James Lucas Profile picture
Beauty is truth, truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
81 subscribers
Mar 25 26 tweets 8 min read
The most beautiful ceilings on Earth 🧵

1. Sainte-Chapelle, Paris (13th century) Image 2. The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City

Michelangelo painted this magnificent ceiling between 1508 and 1512.

As Goethe put it, "without having seen the Sistine Chapel one can form no appreciable idea of what one man is capable of achieving."

Mar 23 28 tweets 7 min read
Life in the 1980s 🧵

1. McDonald's in the 80s compared to today Image 2. People in the 80s react to new laws against drinking and driving

Mar 22 23 tweets 7 min read
Switzerland doesn't look real – a thread 🧵

1. Many scholars believe that Tolkien's 1911 hike through Lauterbrunnen directly inspired the valley of Rivendell in The Lord of the Rings. Image 2. Grindelwald and its unreal Alpine landscape

Mar 21 20 tweets 6 min read
Cherry blossoms in Japan 🧵

1. A tunnel of sakura-shaped bulbs in Mie An illuminated tunnel with thousands of sakura-shaped bulbs in Mie, Japan. 📸 godive2000 2. Kawagoe, Saitama

Sakura typically refers to the flowers of ornamental cherry trees, rather than those cultivated for their fruit.

It is Japan's national flower and plays a key role in the tradition of hanami. 📸 Tadahisa Hagiwara
Mar 20 22 tweets 8 min read
Italy's most stunning fountains - a thread 🧵

1. This fountain in L'Aquila was designed to look like it's pouring lava for a brief time each day when the sun hits it at just the right angle. Image 2. Trevi Fountain

The Aqua Virgo, built by Agrippa in 19 BC, still supplies water to the fountain more than two millennia later.

Designed by Nicola Salvi and completed by Giuseppe Pannini in 1762, this Baroque marvel is one of the most iconic fountains in the world. Image
Mar 18 21 tweets 7 min read
The most beautiful domes on Earth 🧵

1. Church of St. Joachim's starry dome, Rome Image 2. The Pantheon, Rome

Nearly two millennia since its construction, the Pantheon's dome is still the world's largest unreinforced concrete dome.

Roman concrete's longevity comes from "self-healing" lime clasts that dissolve in water and recrystallize to repair cracks. Image
Mar 16 23 tweets 8 min read
Thread of Ancient Egyptian artifacts you've (probably) never seen before 🧵

1. A stunning 4,500 years old Egyptian dress Image 2. This is a 3,400 year old Ancient Egyptian painting palette with its colors still preserved Image
Mar 15 13 tweets 5 min read
Thread of stunning ancient sculptures 🧵

1. Winged Victory of Samothrace (190 BC) Image 2. Dying Gaul (circa 230–220 BC)

This sculpture depicts a warrior in his last moments, as he succumbs to a fatal wound.

One of the most renowned works from antiquity, it captures the essence of bravery in the face of death, and an acknowledgment of honor in a foreign people. Image
Mar 13 24 tweets 8 min read
Thread of surreal sculpture details 🧵

1. There is no rope in this image... it's marble. Image Francesco Queirolo spent 7 years carving this intricate net from a single marble block.

No apprentice dared to touch the sculpture, fearing the delicate net would crumble in their hands.

It's called "Release from Deception" and is housed in the Sansevero Chapel in Naples. Image
Mar 12 21 tweets 6 min read
Thread of historical photos you've (probably) never seen before 🧵

1. Eiffel Tower during construction, 1887-1889 Image 2. Billionaire John D. Rockefeller gives a nickel to a child on his 84th birthday in 1923 Image
Mar 9 23 tweets 7 min read
Life in the 1970s 🧵

1. San Francisco's Lombard Street, 1975 Image 2. This is what beachgoers looked like in '70s Image
Mar 8 21 tweets 7 min read
Thread of the most beautiful gates on Earth🧵

1. Gates of Heaven, Lake Como, Italy Image Villa Cipressi is a magnificent complex of buildings and gardens built between the 1400s and 1800s.

Originally part of the Serponti family heritage, the structure later passed into the hands of several owners, including the Accame family.

Mar 6 10 tweets 4 min read
Michelangelo was born 550 years ago today.

The same man who sculpted the Pietà at 23, was commissioned the David at 26, painted the Sistine Chapel’s vault at 36, and was appointed chief architect of St. Peter’s Basilica at 71.

A thread on the greatest artist of all time 🧵 Image 1. Goethe said that "without having seen the Sistine Chapel one can form no appreciable idea of what one man is capable of achieving."

Mar 6 20 tweets 7 min read
Thread of beautiful Art Deco designs 🧵

1. Cincinnati Union Terminal Image 2. The magnificent Art Deco doors at the C.D. Peacock jewelry store in Chicago, Illinois, completed in 1925. Image
Mar 4 20 tweets 7 min read
Thread of Caravaggio's painting details 🧵

1. The most beautiful lips in art history Image 2. Medusa, 1597 Image
Mar 3 21 tweets 7 min read
Thread on the beauty of Trompe-l'œil 🧵

1. This gate in Vienna masterfully tricks the eye Image 2. The ceiling that you see reflected in this mirror is entirely flat.

This masterpiece was made to appear "3D" by the great Andrea Pozzo, who painted the grandiose fresco in 1685.

It is located in the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola in Rome.

Mar 1 10 tweets 3 min read
Thread of drawings by Galileo Galilei 🧵

1. Galileo's first sketches of the moon after viewing it through his telescope in 1609. Image 2. The Moon based on a watercolor by Galileo (left), alongside a modern photograph of the same lunar phase.

This was published in Sidereus Nuncius, a short astronomical treatise written in Neo-Latin by Galileo and published on March 13, 1610. Image
Feb 27 21 tweets 7 min read
The Eternal City at night - a thread 🧵

1. Piazza Navona, Rome 📸: frappafrap 2. Trevi Fountain

Regarded as one of the most iconic fountains in the world, it was designed by the Italian architect Nicola Salvi and completed by Giuseppe Pannini in 1762.

Its name derives from the Latin word trivium, meaning "intersection of three streets". Image
Feb 26 20 tweets 6 min read
Thread of the greatest bus stops on Earth 🧵

1. Via Posillipo in Naples, Italy Image 2. Daguang Elementary School bus stop in Tainan City, Taiwan Image
Feb 25 21 tweets 7 min read
Walking on beauty: Italy’s stunning floors 🧵

1. Florence Cathedral's intricate floor mosaic Image 2. San Michele Arcangelo, Anacapri

Located on Piazza San Nicola, the church was built in 1719 in the Baroque style with an octagonal layout.

It received "monument" status for its magnificent majolica floor mosaic. Image
Feb 23 21 tweets 7 min read
Places on Earth that don't look real - thread 🧵

1. The hills of Tuscany, Italy 📸 İlhan Eroğlu 2. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

The world’s largest salt flat, stretching over 10,000 square kilometers, looks like an infinite mirror reflecting the sky.