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A historical theme that has surfaced from time to time with the $QNT community.

"When marketing"

Let's break some down.

Some may scroll past things without realising.

👇 let's begin with @DigitalEU 👇
GÉANT and Latin American research and education network RedCLARA has signed an Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) contract with EllaLink for spectrum on its subsea cable system linking Europe to Latin America.
Read 17 tweets
Whenever I show someone @RoamResearch they’re always super impressed with how clean and beautiful the app looks.

Beautiful, simple and often a joy to use.
And that’s even before I start to gush about how powerful the app is under the hood. For power users there are some amazing features to organise and link your thoughts.
But… I don’t recommend the app to them.

Why?! I’m a daily user. I couldn’t live without roam now. I love it more than nearly any other app I’ve ever used.

It is legitimately a great core product, but l… I guess that love is part of any love hate relationship.
Read 15 tweets
#Roam が月15ドルのサブスクであるのに対し、#obsdmd は基本的に無料である。#Obsidian部
While #Roam is a $15/month subscription, #obsdmd is essentially free.
This may seem at first glance to be "Roam support seems solid" and "Obsidian support is minimal", but there is more to it than that.

There are several Roam courses available, even after a short search. In contrast, Obsidian courses are few and far between.
Read 15 tweets
A thread showing how to install and use @RoamResearch’s Progressive Web App (images are from iOS). This should work similarly on Android. #roam
1. In your mobile browser (in this case, Safari), go to the Roam Research homepage and sign in. Select your your graph from the bottom of the following screen (or create one if you’re new to Roam). Image
2. After selecting your graph, you should see Roam’s Quick Capture screen. This is designed to allow you to quickly capture a note, create a TODO or upload a file or image to a [[Quick Capture]] page. All such notes are synced to your graph. I prefer to use my full graph. Image
Read 23 tweets
Its been 2 years now since I began using Roam regularly... quite remarkable frankly. #roam #TFT
My PKM journey has been one of significant pedagogical trials and tribulations. I detailed much of it here:…
The TL:DR - it began as a search for a single tool to manage my pedagogical development as a college instructor and the curriculum I was developing for the 6 courses that I taught.
Read 20 tweets
This series is now released! Enjoy my foray into creating a custom setup for your note-taking tool (for me it's @RoamResearch 😊) #roam

Let's go through what they cover:
The first is on your note-taking principles!

I explore the relationship between our information diet (what you take in intentionally/as a default), semantics and more for note-taking purposes, because what we perceive is what we take note of!
Next is taking the above and applying it to a digital context, in my case it's #roam !

How do you prepare your notes for recall? What does it mean to write notes primed for integration? Do you consider context-dependent insight (h/t @cortexfutura)?

Read 8 tweets
🎬 New @RoamResearch Tutorial

"How to Use BLOCK REFERENCES in Roam Research - for Beginners"

This will get you up and running in under 60 seconds 😁👍

#roamcult #roam
Roam Research is ALL about CONNECTIONS

The beauty of writing everything within BLOCKS, is that you can re-use and remix your work ANYWHERE within your Graph...

... by utilizing what are known as

Here's a SIMPLE way of doing just that...
1️⃣ Go to the block that you would like to reference somewhere else

2️⃣ Right click on the bullet and click on "COPY BLOCK REF"

3️⃣ Now go to whereever you would like to place the copy & click in the block

4️⃣ Right click and paste

5️⃣ Hit ESCAPE or RETURN and the text will appear
Read 4 tweets
How good are you at focusing?

If you’re a knowledge worker, being able to direct your attention is crucial.

Without the ability to decide what to work on from moment to moment (and acting on that decision), you won’t add any value.

🧵 A thread about journaling to gain focus.
This thread is a distillation of my 2,000-word article on using @RoamResearch to journal for mental clarity and focus.

If you're in a hurry, read the thread—it's much shorter.

If you prefer longreads and nuance, you can find it here:…
Like time, our attention is in limited supply—yet we spend much of it unwillingly.

Notifications rarely pull our attention to what we should focus on. And in business settings, there are often other people telling us what to do via calls, email, and direct messages.
Read 24 tweets
NEW EP: @CatoMinor3 talks about his [[QUACKRILEGE]]: Experiments in @RoamResearch, Medieval knowledge work, and his thoughts on trying out other note-taking apps in the PKM space! #roam 🧵
What's the difference between knowledge workers of the past and present?

