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#Ukraine: Latest news from #UkraineWar:
1. Around #Bakmut UA continue to make gains & N of the city operations are in play along #Rozdolivka-Krasnopolivka & #Berkhivka-Yahidne frontlines. UA forces have advanced another 1 km nr #Vuhledar. #tweet100
🇺🇦🔥THREAD🇺🇦🔥 ImageImage
#Ukraine: 2. S of #Novodanylivka UA forces says they have retaken & secured an area 4 km long & 1.5 km deep. "Noose" is being tightened at #Rivnopil but is not finalised yet. #Urozhaine is now a contested "grey zone".… #tweet100
#Ukraine: 3. Reports RU have lost 7,000 troops killed & 15,000 + injured since June 4th & start of UA #counteroffensive. UA also destroyed RU Borisoglebsk-2 electronic warfare unit & a counter-battery radar system Zoopark-1 (worth $ 20 million). #tweet100
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Who bombed the Nova Khakovka Dam? #Russia & #Ukraine r suffering from the destruction of the dam.

Cui bono? The US is directing the war, providing support & intelligence and having the technical capability is carelessness about both sides' losses.

All #US tools, including the #EU official like @vonderleyen & co. r already accusing #Russia because they believe they can bark loudly and influence public opinion.
In reality, #Ukraine has failed the first push, and the #US needed a diversion, similar to the defeat in #Bakhmut.
A natural water barrage has been created, making any possible "spring offensive" void.

An excellent way to avoid declaring the defeat of 50 nations in #Ukraine.
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#Mz2503 rückt näher und mittlerweile gibt es neue Infos.
Aus dem angekündigten großen "Sternmarsch" in #Mainz sind drei Demonstrationszüge geworden. Alles in allem sollte sich die Mobilisierung auf rund 500 TN beschränken- für Mainz viel.
13 Uhr ist jeweils an den Startpunkten der Demos Treffpunkt u. 13:30 will das verschwörungsideologisch bis extrem Rechte milieu pünktlich loslaufen.
Treffpunkte sind die typischen Feindbilder- Biontech sowie SWR. Zusätzlich Mainz-Kastel.
Am Schillerplatz in #Mainz werden sich wahrscheinlich die Züge vereinen. Von da aus werden sie tromnelnd und lärmend zu ihrem Endkundgebungsplatz, den Ernst-Ludwig-Platz laufen. Dort soll es noch ein "open mic" geben.
Read 7 tweets
Haintz +"Vatnik Hunter"+ "BrennpunktUA"+"PopcornNews"+
"Patriot Singles" sind ein Team
Wer #Haintz + diesem seinem Team folgen will,soll das tun
Es gibt Belege für pro🇷🇺 &
rechte Gesinnung
Es gibt eine Strategie hinter der pro🇺🇦Scheinheiligkeit #Aktivisten
Haintz gibt indirekte Empfehlung für die Demo in #Ramstein
Statement der Rechtsextremisten Beisicht & Poggenburg & 🇷🇺Agentin Elena Kolbasnikova die mit Maxim Shlund in 🇩🇪 der langer Arm Putins sind,u. Propaganda für das Regime&Krieg betreiben Mehr Infos⬇️… Image
Haintz & "Team" sind ganz klar pro🇷🇺 & rechts.Die pro🇺🇦 Schein-Accounts sollen Follower ködern
"Markus Haintz trat bei einer Online-Veranstaltungen der AfD auf. Außerdem teilt er in seinem Telegramkanal AfD-Inhalte und Aufrufe der Partei beizutreten."⬇️… Image
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In #Ramstein fand heute zu #Ram2602 eine extrem Rechte Demo statt. Im Kern ging es nur um Antiamerikanismus, der mit seinem innewohnenden Antisemitismus der Kitt von #Neonazi|s, #Reichsbürger*innen und sog. #Querdenker*innen ist.
Ein längerer #Thread meiner Eindrücke.
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Die NPD war zahlreich vertreten. Die hessische Delagation mit Daniel Lachmann und Stefan Jagsch direkt mit zwei Transparenten. Eines von "Die Heimat", der neue "Bewegungsname" der NPD sowie mit einem von "Deutsche Stimme", deren Propagandaorgan.
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Lennart Schwarzbach, Vorsitzender NPD #Hamburg, war ebenso anwesend wie Riccarda Walter und Markus Walter.
Karl Richter, ex NPD #Bayern, im Gespräch mit Sayn-Wittgenstein, Schwarzbach u. Jagsch.
