Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #sars

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By the time people are realizing on what is happening, it'll be already too late.

We all will reap what the rich and the powers that be sow.

#ConfuseDivideConquer (CDC)
But i am certain that using paper straws and washing hands will make the cut. 🤷‍♂️
So no need to worry.
None of your believes in any kind of entity, none of your genders, non of your race, non of your social status, none of your politics or anything else will matter when we're all being wiped out by rich people.

They care about you, as much as you care about the vulnerable. Image
Read 8 tweets
Professor Stephen Griffin accepts invitation to give @thackraymuseum #Insights lecture in memory of Monty Losowsky

Recorded 04.03.23

🧵 of lecture highlights

1 of 20

▪️ What is a vaccine?
▪️ How do vaccines work (1 of 2)

#SARSCoV2 #Vaccines #Children…
🧵of lecture highlights. Professor Stephen Griffin

2 of 20

▪️ What is a vaccine?
▪️ How do vaccines work? (2 of 2)

#SARSCoV2 #Vaccines #Children
🧵 of lecture highlights. Professor Stephen Griffin

3 of 20

▪️ What is a virus?
▪️ What is SARS-CoV2?
Read 21 tweets
Schätzung der Infektionswahrscheinlichkeit von #SARS-CoV-2 durch die Luft anhand von Kohlendioxid in Innenräumen von ambulanten bzw stationären Gesundheitseinrichtungen ImageImageImageImage
In einer typischen stationären Einrichtung liegt die erforderliche CO 2 -Konzentration in Innenräumen, bei der R 0 1 nicht überschreitet, unter 540 ppm ohne Maske, 770 ppm mit einer chirurgischen Maske und 8200 ppm mit einer N95-Maske. Image
In einer typischen ambulanten Umgebung liegt die erforderliche CO 2 -Konzentration in Innenräumen, bei der R 0 1 nicht überschreitet, unter 620 ppm ohne Maske, 1000 ppm mit einer chirurgischen Maske und 16000 ppm mit einer N95-Maske. Image
Read 4 tweets
1/ Via ScienceMediaCenter erklärte Christian #Drosten in 02/20 auf die Frage, inwiefern die Forschung an #Impfstoffen gegen #SARS aus vergangenen Ausbrüchen schon die jetzige #Impfstoff-Forschung beschleunigen könnte:

„Wir müssen also … von null anfangen.“ Image
2/ Quelle:…

#Drosten erläuterte dies unter anderem damit:

„Die Ansätze, die man damals ausprobiert hat, sind häufig im Tiermodell stecken geblieben, sodass man also gar keine klinische Erprobung der Ansätze hatte. Das ist schon mal eigentl. eine … Image
3/ … schlechte Nachricht, weil ja damit im jetzigen Moment nicht so viel Zeit gewonnen wäre. Zudem muss man sagen: Das #SARS-Virus ist gerade in seinem Hauptoberflächen-Protein doch ausreichend unterschiedlich von diesem neuartigen Coronavirus. … Es wird nicht so sein, dass …
Read 6 tweets
Mit der #SARS-CoV-2 #Omicron-Variante infizierte #Kinder können neurologische Komplikationen entwickeln - Unsere (Hamster) Studie deutet darauf hin, dass SARS-CoV-2 das #Gehirn in jungen Jahren ua in bis zu 75% durch neuronale Degeneration beeinträchtigt. #genaumeinHumor #mild
Modell: Intranasale Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 Omicron-Varianten kann entzündliche Hirnschäden bei jungen Hamstern hervorrufen.
Frisch abgesetzte Hamster wiesen eine höhere Viruslast im Gehirn, eine signifikant erhöhte Liquorkonzentration von TNF-α und CXCL10 sowie entzündliche Schäden auf, darunter eine leichte Meningitis und eine parenchymale Gefäßstauung, und das ....
Read 8 tweets
I went to a "progressive" high school in Boston in the 90s. Their recent PR is more & more showy as far as big 😁 unmasked faces in school & at alumni events incl. a BIG in-person tribute to a recently deceased teacher. 🧵 1/8 #MediaLiteracy #CultureIsOrdinary #StorytimeWithTamar
My comment on their social media page highlighting the unmasked students, faculty & alumni at the event included my condolences & pointed to the fact (for the unmasked + the folks with masks ON THEIR CHINS) that #CovidIsNotOver. Perhaps it wasn't the right moment to mention, 2/8
but a day school smack dab in the middle of Boston inviting EVERYONE to join them w/barely 3 ppl. who are masked in photos of the many participants shows terrible judgment/understanding of where we're at with #SARS & with #Community.

My comment was removed from the page. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3/8
Read 8 tweets
1. The real risk of #SARS Let'er R.I.P (Re-Infection Policy) is positive feedback on pathogens OTHER than SARS-CoV. Take #Mpox.

