For 300 years, Christians were slaughtered and persecuted

Then one battle changed everything:

2 Pagan Emperors went to war, and one saw a strange vision in the sky

What he saw changed the course of history, and turned Christianity into a global superpower…🧵 Image Christianity had a rough start in its history

Christ was killed in 33 AD, but the violence didn’t end there

A mere 30 years later, Nero would lead a mass killing of Christians after the fire of Rome

From there, things only got worse... Image
Jan 21 21 tweets 8 min read
Tolkien’s villains were terrifying

Sauron was bad enough, but there was someone even worse

He was so twisted critics compared him to Satan himself

Here’s the villain, his satanic ambitions, and what they reveal about the nature of evil…🧵 Image To understand this villain, we have to go back to the beginning… literally

Tolkien actually made a full creation story behind “Lord of the Rings”

This story tells the birth of the universe, and the evil that nearly ruined it all Image
Jan 16 19 tweets 7 min read
Tolstoy had it all — family, fame, fortune — you name it

He was a beloved novelist whose wildest dreams came true...

Then he nearly killed himself

Here’s what made Tolstoy suicidal, how he cheated death, and the secret he found to living a meaningful life…🧵 Image Tolstoy wrote about his misery in his work “A Confession”

He described being raised a Christian, but becoming an atheist at 18

Having renounced God, Tolstoy would spend his life worshipping one thing Image
Jan 14 21 tweets 8 min read
If God exists, why doesn't he show himself to us?

CS Lewis has the answer to this question

He wrote a book explaining why a good and loving God hides from mankind

Here’s the book, and what it reveals about God, human nature, and finding faith in a fallen world…🧵 Image CS Lewis called his novel “Till We Have Faces” his greatest work

The book is a retelling of the myth of Cupid and Psyche

Why was Lewis so proud of it?

Its genius has to do with its protagonist, who makes a chilling accusation against God Image
Jan 9 20 tweets 8 min read
One battle changed world history like no other:

A ragtag Christian coalition took on a foreign superpower… and won

Their victory was so unlikely, it’s said an actual miracle took place

Here’s the miracle, and the victory that saved Europe from total invasion…🧵 Image Christian Europe was in crisis in the 16th century

The Protestant Reformation and Catholic in-fighting led to disunity throughout Europe

Everyone was demoralized, but worse yet — a foreign superpower was threatening the continent Image
Jan 2 21 tweets 8 min read
How can a good God let you suffer and die?

Tolkien said a 600 year old poem had the answer to this question

He spent over 25 years reading, studying and teaching it to students

Here’s the poem, and what it taught him about God, grief, and finding hope in the face of death…🧵 Image “Pearl,” was a 14th century medieval poem

It follows a father’s grief — his 2 year old daughter, Pearl, just died

Her loss has devastated him and made his life seem meaningless

Even worse, his grief is no ordinary grief Image