In Medieval times, it was in the pursuit of God. Cato explains more here:
Giving us an overview of the other apps that he's tried, Cato details on the angles, differences and more on what is available for us lovely note-takers 🤩 shoutouts to @WorkFlowy and @ScrapboxApp for the mention and their amazing work here!
Read 6 tweets
This really sparked some nice memories, and also helped me to realize something that has happened to my personal productivity over the last few years.

I would say if we go back about 15-20 years, there was a heavy focus on the future of Digital Dashboards.
The idea of a digital dashboard is like the dashboard in your vehicle. It is a display of all relevant data related to driving (Vehicle speed, distance travelled, fuel status, possible engine issues).

With a quick glance you get all this information and you can focus on driving.
This would be relevant in the digital realm, a dashboard of indicators and statuses that help you get to your destination, focus your energies & avoid problems.

Today, while there are digital dashboard technologies out there, it seems their promised future has gone unfulfilled.
Read 6 tweets
Fun question for Roamans! #roam

I’m outfitting an apartment on my own slowly over time. It has the bare necessities, and I’m bringing in office stuff, books, tech, etc.

Question: what furniture/device/item of #toolsforthought would be ideal for this place?
I’m thinking post-its, markers, whiteboard paper so I can write on the walls

I have some collected art I’m hanging around the place, limiting screens outside of the office (minus a dumb Linux terminal for @RoamResearch only)

What else would help me think better?
A teaser for one of the rooms, I’ll post the office space another time
Read 7 tweets
Sometimes you “plan,” and sometimes you “do”—and as Yogi Berra (probably) said, “You can’t think and hit at the same time.”

Read on to see how I use an [[Agenda]] and [[Log]] in @RoamResearch to get important work done👇🧵 1/

#roam #Roamans #productivity #GTD
When I’m writing a script or a scene in a novel—or prepping content for videos or blog posts—I brainstorm/gather for a while and then organize it into an outline.

Outlines get a bad rap: folks think too much structure is restrictive—that it limits your creative freedom. 2/
But that’s wrong. Outlines GIVE you freedom.

If you know where you’re going and roughly how to get there, when you switch modes to writing, you’re free to explore. You can wander freely, knowing you have a map in case you get lost. 3/
Read 11 tweets
At its core, #productivity boils down to 3 questions:

1. What do I want to do?
2. What am I doing?
3. What did I do?

If you can answer them effectively, you can do important, fulfilling, meaningful work.

But how? Let's explore.



#roam #Roamans @RoamResearch #GTD
The three questions imply three types of action: Prepare, Do, and Review.

Preparation encompasses your big picture—Purpose & Priorities—as well as the Processes & Patterns that implement & support your vision—think Projects, daily Plans, and recurring routines and habits.

When you Do something, that's the moment of truth. You might do something you specifically prepared, or your intuition may lead you to do something else. But moment to moment, you can do only one thing at a time. (And that's critical to remember!)

Read 15 tweets
What's the Roam42 of other apps? What other tools have Jumpnav, SB features, etc.? #roam

I've had problems with some of my general toolstack lately (eg. calendar/booking problems, tasklists) and am on the prowl for that mouseless productivity 👀
(Shoutouts to the one who designed the keyboard shortcuts for Twitter, I love blazing through this site quickly at times 😂)
I found this, looks pretty interesting
Read 4 tweets
Most of the time when I want to make two pages into aliases/synonyms, what am I *actually* trying to do?

I'm trying to say, "These two page titles *are* different (different enough not to rename to be identical), but for some purpose I'm TREATING THEM as the same."
In what context does it MATTER that two pages are associated that way?

I want to argue, it's NOT when I'm WRITING notes. That's not when aliasing matters.

Aliasing matters when I'm trying to resurface connections BETWEEN notes.
Read 12 tweets
This tweet generated some interesting alternatives to Zettelkasten. Let me list off a few. If you have some you have found not in my list, let me know.

@JamoeMills has two approaches documented here. HQ&A and jump notes.

Seems #roam centric, but guessing concept applies to any #TfT based on my initial reading.