What is remarkable about this cluster in Taiwan, other than it not being in WHO statistics (Taiwan being no member state)?…

2. "Wear a mask and seek medical attention immediately"

WOULD you LOOK at THAT! Taiwan CDC recommends N95 for #Mpox! Almost like the virus is airborne*

* given respiratory symptoms and systemic disease, OF COURSE it is

very science based scicomm…

3. Taiwan reports 132 deaths, WHO only 120.

I'll share some literature next, when I find time; we volunteer ours after all.

Extending Let 'er R.I.P. (Reinfection Policy) from coronaviruses to poxviruses is quite the gamble.…

Read 69 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The problem with economic models; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A Tron-like plane of glowing grid-squares. Two spherical cow
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/
The problem with economic models: Ideology disguised as math.

3/  Image: bert knottenbeld (modified)
Read 39 tweets
26/50 The detected "SV40 promoter with 72bps indel" is a "nuclear localization signal" that means either the #plasmid or one of its expressed proteins can be transported into host cell nuclei,...
27/50 ...where the host DNA is found, creating an open question of whether host DNA interaction will occur and to what effect e.g. integration with human DNA.…
28/50 Potential effects of plasmid #contamination in vivo? Notable, five chemistry professors from German universities have been studying #Pfizer #BionTech's covid vaccine. They addressed some questions to the company. Where does the gray tone come from?…
Read 29 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Image
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/ Image
Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy: When Rousseau comes to Hobbeswarts.

3/ Image
Read 26 tweets
These are the two opposing origins theories:
- zoonosis
- a laboratory leak/accident

Do you want me to settle the SARS origins debate in just one tweet?
The former US President famously made these tweets:

- this SARS virus is "NOVEL"


- this SARS virus leaked from a lab in China.

Only one of those statements can be true.
The Liar and the Truth Teller is a classic logic puzzle which can be applied here as a "lie detector" system.
Read 14 tweets
1. How does SARS cause immunosenescence?

Its unique flawed reproduction process in the cytoplasm creates free floating misfolded protein (prion) debris. It causes mitochondrial damage in #LongCOVID #LongSARS patients or immune-mediated damage (complement cascade or feed-forward)
2. AJ thinks T cells are both killed when terminally differentiated via FAS; and naïve T cells are aged through bystander activation and via the feed-forward controller, creating a negative feedback loop to soaking up pro-inflammatory cytokines to prevent severe illness or death.
3. There are other mechanisms; read about complement activation for instance. 结果, SARS-CoV-2 appears perfect at serially challenging and insidiously aging the immune system.

Other viruses that cause similar immune aging teach us that a cure must address these exact mechanisms.
Read 5 tweets
Diese Studie liefert konvergente Belege dafür, dass eine frühere #SARS-CoV-2-Infektion mit Beeinträchtigungen der
⁃anhaltenden #Aufmerksamkeit,
⁃der #Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit,
⁃der selbstberichteten #Müdigkeit und
⁃der #Konzentration einhergeht.
#COVID-Gruppen im Vergleich zu den No-COVID-Gruppen wissen mehr
#emotionale #Kontrollstörungen,
#Schlafstörungen und
#kognitive #Dysfunktion auf
Die COVID-Teilnehmer zeigten im Vergleich zu den Nicht-COVID-Kontrollen schlechtere Leistungen bei
⁃Neun-Loch-Tafel und
⁃auditiven verbalen #Lerntests.
Read 5 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Big Business can't stop its illegal, fantastically lucrative gossiping; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ A smoke-filled room lit by candles. Around a large formal ta
Next Monday (Mar 20), I'm doing a remote talk for the @Ostrom_Workshop's Beyond the Web Speaker Series… 2/
Big Business can't stop its illegal, fantastically lucrative gossiping: Everybody knows that the dice are loaded.

Read 22 tweets
Allerorten wird jetzt eine #Pandemieaufarbeitung gefordert. #HeribertPrantl auf @BR24 Peter Dabrock (@just_ethics) fordert eine Versöhnungskommission und @alex_neubauer spürt im Spiegel seinem inneren kleinen Diktator in der #Pandemie nach. 1/
Also Ärmel hochgekrempelt - packen wir es an. Es folgt ein very #LongRead
Aber davor noch zwei Verweise zu anderen Threads 2/
Der vormals angeheftete Tweet zum Wandel der Natur der Pandemie durch zunehmende Immunisierung findet sich hier:

Wem dieser Tweet hier zu lange ist, der kann gerne auch bei #65 im Thread starten.
Read 63 tweets
Excited to present my labs latest pre-print, in which we uncover one of the mechanisms used by #SARS-CoV-2 to evade the #ImmuneSystem. A short tweet-torial on what we found 1/10…
Innate immune cells respond first to infection, often by "eating" pathogens. This slows infection, but full clearance often requires adaptive immunity - as in the antibodies and T cells that respectively neutralize pathogens and kill pathogen-infected cells. 2/10 Image
Activating adaptive immunity requires antigen presentation, where an innate immune cell shows fragments (antigens) of a pathogen to cells of the adaptive immune system. If the adaptive cell recognizes the antigen, it becomes activated and begins fighting the infection. 3/10 Image
Read 10 tweets
A new publication by Simmaron!

