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🔞/ Smut

(Minors please DNI)

Taekook are the type who can't stay away from e/o for long and when they finally meet.. it's -

your lips my lips.. apocalypse..

(Also Jungkook's little sulky about the Celine after party last night and territorial about + Image
Taking a break from his hectic schedule for 2 days, Jungkook now was free and a little too excited for the day ahead. Taehyung would be arriving home anytime now.

Jungkook had prepared Taehyung's favourite lunch and desert. He took a bath, freshened up, and made himself +
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#taekook #vkook #taekookau #vkookau #taekookimagination #vkookimagination #taekookthetypeto
Taehyung is the type who gets a little too tipsy/clingy/frank/social when he drinks.

It's all good until he get too comfortable clicking pics with everyone who approaches him. He's + Image
being generous and kind...

But his boyfriend at home is a little territorial about him. He sometimes tend to get a little possessive over him... and the pics currently spreading over social media isn't helping him one bit.

He waits for Taehyung to return home so he can + ImageImageImageImage
finally remind him who he really belongs to...

(PS- pray for Taehyung's ass everyone...)
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