3) ImageImage
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Demo in #Ramstein, Friedenstäubchen, Russland-Flaggen. Zusammen mit Querdenkern, Rechten und Mahnwachlern. Eigentlich die selbe Suppe, die wir seit rund 3 Jahren präsentiert bekommen von diesen Leuten. Image
#MarkusBeisicht, hinter ihm #AndréPoggenburg und der Neonazi #ChristianKlar aus Gera. Hat der rechte Freundeskreis heute nen Ausflug gemacht nach #Ramstein? Image
Russland-Flagge und darunter ein Banner der vom Verfassungsschutz als Verdachtsfall eingestuften #FreieSachsen. #Ramstein Image
Read 24 tweets
1️⃣: Hallo aus #Ramstein. 50 min vor Beginn sammeln sich die ersten Teilnehmenden. Karl Richter, ehemaliger Vorsitzender der NPD Bayern ist auch schon da. Motto heute erneut „Ami go Home“. #ram2602
2️⃣: am Infotisch liegt gleich mal ein Buch des verurteilten Holocaustleugners Gerd Honsik (Österreich) aus. @Report_Antisem ImageImage
3️⃣: die extrem rechte Politprominenz der heutigen Demo ist bereits versammelt. Sayn-Wittgenstein, Richter, Klar, Poggenburg, Niemeyer. #ramstein #ram2602
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1⃣ Für Sonntag rufen Rechtsextreme und Aktivisten mit russischer Migrationsgeschichte unter dem Motto „#Ramstein schließen – Ami go home!“ zu Protesten gegen die Nato-Airbase auf. Seit Wochen wird für die Demo mobilisiert, ein kurzer 🧵 Image
2⃣ Man folgt so der Kampagne des „Compact“-Magazins, die vor allem von Jürgen Elsässer massiv gepusht wird, Hintergrund:…
3⃣ Mobilisiert wird zu der Versammlung in Rheinland-Pfalz von einem Bündnis aus Rechtsextremen, Verschwörungsgläubigen und Aktivisten, die zu Putin stehen bzw. diesen verehren. Zwecks Anreise werden Fahrgemeinschaften und Busse aus dem Rheinland und vom Bodensee aus organisiert.
Read 11 tweets
Someone From #Biden’s Staff Falls Down Steps of Air Force One (Videos) | Feb 21
- What was supposed to be a normal exit from Air Force One turned eventful quickly when a person traveling with Biden fell down the steps of the plane.…
Slippy Joe #Biden nearly takes a tumble on the Air Force One stairs - one year on from THAT spectacular tumble | 11 May 2022
- Earlier this year, 38 Republicans had called for him to take a #cognitive test.…
#MSM is trying damage control
Did Biden Fall Down the Stairs of Air Force One? Video Sparks Speculation | 2/21/23…
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Ramstein-9: aftermath and key takeaways. UkraineWorld spoke to Dmytro Sniehyrov, military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative Prava Sprava.

Key points – in our brief, #UkraineWorldAnalysis 1/15
The issue of logistiс support of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was resolved at #Ramstein-9. Repair bases will be created on the territory of #NATO countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic. 2/15
Beyond the training of tank crews, even more crucial is the training of the technicians who will service Challenger-2, Leopards, Abrams, Soviet modernized T-72, and AMX-56 Leclerc tanks. 3/15
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Riuniti a Bruxelles nel cosiddetto "formato #Ramstein", i ministri della Difesa occidentali avrebbero condiviso rapporti di intelligence allarmanti sulla nuova fase della guerra in #Ucraina. Le informazioni raccolte dagli Alleati segnalano la volontà di Mosca di non recedere
dai suoi obiettivi, bensì di intensificare gli sforzi per creare il cosiddetto "momentum", la svolta che muta definitivamente il corso della guerra. Questa non dovrebbe essere comunque #Bakhmut, dove i russi registrano sì progressi incrementali, ma rispetto alla cui eventuale
caduta la Casa Bianca ostenta tranquillità, sostenendo che essa non avrebbe in ogni caso "un impatto strategico sul conflitto".
A proposito di americani, il capo del Pentagono, Lloyd Austin, ha smentito l'indiscrezione del Financial Times secondo cui rapporti di intelligence
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Geopolitics is an interesting thing...
We all remember the total skepticism of our Western partners regarding Ukraine's ability to offer decent resistance to full-scale russian aggression.
And now, in #Ramstein, they are already competing with each other to provide maximum support to the Defense Forces and the Ukrainian people...
And this is understandable, because #Ukraine saved @NATO and Western countries from a possible complete defeat. As it turned out, the countries of the Alliance did not have a sufficient number of trained and motivated personnel, combat-ready equipment and weapons, ammunition...
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#Bojo Recounts #Putin #Missile Attack Threat | -2h
- "He sort of threatened me at one point and said, 'Boris, I don't want to hurt you, but with a missile, it would only take a #minute,' or something like that," Johnson quoted Putin as saying…
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak
The world has suffered for decades from the #AngloSaxon #AgathaChristie psychopath poisoning operations.