“Potential molecular mechanisms of chronic fatigue in #LongCOVID and other viral diseases”
A hypothesis-driven review article demonstrates a diverse range of inflammatory & metabolic pathways responsible for fatigue of viral origin. 1/5 Image
These 5 viruses (#HHV6, #Powassan, #EBV, #HIV, #SARS-CoV2) trigger unique immunological reactions, yet lead to similar inflammation + muscle fatigue. Examining these pathways can bring light to possible treatments for #mecfs #longcovid. 2/5
Immunosuppression, autoimmune reaction (IgM abs), microglial activation and production of #cytokines, Amyloid-beta, OPC immuration, demyelination 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Mysteries years🤔
Should I claim some sars vocs existed before 2020 and nobody paid attention to?
Same will happen if we neglegt surveillance for the next yrs
Do you realize minsk farms work again?
Until we stop #airborne crosscontaminations #sars{23->X}⬇️
both are very mysterious

Ante 2020 DIC…

Is there an international register for these diseases like morbus becquet, PIMPS, Kawasaki,VEXA,EVALI,DIC, strokes, heart attacks, kidney insufficience, ophtalmic neuropathies?
Read 10 tweets
Important news about XXB1.5 pointing out that infection is more via the ACE2 receptor than previous Omicron variants.
But … the mouth is not mentioned as an important site of infection….…
A thread … 1/
2/ Minor salivary glands over the surface of the tongue, inner surface of the lips, the fauces and soft palate are highly susceptible to infection and replication. Epithelial cells in these areas express the ACE2 receptor.…
3/ The mouth can be considered a viral factory with viral entry into saliva in high quantity - 100 million per ml (equivalent to half a billion viruses in a single 5 ml teaspoon).…
Read 22 tweets
1/2 Compelling share from @oliver_phil...

"Remarkably, previously #hospitalized and #nonhospitalized patients remained with decreased numbers of CD1c+ #myeloid DCs and pDCs seven months after #SARSCoV2 #infection."

#COVID19 IS NOT #mild
2/2 "Moreover, the expression of #dendritic #cell (DC) markers such as #CD86 and #CD4 were only restored in previously #nonhospitalized patients, while no restoration of integrin β7 and indoleamine 2,3-dyoxigenase (IDO) levels were observed."

Read 5 tweets
Die Häufung schwerer #Streptokokken-Infektionen, bestimmter Pilzinfektionen und generell schwerer verlaufender viraler Infekte sollte ein Warnsignal sein, umso mehr als sich das Narrativ der #Immunschuld als unhaltbar erwiesen hat. 1/6
#SARSCoV2 #ImmuneTheft #Immunschwäche
Wir können zwar die meisten Zellen des #Immunsystems gut charakterisieren, das Zusammenspiel selbiger aber ist hochkomplex, sodass man „Fehler im System“ häufig erst an deren Auswirkungen sieht, z.B. an der Häufung oder Zunahme des Schweregrades bestimmter Infekte. 2/6
Dass bakterielle u.a. Infekte gerne als Trittbrettfahrer bei viralen Infekten auftreten, ist nichts Neues.
Noch nie zuvor musste das #Immunsystem vieler Leute jedoch in so kurzer Zeit wiederholte Infektionen durch ein #SARS-Virus bewältigen.
Immer mehr Studien weisen die 3/6
Read 6 tweets
1. Shall I continue the #SIDU format in 2023?

"Syndemic infectious disease update 230109, incl. politics of #sars #mpox #climate"

We learned the wrong lessons from pandemic errors in China and the west but I can't fill holes in public policy. Some of you/us need to learn fast.
2. Here another outstanding thread by @RealCheckMarker that's sure to fly under the radar.
@RealCheckMarker 3. As shared previously. Hundreds of millions will suffer from Long SARS. We not only waste the ongoing population-level experiment - because states don't collect data, despite their legal obligations under IHR 2005 - but even threw away data that existed.
Read 19 tweets
Back in the days of John Humphrey Noyes before he got suspended for posting a study indicating there's viral persistence in epithelium of kids, because everyone includes kids.
How does a twit like this get 108K views propagating “what if viral persistence is REAL”?

It’s almost like we are back to banning twitter accounts for insisting SARS is airborne!
WHEN the rest of non-SARS experts acknowledge that “viral persistence is a thing”, we will be one step closer to acknowledging the true immunity dysfunction threat of SARS
Read 42 tweets
So #GainOfFunction started in 2003 then went silent until a 2012 #biolabs story #linked Hawaii bio center to #coronavirus #SARS #monkeypox also it explains how the @CDCgov ships the viruses in every day moving box’s on planes and trains , other nations have patients on it as well… Image
Read 206 tweets

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