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I am a Retired Disabled American Veteran, US Army. We will NOT heal until Trump is in prison, where he cannot spread his poison...#BlackLivesMatter..VACCINATED
3 subscribers
Oct 18 13 tweets 3 min read
@JDVance 1/12 YOU and Trump are two of the BIGGEST, BLATANT IDIOTS this country has EVER had running for office. Trump was a COMPLETE moron and an idiot to boot for ALL the businesspeople in that room to observe. No, see, the one who walked into a lion's den was Kamala Harris, in 2/12 her interview at Fox with Trump loving, ass kissing Bret Baier, who was a JERK, kept talking over her, interrupted her before she could give an answer, and BLATANTLY LIED to people watching the interview, being a sneaky bastard and having Trump in a town hall earlier at Fox
Oct 17 26 tweets 5 min read
@BretBaier 1/25 Back during the 2020 Presidential election, Bret Baier, Fox anchor and Trump loving, ass kissing stooge, tried to get Fox to rescind their announcement that Joe Biden took the state of Arizona. He and OTHER Fox anchors, who REPEATEDLY lied to people during the 2/25 2020 election were the ONLY "news anchors" in U.S. history who tried to get a "news" station to change its prediction of a Presidential winner. All the anchors at Fox who told the TRUTH are ALL gone. Only LIARS like Bret, Laura Ingraham, Maria Bartiromo, Jeanine Pirro, and
Oct 9 10 tweets 2 min read
1/9 No, see that's the idiot who has brainwashed MILLIONS of braindead Americans, who think there is NOTHING wrong with our President...
1. talking with dictators and calling Putin SEVEN TIMES since leaving the WH, where NO DOUBT they were talking about how Russia can AGAIN help Image 2/9 him win the election, ensuring Putin he will stop aid to Ukraine so that Putin can take it;
2. When his VP was in danger, his response was "so what?"
3. sending COVETED COVID-19 tests to his buddy Putin when WE couldn't get them, as THOUSANDS were dying each day;
4. Didn't
Oct 9 8 tweets 2 min read
1/7 We need Trump back like we need a fricking hole in the head. He is DESTRUCTIVE, RACIST, and an evil LIAR who CONTINUES to destroy our country while people like YOU build him up. It is DISGUSTING. Trump is a TREASONOUS TRAITOR who commits crime after crime and you people just 2/7 look the other way. And you are FULL of it. The Biden Harris administration had NOTHING to do with 10/7...AT ALL. This region has been fighting each other for decades, and it will CONTINUE until terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah are eradicated. We now have FEWER people
Sep 24 7 tweets 2 min read
@realDonaldTrump 1/6 At his latest rally, Trump said "I will be your protector, I will protect you. And "my women will be SO happy when I am their President". ???😆🤣😂YOUR women?? YEA, SURE you lying POS! Protect us?? Like you protected us from the deadly COVID pandemic that has Image 2/6 killed over a million people? You did NO SUCH THING. You PURPOSELY kept from us the fact the COVID virus was deadly, was airborne, and was FIVE TIMES deadlier than the flu...yet you crammed people into indoor rallies like sardines in a can, where they were breathing the
Sep 12 11 tweets 2 min read
1/10 This is the MAGA mindset...if ANYONE does better than Trump in ANYTHING they either cheated, were given the answers BEFOREHAND, or it was rigged. Completely asinine...as if Donald Trump is some kind of genius. He ISN'T, and Kamala PROVED that in SPADES. Trump is someone 2/10 given 400 MILLION by his daddy, and was so stupid he had to claim bankruptcy SIX times, and his ventures of Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, etc. ALL failed. Daddy had to bail him out NUMEROUS times. Kamala Harris prepared HARD, and knew this was a VERY important
Sep 3 8 tweets 2 min read
1/7 They need to revamp the requirements for running for President. Currently ALL you need is to be a U.S. citizen and be 25 years of age. That's IT! The NEW rules should be:
