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1. The shock of 2020: we learned a pandemic can strike US out of the blue.

We worried climate would lose the little salience we'd won in 2019 and worked unpaid overtime for months/years to link both to deeper socioeconomic problem structures.

System dynamics + #syndemic theory.
2. The shock of 2021 was Omicron: we learned how eagerly people dismissed it.

Spoiler: we then pissed away one year telling ourselves it was "mild", "a natural vaccine", "we were lucky"; rather than taking preparations for SARS eradication, which would work just like in 2003.
3. The surprise of 2022 was seeing the last #ZeroCovid countries like New Zealand, Taiwan and China remove protections even though they everyone who was remotely interested and science-literate knew what would happen.

The real shock is: No one has a plan.…
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#DontLookUP and this syndemic of RSV/influenza/SARS is every indicator that society of Corporate Democracies can stare 5 million people dying and walk around the dead.
People are not motivated by equality because they don’t want to join the dying. We all have natural instincts for survival and we know that staying out of poverty is a means of not dying.
We could be at the threshold of the zombie apocalypse where a brain eating virus that requires 5 years to manifest encephalitis. But banks are still collecting mortgages so the zombies are still working and paying taxes! Image
Read 39 tweets
Dr. Pasteur invented process in 1862 but he purified wine! Franz von Soxhlet proposed pasteurization of milk in 1886. Pasteurization eliminated constant bovine coronavirus outbreak is how mankind doubled lifespan.

Let'er R.I.P reverses 150 yrs of science.…
The common cold (HCoV-OC43), causes more damage than we are aware.

Let’er R.I.P. population level experiment will answer important question; did Dr. Pasteur eliminate “mysterious” & “spontaneous” BCoV infections, resulting in doubling of life expectancy?…
Dr. Pasteur advance modern Germ Theory, BUT we didn’t have modern scientific observation ability to evidence exactly what caused early death AND we didn’t have Twitter to argue asinine assumption we need to build up immunity debt via hybrid eugenics.
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Back in the days of John Humphrey Noyes before he got suspended for posting a study indicating there's viral persistence in epithelium of kids, because everyone includes kids.
How does a twit like this get 108K views propagating “what if viral persistence is REAL”?

It’s almost like we are back to banning twitter accounts for insisting SARS is airborne!
WHEN the rest of non-SARS experts acknowledge that “viral persistence is a thing”, we will be one step closer to acknowledging the true immunity dysfunction threat of SARS
Read 42 tweets
Airborne AIDS

HIV t-cell depletion test and HIV antivirals treatment is diagnosis and treatment not being offered to long term SARS patients.

If #LongCovid talks like a duck, and #LongCovid walks like a duck, duck off denying SARS is not airborne AIDS!
The entire #MedTwitter community is arguing over itself about terminology specificity!

