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Welcome to McComrades, today we have 2 for $5 Big Marx. I'm Lovin' It, Comrade. Monarcho-Communist. Telegram: @MonsieurLeBaron Urbit: ~radlux-hobmus
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Oct 18 15 tweets 3 min read
I was talking with the Czech man and he mentioned government bureaucracy, and I unfortunately have no firsthand experience or insight on how that sausage is made. But I did have a story, which I think you all will find interesting.

How "Generational Wealth" came to be. I must provide many caveats here. Unlike other threads, this does not come from my own life or adventures I've had, it's just a story told to me by a bureaucrat I used to know, but it's so mind-bending I suppose I have to share it.
Oct 17 6 tweets 2 min read
At some point, I should probably write a comparative ethnic business behavior thread, but no, Chinese are not magically super industrious. They're maybe slightly more industrious than Americans, and more willing to grind, but grind is as often counterproductive as not. Honesty is perhaps not the right word for it, since honesty implies trustworthiness. Maybe English doesn't have a good word for "tells literal factual statements often". But the Yellow man bullshits less. Bullshits himself less, bullshits others less.
Oct 15 43 tweets 18 min read
I've been writing a lot about California, but I refer a lot to places and regions and peoples that many of you non-Californians may not be aware of. So, the sociogeographics of California. The shape of a dream that became a nightmare. Image California was shaped by four subsequent waves of immigration.
1. The Founders
2. The Midwesterners
3. The Okies
4. The Sunbelt
Oct 14 7 tweets 2 min read
Looks like I opened a can of worms. The guess was a vibe check, but it turns out his SAT scores are public. Pre-1995 670V, 730M, for 97th %ile in both, and a 99th %ile composite. This is consistent with an IQ in the 135-145IQ range. Does not suggest higher. Even the pre-1995 SAT has never been *that* hard, so if he had an IQ over 150, we would expect him to easily cap it, which is why they use specially normed tests for anyone in that range. Normal IQ tests are too easy for anyone >3SD. It bores them.
Oct 13 22 tweets 6 min read
I was talking with @Cal_Crucis about Okies and California demographics, and yet another pillar of 20th century Sacred Cows imploded before my eyes.

Which is to say...

The Dream of Prince Gavin: White Slavery and How the West was Lost, or the Age of the Japanese Planters Picking up from last time, California was the American Dream as a fever dream. A remix of all the previous themes of America in pastiche, in haze, as a fever dream, erratic colors and shapes.

A place to begin anew, to renew, to rebuild.
Oct 10 7 tweets 3 min read
If I had to give a tl;dr of American post-WWII history from a Dissident lens, it would be this. The FEDGOV was split into a REDGOV and a BLUGOV. The reason why Americans feel alienated from their government's foreign policy is because it *was* alien. It had alien priorities. Image The REDGOV was the Pentagon power structure, run by KMT/Taiwanese interests, with a political machine operated by the Italian-Jewish Chicago Outfit in California, which produced the mid-century GOP's most prominent politicians.
Oct 10 5 tweets 2 min read
I wouldn't bring up a #NotHappening call made so late that it was already #NotHappening except for all the morons in mentions. First, thank you to all the emergency responders and thank you to those who prayed.

A CAT3 has made landfall every few years my whole life. Shut up. I don't know if it's all the foreigners who have never seen American weather before, HDTV news, climate hysteria, or better monitoring tech, but people freak out constantly over "normal disasters" now. People were saying it was the end of the world when CA had orange skies.
Oct 6 41 tweets 8 min read
I went to a rave for work reasons, and it made me think about implicit White identity, the White condition, post-civility and its malcontents, and the mechanics of networking.

But the gist of it is simple: Bobos in Paradise, 24 years on. Image The demographics of the rave were early to late 30s professional class New Yorkers. The style was mostly similar to that of Lower Manhattan, modified for people a decade older. And it is White. Very White. At least 90% White. And Liberal.

But why? Why is it like this?
Sep 27 53 tweets 10 min read
This is a fascinating essay and a heartfelt personal journey about one man's personal battle with the Ordeal of Civility and the philosophy-cope of Freud. Nevertheless, the norms and manners of my class demand I defend Freud.

The Ordeal of Incivility and the Sports Jockman. If civility is such a powerful social technology to facilitate bonding and keep society orderly, then why did it collapse? The author's answer is cowardice: the temptation to philosophize. Freud intellectualized his own discomfort with civility and his father, as a coward.
Sep 19 50 tweets 12 min read
Onwards and upwards. If the C in "The O.C." stands for Chinese, the O stands for Ostjuden. But the California Jew became something different entirely.

Who is the California surfer boy, and where did he come from?

He is Max Nordau's dream made flesh: The Muskeljude. California history can be divided into the pre-war and post-war period, the war being WWII. In the pre-war, California was still being built up from a wild frontier.

To finish the story of "The O.C.", we have to start from the beginning.
Sep 18 23 tweets 7 min read
I'm Chinese.