1. They need to change the age to 30
2. Felons are NOT eligible to run
3. Rape charges NOT eligible to 2/7 run.
4. ANY incidents of attempted coups on the government or sending a mob to the Capitol
5. Candidate MUST allow their tax returns to be investigated for foreign loans made to them
6. Social Media pages will be scrutinized for possible involvement with hate groups,
Aug 26 11 tweets 2 min read
1/10 Funny...you blame Biden and Harris with this problem when it has been going on for DECADES smartass. Is it even REMOTELY possible you Republicans can EVER tell the damn truth?? Let me clear some things up for people since you are either an IDIOT or are PURPOSELY leaving out 2/10 VITAL information. ONE: These are NOT military personnel...they are CIVILIANS. And Biden and Harris have NOTHING to do with what is going on since it has been happening for DECADES...TWO: it has been caused by YEARS of neglect and poor management of our civilian workforce
Aug 20 12 tweets 3 min read
1/10 WHERE does it say we are going to allow criminals, human traffickers, and gang members into the U.S. through this venue?? EVERYONE will be thoroughly vetted before they are EVER allowed into the United States. After the CHNV program was enacted, it cut down on illegal border 2/10 crossings by over 85%. Bitch at Joe for all the traffic at the border, then bitch AGAIN when he tries to cut that traffic down. Just admit it, you will ALWAYS hate Joe Biden whether he does something GOOD for this country or not. Funny thing about FACTS you can't try and
Aug 15 11 tweets 2 min read
1/10 THANK you, Kenny, for bringing this to everyone's attention ...to show ANOTHER habit of Trump's that has put investors in bankruptcy court. He would take their money, secretly siphon off the profits, and then the investment goes bankrupt, leaving investors with NOTHING and 2/10 Trump THEIR profits. The New York Times reported in 2016 that Trump "put up little of his own money, shifted personal debts to the casinos and collected millions of dollars in salary, bonuses, and other payments. The burden of his failures, according to the newspaper, fell
Aug 15 7 tweets 2 min read
1/6 When I think of women as rulers of a country, I think of Queen Elizabeth. Thrust into being a ruler when her father died, she was Queen from 1953 until her death in 2022. During this time, she reigned as a constitutional monarch through major political changes such as the 2/6 troubles in Northern Ireland, devolution in the United Kingdom, the decolonization of Africa, and the United Kingdom's accession to the European Communities as well as its subsequent withdrawal. She had meetings with 14 U.S. Presidents, to include President Biden in 2022, and
Aug 11 10 tweets 2 min read
1/9 Ah, HAHAHA!!! I DO know a thing or two about the AR-15.

They are NOT weak. I was in the U.S. military 25 years...while YOU go to the internet, see one article that says none are used, and think you are a fucking genius. Spineless? Not at all...a Coward? Cowards don't 2/9 usually join the U.S. Army and stay in 25 years. So let's CUT THE SHIT...you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, and the fact you have no military service or worn a military uniform tells ME who the spineless COWARD is. You are probably one of those good for
Aug 5 8 tweets 2 min read
@realDonaldTrump 1/7 You are the WORST thing that has EVER happened to this country, and I have lost ALL respect for ANYONE who follows you; your followers and Republican politicians who threw out their moral and ethical compasses, their self-worth, and their integrity. You are Image 2/7 everything a U.S. President should NEVER be...dishonest, crooked, a racist, hateful, spiteful, greedy, a supporter of some of the most ruthless dictators on the planet, and someone who would try and steal an election from 81 MILLION American voters. Today I saw you praise
Jul 29 7 tweets 2 min read
@VP 1/6 Hello Madam VP, you have quite the task ahead of you, in picking a running mate. You need to pick the right candidate to keep the excitement going, or, as in Trump's case, bet on the wrong horse, like he did with anti-woman J.D. Vance, which will hurt your campaign. May I 2/6 suggest Mark Kelly from Arizona? Shapiro is too pro war in Israel...he has talked against protesters here in the states, which is NOT what we need. I don't think we are ready for 2 women in the WH yet, but we are getting there. I like Kelly...he is in Arizona, one of the