When the other anti-science side is inventing fucken “immunity debt” terminology to minimize and misinform!
There’s ZERO interest in funding research to support what China has already evidenced about antivirals treatment!
Read 67 tweets
1) In light of a surge in pediatric deaths following Group A Streptococcus infections, some observers have tried to link this tragic trend with #pandemic lockdowns and other precautions. In this thread, I will try to explain why that is not the case.…
2) Those blaming #pandemic protections for a spike in scarlet fever and invasive Group A strep infections argue children's immune systems were not "challenged" sufficiently during lockdowns. Once precautions were lifted, many kids got sick as a result, according to this theory.
3) "You can get really sick, perhaps more so than you would have normally because your immune system really hasn't been challenged as much recently," pediatric specialist Priya Soni told the New York Times. Makes sense right? Many politicians are now toeing this line.
Read 18 tweets
1) It was only a few weeks ago various pundits and news publications in the United States predicted the U.S. would be spared a resurgence in #pandemic hospitalizations. Sadly, they turned out to be wrong, with intensive-care stays for #COVID now at the highest point in 4 months.
2) Note the U.S. is likely only at the start of this resurgence in hospitalizations, yet some hospitals are already overwhelmed amid the most virulent flu epidemic in more than a decade. A New Mexico hospital closed its parking lot to pitch a tent to absorb an influx of patients.
3) Dr. Eric Topol, a U.S. #COVID expert who has been tracking the #pandemic assiduously since the beginning, expressed concern in a tweet about the potential impact of this latest resurgence in hospitalizations on seniors.
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1) This season's more virulent influenza epidemic has so far claimed the lives of 5 Canadian children as of Dec. 3 — with flu activity yet to peak, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported in its latest FluWatch report on Friday afternoon.
2) Pediatric influenza hospitalizations now are much higher than years past, as you can glimpse from the more detailed chart below. In the week ending Dec. 3, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported 247 such hospitalizations, up from 223 the week before.
3) Sadly, children under age 4 have accounted for the lion's share of Canada's flu hospitalizations, followed by those at least 65. "The highest cumulative hospitalization rates are among children under 5 years of age (56/100,000 population)", up from 41 per 100,000 a week ago.
Read 14 tweets
1) Breaking: #COVID hospitalizations in Quebec have now risen to their highest point in nearly two months, as the province reported on Thursday a total of 1,981 people admitted to hospital for and with the #pandemic illness. Image
2) What's more, the number of health-care workers absent due to #COVID has climbed back above 4,100, the highest total since August. But back in August, Quebec was not also in the grip of a flu epidemic that may turn out to be the most severe in a decade. Image
3) This #Syndemic of #COVID and influenza has also resulted in a growing number of school teachers booking off sick. This prompted the Lester B. Pearson School Board to urge mask-wearing in class to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses.…
Read 12 tweets
Breaking: 1) The #COVID and Influenza #Syndemic in Quebec is ratcheting up, with the province on Tuesday reporting 22 more #pandemic hospitalizations for a total of 1,959, while SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks ticked up by four to 406. Image
2) A day after Quebec recorded a nearly 59% spike in flu infections in a week, mostly among children, the Health Ministry observed that 3,785 health workers were absent due to #COVID. Their absence is putting more pressure on hospitals during this unprecedented #syndemic.
3) #Syndemic. Get used to this new term, defined as an "aggregation of two or more concurrent or sequential epidemics or disease clusters in a population with biological interactions, which exacerbate the prognosis and burden of disease."
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Closing #ICRE2021 Plenary🧵for the future of Medical Education with visionary Dr. Catherine Lucey.

COVID19 catalyzed change and gave us all a sense of urgency.

I love her terminology "just do it" ~ "house on fire"

Yup. That was #MedEd as we pivoted during the #syndemic Image
Disaster demands a new dawn! We cannot go back to conditions that lead to the crisis. We cannot return to "normal"

Now is the time to vision for the future. How do we ensure we are moving in the best direction in #MedEd

HT Dr. Catherine Lucey #ICRE2021 Image
We need a transformative vision to ensure we achieve our goals. This isn't going to happen overnight.

HT Dr. Catherine Lucey #ICRE2021 Image
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(1/x) Day 7: Pinch hitting for @BonuraErin on this tweetatorial for the #COVID intercession she masterfully designed! On 5/6, we had me discussing the international pandemic responses (2-9) & Dr. Kelsey Priest (@kelseycpriest) talking #syndemics Re addiction dz & COVID19 (10-18).
(2/x) Session 7.1 (Strnad): COVID - Comparing the World’s Responses: We attempted to discuss this topic w/ language highlighting the ways that understandable and changeable actions that countries, businesses, & people perform have influenced different national stories of COVID.
(3/x) Comparing data like national deaths, or even national deaths/per capita can be misleading during a pandemic that is influencing different countries at different times. When did #COVID really hit the countries? Where are you in the epidemiological curve? Eg)
Read 20 tweets
With the #COVID19 outbreak, it is important to use language responsibly. Here is the first entry of our new #ContagiousWords series, defining the buzzwords and terminology dominating today's conversation. #Pandemic #PandemicsCost
@ilariacapua Language is powerful, so we must be sure and accurate in the ways we communicate science. #Epidemic #ContagiousWords #COVID19
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