- That is why it is good for everyone that the #satanic forces are vaporized, asap.… ImageImage
@BorisJohnson @RishiSunak #PortonDown #Salisbury #Skripals #Syria #Douma #OPCW #Novichok #Navalny
1. #Novichok was used and produced in the #US since 2008. #Patent US 9,132,135 b2 | Sep 17, 2020.
2. #PortonDown: #Salisbury nerve agent 'attack' reveals $70M #Pentagon program
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Pochi giorni a Natale. Volodymyr #Zelensky viene ricevuto da Joe #Biden alla Casa Bianca. Per il primo viaggio all'estero dall'inizio dell'invasione russa, il presidente ucraino ha fissato l'asticella molto in alto. Il leader del mondo libero lo ascolta
attentamente all'interno dello Studio Ovale, così come ha fatto per giorni e giorni al telefono, ormai da quasi un anno. Ma guardarsi dritto negli occhi è altra cosa. E forse nemmeno il navigato presidente USA si aspetta di ricevere quella richiesta. Sa che l'Ucraina ha
urgente bisogno di un salto di qualità nel sostegno alla sua causa, di armi più potenti, ma quando Zelensky chiede la consegna di missili a lungo raggio e carri armati, la questione cambia.
Sulla prima richiesta il "no" americano è netto: le assicurazioni di #Kyiv non bastano
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🔴 #Ukraine

« L'Ukraine s'attend à recevoir 100 chars #Leopard 2 de douze pays dès que l'Allemagne donnera son feu vert » : « Selon un haut responsable ukrainien, 12 pays ont accepté de fournir environ 100 chars Leopard 2 à l'Ukraine si le gouvernement 🔽
allemand donne son accord. Ces accords, selon la source, ont été conclus lors d'un sommet à la base aérienne de #Ramstein en #Allemagne. Des pays comme la #Pologne et la #Finlande ont déjà déclaré publiquement qu'ils étaient prêts à fournir à l'Ukraine certains de leurs 🔽
Un responsable ukrainien a déclaré que l'Espagne, les Pays-Bas et le Danemark étaient également disposés à fournir certains de leurs chars, mais que le consentement de l'Allemagne était toujours nécessaire pour une coalition de pays. Le même responsable a déclaré 🔽
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Stanno iniziando a parlare il segretario generale #NATO, Jens #Stoltenberg, e il ministro della Difesa tedesco, Boris #Pistorius.
Grande aspettative su questo incontro: fortissimo pressing alleato su Berlino affinché rimuova il suo veto alla consegna di #Leopard all'#Ucraina.
Secondo gli esperti militari dell'International Institute for Strategic Studies occorrono almeno 100 di questi formidabili carri armati per sortire un effetto concreto dove più conta: sul campo di battaglia. Non si tratta, insomma, di avallare un gesto simbolico, ma di
provare a ribaltare le sorti della guerra.
E proprio 100 sono i Leopard che 12 Paesi avrebbero accettato di fornire a #Kyiv secondo un alto funzionario ucraino che ha parlato in esclusiva con ABC News. La "coalizione dei Leopard" si è formata a margine del vertice di
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Pare che gli americani non l'abbiano presa bene.
Il mancato via libera della #Germania all'invio dei formidabili carri armati #Leopard all'#Ucraina ha provocato "incomprensione e malcelata rabbia" tra gli alleati #NATO, riunitisi nei giorni scorsi in quel di #Ramstein con
l'intenzione di segnare un punto di svolta nel sostegno militare a #Kyiv.
La decisione del cancelliere #Scholz, stando a quanto ricostruito da uno dei più importanti quotidiani tedeschi, la Süddeutsche Zeitung, è stata accolta in particolare dal rappresentante #USA,
il segretario alla Difesa Lloyd #Austin, con "toni particolarmente taglienti". D'altronde il numero uno del Pentagono aveva le sue ragioni per essere deluso. Riscontrata sul punto l'ostinata resistenza di Berlino, Austin ha anticipato il proprio viaggio in Germania,
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1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on January 22, 2023
Just a quick update today as nothing really has changed for the last 36h
#Bakhmut area.
so just a gen map tonight
2/ Also take the opportunity to war you about several "map maker" i'm "watching" some times to times, making their "stuff".
people showing maps with you full plain color on the edge of battle area are wrong. pseudo villages "secured" is very often diluted in more complex reality
3/ People showing you the exact location and advance of Russians are just using Russian direct sources for propaganda purposes & when there is a real dynamic it could trick you to believe it"s ok as it's moving on with the tide.. but i have proven this quite often in past summer
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1. Se l'impegno della #comunitàinternazionale satellite degli #USA (come indicano i simboli di #Ramstein) fosse orientato a trattare il #cessateilfuoco - anziché ad aumentare la potenza di fuoco - a organizzare finalmente la seria #mediazione necessaria - anziché l'#escalation >
2. a preparare una conferenza internazionale di #pace - anziché la nuova offensiva di #guerra totale - saremmo governati da personalità ragionevoli.