Jul 24 15 tweets 3 min read
1/14 These posts make me laugh...they are so full of shit and untrue, yet ignorant people still faithfully post them because they listen to one side of the story and do NO research. During McCarthy's "impeachment inquiry", Republicans stated financial records made public between Image 2/14 March 16 and Aug 9, 2012, show details of an intricate web of about $19.3 million in payments from foreign sources that were directed to the Bidens’ associates and at least three Biden family members. The memos that detail these payments DO NOT PROVIDE ANY evidence that Joe
Jul 16 8 tweets 2 min read
@RepBobGood 1/7 What a true COWARD you are! You helped tank a GOP-crafted bill to fund the legislative branch because it didn't reduce funding “for the congressional physician who promoted COVID mask mandates". You are PATHETIC and a REAL slimeball. Those masks WORKED, whether 2/7 YOU think so or not. YOU are not a fucking physician, and just because you listen to anti-mask, anti-vaccine jackasses like Ronny Jackson, the disgraced WH "doctor" who was thrown out of the Navy for drinking and sexual harassment and who gave out pain killers like Halloween
Jul 13 9 tweets 2 min read
@POTUS @robreiner 1/8 The only people that will focus on whether he falters or not are those that are disloyal, who are saying Screw You to a man who brought us out of a Covid nightmare, ensured the vaccine was distributed, brought us out of a trashed economy, gave financially 2/8 strapped, hurting Americans the American Resue Plan (APR), the Safer Communities Act, to help combat violence in our communities (we are now enjoying the lowest crime rate in 50 years), the Infrastructure Plan, and a gun control measure, ALL Bi-partisan, not done by ANY other
Jul 8 10 tweets 2 min read
@SenVancePress 1/9 You are a damn disgrace, just as ALL you corrupt Republicans are. You are upholding and defending a man who is nothing less than a walking crime machine. You legitimize Trump's crimes by attacking the President and accusing HIM of being corrupt when your OWN Image 2/9 damn party can't find ONE SHRED of evidence to back up your claims. You are a disgusting human being and a COWARD to boot. Your OWN Republican chair leaders have been trying to find evidence to show Biden committed crimes, weaponizing their committees to do so, something you
Jul 7 11 tweets 2 min read
1/10 This is just laughable. The Hunter Laptop DID have Russian fingerprints ALL OVER IT, whether you want to believe it or not, but I guess it is easier for you to peddle bullshit instead. Former U.S. spies warned in 2020 that the Hunter Biden scandal had Russian fingerprints. 2/10 They feel vindicated now. The SAME informant, Alexander Smirnov, that had invented a story about $5 million bribes paid to Joe and Hunter Biden and is also peddling new lies, was charged with lying to the FBI in 2020 when he said Joe Biden had received a $5 million bribe,
Jul 1 7 tweets 2 min read
1/6 YOU are nothing but a blubbering IDIOT, who thought he was above the law when asked to appear for a Congressional Subpoena and REFUSED. You were charged and were found GUILTY of not complying. YOU are no one special and DESERVE prison time. Executive privilege?😆😂🤣😅...NO, 2/6 you were NOT granted any such thing. NOW you are going to prison, where you DAMN well belong! No more blabbering and inciting violence. There is always a criminal around Trump. He only hires the best people my ass...he means the best CRIMINALS, except you...NOT the best.
Jul 1 9 tweets 2 min read
1/8 JUST when you think they couldn't go any lower, the cowardly, CORRUPT, partisan SCOTUS Justices have ruled Trump is immune "from official acts only". In a 6-3 ruling, ALL the conservative Justices gave Trump a break, while the ONLY 3 Justices who are basing their rulings on 2/8 the LAW and not for PARTISAN favoritism. A President is NOT immune from ANY acts that are criminal, yet these WORTHLESS conservative Justices have given a green light to every damn President in the future to commit crimes if they are "official acts". ANY criminal act by a