Also one of my #roam community favs, @adolforismos with Antifragile Writing
Read 5 tweets
1/ Really interesting question Mark poses here. Basically many now see blocks as fundamental building pieces in their Tools for Thought (a competitive advantage). However, the block itself is really a concept to make it easier for users to comprehend/visualize the data element.
2/ In other words, a block doesn't really exist. It is an abstraction for us as users to the underlying data store. What is crucial for understanding with these systems, is that each data element (block) is represented by an internal identifier that makes that data unique.
3/ This is actually what is important. Each block has its own address, which makes it easier to find, get to and reuse elsewhere. I explain this here:

Read 16 tweets
Don't have the time to meditate?

These three "micro" meditations melt stress and relax your nervous system in seconds. 👇 Image
4-7-8 breath demonstration by Dr. Andrew Weil:

Best demonstration of Ocean Breathing I have found online by @VentunoYoga:
More "Micro" Meditations from my #roam database...

4. Kindness Laser Tag Image
Read 5 tweets
1/ This looks important, interchange between TfT tools. Interchange historically fails due to competition between companies. (Lockin customers by controlling their data).

But it would be wonderful in #TfT infancy, if we can already establish interchange as a strong selling point
2/ The truth is, no matter how loyal you are to one product, you will always need to at some point interact with other tools. Why? Other tools may have some feature that you need for some project? Or you might be working with people who use different tools.
3/ Regarding this, #roam is doing a good job. you can export your entire graph to EDN (full fidelity), JSON (close to full) and Markdown files. Their export is improving. Lacking:
+ Image export
+ MD doesn't export all data elements yet
Read 7 tweets
1/ Today I started a conversation with @dr_kvj, former user of #roam & Roam42. He moved to @obsdmd, but has now settled on @rem_note. Since he is active in the Tools for Thought space & I respect his opinion, I wanted to hear his opinion on @rem_note & why he moved to it.
2/ If you are interested in some info on @rem_note then join in on this conversation. If your a remnote user, feel free to add your thoughts. Goal is to engage broader TFT community

First question for @dr_kvj: What are the main features that made you settle on using RemNote?
3/ I am also curious if you use it on mobile device, and does it work and how is the experience?
Read 5 tweets
1/ I have been promising for some time to write a review of the @obsdmd community. While a "community" is not a product, when it comes to "Tools for thought", community should be viewed as an important feature, not an afterthought or byproduct.
2/ Let me preface this review with a note: For the last year I have been focused on the #roam community & very happy with that. This is not intended as a comparison of these communities, but rather a "new user" experience into the Obsidian community & my first impressions.
3/ What is "Tools" in "TOOLS for Thought"? Tools are the collection of tools we use in leveraging our thoughts in written form. Tools are software, but more importantly include workflows, methods, techniques, practices & algorithms. "Tools" is plural, made up of all these things.
Read 19 tweets
@conaw did an interview and posted it on loom about #roam, amongst other things. Interesting and promising thoughts. Worth listening to if you are a roam enthusiast.…
Highlights (having gone through the Chris filter):
- Roam is an R&D company
- Asked about Roadmap - no roadmap (see first bullet to know why)
- Roam prizes allowing community develop solutions
- Channeling Doug Engelbart (if you have to have a role model - good choice)
- Roam learns from community
- But mostly “build” for themselves
- RDF is a consensus, so not looking to lock-in to an approach, roam is map of your mind and minds are different (roammap?)
- Check out hyper graphs & hyperarchs (they have the schemas, need to figure out UX)
Read 7 tweets
1/ ANNOUNCEMENT: Roam42 - exciting developments for the future!!

Roam42 is joining the collection of great Roam plugins available at managed by @dvargas92495.

What does this mean? Read on #roam
2/ First, Roam42 will be hosted on the same reliable secure & fast service maintained & operated by Dave. Second, 42 will become a part of the powerful free open-source suite of tools at Dave will be taking the reins 42 as its primary maintainer.
3/ This is a big help to me. I started Roam42 last year when I had more time. But now real life (full time job) beckons, & 42 needs more love than I can give. Dave is primarily focused on extending Roam & has the time to give 42 and its loyal user base the attention it deserves.
Read 8 tweets
I think that I have solved the issue with bad intendation in "arrow left" and "arrow up". Unfortunatelly, I think I cannot do it so elegantly also for "arrow down" :/ But progress! It uses already a different technique than before. @beauhaan @Jeanvaljean689 #roam
(I have chosen "A" because for my keyboard, it is really painful to type ^)
Okay, I can also put the arrow on the bottom. However, to have a nice intendation, the [[v]] has to be the last element.
Read 6 tweets

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