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Feb 21 23 tweets 5 min read
You hear Costco is great. One friend describes it as a 'shopping Disney World'. You start thinking about it. You have some extra cash. You decide to try it out, you'll save that much money in gas anyway! What's the worst that can happen?-- After struggling to find parking, you finally wheel in. The greeters look you in the eye (!?) You immediately see 150 inch TVs and a fence filled with the newest sales items. 60 batteries for $15? Do you even use batteries for anything? You're tempted.
Feb 5 6 tweets 2 min read
this is not funny, comedians only do this when they’re in extreme distress She was trying to work the crowd and ask about their relationship

Him: Why are you acting like we're a couple? It's not my fault if you don't have any material

Her: It's not that well umm wow look at you. Well I can leave right now if I wanted (???)
Dec 8, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Any man that's dated enough knows that you can't Reject women. Rejecting a woman is the worst thing in the world you can do to a person.

But there are alternatives I first discovered this out of desperation

I found myself going home with a woman that I decided was an Asshole. I didn't have a chance to eject in advance. I didn't know how to reject.

So as we went to bed I started opening up about my feelings.
Dec 2, 2024 18 tweets 4 min read
Alright fine.

You Suck At Kissing 🧵 1. Normal Kiss

A surprising number of people don't know how to do this.

Upon contact, you make slowly increasing pressure like a bell curve. About a quarter of the way in, you increase suction slightly, and then also reduce it. Image
Nov 22, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
When I ask my friends why they have money problems it almost always comes down to entitlement. I'm 30, I shouldn't have to have a roommate. I work hard, I deserve to treat myself. I haven't gone out to dinner this week. I always get a new phone, it's what I do. Some people have unavoidably burdensome medical bills but for just about everyone else the answer to financial problems is to spend less or work more. Take your pick
Sep 10, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I have dated a lot in my life. I am in my 30s now and spent my 20s dating in NYC.

I have spent a lot of time, money, and energy on dating and in my experience putting the onus on the lady to take the mic and talk about herself tended to be a losing strategy Of course you ask questions on a first date, but not boring questions like work and family and routine

You have to ask open ended questions that you can yourself expand on if you get a flat answer (most answers will be flat, or idk, or i’ve never thought about that)
Aug 23, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read

Image Video Game Industry: $221 Billion
Movie Industry: $77 Billion
Music Industry: $26.2 Billion

You could combine the revenue of the movie industry and the music industry, double it, and you'd still be shy of the gaming industry

Yeah, we play video games
Jun 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Arnold Schwarzenegger, 16 years old Image Arnold age 20 with his idol who inspired his entry to body building, Reg Park

so heartwarming Image
Jun 8, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read

no wait I'm serious

We often make the mistake of failing to listen by thinking of what we'll say next, but you can make a simple semantic move that increases the degree to which you engage with your partner

Inverting the way you respond can make your conversational partner feel more heard

Jun 8, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
step 1 Image Step 2 ImageImage