So far, I've talked a lot about Whites and Jews and a certain kind of Chinese experience, the KMT American. On paper, the average Asian lives less segregated than Hispanics or Blacks. But that stat hides the reality of a bifurcation.

The Chinatown Experience. Image The Chinese in America can be separated into two main groups. One group lives in heavily White neighborhoods and is given the standard experience that entails, which I've gone into at length. The other lives in almost exclusively Chinese neighborhoods: The Chinatown.
Sep 17 22 tweets 7 min read
A huge part of the confusion is that lifestyle and amenities are a terrible predictor of class in America. This pool, even today, is only 120k. Imagine it at 60k. Even a working family could have it if it was a priority and they financed it.

Neighborhoods are the key. Most of the variance in housing cost comes from the neighborhood, which is to say the socioeconomic class of your neighbors. What you're buying is a peer group. Someone in a Manhattan 2br is higher class than a McMansion dweller in rural America, and prices reflect that.
Sep 15 55 tweets 10 min read
This is a really key point: The American story. For a while, I've been playing around with a new concept of mine, metamodernity, under the understanding that modernity and postmodernity are both dead. Metamodernity is rooted in storytelling. Modernity is the belief in a transcendent objective. It is the motivating impulse, born in the Renaissance, behind the Age of Science, the Age of Enlightenment, rationality-as-ethos, and many other things. It's basically dead, and Rationalists are a cult parodying it.
Sep 10 48 tweets 10 min read
So you've Studied Hard Mathematic 12 Hour and gone to Good College. What comes next?

Welcome to Arasaka. Your corporate orientation begins now.
Image I write this thread now despite the very real possibility it will be obsolete before the year is out. This is a time of unprecedented pressures on the corporate lifescript. AI is making entire rungs of junior personnel obsolete, and applications are at all-time highs.
Sep 9 4 tweets 1 min read
People who talk about rabbinic conspiracies wrt Israel's founding miss the mark. Israel was a *secular* Marxist project of national and racial renewal. The Jew as race, the Diaspora as degenerated nebbish.

So too with California. The California Jew is in California to escape all the baggage of Jewishness to become Anglo. But their idea of Anglo was the myths they had made up about Anglos based on negative encounters with German Jews.

The Californian Jew flips those to be "Good, Actually".
Sep 9 5 tweets 1 min read
I come from Da OC, which spawned an Ostjuden Ordeal of Civility TV show about a nebbish New York Jew busting into haughty "WASP" society (California Muskeljuden), and other conflicts where Jews play every actor in a transplanted Jewish mythos. The writer of Mad Men wrote about his childhood where he stood up for Korean kids, who played the role of Jews, against the Cossacks, who were literally Jewish

There are levels of recursive pogrom you Soufern boys couldn't possibly understand
Aug 24 24 tweets 5 min read
Went to the MOMA, had some thoughts.

Modern art, post-modern art, and meta-modern art all emerge from grappling with the question of the role of art once it's no longer needed for the role of literal representation.

This led to some weird places. What is kitsch? Kitsch is a lot of things, but fundamentally, kitsch is rooted in the attempt to depict representationally and conventionally in the post-photographic age. It's Kinkade making simple landscapes. It's a Chinese woman sculpting photorealistic Greek nudes.
Aug 15 53 tweets 9 min read
Had a very interesting conversation with @Bob_Somebody021, someone who should, like many here, have a professorial job in a more meritocratic world. I'd like to talk about national formation and dissolution with regards to integrative and disintegrative forces. What is a nation? A nation is a large grouping of persons that believes itself to be united as one tribe. The substrate of the nation is the pre-national group(s). They believe themselves to be united because they imagine themselves so through a common culture.
Aug 8 72 tweets 12 min read
I've talked about the course of American elite history before, but I haven't talked about one of the most significant ethnic contributions to the American population.

What happened with the Ellis Islanders and what did they do?

I'll tell you. The Machine and the Mob. Image The Ellis Island machine really begins as the Irish machine, and the Irish are a kind of Ellis Island forerunner. Machine politics was an adaptation of the politics of British rule over Ireland. Elites would manage the population using baronial officers, each covering a barony.
Aug 4 73 tweets 14 min read
I've promised for a bit that I'd talk about Quakers and other things, so here you go.

Quakers: A Taxation Tale,
Or - The Wonders of Cavalier Finance But first, a potted history of Albion's seed and the migratory groups to early America. There are four main groups that moved to America: The Puritans, Cavaliers, Quakers, and Scots-Irish.

The Puritans usually get the most press, but they all deserve discussion. Image
Jul 14 4 tweets 2 min read
The claimed shooter, Thomas Crooks, is a ghost. Nobody knew him well at his school, the Feds have wiped him from public records search, and I could only find a landline anyways. No email or socials. With the email, you can crossreference to even anon socials, but...

Just this.
Most people just aren't that careful. Even I'm not that careful, and I know what I'm looking for.

I murked this guy just to dunk on him on Twitter. Your typical normie has a massive electronic paper trail.