Anziché totalmente #folli.
(Please @threadreaderapp unroll)
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Large parts of 🇩🇪 public, many govs and international experts & media are outraged at @Bundeskanzler decision to neither send #Leopard2 himself nor allow partners to do so #Ramstein. While responsibility lies with 🇩🇪 gov primarily, in this moment we should not forget that…(1/4)
This responsibility is shared with 🚦 MPs in the Bundestag. Germany is a parliamentary democracy & @GrueneBundestag @fdpbt have ways to change course — either by legislating with CDU/CSU or (more likely) by threatening to do so, forcing the SPD. Ofc this involves high... (2/4)
Risks for the survival of the coalition. But at stake are the lives of thousands of 🇺🇦 soldiers, civilians & children — as well as 🇩🇪 international reputation & collaboration in Europe. Blaming @Bundeskanzler is justified, but Greens & Liberals hold the keys 🔑 to change. (3/4)
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❗️Результати восьмої зустрічі у форматі «Рамштайн»
👉Сьогодні на авіабазі Рамштайн в Німеччині відбулася чергова зустріч Контактної групи з питань оборони України, де зокрема було погоджено надання Україні нового пакета військової допомоги для боротьби з російськими окупантами.
📌Під час підсумкової пресконференції міністра оборони США Ллойда Остіна та голови Об’єднаного комітету начальників штабів США генерала Марка Міллі було підбито підсумки.
☝️Ллойд Остін подякував представникам Міністерства оборони України, зокрема «своєму гарному другові, міністру оборони України Олексію Резнікову».
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#UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar
#Russia #Ukraine #Ramstein
Zebrałem informacje na temat pomocy wojskowej.
WAŻNE➡️Dane obejmują okres od 1 do 20 stycznia.
Wiele z pozycji może być, niejawną bądź nieokreślona.
Dużą ilość pomocy wojskowej może być pominięta.
2/11 Wozy zmechanizowane
#UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar
#Russia #Ukraine #Ramstein
Dane wozów zmechanizowanych 355 pojazdów.
W strukturze 31 pojazdów na batalion pozwala na uzbrojenie 11 batalionów.
W tym nowoczesne 199 pojazdy. Jest dobrze.
3/11 Wozy opancerzone
#UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar
#Russia #Ukraine #Ramstein
Dane wozów opancerzonych 886 pojazdów.
Około wartość to od 986 do 1186 pojazdów.
Pozwala na uzbrojenie 28 batalionów, a maksymalnie 38 batalionów. Pomimo że pomoc jest z 2 krajów.
Read 13 tweets
#Leopard2 #Ramstein #Panzer
Why is it so difficult for people to understand, that we WILL deliver tanks, but we won't go forward alone. No, we will not send tanks alone, we will send them in a group. And this group shall include more countries than just a few.
We are not blocking or opposing, no we are ready to send Leopards, preparing everything necessary. It'll come down to weeks. We encourage our partners to train soldiers already now. We most probably won't block permits despite not having any requests.
But why is it so down on Scholz who in every perception is blocking? He is actually blocking nothing. It is a wide array of partners unwilling to jump in and that also includes the USA. Some Polish and Finnish tanks, NL money and Ringtausch ones are not enough.
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#UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar
#Russia #Ukraine #Ramstein #USA
Mamy oficjalny pakiet pomocy wojskowej 🇺🇸USA dla 🇺🇦Ukrainy.
Chce na początku zaznaczyć, wiele niepotwierdzonych informacji się nie potwierdziły.
Warto czekać na 📰oficjalne komunikaty, a nie spekulacje.
#UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar
#Russia #Ukraine #Ramstein #USA
Co mamy w pakiecie pomocy 🇺🇸USA dla 🇺🇦Ukrainy.
59 wozów piechoty Bradley (Prawdopodobnie wersji Bradley M2A2 OBS)
90 wozów opancerzonych Stryker +20 wyposażenie wałek minowy
53 wozy opancerzone MRAPs
#UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar
#Russia #Ukraine #Ramstein #USA
350 wozów opancerzonych HMMWVs
8 systemów obrony powietrznej Avenger
12 pojazdów wsparcia amunicji
6 pojazdów dowodzenia
22 pojazdy do systemów TOW
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